Friday, November 11, 2022

Poll Duncers

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, midterm elections, red wave, morons, mike lindell, veterans day

So the election results are in, sort of, in some places, allegedly, and the Big Red Wave that so many were predicting turned out to be just the same old crimson trickle of blood dripping from Planned Parenthood's dumpsters.

Americans had a chance to vote against inflation, skyrocketing energy prices, failing school systems, galloping sexual deviancy, discrimination by skin color, child mutilation, child murder, unsustainable spending, critical race theory ("White people are bad and should go into shallow graves right after they give us their wealth"), collapsing infrastructure, wide open borders, the destruction of personal responsibility, and so very much more - but instead, a preponderance was convinced by celebrities to, um, "vote Blue." Because they're morons.

None of this was a great shock. I never thought there would be a red wave because it required a willing suspension of disbelief that I just can't conjure anymore. Was there anything - anything - in our culture, media, or the national moment to suggest that great masses of people would suddenly become less ignorant, selfish, debauched, and debased? Nope! And so "more of the same" was obviously what was coming and, sadly, what is coming for the foreseeable future. And no, Trump can't change the equation no matter where he grabs it.

Instead, I'm thinking our nation (and quite a few others) is overdue for the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment. Mike Lindell should stop doing commercials about "My Pillow" and instead start evangelizing about the benefits of "My Pillar" and citizen-shaped stacks of salt, while Boston's "Don't Look Back" rings from stadium speakers. In the words of George W. Bush, "Bring it on."

And I apologize for being such a grumpy old downer today, but I can't help it. The Jarlsberg family has recently been shaken by another death (albeit not family), a succession of gray and gloomy days, and midnight now showing up outside daily at 6 pm.  Plus, I'm currently dancing with a couple of government agencies (Treasury and IRS) in minor but frustrating ways. 

Still, TGIF, a good weekend to all and, most importantly, Happy Veterans Day. Say "thank you" a few times today, in person or in your heart.


  1. I'm afraid our country is past the point of saving. Those young (idiots) who think blue is the way will one day have to face the consequences of their foolishness. I wonder how they will react to (just) the taxes they will have to pay?
    After being politically active for 55+ years, I am now calling it quits and hoping that our country won't become unbearable while I'm still around.


  2. The young who will have to face the consequences of their foolish flirting with socialism will undoubtedly blame it on "somebody else". You can tell them all you want that they should have known that surrendering their liberty for the safety of government-as-mommy-and-daddy would end badly but they will just whine that "It wasn't supposed to be this way" as they're forced onto the trains to the gulag.

    There are only two types of people who want socialism: the booger eatin' morons who think they'll get everything for free, and the wannabe tyrants who think they'll be in charge.

  3. If there isn't enough reason to change in your story then the downunder is in real deep trouble.Climate change has now changed to killing Capitalism,the all knowing Greta says so.

  4. Wellp, I take some comfort in knowing that Pelosi won't be in the line of succession come January, congressional hearings will be more fun, and a lot of The Usual Suspects™ will be out $8/mo.
    Besides, everyone I voted for won in this (R) NC county.
    Yep, easily entertained.

  5. So, Pennsylvania elected a dead guy and a guy with the intellect of a salad bar who is fronted by his vapid, illegal wife. Ron DeSantis made sure our voting irregularities were cleaned up and my state reported totals in a timely manner.

    As a native Floridian, I believe we can now discontinue the “Flori-duh” jokes.

  6. The vote counts make no sense. Everyone is upset about the state of the economy, high food prices and fuel. All political parties feel this. But we are told that Blue Team still got points.

    The algorithm needs to be dialed a little more.

    And again with delayed vote counts. WTH - didn't they learn ANYTHING from 2020 ? We were warned the count would take longer before the election - how did they know that ?

    Sorry to hear of family news. I hope these situations improve soon.

  7. @JRMD: While indeed deeply dismaying when considering the future, I take hop in that the more extreme things go "blue" the greater the backlash will be.

    @ Bobo: "So, Pennsylvania elected a dead guy and a guy with the intellect of a salad bar who is fronted by his vapid, illegal wife" Not really I say. Certain cosseted, elitist, out of touch blue pockets within an otherwise red state elected this shambles to the Senate. The same goes for NY and Michigan.

