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Yes, this was an actual MSNBC segment...except for the logical punchline. |
We're playing a dangerous game here, but we're going to go on record as saying that the Democrats and liberal media actually can not stoop lower than they have this week, short of explicitly calling for Civil War and white genocide. And of course, the week's not over.
We've all heard the narrative for the past couple of years: Trump is a racist, his supporters are deplorables, and blah, blah, blah. But there has been a seismic shift in the scope and seriousness of these accusations. Following the actions of a trio of mass shooters, whose motives remain unknown but whose political footprints seem to indicate Leftward leanings (*), all liberal pretense at tact, logic, and human decency have gone out the window.
The new narrative from the Left, being pounded into soft Leftist skulls, is that Donald Trump is the evil leader of a massive army of murderous white supremacists, all of whom - including you - should be rounded up and "eradicated."
We wish we were exaggerating, but we're not. The tortured and preposterous argument that Trump is using American flag protocol to send secret messages to neo-Nazis was a real exchange on MSNBC, as was a news anchorette's solemn statement to viewers that President Trump is "talking about exterminating Latinos." Which, we should mention as a small point of clarification, he effing isn't.
According to pretty much every Democrat running for president, Trump is the worst kind of racist, sexist, genocidal white supremacist...as is every single person who cast a vote for Trump, even if that vote was cast solely to keep Hillary's thoroughly corrupt keister out of the Oval Office. We all pulled the triggers at the mass shootings, we're all drenched in blood and, to hear the Left tell it, nothing could make us happier. There are no gradations or extenuating circumstances in the Left's rhetoric: every Trump supporter embodies ultimate evil, and none of us will deserve mercy when Civil War II breaks out. When
This isn't the kind of garden variety nonsense we're used to hearing from the Left. This is dangerous and inflammatory, quite literally the sort of insane rhetoric that Adolf Hitler used to inspire an epidemic of madness and murder that tore the world apart. Now, half of our population is being force fed lies around the clock to foment the kind of hate and division which will result in more, not fewer, deaths of innocents.
The threat from the social arsonists on the Left is real, deliberate, and growing.
(*) Update: In a previous commentary, we said that the political leanings of mass shooters aren't nearly as important as the sociological forces which turn them to violence and we stand by that opinion. But here, we've cited the "Leftward leanings" of at least two of the most recent shooters not to explain their actions (which would be hypocritical on our part), but simply to factually refute the untrue narrative from those on the Left that the shooters were Right wingers or Trump supporters.
According to the El Paso shooter's online manifesto (if, indeed, he authored it) he wanted Medicare for all, a universal basic income, to protect the environment, and to take power out of the hands of corporations - a progressive wishlist which he insanely believed could be attained by killing Mexicans.
The Dayton shooter was a vocal supporter of antifa, and made social media posts saying "I want socialism," "Kill every fascist," and "Nazis deserve death and nothing else." Not the hardest tea leaves to read.
Again, it's a mistake and a distraction to focus on the shooters' politics...but that's no reason for us to remain silent when those politics are deliberately and irresponsibly misrepresented by liars on the Left.
I wish those with money and means would take it upon themselves to financially ruin these lying knuckleheads. Whether by buying up their media companies, think tanks or whatever, or by wreaking financial ruin upon them somehow.
ReplyDeleteI have limited ideas how to do this, but lawfare seems like a good start. Take them to court for everything. Sue their pants off. Everything they say (or can be construed to say). Geez, there's gotta be enough conservatives willing to work pro bono on at least SOME suits.
Either that or design a scalable roach hotel.
Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...
It's....words fail me.
It boggles the mind to call President Trump a Nazi. Half his kin are Jewish and the Nazi's killed about 6 Million of them. Part of the real problem is that the libs have ran out of despicable things to call him so they keep calling him the worse things in their itty bitty minds. What is obvious is the libs have no agenda except to try and get rid of him. As Stilt so eloquently pointed out the other day, that is the sum total of their presidential platform.
