Friday, June 9, 2017

Comey's Testy Moaning

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, comey, testimony, fbi, trump, obstruction, justice

Despite stratospheric levels of hype, yesterday's laughably named "intelligence hearing" testimony by disgraced former FBI Director James Comey wasn't so much "shock and awe" as "Rorschach" and "Aw, shut the Hell up."

We cite Rorschach because, as is the case with other meaningless ink blots, everyone interpreted Comey's remarks however they wanted: the Right sees Trump as completely exonerated, and the Left believes they heard so much dirt that they can't decide whether to take the time to impeach the President or simply march on the White House with pitchforks and torches and burn the building down while he's still inside.

The reality, as nearly as we can tell, is that Trump didn't do anything legally wrong when talking to Comey about Mike Flynn and the Russian investigation. But in true snowflake-style, Comey is now interpreting his own bizarre feelings and fantasies related to that conversation as proof of wrongdoing.

Comey, who is dishonest and Machiavellian but no fool, is fully aware that Trump did nothing to obstruct justice - but he was spinning like a Dervish trying to imply otherwise. Which makes it fortunate that he no longer runs the Federal Bureau of Implication.

Comey did occasionally share interesting truths, including his concern that former DOJ head Loretta Lynch had been compromised during her meeting with Bill Clinton on an airport tarmac. He additionally confirmed that Lynch asked him (which in Comey's mind is apparently a direct order) to refer to Hillary's criminal investigation as a "matter" - which Comey subsequently did, even though he freely admits that it was a lie designed only to help Hillary's image during election season.

All in all, his testimony showed only that Trump can be ham-handedly (but legally) direct when expressing his thoughts...and that Comey (among others associated with Obama and Clinton) has genuinely made a practice of obstructing justice by attempting to interpret the hints, nuances, and implied desires of his political masters.

Because a nod is as good as a wink when justice isn't intended to be blind.


  1. "The Federal Bureau of Matter" has a nice ring to it!

  2. It appears that the democratic effort at a political mugging has fallen flat again. Plus Comey may be in legal hot water himself because he admitted to leaking a government document. Then there’s the matter he brought up about Loretta Lynch’s possible involvement in the Clinton campaign. Hot water for her too? Let’s hope so.
    Six foot 8 inch Comey sure looks like a wimp.

  3. As I have written, it is an "intelligence committee" not an intelligent committee.
    What I got out of this fishing expedition is that the FBI, CIA, NSA et al are more concerned with political action than justice. Since I was learning nothing, I counted the channels carrying this fiasco and the number was 17. What I did enjoy was hours of commercial free television knowing that these stations were losing their kiesters televising this and getting nothing in return. That was fun. I do not believe these nitwits understand just how tough President Trump is. You cannot excel in NY real estate where there are nothing but wolves without being exceptionally tough.

  4. Yeah, so Trump is "ham-handed." No revelations there. I forgot that circus was yesterday. Turned on the tv about 11:15 to catch my daily dose of The Price is Right and saw Comey's mug. What a let-down that was! Guess i shouldn't have been so disappointed as there was still plenty of spinning going on, and the stakes were much higher than a game of Plinko!

    When people ask me why i shun what passes for news, i point to shit like this.

  5. James Comey must have sent for one of those kits from as he demonstrated his Mustelid DNA; he is a weasel.

  6. A true page from the Mickey Mouse Club handbook. It's my opinion that, there are no honest politicians, none. Mr President, lock the doors to congress and send them home. Let them get a day job, if they can find anyone willing to hire them. Our forefathers never intended for crap like this to happen. Folks, we're going to hell in a hand basket.

  7. The testimony given gives an absolute need to reopen and re-exam Hillary's email mess.....and what ever happened to the investigation (not matter) re: the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton whelp?

  8. Clean out Congress, Future sessions 1/2 year max, bills no more than 10 pages, and written in plain English. Pick the Representatives and Senators from the local jury pools. Like a Grand Jury, they serve 6 months and get a juror's pay. Housing while in Washington, District of Corruption is provided for them and their family as needed. Never happen, but I can dream....

  9. I'm actually glad this happened; this particular transparency is very useful. First the Opening Act in committee hearing... then immediately, even as it happened: Act Two (media handling) completed the play. Instant feedback illustrating the M.O. in full cycle. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!

