Monday, February 20, 2023

Inflation Fighters

Yes, it's Presidents Day again. A day when there is no mail delivery because no one should try walking to their mailbox while as drunk as they have every reason to be today.

Of course, the cartoon above in no way represents any wishful fantasy on our part. Rather, it's a gentle josh about the fact that Biden completely ignored a Chinese spy balloon until it had completed its mission, but has now ordered full-scale attacks on balloons that appear to be totally harmless.

As a case in point, it now seems likely that Biden spent over one million dollars to shoot down a $12 balloon from a hobby shop that had been launched by the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade. A group whose terrorist threat assessment puts them several thousand notches lower than Amish barnraisers.

Still, a holiday is a holiday and Stilton's Place encourages everyone to celebrate and honor our current president by acting exactly like him today: get lost in a large building, forget who your wife is, do something racist, lie blatantly, mumble unintelligibly, and finish the festive day with ice cream and a sponge bath.


Seriously, isn't this the best thing about Presidents Day?


  1. I left this comment at "Watts Up With That" earlier today. Someone used the word:


    I had to look that one up: “A distortion of memory in which fantasy and objective experience are confused.”

    Now if I could just come up with the name of someone well known to use as an example…..

  2. Actually, Biden announced just last night that he is choosing Fetterman as his running mate in 2024. He came up with a joint theme for them, based on the success of the motto "Build Back Better" last time. The NEW slogan for the pair will be, "Urffagah frahnnesso Berlneffuh,Gudggenor Neffleen!"


  3. There should be a President's Day for our late lamented good Presidents and one for all our UN-lamented, other-than-good presidents. Maybe Good Example Presidents' Day and bad example presidents' day. Jimmuh Carter, Barack Hussein, Gropey Joe, FDR, etc. for bad examples; George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Calvin Coolidge and a few others for Good Examples. The more I learn about Theodore Roosevelt the more disappointed I become.

  4. Winner, winner! Chicken dinner!

    Thanks so much for the laugh! It'll make the day go down easier.

  5. @Julian
    I read elsewhere that Biden will choose Fetterman as his VP running mate. Campaign slogan --
    "Biden/Fetterman. It's a no brainer."

  6. It’s Presidents Day already? What?! But I haven’t completed my Presidents Day shopping! I guess you’ll find me at Total Wine - again tonight after work with the rest of the slackers.

    (One of my favorite memes is a recaptcha of Trump and Biden with the caption “Select all images with a president”)

  7. Awesome, Stilt
    Two winners in one post
    Next year, do a Not My President's Day joke

  8. Thanks for the chuckles this morning.

  9. Any time you want to post a note or a picture that makes fun at Hillary the Sea Hag, feel free. Keep reminding the world how close we came to having her in charge and the price we had to pay (Biden) to keep her out.

  10. Good'uns, Stilton! I reckon we should be thankful SloJoe hasn't shot down a commercial airliner... yet. I hope the Northern Illinois Bottlecap Balloon Brigade sues Joe for $12 plus a few million for emotional damage.

    I'm betting Slick Willie doesn't bring up his bride's failure to reach the White House. He might be slick, but he's not stupid.

    @Julian and Dan,
    Don't even joke about that! But then again, Festerman isn't a woman of color or gay or trans, so that might rule him out as a running mate.

    Seriously, the Dims really screwed the pooch when they picked Joe and Kamala. Both are now an embarrassment to the party and unelectable at this point, but how in the world do they get rid of both of them in two year's time, and who is positioned to be replacements? Buttgag has also proven himself to be incompetent. The Squad members are too far left. Manchin is too far right. Pretty Newsome? Groot Lightfoot? Buy popcorn if you can afford it.

  11. Did we detect the slightest bit of sarcasm in the opening note of your email?
    The anticipation of President's Day is almost as exciting as Christmas's arrival.