ReplyDeleteAs for the movie, The Hunt, there are 37 Million issued hunting licenses and half of them would be very excited for the left to bring it on. They are already lock and loaded with lots of ammo and have plenty of sick days on the books. Hollywood would become a ghost town (pun intended) in a matter of hours, not days. If the liberals insist that over 63 million voting Americans are racist, evil white supremacist's because of whom they voted, that may be the epitome of stupidity.
I hope the insane left wakes up to the "gasoline on an open fire" rhetoric that has become their alternate universe as opposed to reason. Do I expect them to in any shape or form? Not ever, sweetcakes. Whatever you would call it, it's rolling down hill faster than even they could ever imagine. All we can do is be ready, whatever you believe that entails. Their military wing, antifa, is going to get some surprises. We are not old, blind men driving into a demonstration. We won't stand there while some goon swings a padlock at us. It's been a great 250 or so years. If our republic dies, it will be after millions of patriots are also dead.
ReplyDeleteWhy has Hillary et al not been indicted under RICO yet ?
ReplyDeleteI agree with all of the above. And to repeat, we right wing patriots do own most of the weapons but most important, we know how to use them. 'Nuff said. Also, most of us are military trained. Oh, what a wicked web is being woven. Oh, where did I put my 'shine.
ReplyDelete8/8 = HH = Hope Hicks!!
All these "dog whistles" that only Democrat activists seem to be able to hear.
ReplyDelete@Fred Ciampi: Lay off the shine. Starting to look like we'll need you sober...
ReplyDeleteMy understanding of the left's use of the term "dog whistle" is summarized in this piece: https://pateratic.com/2018/09/13/of-secret-signalling-and-the-like
The insanity, moral bankruptcy, hatred of the USA, and lack of ANY positive message or platform planks would make me hope for a massive Republican landslide next year. Something akin to the McGovern debacle.
ReplyDeleteThe utter spittle-flecked, vein-popping vitriol and dishonesty in the dominant media, the avowed effort of the tech giants to sway the election, and the massive voter fraud certain to be a huge part of the Dem/Commie playbook make me very, very apprehensive.
I am amazed how far and how fast we have fallen to reach this juncture. BHO certainly did fundamentally change this bastion of freedom. We shall see if the momentum can be swung the other way.
Happy Friday
love what you did with the eyes!!
ReplyDeleteHoratio Hornblower? Hubert Humphrey? Happy Hanukkah!
ReplyDeleteI certainly hope that the nation will turn itself around, but it won't happen unless schools, universities, Hollywood and (especially) the news media change their tunes.
ReplyDeleteKids nowadays appear to be inculcated with misinformation and outright lies from the liberal left, and conservatism is under attack as never before.
I was born before WWII, when civility was still practiced; I am not used to the acidic leftist attacks on our own country, and the constant barrage of divisive accusations that have been nothing short of despicable. I have never seen anything like it, and if it continues, I fear for the country's future in general, and the lives of my wife and me in particular.
Until now, I never felt the need to carry a concealed weapon, but I'm headed to town (Prescott, AZ) today to choose a good, reliable semi-automatic pistol (Sig-Sauer, Springfield, or S&W M&P). As a precision rifle shooter and Life Member of the NRA, I'm kind out of the picture regarding concealed weapons, but then again, I never envisioned having to fight another war on my home soil.
HH=Hang Hillary.
ReplyDeleteHow about April 20=420, The liberal code for marijuana. Adolf Hitler was born on 4-20, 1889.
I, too, am retired without need to use sick days. I use my time doing such things as reloading and stockpiling ammo. I heartily recommend the Springfield XDs in .40 as an every day carry. As for Antifa - I'm your huckleberry.
ReplyDeleteWell said
ReplyDeleteI can't run as far or do as many pushups as I used to, but I can still shoot as far and as well. Come on down, the hunting's good here. It just that the hunted can shoot back.
ReplyDeleteAs Popeye the Sailor would say..."I yam what I am!" Maybe we need to bring back The Shadow from the days of radio. The Shadow knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men(and Hillary).
ReplyDeleteThe mentality of those leftist liberals is about two clicks above a tumble bug(Scarab Beetle).
A lesson learned many years ago...you can't piss into the wind without it blowing back on you!
