Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Statuary Rape 2020

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, blm, antifa, statues, anarchy, MLK

On Monday evening, we watched the sad spectacle of radical human cockroaches swarming a statue of Andrew Jackson and attempting to topple it, just across the street from the White House. Police were eventually able to save the statue and push back the anarchists, but not before the monument had been damaged and vandalized.

There are two kinds of madness at work: that of the mob which wants to destroy anything and everything related to "history," and the madness of politicians who are doing nothing to restore law and order. Indeed, many of them are encouraging the chaos and destruction.

Remember a long time ago (or so it seems now) when all of this was allegedly about George Floyd and racial equality? Well that narrative, along with the principles Martin Luther King Jr fought and died for, has gone into the crapper.

What we're seeing is a radical push for anarchy and Marxism. What we're hearing is that only Black Lives Matter, except for the Black Lives lost to black-on-black crime and gunplay. In Chicago this past weekend, a black 3-year old boy was shot and killed. If his life mattered to the mobs, they would declare that Chicago can't continue to be a slaughterhouse for the innocent.

But they're too busy screaming "F*ck the police" to offer up actual support for black children in a war zone. And too busy toppling inanimate objects to confront actual killers, or challenge the political party which has really been guilty of systemic racism since its inception.

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, venus de milo, statues, mobs, blm, antifa


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, statues, blm, antifa, mobs, wizard of oz, tin man, tin woodsman


  1. “America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”

    ― Claire Wolfe, 1995

    I think it's past time.

  2. The cowards will never confront the people killing in Chicago because they are afraid they will get shot by the same people.

  3. Velveeta Processed Cheese FoodJune 24, 2020 at 1:09 AM

    @MMM. +1,000. At some point, if the system has failed, it's the people's duty to step in.

  4. The statues at the stately REM1875 palace have been safely stored in the servants quarters .... opps ... I mean the domestic engineers residential mansions have been gifted with priceless art works as reparation redistribution ...... yeah, yeah, sure, sure..... that's it ...... that's the ticket ....

  5. "Sic transit gloria columbus"
    The enemy is not at the gates - the enemy is within.
    We're doomed I tell you, doomed!

  6. Those who believe, “They’re just a few bad apples who have infiltrated peaceful protesters” are the equivalent of “moderate” Muslims; they wouldn’t topple statues but they don’t disapprove of what’s happening.

  7. It's a mad Mad MAD world! If Don Martin were here to counsel us I'm sure he would say. "Blech Lives Matter".

  8. All of this anarchy is neither spontaneous nor undirected. BLM has been collecting huge sums of cash, whether danegeld from corporations or insurrection support from Soros and his ilk. Probably both. Ignoring history delivers karma. And karma is a bitch. These supporting politicians/progressive/communist sympathizers are simply feeding the crocodile to keep him at bay. All it will do is delay the final meal. (Theme from "Jaws"...)

    1. BLM extortion money's first stop is the bank account of ACT BLUE, a Democrat political action committee.

  9. Most people I know here in Northern Arizona are really wishing that BLM or Antifa would start some shit here. We can all use the target practice.
    Unfortunately, there are no statues in Flagstaff, and the only monuments are Wupatki-which is 35,000 acres of ancient Native American pueblos, which are already ruins; and Sunset Crater-which is an extinct volcano crater and lava flow. Both of which would be real hard to tear down.

  10. @Fish Out of Water- I wish I shared your optimism, but history can be erased, particularly if it has not been taught in uncorrupted form (i.e. not Howard Zinn) for several generations. Add to that the ability of big tech to flush thoughts and facts they do not like down the memory hole. I'm afraid for the future of all Western civilization.

  11. I havwe a friend who escaped from Poland. She is terrified by the destruction of our historical objects, it is exactly what the Russian Commies did when they took over her homeland.
    It's time to enforce the law and elect people who believe in the rule of law and that all men (that includes women too commie liars)are created equal and should be 'judged by the content of their character NOT the color of their skin. But when Liberals scream out "BLM", remember that means they don't think black people are equal to white, perfect example of racial bias.

