Friday, February 14, 2025

Doge Balz

The cartoon above is from July 1, 2016 and was the point that I finally and very reluctantly came to the conclusion that Donald Trump should become President.

That lengthy post, which is worth reading for historical perspective, sums up this way:

Donald Trump is potentially a yuuuuge disrupter at a time when our political system needs huge disruption. Our nation would be far more likely to survive his probably policy failures than even a single term of Hillary Clinton's toxic policy successes. Which is why we to cast a "Breaks It" vote for Trump in November. There's a lot that needs breaking.

Sadly, between the pandemic and an unprecedented governmental effort to sabotage Trump's administration and (bonus!) send him to jail, my ears were never treated to the sounds of a bull shattering china (preferably still in Democrats' hands) that I'd hoped for. But that was then, and this is now.

The Trump who was sworn in this time is not the same guy who was sworn in last time. He has been galvanized by continuous attacks from the Left, up to and including assassination attempts which still look suspiciously like they were being "allowed" to happen. And he is a man who now understands the depths of Washington's mendacity and what it takes to effectively wield Presidential authority.

His performance to date has been jaw-dropping. In only a few weeks, he's accomplished more than Joe Biden did in his entire bribe-taking life. And between DOGE and a raft of atypical cabinet appointees, the swamp dwellers realize that This Time It's Real. The waste, corruption, the not-so-secret CIA dark government designed to control "enemies" (that's you and me!) at home and abroad, collusion with the media, and Leftist policies deliberately targeted to weaken and divide our society - all of these things are simultaneously under attack and, delightfully, Trump isn't taking prisoners. Well, mostly...

This is change on a scale I've wished for but never expected to see. An honest-to-gosh revolution powered by average Americans who have been pushed too far and lied to too often. People who think it's time for Washington to relearn what accountability means, fiscally, morally, and legally.

I'm loving it.



  1. It’s a great day and I’m not tired of winning. Nice to have you back.

  2. Glad to see you back, and Miss Ross is a gorgeous as ever!!

  3. Great post! So far his second term is so much better than expected.

  4. Trump II, you, and Betsy!
    What a day I’m having!!!

  5. Like you, I dreamed of the day this would happen and never thought in a million years that it would actually occur. Every day is like Christmas. I must reluctantly admit that had Trump not had the 2020 election stolen from under him, we would have never seen this day. His second term would have been fraught with the same old shenanigans as the first. Their efforts to destroy him only made him more popular as you said but it also gave him a chance to put together the amazing team and ideas that are being implemented on a daily if not hourly basis. It is glorious.

    1. Best case EVER of democrats shooting themselves in the foot,or arse,whichever you think more appropriate.

  6. Replies
    1. Perhaps we could make it a national holiday?

    2. Let’s just call it “TRUMP DAY”.

    3. An auspicious occasion, engendered by 'the only man to ever enter Parliament with honest intent'

  7. Right there with you! He's not "just" breaking all the China, he's burning down the shop! "You can tell how effective your action is by the enemy's response." Given the complete level of freak out on the left it would seem that Trump (and Musk are totally on target!

    1. As they say, "The flack is always heaviest when you are over target."

  8. "He has been galvanized by continuous attacks from the Left"

    Exactly. It appears as though every Democrat attack on him has only made him stronger. I've been arguing for some time that over the last 30 years, the Democrats have been immunizing Trump from their attacks. Notably:

    The "Access Hollywood" tape could/should have destroyed Trump. But it didn't. Why? Because after the ultimate misogynist, Bill Clinton got caught sticking his cigars where they didn't belong with Monica, we were lectured that "It's just sex." and didn't matter. Even original feminist Gloria Steinem fell on a sword for Bill. Moral high ground sacrificed.

    After Trump came down that escalator, Godwin's Law was repealed and the former Democrat became a Nazi. Turns out he's the only Nazi with a town in Israel named after him. Lamest Nazi ever.

    After a decade of lawfare over accusations of being a Russian mole and whatnot and the only actual criminal conviction they can get on him is a campaign finance bookkeeping violation under a "novel legal theory" and not even comparable to violations by Obama, Hillary, etc.

    Impeached for something Biden actually did.