    Some crimes were revealed; and the situation there may NOT be "There was no intent." Media will ignore them, but we all may not.

    Stilt: Your use of "Rorschach Test" is keen.

  10. Another good reason that I do not watch lame stream media.


  11. My question to Comey:"As an admitted leaker, we heard what you claimed to be your motivation for your actions. Can you tell us the FBI's motivation for leaking everything about the Russia investigation EXCEPT the fact that President Trump was not the target of your investigation?"

  12. Did not watch a nanosecond of the hearings, but I read where John McCain further elevated his poster boy for term limits status by asking totally irrelevant and possibly dementia related questions of Comey.

  13. I can't decide whether fat assed Loretta Too-Much-Lunch or Eric Dick-Holder is sleazier. Too close to call!

  14. You mean that there was a televised investigation by investigators yesterday? Oh, rats, I was busy building a chicken coop and stuff. I'll bet J. Edgar is turning over in his grave. And when, oh when are we going to have a "Night of the Long Knives?" Now that, I will watch ... with popcorn and 'shine. Speaking of 'shine ....................

  15. Folks, the bigger picture is this. We are witnessing a slow crawling, determined coup d'etat, driven by the democrats, their media enablers and the amoral, pathological serial liar- two time loser and her running dogs.

    June 9, 2017 at 8:14 AM Delete

  16. I thank McCaine for his service, but his political service is a joke. The comment about dementia is right on. This guy is a loser. Hell! Are there any winners in that gang of thieves?

  17. @Bob Horan

    I like your idea for six month congressional sessions. As to the housing. I suggest that we convert the headquarters of the old, now defunct, Department of Education into a monastery/convent with individual cells for each monk/nun. That's where they live, eat and such while in session. No junkets, no aides, no call girls/guys, no alcohol/weed/crack/etc., no lobbyists and no family. Do your job and go back home where you belong. Sessions run from January 3 through July 3 with no breaks for Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day, MLK Day. Nothing, nada, zip, zilch. Get the job done and go home. It would give all of US a whole new meaning for Independence Day.

  18. I hope Christopher Wray turns out to be more like Elliott Ness and less like Don Knotts

  19. My God that gave me the biggest laugh I have had in ages, seriously.

  20. @Boligat:

    I was thinking, bulldoze K Street (Lobbyist Row) and build Condo's for their use during session and food service catered by a management company. Our company did this for their training facilities when we were in month long schools. Get the company/ies that have the contracts for the Navy/Air Force Officers mess...

    1. Not the officers mess, the NCO or enlisted mess would be more appropriate.

  21. Most of the time during the hearing was spent building Comey up as some sort of demi-god praising his service to the FBI. Soap opera material. I just smh at the whole ordeal. It was definitely someting produced for television aimed at the bored, lonely, crazy, house-bound TV watchers who were hoping for a little more excitement. What did it accomplish? Nothing. My opinion is not worth much in light of all the intelligent folks out there, but I believe this is much ado about nothing, or nothing to do much about.

  22. My thoughts on Comey is he is a very weak, spineless guy. Why was he so afraid to simply say things like, "I have no problem being loyal, but I have to do my job."

    All this kurfuffle around Trump asking if there was any way Comey could let Flynn go amazes me. Comey let Hillary go because she didn't have "Intent" to break the law; how is asking for the same leniency for Flynn terrible in the eyes of the left.

    I'm not going to wave a Trump flag, but I'm still waiting on some proof of the "Horrible Terrible No Good Rotten Russian Deal" that everyone is going on about. The left only rolls their eyes at me and talks about the "Loads" of proof already out there (which amounts to rumors).

    Let me off this planet. I think it's late enough somewhere to start drinking.

  23. My cursory sampling of media this morning appears to be focused on the only up-side for the left over the last 24 hours: The strategic failure of Theresa May in Britain by invoking an election that only served up support for Labour's Jeremy Corbyn. Oooops.

    In other words, the Comey hearing yesterday was a total bust for the Democrats. If there was a spec of corruption, it would be wall-to-wall Trump on the news this morning. All I heard was about his trip overseas. Not only did they not get the political orgasm they were fantasizing about, we found that:

    There was no specific investigation of Trump.
    Trump broke no laws.
    There was no evidence of Trump colluding with the Russians.
    It was Obama's Justice Department that was interfering with investigations.
    Comey is an easily intimidated wimp.
    McCain is off his meds.
    Oh, and it was Comey leaking documents to the press.

