Monday, April 1, 2019

April Fools' Day 2018

As has become April 1st tradition here at Stilton's Place, we're sharing our predictions for a number of news stories which we expect to break before day's end. Enjoy!

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, april fool, mueller, schiff, rbg, smollett, biden, benghazi, obama

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, april fool, mueller, schiff, rbg, smollett, biden, benghazi, obama

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, april fool, mueller, schiff, rbg, smollett, biden, benghazi, obama

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, april fool, mueller, schiff, rbg, smollett, biden, benghazi, obama

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, april fool, mueller, schiff, rbg, smollett, biden, benghazi, obama

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, april fool, mueller, schiff, rbg, smollett, biden, benghazi, obama


  1. And all the people involved are stepping down in shame!

    April Fool's, alas.

  2. Disappointed you decided to cover "real" fake news instead of slipping in an April fools joke or two Doc......

  3. We can but dream...

  4. Me thinks Oblowme doth protest to much!

  5. Not one but three near coffee-spitters there. You're batting 500 in a challenging league. It's early, but thanks to you April is off to a good start. Today we may also see what our "best joker" son comes up with; he's had some zingers in the past but they're not regular enough to be fully anticipated. The best may have been when he wrote a letter to us that he had quit his good job and joined a traveling dance troop for a boy-band. Me? Sorry; this time I've got nothing but reflections.

  6. You clearly were having fun with these ones.

  7. NEWS BULLETIN (Mexico)
    "With global warming tipping point looming, Al Gore invests entire fortune in plant to manufacture Stirling cycle heat engines" Well, I had to do something.

  8. How about the bitter, clinging, vile, venal, pathological serial liar and twice repudiated POTUS candidate expresses remorse for the damage she (and her serial sexual predator husband) have done to the office if the President, trust in our government, our political discourse and society?

  9. Those are great cartoons, spot on. I am thinking about getting one of those "pencil neck" T-shirts as seen on that great advertising media, FB. Meanwhile the dems keep telling lies to cover previous lies and they haven't a clue what the truth is. I am anxiously awaiting the 3-4000 pages of the Mueller report as well as watching the theater of the absurd, Groping Joe getting #MeToo ed by his former friends and acquaintances. God, wouldn't you love to see a "pedophile lives here" or "Sexual Preditor" lives here sign in his yard? or both?

  10. And the April "fools" march happily on, oblivious to realty. The left should declare this a national holiday.

  11. I have posted "Happy Liberals' Day" on the opipion board I follow. I hope they are comming to their senses, but I doubt they have function brain power so they'll just keep supporting those who would enslave us all with government control.

  12. Pencil-neck geek
    Grit eatin' freak
    Scum suckin' peahead with a lousy physique
    He's a no-good one-man losin' streak
    Nothin' but a pencil-neck geek
    --Freddie Blassie

  13. The best part about "April Fools Day" is that it's the one day a year when people read insane stuff on the Internet and think "Hmmm, perhaps I should think about or research that before running with it lest I end up looking like an idiot".

  14. @Liberty Card: Great minds: I posted "Happy DNC Day" on my facebook page...

  15. All-Star lineup. Now I have to clean up my desk, coffee all over the place, worth it.

  16. The mainstream media apologized for their biased coverage of the president and vowed to strive to be more fair and balanced. Wait for it………………April Fools!!

  17. "ATLANTA, GA—Fooling thousands of readers in a prank that the cable news organization said was "just for fun," CNN published a real news story for April Fools' Day this year.

    Babylon Bee

  18. I find it ironically and pleasingly apropos that today, April Fools Days, just so happens to be Rachel Maddow's birthday.

  19. Ruthie ain't faded out, she's playing Fortnite on her iPhone. If Schiff-face had three brains, then the other two would be lonely. What more can be said about AOC ? She's in a class by herself. Please, for the last time, would somebody find her helium tank and shitcan it. Her voice would etch glass. When Biden loses the nomination for being a serial groper, don't let him say we didn't tell him so. Finally, I think Duhbama is going to be served sometime real soon with papers requesting the pleasure of his company in front of a Senate tribunal. I'll bet he's got a bugout bag packed and ready to go.........

  20. ...and here I was hoping that The Notorious RGB would finally be pronounced The Notorious D-E-D.

    I'm disappointed. Cancel my subscription to Mad Magazine, please. Thank you.

  21. @Readers- The April Fools' Day posts were fun, but it really IS getting hard to create something more ridiculous than the "real" news. As John the Econ and others have pointed out, I wish EVERY day people would give the hairy eyeball to news stories to try to determine if they're being pranked or not (spoiler alert: we're mostly getting pranked).