    A decade of attacks against his family being corrupt, but it's the Biden family that needs the pardons.

    "Nobody voted for Elon". Well, nobody voted for crackhead Hunter either, but it appears as though he was running the country for the last year.

    I could do this for hours. But the point is that the Democrats in their efforts to retain power have totally flushed their credibility on all fronts. The public is tired of it, along with the shrill TDS-suffering vocal minority that thinks it's "the resistance".

    The Democrats have no platform that most people have an interest in. Few even realize how far off the edge they've gone. They even elected beta-soy-pajama-boy David Hogg as DNC vice chair, because they honestly think the kid who's traded being a near-victim in a school shooting into a political career based on gun-grabbing and trains will get American men back in the fold.

    As Democrats scream about what DOGE is exposing, I keep telling them that if they have a problem with it, then they should run the mid-terms on a platform of restoring billions for drag shows in Columbia or anti-religion programs in Nepal.

    1. Hogg was not a "near victim." He was nowhere near the school, making him a non-victim, just like you and me. The fact that the DNC made him vice chair proves how far off the edge they've fallen.

  9. A great return to posting Stilton. I'm so NOT tired of winning. Great laundry list John The Econ. The dems have lost their collective minds. They are now on the verge of inciting actual violence for the purpose of continuing funding to a "rap artist" in Gaza to the tune of $3,000,000. Good luck raising the carcass of your party out of the ashes with that platform.
    And Busty Ross.....sigh!

  10. Great return to posting some wonderful news! If you don's see a few hours of the news, it seems like you might have missed something great! We are living through history!

  11. I've come with new verb that has been driving Dems and liberals crazy when I use it posting comments on MSN. The new verb is DOGED, as in the DOE should be DOGED out of existence.

  12. And I was amiss in not complimenting Busty on her return. God Bless America!

    When it came out that the Department of (non)Education was on the cutting block, I started having astonishing exchanged with people bemoaning its immanent demise. Nobody could (or would try to) answer exactly what the DOE has done for American education, beyond destroying it. Almost half-a-century and we now have kids graduating with 4.0 averages who can't even read their own diplomas.

    My most amusing exchange was with someone who stated that being an economic major disqualified me on commenting on issues overseen by professional "educators".

    I think that notion speaks for itself.

    1. When they started calling themselves "educators" instead of "teachers" they went the way of "reporters" who became "journalists."

    2. I have to wonder what good the Dept. of Education could possibly have done. The U.S. sent men around the moon nine times and landed six of those times, all without a Dept. of Education. Why could we possibly need that dept.?

    3. It says it in the name, the purpose is to depart from education....

  13. “Bold decisions make history” ~ Richard Nixon.

    Sometimes, it comes to lead, follow, or get out of the way. Donald Trump is not a follower, nor is he afraid of making decisions, something he has done for decades. It has been a joy watching President Trump telling the rest of the world “America First. Get out of our way.”

    And damn, it’s exciting to know we finally have someone who has our backs.

  14. What DOGE should do is equate the amount of $$$$$$$ being recovered to how much $$$$$ the lowly taxpayer MIGHT EXPECT their income tax bill to decrease. In three years that would be a fantastic platform for VP Vance to run on. The Proof in the pudding is the existence of SUCCESS.


  15. Been missing ya! Hoping you're healing and doing better! Damn Valentine's Day means absolutely NOTHING these days and I know you know. (GRIN!)
    Good Post and much truth. I have no one around to talk with about these things. UGH

    Love always!

    1. Valentine Day means a lot to my wife and I. Our anniversary. 46 years this year.

  16. There is a meme I wish I could post here (don't know how) which says the screaming, screeching by the democrats is no different from that of a teenager, who has had their internet access stopped.

  17. The more we win, the more the Democrats whine. Democrats lost. They know they lost but don't know why. So they double down on the rhetoric that contributed to their loss. Democrats are such fun losers...!!

  18. WELCOME BACK! Trump 2.0 is nothing short of ASTOUNDING! The stupid marxists (please pardon the redundancy) apparently never heard the admonition "If you go for the King, don't miss." They didn't know what we know, Trump might as well been the king. Another admonition they never heard is "Never do your enemy a small harm". Granted they did what they thought was enough...but thinking has never been a strong suit for them. They danced to his tune, now it's time to pay the piper. When all the legal music stops they will find that there are no chairs.

