The Drudge Report now informs us in giant red letters that a "2ND WHISTLEBLOWER COMES FORWARD," which pretty much proves...well...nothing at all. Because we already know that none of this stupid non-impeachment "impeachment process" is legitimate.
For all we know, and with memory of the Kavanaugh hearings still stuck in our craw, this new "whistleblower" may be claiming to have seen a youthful President Trump spiking punch bowls at parties, after which he steered helpless, drugged heads of state into a bedroom where he forced them to say dirty things about Joe Biden.
And we...don'
The funny thing about credibility, as the Left has failed to notice, is that once it's gone you can't get it back. Which is why no number of Democrat-coached "whistleblowers" can impress us at this point... nor can they make us spend any more time blogging about it than we want to. Which ain't much.
![]() |
Nope - the needle hasn't budged. |
In all seriousness, we're glad to see Bernie Sanders out of the hospital and apparently feeling better. We don't like his socialist fantasies, but we actually think he has more integrity (in a very tortured sense of the word) than many of his Democrat rivals. And he's way more hilarious to watch!
While we wish him no political success whatsoever, we wish the man himself well.
I don't care either. All those people just make my ass so tired. I'm tired of who is chelsea's daddy. Is it Vince Foster, Seth Rich, or maybe Jeffrey Epstein? I just don't care what lowlife would sack that witch. My pick is Jeffrey. I'm tired of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd so called whistleblower. They should go hang out with that skank that made up the stuff about the Supremes nominee. Did I mention I don't care? The dims have their thumbs up their butts and the repubs have their fingers in their noses. And the best president since Reagan is being attacked from all sides. The last I do care about.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your "insight"... these bags of un-regenerated heredity aught to be convicted of treason in this ongoing coupe. The more they instigate hate and division with their nonsensical pc the more I push back on the people who perpetuate the lies of the left. Hope you keep up the great work of Stilton's Place. Must reads …..
ReplyDeleteWe need a "Whistleblower of the Week" award. We could have several catagories, such as the Fredo for the most absurd, the HorseSchiff for the most lies, the Erotica for the most salacious (to be presented by Busty, of course). As for Bernie, he reminds me of the senile old uncle who gets invited to all of the family gatherings and where the kids have to be reminded NOT to get him going, and always do!
ReplyDeleteOdd if ya read about how "right wing" whistle blower are fired and harassed but the left wing ones get protection ???
ReplyDeleteOld schiff for brains missed this one on the attempt on Kavanaugh ?
Fool me once - shame on you. Fool me twice - shame on me. Try and fool me for the 4179 time and ........
Now that's funny! At the bottom of your post there is an ad for a poll asking, "Is this a witch hunt?" with photos of Pelosi and Trump. Seems to me the hunt is over. We found her.
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling that the picture of the Give - a - Crapometer is going to take off and become a fixture in social media conversations. Perhaps it might sell, made in a soft inexpensive throwable almost bouncable material.
ReplyDelete"New" whistle blowers, huh? Um hasn't this path been trod with 'stormy ' Daniels?
ReplyDeleteEither that, or the deep state is mustering all its resources to destroy this President.
Remember who the real enemy is.
A bit hazy on my pre revolution Russian history, but recall it had it's own version of a 'deep state' that also blocked reform, which I thought was called the 'carmilla' , but googling the word provides nothing close. Seems we have our own version here. Personally I lay the bane of the 'deep state' on FDR's record. He midwifed the unaccountable, administrative monster and an environment in which people came to Washington and never left.
ReplyDeleteRemember who the real enemy is.
Funny how the left venerates the “whistle blower”; Linda Tripp would like a word.
ReplyDelete@Fish: FDR only hardened what Woodrow Wilson invented.
ReplyDeleteNeat how they had to change the whistleblower rules to get this crap through, isn't it? That REALLY ENHANCES the credibility of it all...
Yeah. My GAF meter is pretty much welded to zero for all of these leftist revelations, climate, and social justice warfare.
Patent that Crap-O-Meter and sell em on Amazon. Bezos needs the money!