  8. Disappointed as I am in this election, it will be great to see Pelosi gone from the Speaker's chair. Meanwhile in Arizona we're told that it won't be until after the weekend before we know the results, and people wonder why we we're skeptical.

  9. Amen to all of it.

  10. Dear Arizona:

    One plus one equals two. Two plus one equals three. It's basic. It's fundamental. JEBUS CRIPES, it's something MOST of us learned in kindergarten!

    Maybe it's a good thing Governor Doofus is being term-limited out. He's had eight years to get a handle on this, yet here we are. This morning, the News Heads are talking about election results as Christmas presents.

    Brown liquor before six a.m. is looking better and better here at the Old Folks Home.

  11. Although the amazing bullshit that is now American politics makes me quit ill every two years, that the fake Mexican now has to find some other reason to lie to people makes me very glad at least some Texans awoke early enough to avoid total regional disaster. Pelosi going home will help, and just maybe Georgia will see the light. Getting damn hard to walk or do anything with all the fingers and toes crossed here.

  12. I totally agree with everything that's been said on today's post, as well as in the comments (so far) Frustration getting in the way of counting blessings, which, believe it or not, still exist. Maybe it's time for the rapture.

  13. I'm waiting to see which happens first: Freezing to death, starving to death or these "woke" socialist airheads waking up. Greta finally revealed her - and the rest of the environazi's - true colors - destroying capitalism. That has been their objective all along, "climate change" is just the panic vehicle they chose to ride on. Like Kommifornia, without energy to charge their clown cars they will be walking or biking wherever they wish to go.

    Fetterneck being selected to the senate is just another example of idiocy, whether the people who voted for him or the ballot counters who put him there. Now both the senate and the White House are an assisted care facility.

  14. As I told my relatives earlier this week, I guess the proles haven't gotten hungry enough yet.

    I suppose we can't go fully Venezuelan until Biden nationalizes the oil industry and packs the supreme court....5,4,3,2,1

    Watch out zoo animals.

  15. The U.S. House is a big take-back and that looks like a sure thing now. They like to have big production investigations? OK; let's have a lot of them. And WHO originate &has to approve spending bills? Also #3 in line for POTUS will be a Republican; let just hope they choose a worthy Speaker. Then things could happen; even God-like things.

  16. I think the American apathy is actually Satanical. There is no way under normal circumstances that all that has happened in recent years could have happened if not for Satan lulling everyone into a state of haze, do nothing about it, just talk. It is like a fog that has covered everything with the inability for anyone to act. It may be the precursor to Christ's return. There has been no military coup to restore our government that has been stolen from us, the American people and the humility heaped upon our conservative views and persons. Only Satan could have done this using fools to accomplish his agenda, the destruction of America. I would believe that in better times Biden and his cohorts would have been removed, jailed and things wouldn't have gone as far as they've gone. After all, the father of liars is the Devil, and Biden is the master of lying.

  17. I say a special thanks to veterans who served to protect what this country once stood for, especially those who actually engaged with the enemy and many times paid the ultimate price.

    I also offer my sincere apologies for what this country has become.

    As for this country being past the point of no return, I believe it is. No one can name any form of government that has lasted long enough to permanently benefit their citizen. The best have lasted perhaps a bit longer than the worst, but they all have ended sooner or later. And as @Dragonsbreath commented there is a reason for it, and it ain't God.

  18. You might be right, Mr. Stilton. There's no peak stupidity in the world, and the human penchant for self-destruction is baked in. No doubt the U.S.A. is a goner and all its people, maybe, including the migrants, addicts, bums, and free-loaders on the streets and in the bureaucracies, are perfectly useless...

    Keep in mind, though, Codex's codicil to Burge's famous laws about infiltrating our institutions, gutting them and wearing them as skinsuits. The actual final step is after the once-beloved thing is visibly rotten & crawling with maggots, to convince us it was always thus.

    Places like Iowa and Florida, where they did the ground work of cleaning up the election infrastructure had red tsunamis. So... What magic cured those folks of Peak Uselessness? What is stopping us from doing likewise, except cynicism and hopelessness?

  19. The soap box and ballot box have failed.

    The remainder of the equation is left as an exercise for the reader.

    I look forward to the creation of "Le Comite Pour Encourager Les Autres"...

  20. I do fear (Hope) that the coming Fifth Column will get it on soon. 'Nuff said'. Now I'll look for the black SUVs to form on my driveway.