  19. It looks like, and I definitely hope it's really like it looks, that Trump has learned a lot in the past few years. Once trusted allies turned on him, the media and gov't agencies outright lied and the courts had to invent new laws just for him to claim he somehow 'breached' before they ever existed.
    Payback is a bitch and revenge is a dish best served cold, but what those who tried to get rid of him and failed are facing is a cold bitch that doesn't take prisoners. If anyone gets out of line in his administration this time, their removal should and likely will be fast and brutal, the way it should be.
    After he's finished down there maybe he could come up here and have a go, there's nothing that says a Canadian politician has to be born here, heck half the ones we have in power now weren't born here and some of those, including cabinet ministers have 'questionable' immigration status...that and the new liebral leader to be appointed as the first unelected PM when it's convenient for them holds Irish citizenship......

    1. Great point, Old A. I didn't know that about the Canadian PM not being required to be born in Canada. That way Trump could work on making it the 51st state. MCGA!

    2. So far as I can tell, there's no requirement for any politician to have been born here, heck half of them still hold citizenship in whatever rathole they'll fall back to once they have to face criminal charges for theft of taxmoney here...countries almost all without extradition treaties.

  20. Welcome back,I have been missing your slick writing.Just a thought,do you think this time round the democraps have been caught TOTALY unprepared,or are they just brain dead.

  21. Um, Busty, Cupid's target is your heart. Just your heart.

    1. While you are correct, if we go just with that observation, we would miss the wonderful optics. If Cupid aimed and missed too low, then love is just a pain in the sit-down.

  22. Aa for the democratic party, or what's left of it:

  23. And Lefty Lucy's long absence confirms she's now either in Canada or the UK?

  24. Glad you're posting again, Stilt. How's the hip recovery going? I ask because Spousal Unit's hip gets replaced in a couple weeks, and online research into what's expected over the next six months is only partly satisfying the curiousity. We'd rather hear from actual patients.

  25. I love it when you post! It's like getting an early, unexpected present.

    The Dims keep getting their asses handed to them, but most of them have apparently learned absolutely nothing. There are a few exceptions like Fetterman, Gabbard, and RFK Jr., but grifters like Liz-a-hontas and Chuckie are riding their usual lame horses. They are probably still mystified that the "abortion/transgender" platform didn't backfired. Probably also assume that Americans are just too stupid to buy their snake oil.

    I'll echo what MAJ Arkay said. How's the hip?

  26. Sure missed you, welcome back. Every day, EVERY day is like Christmas morning! Love waking up now.

  27. Personally I'd rather "GuantanaLESSbama, not GuantanaMObama. I've had my fill of that poseur to last several lifetimes!

    1. I'd prefer to see Guantanomowithbama...he can cool his heels there on the way back to Kenya.

    2. Anonymous, That is a STELLAR idea... BACK to Kenya... have the poseur returned to where his grandmother said he was BORN!

    3. This new board style is still screwing me up...he put it in his book so back he goes...and all his illegal executive orders, appointments and legislation with him.

  28. Quite true that. I believe it started with the sainted FDR and his New Deal, which started the long lulling of the American people to "sleep".

  29. It started before FDR. It started before Theodore Roosevelt. It goes back at least 150 years and it involves money and power, as always.

  30. @Readers- Glorious comments all, and my continuing apologies for the long absences between posts. Grief continues to be a daily struggle for me and it's harder for me to get things done than it used to be. But I'm still here!

    A couple of you asked about my hip and it's doing fine (and I recommend the surgery for those who need it). I still have a very small amount of surgery-related pain and it amps up a bit after a strenuous physical therapy session. They say that full recovery can be as much as a year but functional recovery, for me at least, was more a matter of 4 or 5 weeks. I'm still amazed and delighted when walking without the cane.

    @Bones asks whether the Dems were unprepared for Trump 2.0 or if they're just brain dead. And I'm pretty sure the answer is "both." In my opinion, polls or no polls they didn't even imagine that Trump would become President again because they expected him (and possibly arranged for him) to be conveniently dead.