  12. Has anyone else noticed that Lincoln has disappeared? Our National Weather Service discussion has been referring to "Washington's birthday". All other mention is of the bastardized combo of "Presidents Day" which was foisted on us when TPTB collapsed the dual holidays into one in order to add the MLK holiday in January.
    When we were in grade school, we were led to believe that both Lincoln and Washington should be canonized as saints. It now seems ol' honest Abe has lost a bit of his luminous glow as we dig out more and more real history of "The war of Northern Aggression."
    I also look forward to revision of all those "Martin Luther King Blvd." signs to the original "Union Avenue" or whatever other name was ditched, in the coming sporty times.

  13. Well, if Democrats excel at anything, it's spending absurd amounts of money addressing the wrong problems.

    1. @ John: Yep the democrats haven't/won't learn a thing from the idiocy of the New Deal.

  14. @John the Econ,
    Useless Majorkas is in Poland "helping" them with their border security. Isn't that supposed to be his job here? Grrrr....


  15. @Greg, In my possibly faulty recollection, Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays got consolidated when Richard Nixon decreed that there would be Monday "holidays" every month, except for Independence Day. MLK recognition came later, along with black history month.

  16. @DAN- I must admit, your is much easier to pronounce for the media shills!!!

  17. @justajeepguy, I haven't heard anything derogatory about T. Roosevelt. Have the leftists done a deep dive in order to find dirt on him? I would only say this. None of our founding fathers and/or great presidents were perfect men. Maybe they did or said things that were the normal course of events at the time but are now being judged by the insanity of today. Whatever he did, it can't be worse than Joe Biden.

  18. I haven't quite figured out if we're supposed to celebrate, or mourn, but regardless, a little brown water is acceptable for either occasion.

  19. Thanks for the Clintons at IHOP classic. I will never, never tire of seeing that one!!!!


  20. @Shelly, TR wanted to do things that weren't specifically permitted by the Constitution, like creating national parks. His view was "The Constitution doesn't say I can do this or that, but does it say I CAN'T do this or that?" An incorrect reading of the Constitution, where if it doesn't specifically forbid something then that something can be done (kind of like Hamilton's "implied powers" doctrine), was accelerated by TR. Then most succeeding Presidents, especially Demo_Rats, pushed for even more Constitution-stretching laws and now presidents think they can--and should--do whatever they think is good for "We, the people". No matter how bad it is in reality.

    So my problem with TR is that he wouldn't accept the Constitution as a limit to government power and now look at what we've got. Sure, I would much rather have TR than Gropey Joe, but I would much rather have another Washington or Jefferson than TR--anyone who accepts limits on government is to be preferred.

  21. @JustaJeepGuy, it's not been unusual for Presidents to seize extra-Constitutional opportunities before them, even amongst supposedly strict Constitutionalists. Jefferson perused the Louisiana Purchase, for example, with no enumerated Constitutional authority to do so.


  22. @John the Econ, Jefferson did go outside the strict limits of the Constitution. He did agonize over it and didn't make a point of going outside the bounds of the Constitution. TR was a highly energetic man in all aspects of his life and had a hard time exercising patience. Would he have wanted an amendment that would have permitted him much more flexibility? Probably, and we would have presidents doing what they now do anyway. So I guess we're SOL no matter what...

  23. Biden, while in Poland meeting with the Polish President, claimed he was raised in a polish neighborhood. I can't wait for him to go to Hamburg, Germany and claim he was born a hamburger.


  24. Gropey Joe wasn't born a hamburger but he is now closely related to one. Nature, nurture, what's the diff?

  25. @gonzo'57--
    I took one of those home DNA tests. Had go spit in a vial and send it in. Was supposed to wait several hours after eating before spitting in the vial.
    I guess I didn't wait long enough since my DNA came out 60% southern Italian/Mediterranean and 40% cheeseburger.

  26. @Gonzo'57,
    Maybe Joe's from Bologna, Italy.

  27. Kathy is a looker. She obviously picked you for your sense of humor!
