Friday, July 3, 2020

4th of July - Land of the Free (Book)!

johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, book, free, kindle, volume two, 4th of July
What better way to celebrate the 4th of July than with a red, white, and blue book that's free? To celebrate the release of Johnny Optimism's second mega-collection, I'm giving the Kindle version away absolutely free on Friday July 3, Saturday July 4, and Sunday July 5th.

Note: before ordering, be sure the price shows as free (and not just "Read for Free" with Kindle Unlimited)! Instead, you want to buy the book for $0.00.

You can read this immense treasury of humor on any computer, smartphone, or tablet - just download the appropriate free Kindle reading app from Amazon at this link. And reading on even a small device doesn't stink, because I fiddled around with the book's code to embed an "easy reading" mode: just turn your device sideways, tap on any page, and you'll suddenly see just one cartoon at a time at a size which won't make you go blind! Tap on the right to go to the next cartoon, or tap on the left to go backwards.

There's also a beautiful paperback edition available for just $5.99 with free Prime shipping. No respectable bathroom, coffee table, or doctor's waiting room should be without it! (And Volume One is still available too, at $5.99 for either the print or Kindle version)

A Special Favorafter downloading the book, I'd really appreciate any reviews you'd care to post on Amazon. Amazon promotes (or demotes) books based on their popularity and reviews, so it really makes a huge difference. And reviews can be short and sweet - just a sentence or two! But please don't mention politics in your reviews - Johnny's got enough problems already!

Please feel free to share this link to the free Kindle book with family, friends, on social media, or with whomever is in the hospital bed next to yours - but remember, this 4th of July freebie is only available Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!

johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, book, free, kindle, volume two, 4th of July


  1. I'll need two print copies, Stilt, to match the two Vol. Ones I have hanging around in the guest bedrooms! (And I'll snaffle a free Kindle version tomorrow for me...)


  2. Ordered a Kindle version. REview will be when I finish.

    Hope this works as you wish.

  3. Just downloaded this and gave it a 5-star review. Thanks, Stilt! This is quite an unexpected surprise.

  4. Happy and healthy 4th, all! Pass the popcorn and Clan MacGregor!

  5. Thanks for the book and have a happy and safe 4th!

  6. Cheese... what a great 4th gift thank you sir
    Mr. Tim "Manchego" Swift

  7. Piss off a Progressive: Enjoy your 4th of July!

    And in a world of Karens, remember that we are the liberals now!

    See ya next week.

  8. Thanks for the great 4th of July gift. Have a safe 4th!

  9. Thanks, Stilt
    It'll be fun to re-read all of 'em in the hammock this weekend

  10. 11:30 PDT on July 3rd. Amazon Kindle still shows $0.00 with unlimited only. I'll keep checking.

  11. @anonymous: make sure the kindle unlimited version box is highlighted, then look to the right. The purchase box will have the kindle unlimited read for free thingy at the top, a bar that has "or" in the middle, then Digital List Price ($5.99 struck through), Pint List Price ($5.99 struck through), Kindle Price: $0.00, Save $5.99 (100%), followed by a "Buy now with 1-Click" button beneath it all. That's where you'll wanna be clickin'....

    @Stilt: I somehow missed Volume One, or my memory sucks. Likely the latter. Grabbed the free kindle version of Two, and popped for paperbacks of that and Volume One as well. If I happen to unearth another copy of One, I know a few like-minded people and will gist it to one o' them. Happy fourth, my friend. Hope the good Lord is smiling upon you, whether you believe he's there or not.

  12. Thank you, Stilt. Besides being an incredible writer, you are also generous.
    Happy 4th. Long may it wave.


  13. As I do every year, I try to remind people that it's INDEPENDENCE DAY, not just the 4th of July. I do that so as to piss off anyone in the government who forgets that we, the people are their bosses. Also to remind people that there were patriots who threw off the chains of their government in order to create a better one--and that we need to think about doing that again....


  14. Well, our Monsoon Season is late here in N. Az. We are now under high fire danger. This means we cannot celebrate the Fourth with fireworks, campfires, barbeques, gunfire, chainsaws (don't judge), or -thanks to Covid- gatherings without social distancing or masks.
    Happy Depend on the Government Day!

  15. I've been more-than-usual busy the last couple of weeks so also skipping the news & sometimes this blog. No big loss with the news. In fact now that I'm re-entering a little bit; it seems there is almost NOTHING of importance to see/hear & very little one can believe.

    What I'd like to hear from Dr. Fauci is not how concerned he is now; but What's really going on with COVID19 in China? He should know; he long ago promoted supporting their ongoing work with secretive millions of US dollars.

    As for BLM: To me that still means Bureau of Land Management and they are bad enough. Anyone using any other (newer) definition for BLM can go pack sand.

  16. And I didn't get you anything....thanks, and have a Clan MacGregor holiday weekend!

  17. @Rod- Black Labs Matter -- Woof

  18. I read all of the cartoons. THANK YOU!

  19. @TrickyRicky: Good catch; indeed they do.
    Labs think they're people anyway.

  20. As I can't get the large bottle of Clan Macgregor to you, I'm drinking it on your behalf. Enjoy Independence day Doc. Every blessing to you and yours, and a pox upon the house of [insert Dem/Lib/prog name here]

  21. I'm an "old fart" Stilt, so I'm going for the print version of both. These days, anything that can make me laugh is worth its weight in gold!

  22. I went to download the file so that I could open in in my own personal reader, but when I discovered that I had to download it into a reader and not as a file I can store in my PC, I aborted the process. However, Amazon went ahead and processed the order anyhow. It doesn't really matter since there was no charge, but it triggers my OCD to know there's a file out there waiting for me to download it, even though I never will.

  23. Splendid publication! Thanks.

  24. @Joe: Login to Amazon, click the Account & Lists item in the upper menu bar, and select Manage content and devices from the options (may be under Digital content and devices). The Kindle file should be at the top of a (very short) list; select it and you can then click Delete to remove the file from the Download channel...

  25. @Joe: If Delete doesn't come up (because the file has never been downloaded), you should find a Return for refund option under the three-dot button for the individual download that does the same thing, and will also "refund" your purchase price!

  26. I went ahead and bought volumes one and two in paperback. I figure it is my way support one of the funnier people out there.

    Hope all had a happy and safe 4th.

  27. Sorry I missed out on the free version of Volume 2...I didn't do email the whole weekend! So, I'll buy a copy for my Kindle! Love your blog and I've shared it with many! Have a great Staycation!

    Capt Nancy