ReplyDeleteYeah, watching a Bernie Sander's campaign film while listening to Billy Joel's ANGRY YOUNG MAN song makes me smile. I too don't want anyone socialist in or near the White House, but Sander's has been honest and doesn't hide his politics. Lovable ol' bastard that he is . . . :^)
ReplyDelete@Fish: The only Daniels I care about is Jack.
ReplyDeleteIs "whistleblower fatigue" a thing yet? If not, it should be.
ReplyDeleteWe inch closer and closer to a Claire Wolfe* moment...
Concur on Bernie. 2016 shoulda been Rubio vs. Sanders...
@Anonymous: Sorry, but that Daniel's is way overhyped/oversold. You might want to try, if you can find it, Triple Smoke whiskey.
ReplyDeleteDrudge Report is strange these days. I read somewhere that some company associated with Google bought him out. Dunno if it's true, but I found another site that scratches the old Drudge itch.
ReplyDeleteAs you said it's hard to get excited about a second whistleblower...especially when we already have the transcript to read ourselves.
I watched part of the Chris Wallace interview with that Utah Republican and Chris asked if he knew of anyone one the other side reaching out to a foreign power for dirt on a political rival and I was screaming "Obama!" While the Congressman overall handled the interview pretty well, he let that low hanging fruit go unplucked.
Bobo reminds us that there were two 'whistleblowers' during the Clinton fiasco. The Dems are just trying to top their 'best' years.
ReplyDeleteAnother whistle blower. Remember all the women that got trotted out to sink Herman Cain's run at the presidency?
ReplyDelete@Sally Jo: This may be of interest:
You, sir, are more charitable than me as I prefer those lying Presidental contenders to stew in their own juice as in this case, a slight medical emergency that I wish had been under Obamacare and he would probably be as dead as a dinosaur. No, I do not wish him ill but rather wish he lived under the same parameters we live under. I am sure the Senate insurance doesn't have a $5,000 deductible. You can rest assured that medical issue killed what little traction he had left and the funds suddenly dried up.
ReplyDeleteI suppose I am on the short bus this week as I have no idea how anyone could file a WB report after the conversation has been publically released and the judge telling the WH to not destroy and conversations with Foreign dignitaries as if it were any of her business.
If it was the hidden aim of the Democrats to ween me off of "watching the damn news all the time" they have succeeded admirably.
ReplyDeleteFound that there IS a mini-industry in Crap-o-meters. I want one in red....and battery-powered.
And now a third whistleblower has emerged:
"...I have third hand information that President Trump is trying to steal the election by bringing unemployment down to 3.5%..."
Bernie's Back: Yeah, Bernie's a total fraud, but at least he's a sincere total fraud. And it's great that the health system he's working so diligently to destroy was able to return him to us so quickly.
@Alfonso Bedoya: That search also dragged up the Crap-O-Matic Generator, an additional hoot! I want the Liberal Tears pillow "for Conservative wet dreams." I hope you all are making Christmas gift notes...
Or a nice novel: Freedom: A Black Ops Romance, with the tag: "Once you go Black-Ops you never go back... You go missing."
ReplyDeleteI could also use the Field Guide to Dumb Birds of America. "The definitive guide to the American Bird Brain." Pelosi's on page 8, Sanders on page 13. Amazon won't let me look further than that. BTW, page 1 was missing, torn out. Gutenberg only knows who was on it!
Look, if Nancy and cabal want the Presidency back SOOOooo bad and if changing regulations to suit your political ends is sooooo easy, then why don't they just draft a bill in Congress now that says, "no Trumps or anybody else WE don't like can run for President". C'mon AOC, DO YOUR JOB AND SIGN BILLS INTO LAW!
ReplyDeleteOh, and I just want to blow the whistle on Guv Cuomo, Senz Schooomer and Guiltabrand, et. al. that as a life long tax paying citizen of NYS I have FIRST HAND knowledge that they have misappropriated gummint funds on a routine basis.
