The story itself is tragic: a harmless 72-year-old man in India was innocently collecting a few pieces of dried wood when enraged monkeys in a nearby treetop started pelting him with actual bricks - sadly with deadly accuracy. The old gentleman died of multiple head and chest injuries, quite possibly with a look of horror on his face that this time more than monkey flop was being flung.
While it might not immediately seem that there is much for us to learn from this incident, other than that monkeys should have to go through background checks and a waiting period before getting their wiry little hands on bricks, we actually think the incident has strong parallels to what is currently happening in our own country.
Specifically, this angry mob of monkeys puts us in mind of the angry mobs of Leftists who are getting increasingly vocal, aggressive, and confrontational in streets, restaurants, and government buildings. Although fortunately, being basement dwellers, most Antifa types have no tree-climbing skills, and lack the upper body strength to actually lift a brick - let alone throw it farther than the toe of their Doc Martens.
Consider this: in India, the monkeys are considered sacred and are coddled for their entire worthless lives. Any mischief they get up to, apparently including murder, is quickly forgiven. Besides, how can you tell one monkey from another? Meanwhile in the United States, the Leftists promoting street violence are also products of privilege, raised with neither discipline nor a sense of responsibility. Like the monkeys, they gather in mobs and take efforts to make sure that they all look so much alike that no one can tell them apart.
Then there are the more obvious comparisons, the first of which is that both murderous monkey mobs and Antifa protesters are little assholes who want to raise Hell just for the fun of it, with no ability to actually communicate intelligibly what it is they actually want (other than mayhem). Another is that both groups choose victims who are essentially helpless; as a case in point, just look at the Antifa protester in Portland, Oregon who told a widow that her deceased husband, a police officer killed in the 9/11 attacks, was a "sodomizer" who should "rot in the grave."
Remarkably, this little feces-flinger's attitude changed completely when confronted by an actual alpha male - the widow's son. He turned tail and ran, shamed in front of the other anarchy monkeys, and thus unlikely to ever get an opportunity to breed.
There are surely other similarities between the simians and the simpletons, but we don't have enough Jane Goodall in us to bother sorting it all out. Suffice it to say that the potential danger from both kinds of pests will only diminish when people decide they've had enough.
Later today, Donald Trump will be appearing in Houston, Texas to campaign for Ted Cruz, who is in a pitched senatorial battle with Democrat "Beto" O'Rourke - a full blooded Irishman who identifies as being Hispanic. Cruz is still enjoying a lead in the polls, despite unprecedented millions of dollars flowing into O'Rourke's campaign from sources outside Texas (and none of which sources want anything good to happen to Texas).
So it's a fine thing that Trump will be leading another pep rally, but we can't help but wonder if the atmosphere might be a little strained backstage, considering the brutal attacks Trump and Cruz exchanged when running for President. And in case you've forgotten, here's a little reminder from the vault...
![]() |
"Dignity. Always dignity." |
Nothing to do with monkeys, probably, but with Trump, this just in on Creepy Porn Lawyer -
I've seen monkeys in the Philippines. They are scary and will attack humans in packs. Kind of like Socialist Democrats, Antifa thugs, and Black Lives Matter racists. Wow, it seems like we are reverting to a 3rd World country.
ReplyDeletePerhaps if we let these caravans of Central and South American immigrants into our country unabated, it won't take long!
Pray for President Trump. I do every day.
Peace, out,
Jim G.
I have read where various groups of simians across the planet have developed the ability to use tools such as stones to break open nuts, but this is the first I have heard of them using weapons.
ReplyDeleteProbably just a matter of time before they start an equal rights movement, register Democrat, and demand welfare.
I can already envision the remains of the Statue of Liberty washed up on a beach.
I will simply note that, while rock breaks scissors, high speed plumbum breaks rock throwers.
ReplyDeleteLet he who is without sin sling the first slug.
On a happy note the ugly Portland monkey has been unmasked and identified...
Strangely enough the company he USED to work for didn't appreciate his social "woked-ness".
It seems that there are some decent people still left in the Pacific Northwest. I hope and pray they can finally wake up and bring their cities back to civilization before Antifa and the demoncrats return them to the dark ages.
Today is the start of early voting in Texas. The Red Tidal Wave begins!
MSG Grumpy
I do not think that Antifa and the Democrats will return themselves to the dark ages. Their actions will cause approximately 42,986,233 pissed off patriots to return them to the dark ages.
ReplyDeleteAnd maybe I had better quit teaching my grand kids how to throw bricks from rooftops. Just sayin'.
Geoff, I saw recently (w/in the past year) a piece lamenting that Orangutans watching local villagers had 'learned' to use sharpened sticks to spear fish. The "Animals are Pure and Noble" crowd was lamenting the 'contamination' of the tribe of Orang's... Me, I was just curious when it would occur to one of them to try poking another w/ the spear. Seems natural, to me...
