Monday, October 14, 2024

Holiday Put On Ice

 First, a little something from the vault...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, lefty lucy, columbus day, indigenous, warren, greta thunberg

"Columbus Day" is now widely called "Indigenous Peoples Day," and even more widely called "White Shame Day" because so few people can spell indigenous. But it underscores the point that it is wrong for foreigners to come unbidden into a settled land, displace those who were already there, and destroy the existing cultures and institutions of its people.

Unless, of course, they're currently flooding across our southern border or being flown in, packed on cargo planes, by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And once here, they (checking Indigenous People Day grievances) "bring disease, exploit resources, commit acts of violence, and assert rights denied to those who already lived here."  You know, like those filthy Pilgrims did.

Or at least like they would have done, had their small wooden ships been capable of transporting millions of newcomers every year.


Depending on who you believe, it looks like Donald Trump is pulling ahead in the polls as time ticks down to the election. To help combat that, VP candidate Tim Walz has been assigned to "woo male voters" by gamboling about the countryside pretending to do "man's man" kind of things and failing hilariously.

Frankly, if you're trying to win votes with your ripping masculinity and unfathomable testosterone levels, you probably shouldn't disclose that your wife required intrauterine insemination treatments to get pregnant. That's a procedure in which the husband's sperm is delivered using a catheter that can actually go deep enough to get the job done, which apparently wasn't the case with whatever Tim brought to the party.

And if you're on a tour presenting your manlihood, so to speak, it's probably good to do so when there isn't a credible story being investigated about molesting underage boys when you were a schoolteacher. 

So with all that baggage, about the only thing Tim Walz can do to woo male voters is to demonstrate his working class, tough guy, hyper-heterosexuality using his body language.

Then again...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, Walz, woo male voters, election


  1. Can’t imagine anyone impressed by him.
    Amr Australia

  2. I'm amused by the Demo_Rats' attempts to appeal to men by calling Tampon Tim "coach". They think I'll approve of the tampon guy just because he once sort of coached a football team? No, not impressed. To me, "coach" just means that part of the airliner where the people are packed in like livestock.

    That not-from-the-campaign commercial with those "men"? Turns out they're all actors and at least one of them is a flaming trouser pilot--and one is said to be bisexual. The fat guy couldn't pick a carburetor out of a pile of onions. That commercial is apparently to make women Word Salad Annie voters comfortable with their idea of what "men" are--or so I have read.

  3. it is wrong for foreigners to come unbidden into a settled land, displace those who were already there, and destroy the existing cultures and institutions of its people.That's a very nice thing to say say but I suppose it's too late to tell the Romans,Greeks Persians Alexander the Great and an endlist list of others.Returning land to the original owners would need some sort of legal proof of ownership.Would ANYBODY have such proof.

    1. But that's exactly what's happeneing now...except they've been invited by liebral gov'ts to replace the existing citizens who won't vote for them.

  4. Australia is represented! Reminds me of that old song "Walz is Matilda"!

  5. I merely note that they are now claiming Columbus was a Sephardic Jew!

  6. Walz having difficulty loading his shotgun reminds me of John Kerry duck hunting while running for president in 2004. It was obvious that every stitch of his hunting attire was brand new. Walz is cut from the same bolt of cloth.

  7. The REAL reason why the left got rid of Columbus day was announced over the weekend: DNA tests showed that Columbus was a Jew.

  8. Good comments all!! Tim Walz is probably the absolute worst candidate Que Mala could have picked. Thank God she didn't pick Shapiro from Pennsylvania. He could have made a real difference for the bad guys. And we all know why he wasn't picked. Inshallah!

    1. I am sure there could have been worse; like any member of The squalid "Squad". Interesting constitution question. Could the 2nd worst electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga, be picked and then serve as VP?

    2. The anonymous post above is my responsibility. Forgot I have to type my dang name in now.

  9. How about the fact he doesn't appear to have any real manly knowledge of firearms either?!

  10. Trying to manly man Waltz is nothing new. While I was not living in the U.S. at the time, I am sure many remember the Dukakis riding the tank fiasco . Me being in a purple area of the Commonwealth of Virginia, ( which otherwise is quite red) I see only few scattered Trump campaign signs. On the other hand, I also do not see a phelora of Harris/Waltz signs either.