    I'm loving each new revelation about corruption, useless agencies, diverted funds, CIA schemes, and so much more. I want the whole rancid machine to be take apart, piece by piece, and the scoundrels punished in a manner that will discourage others from following in their footsteps.

    A passing thought I've had is that the Leftists who are moaning about cuts to their favorite programs don't seem to realize that by eliminating the fraud and establishing real bookkeeping, budgets can probably be cut in half and still see an increase in the amount of money actually spent on the people and programs that were being used as a front. But will they ever realize or admit it? Not likely.

    1. Hi Stilton,
      I can't say that one gets over or recovers from grief so much as we learn to live with it. Hang in there. Life, family, friends are worth it.
      My personal experience is that yes it does take about a year to recover from surgery (rotator cuff surgery in my 40s). It does get better although the old bod does like the occasional reminder.

  31. If minimum requirements for office, the excessive perks of office, & limits on personal wealth gain, privilege & power were reduced; along with term limits so good-minded servants of the people could work without distraction... the result might be more well-minded & capable personnel in government. Not so many corrupted self-serving jerks and popular idiots. Even if they get do in they would not be staying for several decades & would be more likely to be confronted along the way.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. @Stilt, I think we are all happy to read that you're moving well with that new hip. We all know, too, about the grief and hope you will reach an accommodation with that too.

    The thing about the Leftists moaning about the cuts is that they were all planning to either skim a lot of that cash or make themselves the end recipients thereof. I saw an item yesterday about some British guy who's pissed that his wife will not get a cool million bux from USAID for showing Afghan women modern art. It seems that an awful lot of people all over the planet think they're somehow ENTITLED to American taxpayer dollars. Now, where could they have gotten that idea?

    1. A liebral politician when caught with his fingers in the trough loudly proclaimed "I'm entitled to my entitlements"...the sad part is that he, and the rest of them, firmly believe the tthe taxpayer exists only to serve them and nothing will change their minds except forcibly prying our money out of their pockets.

    2. Taxpayers should pry our money out of those pockets with power tools. Large, heavy, diesel-powered, rock crushing tools. Liberally applied, and who cares about the damage to the politician.

  34. Congratulations America on having the oldest people in the world on social secrurity.Good news for you is that accountability is coming.

  35. To any student of history, Trump is hardly a surprise. If Argentina could elect Javier Milei after decades of socialist rule, a Donald Trump was bound to come along sooner or later. Frankly I'm thankful that it was sooner.
    Remember Jerry Pournelle's Iron Law of Bureaucracy. Congress was no longer running the government. The Deep Sh*t was running congress through kickbacks and "campaign contributions". Congress is being run by dull, thick-headed bureaucrats elected by dull, thick-headed bureaucrats who believed that they were untouchable.
    The Deep Sh*t loathes and fears Donald Trump for a number of reasons.
    He's too rich to be easily bought. He appears to love his country. He has a well demonstrated ability to run large and disparate organizations. Finally, he attracts capable people like Elon Musk who is equally capable.
    The Dimmocrats biggest mistake was stealing the 2020 election and continuing to persecute Trump and anyone associated with him. Why?
    The Dimmocrats had effectively sabotaged Trump's first term in office. Had he won in 2020 this sabotage would have continued. Their continued persecution of Trump gave him no choice. He had to stay in the game. Worse yet, Trump knows how to work any publicity, good or bad, to his benefit. While the Deep Sh*t could punish people with the process and destroy them, Trump had too many assets and he was smarter than them. The period from 2020 through 2024 gave him 4 years to get the lay of the land, and plan for a comeback. Only this time, he knew where the weaknesses were. Recruiting Musk and his merry band of geniuses was typical Trump.
    It's going to be a wild ride to 2028. Wait until Russia, China Britain or the EU finds their own Trump.

  36. Off Topic but:

  37. Want more Elon? Because this is how you get more Elon.

    So Democrat's in their mindless opposition to whatever Trump is doing are standing up for careless, profligate waste in the trillions. It turns out that the databases that spit out checks by the trillions at the Treasury are less sophisticated than the ones I wrote when I was 16 on an Apple ][. Administrations from all parties have promised to address the institutionalized corruption and waste for as long as anyone can remember, but Trump and Musk are the first to actually do something about it and the Democrats are apoplectic. Personally, I'm cheering them on, because along with that and David Hogg, the party is seeing to it that they won't have another shot at the White House until after JD Vance's grandkids have term-limited out.