  21. I could add to yer list but I won't, too depressed.......looks like a Clan day.

  22. I couldn't find the emoji, so thumbs up.

  23. I agree with Bruce Blue and some others. Fraud is baked into the system with extended voting, mail in votes, extended counting, non citizens voting (that's been going on since Bill Clinton, at least, and now there are many more non citizens), machine malfunctions, etc etc. Basically, those votes are passed through so many hands (dirty ones) that we have no way to truly supervise the process. There is abundant evidence that the 2020 election was stolen, but compromised judges wouldn't even listen to the evidence at that time; rulings were based on technicalities. Yet Republicans for the most part have ignored the elephant in the room and just talked about 'winning next time' as if voter fraud is nothing. Having had such success in 2020 why would the Democrats not do it again? They've had 2 more years to perfect their techniques. How many states cleaned up the voter rolls or took steps to ensure there was no more monkey business this time around? Why in the world was extended voting periods and mail in continued, now that we are NOT under pandemic conditions? According to polls, 73% of the public is angry or very angry about the direction of the country under Biden and company, but we are supposed to believe that there was no RED WAVE? In Florida, where they did get the job done, there was a red wave. Some of that could be due to DeSantis last name and recent feistiness, but not all. I run into people everywhere that are waking up to reality - some started moving away from the Democrat party under Trump and others who were more resistant have done it since Biden took over. The cheats let us keep just enough to be able to blame us for the effects of their insane policies, and just enough to not be too obvious. Before the elections, even Democrat politicos were admitting they were going to lose in a big way. But they have a plan and "operatives" whose superpower is defrauding the American people. They have the limitless funding of George Soros, Bill Gates, and others who are intent on collapsing the US and remaking it to their liking. This is a global conspiracy to depopulate the world and create 2 classes: the rulers and the ruled. No middle class. It looks like nothing can stop them, but that doesn't mean nothing can. There are massive protests all over the world - our media doesn't pay attention to them. Protests can become uprisings. And there could always be a wild card. I believe God does intervene in history from time to time. Considering the cultural rot we have, He certainly isn't obligated, but who knows? Trump was a wild card and he gave us 4 good years. During those 4 years a lot of disparate people began to talk to each other and find common ground in our love of country, freedom, and conscience. We can build on that. We can't give up, even now.

  24. My quick takes:

    The GOP should have easily taken at least 30 seats.

    Too many mediocre GOP candidates. You know who they were.

    No coherent messaging or agenda from the GOP beyond "the Democrats suck". Hey GOP, you're going to have to articulate an agenda better than that. Just being slightly less mediocre than the Democrats isn't enough.

    Roe v Wade was effectively weaponized. Other than pounding the Republican for his less than shiny background, the Democrat running for the house in my district almost exclusively ran on "freedom", as in "freedom to abort for free at will". The candidate lost, but very narrowly in what is otherwise a deep-red state.

    Trump is done. His personal picks either struggled or lost. So he now attacks the Republicans who have won easily, like DeSantis, Younkin, etc. The only people who need Trump around anymore are Democrats & the media and his dwindling faithful. Oh, and Trump's ego.

    Veterans: Thank you for you service, but I am sorry that you served just so that schoolchildren could be served up grooming porn and have drag shows forced upon them.

  25. Hey Stilt,
    I agree with you as far as there being many stupid Americans. At the same time, election fraud is taking place, AGAIN! Just like in 2020, the places where they can't seem to count the votes until days later is the same democrat controlled cities and states, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, now with the addition of Colorado and a couple of others. This short article is the impeccable logic to bring it all into focus.

  26. The progressives long con in taking over all the major entities in the country, particularly academia, is finally reaping the rewards they have so longed for. It's going to take a whole lot more solid rock-ribbed conservatives like Ron DeSantis and Kari Lake to turn this thing around. How desperate must the conservative residents outside Philadelphia be with the fact they will have a literally brain-dead senator for six years. You think Jill Biden is bad? Wait until we get a load of his wife. The indoctrination of the latest generation (Z, I think) is thoroughly complete. They think they are the smartest generation ever. As long as they have their iPhones and Starbucks and can choose to kill their own babies, socialism will be just peachy keen. I hate to be Debbie Downer here, but I am truly afraid we are headed for a civil war. I'm old enough to think it will probably happen after I go, but it sickens me the state of the nation that my children and grandchildren will have to endure.