@ Sortahwitte said... If our republic dies, it will be after millions of patriots are also dead.
ReplyDeleteI do not enjoy the thought of it coming down to a shooting match, but I absolutely abhor letting the country so many of my family and friends fought for, bled for, and died for go down in flames without at least trying to put them out...by whatever means needed. My father taught me many years ago it takes a stronger, better man to avoid a fight if possible, but if the fight is inevitable then strike fast, fight hard, fight dirty and WIN!
Sortahwitte, speaking of "Antifa" keep your eyes on Portland on the 17th. I've got a feeling things are going to get real sporty there.
ReplyDeleteThen it's going to be the standard recipe of "those people that pulled the parade permits attacked the peaceful Antifa heroes that showed up."
“Better to die a free man standing on your feet, than a slave on your knees.” Karl Neumann my father would say that to us children. He and my grandparents came from Germany (the “Old Country” they called it) in the early 20s. Came legally by way of Ellis Island. None of them spoke English, but learned soon so my grandfather could work. My father worked his way through college and a Lutheran Seminary. When someone says something to me about the mess in this country, I just tell them that I keep buying more ammo. Forty years ago a friend tried to convince me that we should each buy land out west, and build separate cabins in the mountains with “overlapping fields of fire.’ Guess he was looking to the future. I pray for my children and grandchildren.
ReplyDelete"...we're going to go on record as saying that the Democrats and liberal media actually can not stoop lower than they have this week..."
ReplyDeleteAs the kids now like to say, "Hold my beer...". Every time we think we've hit peak stupid and/or insane, they somehow manage to find the next level as though it's some kind of challenge. I'm sure we'll see something worse by the end of the week. TDS has a way of achieving that.
Not that I ever doubt anything @Stilton presents here as fact, but I really had to see that clip for myself:
"Understand your adversary to counter the adversary."
Our adversaries are bat-shit crazy!
And hey, Brian Williams, way to rehabilitate your career there! This is certainly the way to get America to take you seriously as a journalist again!
The only thing that was missing in that clip were the guys in white coats and butterfly nets at the end.
It's at least a little reassuring that this guy is an "ex"-FBI agent. So clearly there is still some sort of standard for sanity required to wield the power of state and a government-issued gun. But not very much.
So now that the dust has settled upon the hopes and dreams of the left that they had placed in what became the steaming pile of nothingness that was the Mueller Report, we now know what the Democrat's backup plan for 2020 is going to be: Telling people that voting for Trump makes them "white supremacists".
It's basically doubling-down on calling half the country "deplorables". Good luck with that.
@M. Mitchell Marmel brings up what I had assumed would be today's subject before the peak insanity on BMSNBC ensued. (Hey Microsoft, when are you going to get your name off of that?)
ReplyDeletePretty ironic that this pops up at the same time that the left is again on the "inciting to violence" bandwagon. As @Dan mentions above, I'd like to see the people behind this provocative insanity financially ruined.
@Anonymous asks, "Why has Hillary et al not been indicted under RICO yet?"
Because the Clintons deal with Satan preclude any legal repercussions for their crimes during this lifetime.
The Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution specifically states: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State..." and then it goes into the familiar rights that are protected and yet are still currently being attacked on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteI'm very ready and waiting on formation of that Militia. What might that militia do?
Within the primary document itself is Article IV, Section 4: "The United States shall... (SHALL is a directive not an option)... guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government, and SHALL protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application by the Legislature OR OF THE EXECUTIVE (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence."
That clearly reads as: When it gets the predictable point where the Democrats in Congress boycott or walk out; without question the POTUS has full authority to act. I'm also looking forward to the second term of this President.
"...we now know what the Democrat's backup plan for 2020 is going to be: Telling people that voting for Trump makes them "white supremacists".
ReplyDeleteIt's about damn time somebody started putting down some qualifying criteria; I'm getting tired of guessing.
As Mr. Econ posits above, since the Russia scam fizzled out, and since the racist charge has lost any sting it once had due to extreme overuse, the new cudgel is white supremacy. It would be laughable if it weren't so damned serious. They perpetuate the fraud that Trump caused the latest round of shootings while ignoring what harm their current language is likely to do to young skulls full of mush. I hope it doesn't come to bloodshed but it's looking more and more like they actually want a civil war.