    1. Careful what you wish for, look up 'Phoenix' as it pertains to the Canadian pay system...billions spent over many years on a useless system that ruined people's lives by screwing up their pay and only came to be in order to make some politician's kid's firm a bunch of money...two ten year olds with an abacus would do more, faster, with fewer errors.

    2. I always refer to the new DNC vice-chair as David "Publicity" Hogg.

  38. I was reading an article that suggested Musk’s ‘e-mail order’ is intended to see how many ‘workers’ actually respond to it. It seems that there’s a huge number of gov’t drones who have never, ever used their e-mail account…if that doesn’t suggest a make believe employee someone is collecting the pay for then I’m not sure what does. When I was a federal employee, I got dozen’s of e-mails a day all requiring ‘immediate attention’ that I generally waited for the phone call before actioning to see if they were that important to anyone, or to confirm I had done some completely unnecessary ‘online training’ that the Dept Head’s bonus depended on everyone completing. I wasn’t in an executive position so how anyone gets away with never answering anything for years on end is …questionable.

  39. Democrats are apoplectic that Musk's firing spree is reckless and indiscriminate, but I suspect that it's actually a strategy. The DEI firings are low-hanging fruit because everyone knows that those jobs produce absolutely nothing in terms of measurable productivity. (And in fact, the result is the opposite as DEI is a force distractor) But due to the size and entrenchment of power-protecting management, determining who in government actually is doing something productive is next to impossible. (If your a manager in a large organization, your importance and power is derived entirely by how many people you manage, so it's against your self-interest to report to higher management that you have anyone who you can afford to let go) This is why previous serious efforts to "reinvent government" have been a failure.

    So instead, Trump/Musk is using the mass layoff approach and then see what people miss where the stuff that people actually want done is not getting done, and then re-hire the appropriate number of people to get that work done.

    Is it that an elegant approach? Probably not. Is it fair or nice to those employees who actually have been doing meaningful work for the government? Definitely not. Will it ultimately work? Definitely. And it will work relatively quickly. My guess is that come mid-terms, people will have already forgotten about this, which is why they are acting so fast on their agenda.

    Mrs. Econ and I have some travel planned this summer that will include some national parks. I have no doubt that they will be open and ready for us by then.


  41. @Fish Out of Water, it's funny how we don't hear anything about Joe these days. He and his grifter family have definitely been flushed down the memory hole.

    1. Sort of like we hear nothing about the Clinton Foundation anymore.

    2. I'm pretty sure it'll get it's dose of sunlight eventually and we'll hear all about it in due time but as long as killary keeps her trap shut we might not, good thing she can't last that long ;)

    3. Betcha Joe and his little clan of grifters are keeping an especially low profile what with DOGE turning over more rocks every durn day.

    4. I hope that in the fullness of time, the Clinton Foundation scandal becomes as notorious as the Teapot Dome scandal and is mentioned with the same revulsion. Also that SOMEONE goes to prison for it for a long time. Hey, I can dream can't I?

  42. Stilton: I'm not upset because it did go outside the lines; but I am curious. Did you intercept & scrap a comment I tried to post a couple of days ago? It mentioned Soviet Russia, Red China & North Korea politics then went a little further. Or maybe I just messed up the procedure.

  43. I had a chilling thought last night that up here sockboy is manipulating things so he can claim Trump is getting ready to invade Canada and bring a huge flood of chinese troops in as ‘advisors’ since he pretty much destroyed our own military, finishing the job his stepdaddy started. That would be the ultimate win for china and since they already own everything here anyway, including the politicians, a safe next step for them.

    The paranoid ravings of an old man ? it’s happened elsewhere to countries with bigger populations than ours…the sad part is, a great many people have been conditioned by the bought-and-paid-for media to welcome that as long as it ‘isn’t Trump’.

    1. That might cause President Trump to then actually invade Canada to keep the Chinese out and he'd annex Canada anyway. Sockboy needs to think things through a bit more.