  27. I've heard this far too many times this election cycle, so now I have to go full pedantic: the House Speaker is SECOND in line to POTUS after the VP.

  28. It doesn't surprise me that Pensylvania elected a dead guy. After all, dead people have been voting Demo for years. He's just one of their own.
    The red wave = trickle. Never underestimate the ability of the GOP to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
    And Trump? Just STFU and go back to Mar a lago. You've had your 15 minutes of fame.
    Welcome to The People's Democratic Republic of America folks!

  29. Thanks to all of our Veterans!

    .......depression reigns.......any country that willingly kills babies is doomed.....and we ARE doomed. How very sad.

    And Trump? Shut up and stay home!!!!!

    Wayne In Indiana

  30. @zola: Technically & legally written you are correct; the key words being "in line". As a further aside I personally think Biden & Harris both incorrectly stepped to the head of the line and were installed via multi-state election cheating; (which also seems to be at work again now); but here they are.
    And since Harris at VP is part of the Biden package she's widely considered directly #2 for the highest office now. OR First in-line. Less clear than the discussion of POPULAR vote as opposed to Electoral College or Democracy vs Democratic Representative Republic: Speaker of the House might be considered #3. Line up their mug shots L to R and the Speaker is #3. Unless the POTUS had as wandered off somewhere to grope some kids or women; in which case you make an excellent point. Look at it however you wish. PotAto or PoTAHto.
    Two (2) "Acts of God" such as lightening strikes or other events could advance the Speaker to the office. And right now all three are problems. But I'll try to be more correct in the future. NUMBER TWO IN-LINE. And where the hell is the Big Guy? [grinning]

  31. The cabal is very happy that you're all turning against President Trump. They've done a great job 👍

  32. I look at 2020 and it provided many answers for me.
    How do people vote for these idiots?
    They don't.
    I mean c'mon man...Lori Lightfoot? Gavin Newsome? Pritzker? Whitmer? Fetterman? That dead guy in Penna.?

  33. Cheer up, Stilt. Today is the first day of the worst part of your life.

  34. Americans did vote Right in massive numbers. But the Left doesn't care about votes when they can harvest ballots, that eventually get counted as votes. Counted, and recounted, and found in closets and car trunks and dumpsters, until the Left candidate eventually wins. And then the counting stops, and the records are burned.

  35. We gotta make sure that all the dead people don't vote Democrat!

  36. Your post was so accurate today. Appreciate it. Thank you.

  37. @Readers- Thanks for all of the comments above, be they optimistic, pessimistic, or just enjoyably snarky. It's really not my intention to make Stilton's Place into a depressing place to visit, especially since nursing homes and the DMV have pretty much cornered that market. Just know that on the occasions that I do make a bleak post, it's because I know I'll feel better after hearing from you. So thanks!

    And on the bright side, work on my Kathy-honoring cartoon book is flying along on schedule which, as Kathy used to cryptically say, puts "buoy in my step."

  38. Stilton? Are you OK? No Stilton's Place this week, and no Johnny Optimism. Hope you are well.

  39. @Unknown- Wait! Wait! I'm here! And with egg on my face! I didn't make a blog post this week because, well, that can be hard these days even when I want to. But I had no idea that I'd stiffed everyone on Johnny Optimism this week. I post one week at a time and simply thought I'd done it for this week...and clearly, I hadn't. There is a condition called "widow's fog" which adds confusion to grief, because why would Life kick you in just one nut when you've got two of them?

    So I'll get some Johnny cartoons up and I hope to make a post here at Stilton's Place soon. Didn't mean to worry you!

  40. I don't know why; but the previous two posts reminded me of the old wisdom provided to a "supposedly" offended woman who was showing plenty of cleavage as she held that an admirer should only be looking at her eyes. "Just remember, dear: It's usually better to be looked over than overlooked."

  41. I refuse to believe the vote counts reflect the voices of the people. Who is fool enough to be unable to see the difference between America with Trump as President versus biden? Yeah, some lefties are goofy enough that The Obvious is something they can't see. They are the minority.

  42. Justin_O_Guy...Yes they are the minority insofar as pragmatic intellect scores. Sadly their physical numbers may at times reflect as a majority.