ReplyDeleteOn another note, my crazy, left-wing TDS-inflicted cousin went over the edge due to the El Paso shooting. He lives in El Paso and stated on Facebook, of course, that he is disavowing all his family, most of whom live in the DFW Metroplex, for our support of the president and will never come back to Dallas since we are to blame for electing the murderer Trump. Of course, all his sycophants praised him for being so brave, which was what he was fishing for by doing it on Facebook. What idiots. He's a college professor and I wonder how he would feel if someone in his class performed an atrocity and he got blamed for what he said in that class. His derangement would probably blind him.
Oh my, my, my… how very far the media has slid into this nonsensical abyss! And yes, it will get worse because election day looms bigger than the sun in the liberal's eyes. What we are seeing IMHO, is desperation. No matter what they do or say, Trump just shakes it off like a dog shakes off water, and keeps on trucking. Hats off to this man who is able to take the incessant, daily beatings, and not go ape shit.
ReplyDeleteWas he my first choice for President? Nope. Is he coarse and brash? Yup. Is he EXACTLY what we need to keep the liberal wolf from the door? Absolutely yup!
Number 88.... Drew Pearson, Michael Irvin, Marvin Harrison, Dez Bryant, and Demaryius Thomas are all awesome football players with 88 on their jerseys. Oh, and all are black men. Who knew there were so many black Hitler supporters?!
This is a spot-on summary. The Left is pushing hard and seems to be spoiling for a fight. If they get it, it's not going to end well for them.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm, let me see ... the right owns all the guns and the left don't know what bathroom to use.
ReplyDeleteThe globalists, who have the deepest pockets of all, are behind all of this. They're the ones pushing open borders and demonizing those trying to protect our borders (end game: one world government and implementation of unrestrained population reduction, extermination of up to 90% of the human race leaving only the global elite and just enough docile drones to service them), baby-killing as a human right propaganda and implementation (population reduction agenda again), and pro-sexual perversion propaganda and social engineering (population reduction again). If the fecal matter hits the fan it won't be snowflakes with butter knives that patriots will have to worry about, it'll be the full might of the global beast. Doesn't mean it's hopeless, but it means that it's going to be uglier than anything we're likely to be capable of imagining, even with great imaginations.
ReplyDeleteAnother thought occurs to me: a hot civil war will also help achieve population reduction. Just sayin'...
ReplyDeleteThe response to "Trump is a racist!" -- every time -- should be this: "What evidence do you have to prove he is a racist?"
ReplyDeleteThe back up plan for the left is to use our military against we on the right. They should know, that will never happen. Stilt will remember when a local commissioner in the DFW area said to start shooting the white folks. That lasted about 5 minutes before he recanted because of the "ALL RIGHT!!!!" from the white guys, bring it ON!! This rhetoric of violence has to end. They have no idea of the damage they do then there is that violent leftist mob that just hasn't mobbed the right place yet. It will be like the ignorant trying to rob a gun store - with customers.
ReplyDeleteHH = Herbert Hoover, Howard Hughes, Horatio Hornblower (my favorite), Helen Hunt, Hugh Hefner...
ReplyDelete@MAJ Arkay: Not to mention Honor Harrington (my personal favorite)...
ReplyDeleteJams Daily said " It will be like the ignorant trying to rob a gun store - with customers." That happened about 5 years ago. The perp ended up with about 27 holes in his person. Yay.
ReplyDeleteOh, and speaking of "white supremacy":
ReplyDelete“We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it. Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids.”
White supremacist Donald Trump? Nope. Democratic Presidential front-runner Joe Biden.
For many of the supposedly "sane" Democrat adults who recognize that the bulk of the candidates vying for the nomination have gone unelectably leftist, Joe Biden was the great white hope. But Joe is an idiot. Not only is Joe an idiot, unlike Trump, Joe actually has a long, documented record of associating with actual for real white supremacists. And not just all that, but Joe is losing it. He stumbles even when in front of a friendly, accommodating audience. I can't quite imagine the train wreck he's going to be when he's finally forced to face a real audience. Or a debate against Trump.