  12. I might be wrong, but the current administration seems like the type to take care of business, without passing it to the media. If this is so, there are some young Marxists with targets on their backs. They'll end up in the dirt, nobody will have a clue why they fell, and the local police will be thankful for not having to clean up the mess.

  13. Rhetorical question, and an observation:

    (1) Instead of tearing down statues, why don't they put up statues of people who they DO think are admirable?

    (2) Not one of the slugs tearing down those statues can hold a candle [not even an orgasmic-fart-scented candle] to any of the historic individuals whose statues they are detroying.

  14. @Bobo
    Your remark about muslims and statue toppling brought to mind the role of muslims in all this (if there is such a role). Islam does not approve of any human likenesses in art, architecture, etc. That's why there aren't a plethora of statues of Mohammed. That's why the Taliban blew up the Buddhas of Bamyan. Everywhere they take control, muslims seem intent on destroying such artifacts. As a matter of fact, when I was double checking the proper names of the buddhas, I ran across this link:

    Okay, The Mideast Beast is a satirical site, but you have to wonder...

  15. With mobs running thru the streets attacking symbols of American culture, it's looking more & more like China's "Cultural Revolution" every day.

  16. @American Cowboy
    You left out:
    "Abraham Lincoln, old dead white guy."

  17. What gets me are the Progressive Democrats who are cheering on this anarchy with an election coming up in November. Historically, Progressivism has always suffered following hippie/anarchist uprisings. As has already been demonstrated, avowed Progressives are just fine with anarchists burning down the 'hoods, but become terrified when the madness spreads anywhere near where they live. People may spout their Progressive pieties online, but at the end of the day, they're going to pull the lever for whoever they believe is going to put the breaks on the nonsense before it materially affects their lives. Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan were clearly beneficiaries of the madness of 1968.

    The contrary view of this might be the belief that once Trump is removed from office, the anarchy will subside. But I really don't think that's the case, as these people now have a have taste of power and have the affluence to keep doing this instead of having real lives and jobs to occupy themselves with like the rest of us do. And blackmail really doesn't settle well with Americans. And as we know with blackmailers, they always come back for more.

    It was never about racial equality or police brutality: If it really was, then the movement would not choose such antiheroes such as Michael Brown, George Floyd, or Rayshard Brooks; people with long histories of crime and violence before their supposed murders. If the movement was really about institutionalized police overreach, they'd use Breonna Taylor as their rallying cry. And yet, she's barely mentioned or already down the memory hole.

    Without question, Michael Brown and Rayshard Brooks were the instigating protagonists in their scenarios who actually attacked the uniformed officers that eventually killed them. Breonna Taylor was asleep in her bed when undercover police barged in her home and started shooting. She was just more collateral damage in the "war on drugs" where no drugs were found.

    "What we're seeing is a radical push for anarchy and Marxism." Little question about that. But what we're also seeing is a failure of our public educational system that has engendered the most privileged generation ever to protest the paradigms that have made their easy lives possible. Unfortunately, their ignorance of history has made them blind as to what ultimately happens to their ilk in the wake of their desired revolution. Yeah, they may indeed destroy our comparatively easy lives. But their fate will be far worse.

  18. @Maoz,
    Rhetorical indeed. These turdballs would never be able to actually agree on whose likeness to put up. They hate everybody, including, apparently, each other.

    Hell, Lincoln signed the emancipation proclamation, which ended up costing him his life, but his statue is not even safe.

    Geoff King said a mouthful. When these goobers have torn down the cities and start spilling over into rural America, I can't picture rural Americans putting up with it for long.

    I was astounded at the video of the cops stopping this nonsense at the Old Hickory statue in DC. The "protesters" were absolutely LIVID that the cops would DARE stop them from destroying public property, like it's their God given right or something. Sheesh....

  19. @John: A thought occurred about the calculated madness swirling about us; the Bonus Army march during Hoover's administration and the need to call out the troops in the end to break it up.

    As I understand it, the fallout from that was one of the more larger nails on the Hoover Administration's coffin. Might not the camarila behind all this be hoping for the sane?