    Ouch. Even Chris Matthews at BMSNBC gave up.

    So expect a weekend reprieve until the left settles on their next Trump scandal Monday morning.

  24. @Tots: Because.... democrat. That pretty much defines how the liberals want all males to be. Want strength from a democrat? Look to their "females"...

    @John the Econ summarized my thoughts well: if you want to see examples of obstruction of justice at worst, and interference at best, just look over the past 16 years.

    • Black Panthers voter intimidation: get a pass
    • Clinton dereliction of duty (Benghazi): get a pass
    • Clinton malfeasance (Russia and Uranium): get a pass
    • Fast & Furious: get a pass
    • Refusal to enforce laws on the books: get a pass
    • Extra-constitutional executive actions: get a pass
    • "Police acted stupidly", "Police are racist", Travon, Ferguson, yada, yada, yada

    I could go on and on, but my figers are getting tired...

  25. Meanwhile Trumps is out today speaking about and making even more progress on rebuilding U.S. infrastructure while using more American materials and jobs.
    Doing a great job of it too; this guy knows industry details better than any blowhard politician I've ever seen. Calling that particular Environmental Impact Statement out for a rather small road job was classic; and he's exactly right.

    Trump still drives me nuts on a frequent basis; this meter reading my not last. But I did a lot of world class infrastructure designing & building in my career; and my personal PRESIDENT TRUMP Approval meter reading spiked up to 100% for a while today. I'm sure that's true for a lot of domestic industry folks as well.

  26. @Readers- Great remarks above! Unsurprisingly, we're all seeing this the same way. Not because we're in lockstep (like some political affiliations I could name), but because we're not idiots.

    Personally, I'd like to see Comey hauled up on espionage charges for leaking details of a private Presidential conversation at which matters of national security (Russian interference with elections) were discussed. We're waaaaaay overdue to start jailing some of these poltroons.

  27. RE: New news. FNC had a guy on today espousing building the "wall" with solar panels, which would generate and save energy and generate income to cover the cost at the same time. This was the greatest solution I've ever heard concerning a wall and should make the proglodytes happy but, I'm sure, won't.

  28. @ Geoff King



  29. @ Geoff King: You might add:
    In many municipalities: City Councilperson, man, woman, etc.
    In many counties: County Commissioner
    In some states: Members of the General Assembly. And so on, upwards. In fact that's where it really gets good. Yes, this all has to do with gov'mint.

    And thanks for the handy list; I wish my memory was better.

  30. @Judi King:
    Build the wall using solar panels.
    It just dawned on me that the solar farm in NV fries over-flying birds like the "extra crispy" Col. Sanders (I think those commercials are hilarious) on steroids.
    So, not only would the wall provide megawatts of power, it would serve to burn the asses of anyone trying to crawl over it.

  31. J Edgar Comey sure came off as the "LIES" about his Directorial Abilities had implied (although he could've given Alfred Hitchcock a run for his money). I am damn glad President Trump fired this inept whiner since he was just not right for the job. An FBI director (and a lawyer and former Assistant Attorney General) should be able to remember the rules of law so he wouldn't inadvertently break them. We also can't accept such a wimp to lead the brave men of our Federal agents or G-MEN. The only good thing he provided, beyond confirmation of his egomania, was the source of the FBI leaks!

  32. Comey's confession of cowardice, wimpiness, and general wussiness runs counter to the FBI slogan/motto of Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity on their emblem.

  33. @ NVRick: If the model I saw were used, no one could climb it because it slants outward. Another plus. Besides, I hate birds.

  34. Comey coming off more and more like a Cartoon Character.

  35. @ diogenes2: Love your name!
    I call it the Come(d)y of errors.

  36. Did anyone hear Comey's response to one of the questions where he indicated that he had had many comversations with humans? Humans? Is he part of a species that is not of this world, or perhaps a combo of human and alien? He is freakishly tall, not that it is a stand-alone reason to question his creation... just look at some of the basketball players. This is the video I am speaking of. Listen to the end.
