Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Oh Say, Can You See? / 4th of July

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, busty ross, 4th of July

Happy Independence Day from Stilton's Place and the Jarlsberg family!


  1. Very well put, Busty. Happy Birthday, Murica and long may she wave.

  2. Thanks, Stilt...Busty ALWAYS lights my fuse!!!
    Happy Independence Day to you and yours.

  3. The pattern on the material makes my eyes twitch.
    Of course, the lovely young lady *wearing* the material
    makes... Er... Never mind. She's delightful!

    Hoping you and yours have a safe and pleasant 4th, Stilt!

  4. Have a great Independence Day, everyone! Even Lefty Lucy, wherever she may be.

  5. Hey my names Ross too! Does that entitle me to anything!!

  6. I see, I see...

    Happy Independence Day America!

    Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the
    people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.
    Psalm 33:12

    Take care, be safe.
    God bless.
    Griz - Alaska

  7. They're real...and they're spectacular! me?

  8. Happy Independence to one and all.

    And for those who don't particularly care about liberty and independence and the struggles of those who brought it to us, here are the Democraps singing Ringo Starr's "No No Song".

  9. Happy Fourth of July!
    Or, for those future democrats:
    feliz cuarto de julio!

  10. Happy Independence Day to all.
    Remember what it means and how we got it.

  11. Well, here I am again. This time it's the big 76 which seems pretty appropriate. Happy 4th to you and yours Doc, let's never forget how fortunate we are to live in the greatest country on earth and remember those who made it happen and saw to it we are here.

  12. Yes, despite what you hear from the idiots on the Left, this *is* still the best country on the planet, and people are still literally dying to get in.
    Freedom. It's THAT important.

  13. Happy Fourth to the greatest country in the history of man, if we can keep it.

  14. Only, Ross Elkins, if you've got a set of lungs like Busty.
    And no Adams apple.
    And no sausage...

  15. Busty is Besty. Happy 4th Stilton!

  16. Ermegerd! My eyeballs popped out!

    Happy 4th Cousin Stilton! And to all you other cheesy people, too!


  18. Happy 4th to all, and may we be even MORE free a year from now, with certain officials of the former administration LESS free.

    Cheers from Colorado

  19. Oh Busty, thanks for re-affirming so much of what makes America great.

    And happy 4th to the Jarlsberg's and the rest of you.

    4th of July Zombies: Sad. But you know what is even sadder? Those celebrating today who are actively campaigning for principles that are the exact opposite of those on which this country was founded.

    See ya later in the week...

  20. Busty, you are an American Exceptional. Like all the other self-goverened citizens.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July, and please have the same number of fingers tomorrow you do today.

  21. Eye-pro definitely required when Busty is near: Those things could put an eye out! God Bless you all, and God Bless America!

  22. Stilton, thank you for all you've done in the name of liberty, and thank Busty for all she's done in the name of vision, oh, wait... if I COULDN'T see is there a version of her in BRAILLE?

  23. To my fellow Stilton's Placers: Tuesday, I hinted to Stilton how nice a Busty post would be for Independence Day. So, as Mark Levin would say, "Thank me."

    Seriously, I'm sure you had this planned all along, so thanks, Stilton! It would be interesting to also see Lucy's take on July 4, though. I'm guessing she actually doesn't have a clue what the day is really about.

  24. For next year's 4th of July gala festivities, Ms. Ross should be bouncing up and down in a stars and stripes bikini on a trampoline while reciting the Declaration of Independence. Can't get any more patriotic than that, n'est-ce pas ?
