Wednesday, April 26, 2023

One Good Intern Deserves Another

johnny optimism, medical, humor, sick, jokes, boy, wheelchair, doctors, hospital, stilton jarlsberg, tucker carlson, don lemon, interns

After so many years at the forefront of journalism, I feel like it's my duty to give back to a newer, younger generation. So I've opened my doors to these jobless guys and offered to teach them the basics of news gathering, analysis, and humor management. 

For starters, I'll have them see what they can dig up about sad stories of elder abuse like this one...

Biden's official announcement was both predictable and flabbergastingly awful. He wants to "finish what (he's) started" which I think we can safely assume is murdering our nation. He also declared that he needs to continue the fight against right-wing MAGA extremists who hate freedom, women, minorities, senior citizens, voting rights, health, and the sound fiscal policy of basing our nation's economy on freshly-printed Monopoly money.


  1. So, I am back in what I've seen from a relatively quiet month abroad as a out of control madhouse. Wonder if I could claim asylum in the country I spent 20 years in?

    But I digress. I shed no tears for Tucker Carlson. He is his own victim. First of hubris and second, amazingly not ever learned the very basic lesson I learned in my first year back in the the U.S., living and working in The Swamp. And that is, never, ever, out anything down in an email, text, or hard copy what one would not want to appear in the WaPo the next day.

    The same can be said for the other person.

  2. I'm not surprised that Tucker was fired. Fox used to paint itself as the lone Fair and Balanced Network, with both Conservative and Liberal commentators. But the last few years have seen a decided shift most have noticed. Tucker will find himself another network with friendlier owners. We will see how Fox News Network does with their new image.

    Biden voters can't admit to themselves that he is worse than Trump. The bumper stickers "I voted for Biden" have become embarrassments that they were dumb enough to vote for him.

  3. About his announcement to run for re-election: am I the only one wondering what high school wannabee producer created that video? Did they not have a sound person? If you're trying to show that your candidate is spry enough to run the world for four more years, it doesn't help your cause if he's mumbling like the octogenarian he is.

  4. Fox is now MSNBC to me.

  5. I shared this on Face Book. Will I go to little Marky Face Book jail?

  6. Wouldn't it be ironic if CNN hired Carlson and Fox hired Lemon?

    I didn't see Slo Joe's announcement, but the thought of him finishing what he started gives me the chills. I am still convinced he will not be the candidate come November 2024. Perhaps he is just a placeholder to keep the flow of dirty money coming in while the handlers find somebody younger who will do their bidding without resistance. Along about next summer, Joe will become "too ill to continue to destroy everything.... I mean serve," and the new candidate will insist on picking somebody besides K. Harris.

    How's the tooth?


  7. @Murphy(AZ), it doesn't matter if Gropey Joe comes across as spry or not. Everyone knows the Demo_Rats are planning to steal the election, no matter what. Mail-in ballots are the key and they have long since perfected the use thereof. TINVOWOOT. My only hope is that the Demo_Rats get the socialism they think they want, good and hard.

  8. Y'gotta look at these firings from their managements' point of view…
    Scary, huh?

  9. This might be my favorite Stilt post ever. Those looks are precious! And they kind of reflect all of our reactions to these exciting times.

  10. JustaJeepGuy, don't you mean "steal the election AGAIN"?

  11. I've never liked the Fox News Channel. Little has changed.

    As for Don Lemon, I've always said that there is nothing a Progressive can do to destroy their career as long as they are useful to the Progressive agenda. Unfortunately for Don, he's no longer useful to the Progressive agenda. One of the biggest mistakes anyone can make in their career is to assume that they are indispensable, like Don obviously did. Sorry, Don. Being black and gay alone wasn't enough to save you.

    Long since dead Grumpy Cat still gets more hits than CNN currently does.

    Biden: Believe it or not, it takes a lot of work to destroy an idea as great as America. They'll know they're done when people are escaping from our borders instead of flowing in.

  12. I gave up Fox completely when they called Arizona for Biden. That was the bridge too far for me. I had already noticed the leftism creeping in but this was the nail. If I wanted to see a video of Tucker or Gutfeld or anyone else, they are easy to find. In fact, they pop up everywhere. It's really sad to me that there will be no advocate in the major cable media news outfits and Fox will just be another leftist activist.

  13. What? You could only find used interns??


  14. @rickn8or, I did mean to say "steal the election AGAIN". I don't know how I forgot that!

  15. Maybe Fox could hire Dylan Mulvaney. After all, I heard that CNN has made an offer to Karine Jean-Pierre!

  16. Stilton.....let us all remember that Barry announced that he (and Sleepy Joe) would “fundamentally change America “. Sadly, they have done a remarkable job ! We must all pray that we don’t have another 4 years of these evil idiots.
    Wayne In Indiana

  17. It is the "finish the job" slogan that worries me.....

  18. Here's my take on 2024: Biden will "win" by virtue of mail in ballots, no matter who the GOP put up. KamalToe will have been offered a juicy job and will not run as VP. The left's chosen candidate* will run as VP. Shortly after Joe is re-elected he will be removed, either gently of forcibly. Chosen Dem becomes Pres. Welcome to the People's Democratic Republic of America folks.

    *Ask Xi for details

  19. Brie Camembert's calling it now.
    I agree.
    So. What "juicy job" will KamalToe be offered? I don't think she'll be satisfied with anything less than Chief Justice of Scotus. How do you think that job will come open?

  20. @rickn8or, asked "What juicy job...".

    Agreed. I mean, what could possibly be juicier that POTUS?

  21. I mean, could you even imagine what an opinion from the SCOTUS would look like as written by Justice Word Salad?

    But she probably would be seen as a suitable replacement for the "wise Latina" who is currently (or should be) under the spotlight.

  22. @Readers- Good comments above! I haven't checked to see how FOX News is doing in the ratings because I frankly don't care at this point. I do hope that Carlson finds another venue because he can simultaneously be ballsier and more truthful than most of his competitors.

    @Colby Muenster asks about my tooth. Yesterday I had part one of a root canal process, attempting to fix the previous root canal. Outside of the tooth and jaw being pretty sore today, it's "so far, so good" though it's not a sure thing that the procedure will be a success yet. I've got another two hours in the chair in two weeks after which we'll know if the pain and expense will let me keep the tooth or if I should just have paid $5 to a blacksmith to yank the tooth with iron tongs.

    As far as juicy jobs for Kamala, I agree that nothing could be juicier than POTUS for most people, but based on her expressed enthusiasms I think she might be tempted if offered Secretary of Moon Craters and Venn Diagrams.


  23. Good luck with the tooth thing, @Stilt!

  24. At first, the thought of Kamala being on the SCOTUS made me shudder, but after mulling it over, she'd be an improvement over the "Wise Latina" (thanks to Mr. Econ above). Sotomayor is nothing more than an uncouth, commie activist in a black robe. Perhaps a total airhead would be an improvement.

    The scary part, though, is the current beating Justice Thomas is taking for daring to have a rich friend. If the libs successfully remove him, we could have Sotomayor AND Harris!


  25. @Colby Muenster, I certainly didn't need the thought of THAT nightmare!

  26. Stilton,

    Could you please post your "May the fifth be with you" meme again if you have time? That would be awesome!

  27. It still amazes me that Harris became the V.P. She was a disaster as the California AG, but then again, all it takes nowadays for a person to attain political power is to lack any common sense, patriotism, or love of country. Harris fits right in!