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I feel a little bit uncomfortable comparing the anarchists to monkeys. Not only is the antifa crowd sub-human, they may actually be sub-primate. Sub-Australopithecus even.
ReplyDeletePantyfa??? .........What do you have against poor monkeys ??? To lower them to those standards?
ReplyDeleteI hope you talk to your therapist about your monkey fetish ......and clowns....yeah clowns are evil....Oh wait...that's what I am supposed to talk to MY therapist about ...... Never mind .....
I've always said that monkeys, democrats, and clowns were evil. I was woke as a child to this fact. But did you listen? Noooooooooooooo. It's not paranoia if it's true. Except those calm, orange, long-haired, cute monkeys. I like them. Maybe it's the orange?
ReplyDelete@MSG Grumpy: Glad to see the Antifa punk (but I repeat myself) got at least a small measure of what he had coming...
ReplyDelete@ M. Mitchell Marmel: Yes indeed it is gratifying to see Karma in action again, but on the flip side, it also appears the woman may not be who she claims to be, i.e., the widow of a NYPD officer/9/11 victim.
ReplyDelete@Velveeta Processed Cheese Food- Stuff like Avenatti owing millions to the IRS really honks me off. I've spent my entire life under the general assumption that I'm one jaywalking ticket away from life behind bars - yet these jerks just laugh off huge criminal offenses. Why doesn't the IRS put the kaboom on these a**holes?
ReplyDelete@Jim G- It is hard to overstate how much I appreciate living in a state without attack monkeys.
@Geoff King- Those damn dirty apes!!!
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Thank you for that dose of pragmatism.
@MSG Grumpy- I'll admit that I love it when these jerks get "outed" on video and fired from their jobs. And I can't wait to get to the early voting polls here in Texas!
@Fred Ciampi- Indeed, the monkeys hurling bricks are unaware of the force that could come back on them. Perhaps something useful for Antifa to think about.
@Pete (Detroit)- And then, they'll all gather around this mysterious black obelisk, and the bravest one will touch it...
@Judi King- I didn't know if the analogy would seem too strained, but it's honestly the first thing I thought of.
When on staff at summer camp in Missouri Ozarks decades ago, I caught potentially hazardous Copperheads that were too close to Scout facilities & sold them to Max Allen's Reptile Garden for Staff's Saturday night refreshments fund. I saw Max (RIP) toss a fuzzy little yellow chick to the monkey in the place. The cute little monkey caught it with one hand, bit it's head off & starting eating the chick like an apple. Lesson Learned: Monkeys are not nice.
ReplyDeleteHere's an idea. Station those monkeys on our southern border to "take care" of the invasion currently on its way.
ReplyDeleteI saw a video soke years ago featuring a monkey who had figured out extortion. The little bugger would swipe a tourist's cellphone and return it when given treats. He probably wound up getting a job in the Hillary State Department.
ReplyDeleteGood news: the "protester" that disrespected the widow is now among the unemployed.
ReplyDeleteEx VP Biden barely filled a union hall when he went head to head with President Trump on a campaign rally in NV. I am surprised he pulled in that many but I am sure a lot of arm twisting was involved to fill the union seats (unless there were a bunch of female juveniles in attendance.) Which brings to mind we have pic after pic of Biden's assaulting (I guess him feeling them up is an assault) young girls yet not One complaint from the parents? On Ted Cruz, after conceding he has supported the Prez 100% which we cannot say the same for Cornyn that has a lot of RINO in him.
@Stilton, your comparisons of Antifa to brick-flinging monkeys is scary. It is only a matter of time until the monkey-like Progressives here escalate from flinging their feces to even more deadly objects.
ReplyDeleteAs for Portland's finest surrender monkey:
Vicious rant caught on video during protest costs man job at Portland nonprofit
Steve Wilson no longer works with Self Enhancement Inc., a nonprofit that helps African-American students, the organization said in a statement Saturday. "His behavior does not represent the values of our organization or the high expectations we have for our employees," the nonprofit said on Twitter.
It's nice to see a little karma working out there. And I truly hope that the organization that Mr. Wilson was working for really doesn't share Mr. Wilson's values, which instead of helping would just be programming the next generation of victims.
Audacity, always audacity
"il nous faut de l'audace, et encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace"
— Danton
It's interesting to note that these incidents almost never occur in so-called "flyover country". Probably because the citizenry wouldn't put up with it.
ReplyDeleteBatman's comment about "cowardly, superstitious lot" comes to mind...
"You monkeys you, you give me back my bricks.
ReplyDeleteBut the monkeys only went, 'Tzz, tzz, tzz.'
Then the brick peddler threw his brick on the ground...."
Speaking of feces-flinging monkeys...the Army of Latino Invaders (aka Demotard Mid-Term Voters) is up to over 14,000 and growing.