  11. last I checked, shotguns were issued as 'weapons of war'...and have been since before WW1.
    Surely in his 25 years of service, having presumably started as a private and gone through all the ranks except the one he claims to hold, he'd have been trained and qualified on all service weapons at one point or another, including shotguns ? It's kind of hard to supervise others if you don't know what they're doing.

    1. I was career US Army. Not an infantryman, but over the years I was taught to use the M14 rifle, hand grenade, M16 rifle, M2 .50 caliber machine gun, M60 7.62 mm machine gun, M1911a1 .45 cal pistol, M9 9mm pistol, but never a shotgun.

    2. I was Infantry to start but spend most of my time in the Airforce and used several different types of shotgun. You see a lot used nowadays as 'breaching tools' mounted under an M4 or on their own, and they're used fo 'drone defence' too, I just watched a video from Ukraine where the russians were using them and they're in use for both purposes in Israel.

  12. Most people around here just call it 'Turkey Day' now...but we started it long before there were any Pilgrims down south so we're more used to it anyway ;)

  13. Back in the 1980s when I was a Rotarian, our club used to host a Columbus Day spaghetti dinner fund-raiser in a school cafeteria. I guess now we'd have to offer Kosher meatballs ...

  14. If Tim wants to be considered manly, he's gonna have to cut back on the jazz hands and kick ball changes. The truth is that the efforts to portray these idiots as something they clearly are not reeks of inauthenticity. That is something that will never happen with Trump. What you see is what you get.

  15. I LOVE Chris Farley! What? That's not Chris Farley?

  16. Whenever I see Tim Schmaltz I ask myself "is he the half brother that Don Rickles was too embarrassed to speak about?"


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  18. Elmer Walz screwed around with the shogun so long, the wabbit got away. This guy has obviously never held a shotgun in his entire, pathetic, fake life. Why not just admit you know nothing about guns? Not everybody is a gun owner, and you're not gonna make points with gun owners by pretending. Anybody remember BO's photo op where he's holding a gun completely wrong?

    What's mind blowing is, Kamala is as phony as a 47 dollar bill, but Walz makes her look like a genius.

  19. I've got to say it... Left Lucy is STILL so CUTE! And the way she wears her hair makes it impossible to see the Schrader valve!

  20. Columbus may have had Jewish ancestors, but they had converted, at least for public appearances. Jews don't name their sons "Christopher." Or Christofero, or Cristobal, or however he spelled it in whichever language he was using.

    But I commend whoever got the missing-molars-that-show face photoshopped into the comic strip. She must be related to the Mean-Girl-Wanna-Be-Chief!

    1. Jews in the time around 'zero BC' didn't name their kids 'christ' or 'jesus' either, one's from the Greek...the other's a bad traslation of Yeshua.

  21. Are they doing still "Land Acknowledgements" at the opening of public meetings in Dearborn or Springfield these days?

    Tim Walz: This guy is the best that Kamala knew? No wonder the far-left hates white guys. And remember, JD Vance is the one they think is "weird".

    As I tell Democrats, the only reason you're going to get another 4 years of Trump (and then another 8 of JD) is because you keep choosing awful people to run against them. Oh, wait, you didn't get to choose Kamala. Or Hillary for that matter.

  22. @Bruce Bleu, That's a knee slapper!

    @John the Econ, I think most Dems would have preferred somebody more to the center to balance Komrade Kamala, but Obammy and Soros probably convinced them they could make Walz appear "normal." Walz is "normal" much like a third eye on one's forehead. He's maybe the love child of Bernie Sanders and Margaret Sanger. I pray that the Harris Walz ship is rapidly sinking into the abyss.

    1. Best to hope the lifeboats are jammed in their davits too, or maybe not...running whatever manages to swim away from this disaster in the next election can only make it easier on JD or whoever is the candidate.