  20. I am dismayed with the politicians, corporate heads, corrupt media, Marxist professors and dumber than dirt celebrities condoning this violence. By doing so, they are tacitly admitting they hate America, our founding, traditions and glorious way of life that has so enriched them. They are apologizing for something they never did. Do they really think these thugs are going to stop with statues? Should I kneel to Queen Oprah, Beyoncé and JayZ for my white skin ruining their lives, while they are rolling in billions of cash. Should I kneel to the thugs who scream systemic racism while sporting $250 sneakers, $300 headphones and the latest iPhone? All the while I'm giving them money from my taxes to support this lifestyle. We MUST reelect President Trump and just as importantly, send Her Majesty Pelosi and her band of thieves back into the minority. I shudder to think of the consequences if that senile old man is elected.

  21. The police need to carry big tanks of a fluid that can be sprayed on the protestors. this fluid does five things:
    1. It stains the skin a distinctive color
    2. It eats through clothing to the flesh
    3. It burns like the dickens on bare skin
    4. It stinks to high heaven
    5. It cannot be washed off without a special antidote which is available only at police stations

  22. Wouldn't it be ironic if the statues the "protestors" were trying to pull down fell and crushed some of the "protestors".

  23. Actually, the Wokesheviks are trying to provoke a Kent State type massacree so they can scream "ORANGE MAN BAD!" and get Gropin' Joe elected.

    To his credit, POTUS isn't playing that game...

  24. @M. Mitchell Marmel- Tick...tick...tick...

    @Greywuff- It's actually worse than that; the protesters wouldn't even have to confront the actual killers. They just need to take to the streets demanding law and order to save black lives, then let the authorities take care of the problem when the solution is "politically popular."

    @Velveeta Processed Cheese Food- The Founders were pretty clear on that point.

    @REM1875- Before you lock your statue in storage, make sure you don't forget his little lantern.

    @Brie Camembert- I'll drink to that! Of course, that's sort of my "go to" solution for most problems.

    @Bobo the Hobo- Yep. When I saw the crowd swarming the statue near the White House, I didn't see any peaceful protesters.

    @Studebaker Hauk- I have a soft spot in my heart for Don Martin, and his characters with floppy toes. And ESPECIALLY his inventive sound effects!

    @American Cowboy- For now, I'm guessing that the worst we'll see at Mount Rushmore is some minor vandalism using drones and paint. Unless Biden wins...

    @Snark- I agree with all you said.

    @Alej- I'm glad these a**holes are calling for the destruction of statues, artworks, and stained glass windows of "white Jesus," because that's going to piss off a lot more people.

    @Anonymous- That's a very well done site!

    @Fish Out of Water- I'm willing to give the "stop the tides!" suggestion a try. We should also tell them to wear lead shoes so the waves won't be able to knock them over.

    @Geoff King- In the same way that hunters use bait stations, your state needs to quickly erect some tempting statues to draw the quarry. Might I suggest a monument to the Dukes of Hazzard?

    @TrickyRicky- I wish you were wrong, but you're not. Plus, history doesn't really even need to be erased: just don't teach it, and keep the citizenry too distracted with celebrity news and entertainments to look into it.

  25. @Liberty Card- The canard that "only white people can be racists" is one of the first things that should be tossed on the fire. Racism is a plague on our nation, but it's not only (or even mostly) a "white thing."

    @Jess- I don't think we're likely to see that happen. And I won't weigh in on whether or not that's a good thing.

    @Maoz- Agreed.

  26. Any idea (which to progs are dangerous and subversive), but if time constraints are not a problem, why not later in the day on the days Stilton's Place is published, open up for more comments/expanded comments by a live podcast or similar means of a live internet forum?

  27. @Fish: Good idea in principle, but I, for one, am pretty overwhelmed with alla the online things I'm already doing. :)

  28. "Washington think tank"

    Thinking has tanked in Washington.

    @Boligat: I read somewhere that Antifa/BLM were trained by ISIS/Al Q.