After trying to watch Chris Wallace and seeing him throw softballs at the Dem and never calling her on her lies, while interrupting the Rep and antagonizing him, I am done with Fox News Sunday. I'm also done with Drudge. I've been going to that site literally for decades but their choice of links - all left-wing sites - regarding the so-called impeachment has killed them for me too. Having all this extra time is liberating. I hope Schiffty goes down in flames. It's so obvious he orchestrated the whole thing and the vile Pelosi bought it. I thought she was smarter than that. It's obvious the Dems know the only way they can drum Trump out of office is this impeachment charade. They know they can't beat him at the ballot box.
ReplyDeleteA second whistle blower comes forward ? After the first one was outed as a Schiff stooge ? Lather...rinse...repeat. This should drive San Fran Nan into retirement any day now...
ReplyDeleteDid you catch Roger Smith's characterization of Adam Schiff as the Jussie Smollett of Congerss? :D
ReplyDeleteAnother whistleblower?! My Oh My, what WILL Trump do!? Near as I can tell, he's all but ignoring it. It's like a pesky fly that you wave away a few times, then you finally get out the fly swatter, and BAM! Pesky fly squashed. Is Trump's flyswatter the 2020 election? Maybe so, maybe so.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous and Fish out of Water,
I'll take black Jack over some of the other rotgut whiskeys out there, but it IS a bit overpriced.
I like another Daniels, however.... Charlie.
Just guessing here, but I think Give a Crap-o-meter T shirts might put some dollars into the old Jarlsberg bank account. I'd buy one. You could even list some current events on it, like: "Third whistleblower comes forward," or "Trump refuses to reveal tax returns."
I also noticed that your Give a Crap-o-meter only goes down to negative 20. Maybe not far enough IMHO.
@Regnad Kcin,
Bettin' ALL of them are Schiff stooges at some level.
I keep seeing WB as Warner Brothers.
ReplyDeleteWhich is a bit apropos since this whole thing is a cartoon.
As a former cardio patient who recognized the warning signs, took them seriously and thereby avoided a probably fatal massive heart attack by getting my heart re-piped before it happened; THEN learning my lessons and taking all precautions equally seriously since then... I think over his lifetime (which may now be on the short side of the clock) Bernie Sanders has clearly demonstrated himself to be too damned stupid (as well as being a deadbeat father, bum, moocher, hypocrite & socialist) to even think about running for President of this nation. He's always in a rage; must surely be stressed all the time at his own false-face and self-serving history; and he's still in this political race at age 78? Why? It makes no sense.
ReplyDeleteSay all you want about him; I'm sure he will only be a complete disaster if elected; and would almost surely kick the bucket soon after; leaving an even worse disaster in his place. That one would probably already be in charge anyway. Let's just not go there.
@Sortahwitte- Very well put, and you've summed up my feelings. I'm really not sure how I'm going to proceed in the coming days, dealing with all of this vacuous bullshit. I will, however, endeavor to be entertaining.
ReplyDelete@Ole Scrapper- "Push back on the people who perpetuate the lies of the Left" is what I'm absolutely aching to see. And I'm talking due process here - but please, LET'S GET IT GOING!
@Fritzchen- I like your award for a rotating award ceremony. The "Blowies" could make for good TV!
@REM1875- The Kavanaugh hearings taught us that having a bunch of complainants come forward means nothing. Whores, female or male, are easy to come by for such occasions.
@Jim Irre- I have no control over what those ads say, but I agree that it seems like a pretty good match in this case!
@Tmay- I did an earlier version of the Give-a-crapometer once and it started appearing a lot of places, so I made an updated version with the site name. I'd actually like to build a physical product that would shake the needle and make sounds before returning to zero and flashing a "completed" light or sound.
@Fish Out of Water- We're definitely seeing a multi-front attack on Trump. Multiple "whistleblowers," subpoenas for his tax records, attacks on Pence...the Left is dragging out every weapon in their arsenal. And they HAVE to lose.
@Bobo the Hobo- Great point. Linda Tripp wasn't exactly celebrated by the Left, was she?