So Mueller was a bust. Biden is a bust. The whole slate of candidates are a bust. All they have left is to find a way to irredeemably trash the economy. Expect that to be the next front.
Thy have SHOVELS, Stilton, and they're not afraid to hire people to use them!
ReplyDeleteOh my, from the looks of it if one of the cool young democrats like Joey B
ReplyDeleteor Killary C win the nomination old Donald Trump might have to help them
make it up the stairs to the podium for the debate.
The Democrats, the cool young party forgot they can get old too.
Now they have cooler younger partiers ready to kick them down the stairs.
Valvenator, Joey can climb the stairs okay; he just needs a guide to keep him from getting lost on the way.
ReplyDeleteMr. Spock, from the Star Trek Episode- “The Alternative Factor” sums up today's democrat party: “Madness has no purpose. Or reason. But it may have a goal.”
ReplyDeleteI believe the government is waiting for us to do something to stop all this ......they have a confusion about what to do to fix things .......
ReplyDeleteBut in the end they may not know how to stop the start of a civil war but they do know how to stop one...... so they are trying to stick with something they know how to do ....... and this does not bode well for us........
I wonder if the vile, venal, serial patholigical liar and twice repudiated POTUS candidate (BTW, the WSJ won't let me use such anymore to describe her) now realizes the 'resustance' she's started, aided and abetted has spun out of control and will in the end, consume her as well?
ReplyDeleteMe, yesterday:
ReplyDeleteThe "news" - my annual prostate exam
The "news" - my annual prostate exam
Which one?
I've got it! Why not BOTH!
And this just in: Clintons marked "safe" from future Epstein trial testimony.
ReplyDeleteYeah just saw that. Apparent suicide by Jeffery Epstein while in jail even though not long ago he was also found under his bunk and unconscious with injuries around the neck. So once again, USA is not really all that different than Russia, N Korea, Venezuela, China & others. Big sighs of relief from many, I'm sure. Media and the nutcakes may eventually land upon the explanation that it was the honorable thing to "happen". Not much else changes.
ReplyDeleteTook Hillary long enough.
ReplyDeleteYup. Another scalp in the Arkancide armory.
ReplyDelete@Readers- I'm too far behind to comment on all your remarks above, but it's all great stuff. This new narrative about ALL of us being white supremacists who need harsh - or even violent - treatment is pretty upsetting. Will there be a civil war? I highly doubt it. Will a bunch of people get hurt, and our nation further damaged? Absolutely.
ReplyDeleteAnd has anyone, anywhere, at any time had a more predicted death by (ahem) "suicide" than Jeffrey Epstein? Funny how Epstein theoretically knew that the guards doing suicide watch weren't watching, either in person or via the 24-hour camera in his cell. And funny that he should still have the means to fashion a noose of some kind despite being on suicide watch. Was no one curious when he ripped his shirt (or whatever) into shreds and wove it into a weight-supporting rope? I don't buy this for a second. Too many powerful people wanted him dead (with the Clintons at the top of that list). It's been a good day for pedophiles, a bad day for justice.
It might be good if the FBI (what's left of it) watches to see which attorneys, visitors, neighboring cell mates, dining companions, "and correctional center" staff & service providers seem to have come into new wealth over the next few weeks. But I won't believe FBI are actually investigating until we see real results.
ReplyDeleteRod, or comes down with a bad case of "cardiac arrest" themselves.
ReplyDeleteThe video of this nitwit with the 8/8 should be ran as a GOP commercial until it it worn out. Not that the inept buffoons at the RNC have the backbone to do it. But the candidates ought to.
Gee...I thought HH stood for Hubert Humphry...
ReplyDeleteHH = Huge Hemorrhoids
ReplyDeleteSome individuals happen to have their Birthday on 8/8, what does that make us?
ReplyDeleteAnswer: One year older.
And if some democrat says that 8/8 is a secret Nazi code, doesn't that make him a Nazi because he knows the code?
"I upped my meds - up yours!"