ReplyDelete@TrickyRicky- But protoplasm...we're pretty sure they're at least protoplasm, right?
ReplyDelete@REM1875- For the record, I've got nothing against monkeys. Armed monkeys give me pause (not paws), though.
@Sortahwitte- In a college course eons ago, a Psych professor told us that the average Chimp can bench press about 300 pounds. Meaning he could pretty much rip your arm off and beat you to death with it if in a bad mood. So I actually have a lot of respect for our furry cousins.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Don't you love it when that happens?
@Fish Out of Water- I haven't seen the accusation that the woman may not have actually been a 9/11 widow. If it's true, then shame on her - but the protester still deserves his punishment.
@Rod- Well thanks for THAT freaking image! Yowsah!
@Shelly- Brick-throwing border monkeys?! I love it!
@Stinking Bishop- Wow, that's a smart monkey!
@James Daily- I think Democrats offer up their virginal daughters to Biden in kind of a sacrificial light. And I hope old Joe really makes a run for the presidency this time - we're overdue for the comic relief.
@John the Econ- I'll admit that this incident makes me curious about what "Self Enhancement Inc" actually does if this dipswitch was on staff.
@Doug M- I can't really argue with you. Trump pretty much defines audacity. Although I can't quite picture him quoting that phrase in French. (grin)
@Fortescue J. Giraffe- Excellent point. The protesters are especially vocal (and violent) in places like Portland that are already liberal cesspools. To date, we haven't see many Antifa types in Texas, and I don't expect to see them in the near future.
@DavidD- You, sir, are a gifted storyteller.
@Gee M- What the blazes is up with this caravan? How are they traveling so fast? Who is supplying food and water? The whole thing stinks on ice and I hope Trump DOES deploy the military if and when necessary. Hopefully there are non-lethal ways to deter the invaders...but they must be stopped.
@Gee M: One wonders if they realize they're making Trump's point for him...
ReplyDelete@Geoff: I hope Trump backs up his statement to send the military to the borders.
ReplyDeleteRead Caps for Sale, by Esphyr Slobodkina.
@Velveeta Processed Cheese Food on Creepy Porn Lawyer: Little mystery why this slimeball would want to run for President. He clearly appreciates the Clinton business model, and would like to get on that longer-lasting gravy train. I see a Clinton-Avenatti dream ticket. There are multiple synergies, and would keep Bill busy and out-of-site.
ReplyDeleteThe "Caravan": The real story here should be how poor and ignorant people from largely failed states are being exploited by rich Progressive capitalists for their own political agendas and vanity.
Also note how these "marchers" are going to somehow cover over 1,000 miles on foot in less than 2 weeks.
Also note how these "refugees" who are so offended by the American flag that they feel the need to pee on and burn it while supposedly wanting to live here, instead of one of the Progressive utopias like Cuba or Venezuela. But instead they march here carrying their own national flags. less than a century ago, that would have been called an "invasion", and upon attempting to breach our border, they would have been shot with comparatively little media outrage or fanfare.
Keep on posting.
ReplyDeletenewport beach mini storage
Larry Ritchie's post is Spam. I hates me some spam. Please delete it. And this post, too, since I can come up with nothing meaningful to say other than "Look to Soros"
ReplyDelete@John the Econ: Seems to me a couple of A-10s with napalm canisters would provide just the touch of "pour encourager les autres" that is sorely needed here...
ReplyDeleteStilt, I was going to mention how truly the Bidenish comment from the previous post rings. Wouldn't surprise me one bit to hear that come from his mouth.
ReplyDelete...than you said:
"I hope old Joe really makes a run for the presidency this time - we're overdue for the comic relief."
Sooooo...I was trying to think of a name for the stupid comments Joe makes and hit me like a monkey thrown brick
Of course it wouldn't surprise me at all if you had used it already :)
1) column of invaders - clearly, they're moving too fast to be on foot. 'Should' be trivial for some Apaches to do terminal damage to the vehicles, w/ a minimum of collateral, no?
ReplyDelete2) "Antifa types" in TX - double check Austin. But, as we all know, that's really just "South Berkley" (See Also Ann Arbor - "East Berkley")
3) It appears someone has got to Lefty Lucy (or her cousin?) and made an ad...
Some schmuck with undescended balls decided to use some heavy weapons on a group of my Lansmen gathered in the Shul for a most special eight day old baby boy's B'ris.
ReplyDeleteFew ceremonies are as members and closest friends from both sides of the parent's attend, it's a ritual circumcision and the baby's naming, his official Hebrew one.
Young and old family are there, generally no one comes armed.
4 officers and 2 attendees wounded, I heard 8 dead.
I feel sick inside...
@Gee M: Schmuck is far too gentle a word for this mamser. He should only be executed, revived and executed again a dozen times.