@Emmentaler Limburger- The fact that they changed the requirements for the whistleblower form really chaps my ass. Snopes declared it "FALSE" that the law was changed...and indeed, the law wasn't. But the submitting form WAS changed, and clearly to allow this BS to get traction.
@Buckwheat- Every time I post a product on Amazon, 30 other people have stolen it within a week. Copyright and Patent law mean nothing to people anymore.
@Anonymous- I have friends who think Bernie hung the moon. And I think he really believes the crap that he's peddling, which is almost refreshing in a strange way.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- I definitely have whistleblower fatigue already. And yes, I believe Sanders would have been the candidate last time around if not for Hillary's unethical and likely illegal mischief.
@Fish Out of Water- Triple Smoke whiskey, huh? I'm going to look for it.
@Sally Jo- What I read is that Google didn't buy Drudge out, but took over his marketing. Meaning if he "plays nice," Google will put more and higher-paying ads on his site. I don't know if this is true or not. And like you, I scream at the TV. A lot.
ReplyDelete@Boligat- The more whistleblowers you've got, the truer your lies must be. And what DID happen to all those women coming out against Herman Cain? Oh yeah, they went back to plying their trade under street lamps.
@Edam Wensleydale- That's the article I read. Interesting, but who knows what's true anymore?
@james daily- While I don't wish harm on Bernie or anyone else, I could appreciate the ironic justice of him having to deal with the same medical system as the rest of us. Or even worse, the medical system he wants all of us to be forced into.
@KanB- You and me both. I'm watching a LOT less news, as I believe it's injurious to my health and general well-being.
@Alfonso Bedoya- Well, there goes another million dollar idea. I guess I could still sell Trump whistleblower whistles to the Leftists at a steep markup...
@John the Econ- Scott Adams is always worth a look or a read. And he makes a great point: is an accomplishment that's good for America a "donation in kind" to the re-election of a successful President?
@Pat Cummings- Ooh, a liberal tears pillow! Or the Dumb Birds book! You've hit a goldmine!
@Studebaker Hauk- An allegation as serious as yours deserves to be believed without question. Or an investigation. Or evidence.
" an accomplishment that's good for America a "donation in kind" to the re-election of a successful President?"
ReplyDeleteYou can understand the confusion Democrats might have on the concept, as it's been generations since they've done anything that was in fact "good for America".
As for the spam that appears above: In my youth, it took much longer to learn than I wish it had that one really shouldn't want an "ex" back.
@Shelly- I think there are still some good people at Fox News, but the hiring of Donna Brazile told me that there was a cancer at the heart of management. I've not written them off completely, but they've dropped a lot in my estimation.
ReplyDelete@Regnad Kcin- This was the very point of my cartoon today; after a whistleblower is exposed as a puppet, don't expect us to be impressed with the next puppet.
@Anonymous- I didn't, but will look for it!
@Colby Muenster- I've had bad luck with stolen t-shirt designs. might be worth a shot!
@Dan- Only Warner Brothers cartoons had class!
@Rod- I agree that Bernie wouldn't last long in office. Thereby gifting us with President Stacey Abrams (I'm assuming he needs a populist black running mate). That's nightmare territory right there.
@John the Econ- Democrats don't do anything "good for America" even by accident. And I nuked the knucklehead spammer who was suggesting that we buy love spells. Hey, we're already lovable!
@ Stilton: Good luck in tracking down a bottle of Triple Smoke...its scarcer that Clinton integrity.
ReplyDelete@Fish Out of Water- My local store says "out of stock" and a price around $50. Does that sound about right?
ReplyDeleteStilton, extra points for the Blazing Saddles reference with Bernie.
ReplyDeleteI find it available direct, @Stilton, from
Price just under $50...
Of course, you may be in a state where shipping whiskey to your residence is not permitted! (As, alas, am I...)
@ Stilton/Pat: The price sounds right, though I believe I paid a bit more in Ky for a bottle. The Commonwealth of Virginia ABC stores choose not to carry Triple Smoke, nor it appears liquor stores in the in People's Democratic Republic of Maryland. 😒