Friday, October 26, 2018

Lip Bomb

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, pipe bombs, elections, midterms, media, mainstream media, terror

In a nightmare scenario which seems in retrospect to have been almost inevitable, ten or more alleged pipe bombs were mailed to high profile Democrats, causing huge explosions of moral outrage and accusations from the Left, even though the "bombs" appear to have been about as dangerous as Tinker Toys.

In other words, the bombs functioned perfectly - because the likely intent was to disrupt the news cycles and throw the upcoming midterm elections into a state of chaos. Mission Accomplished, anonymous "bomber!"

At the time of this writing, we honestly don't know who is behind these devices, nor if the "bombs" were simply ineptly assembled or purposely designed to be photogenic and not to do any physical damage. Neither do we know the politics of the person or persons responsible. Whether they lean Right or Left barely matters; they represent neither group and are either off their rockers or guilty of having spectacularly inappropriate senses of humor which they will hopefully have a lot of time to reconsider while in the penitentiary.

The FBI is working hard on clearing up those points, and we expect answers and arrests soon. Unfortunately, that won't undo the very real damage which has already been done. Left-leaning "news" outlets which always caution us not to assume a terrorist is Islamic just because he shouts "Allahu Akbar" are declaring with absolute certainty that the Rube Goldberg bombs were sent by a Trump-loving racist hillbilly who has been inflamed by the President's many imaginary calls for violence.

These unsubstantiated stories are what was recently called, by those same sources, "interference in our elections." If Leftist media actually gave a rat's rear end about the sanctity of elections, they wouldn't be screaming their unfounded accusations to the electorate on a 24/7 basis. The impact of their mendacity wildly overshadows any insignificant influence which may or may not have been generated by a few thousand dollars worth of Russian ads on Facebook back in 2016..

What was contained in those manilla envelopes may well be the first actual "social media bombs," but they surely won't be the last. The mainstream media has made clear that a single individual, whether crazy or crafty, can change the national narrative - and perhaps the course of an election - with a wild enough stunt.

Sadly, the media's complicity in all of this has completed the transformation of our nation's Fourth Estate into a dangerous Fifth Column. Put that in your pipe bomb and smoke it.


  1. Off topic here somewhat, but can anybody tell me what you use for daily news sources? I don't watch our local news shoes (don't get regular channels) or take our local rag as I thoroughly hate it as a biased piece of bird cage liner. Can't seem to find anything that does unbiased reporting and would like to find some way to get news that isn't fourth or fifth hand. Any suggestions from you guys would be helpful.

  2. Meant news shows, not shoes, lol! Can't even blame that on my phone as I'm on the computer.

  3. With all the silliness and extended hyperventilating over everything that happens that the MSM cares about, maybe it was better when things were controlled by bigwigs in smoke-filled back rooms. At least they controlled what was released or exploited by politicians and the press. Kinda like how the machines used to control the cities.

    Oh -- those Manila envelopes make it obvious we should be looking for a mad Filipino un-bomber.

  4. @mamafrog
    I use 'Stiltons Place' as my single daily news source .....oh sure I have to read the same news story twice (two dayze in a row) but that is a lot shorter than having to watch the same news story for weeks on cnn..... and contains a hell of a lot more truth.......

  5. The Dims have been promoting violence against Trump supporters for months and their sub-groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter have been enacting violence for far longer.
    If the pipe bomber actually does turn out to be a right wing wacko, how can there be any surprise?
    Right wing wacko or left wing false flag, either way the Dims are responsible in my opinion.
    If the perpetrator is found quickly, it will certainly effect the outcome of what stands to be the highest voter turnout mid-terms ever.

  6. Find one of many sources for OAN sometimes also called OANN, One America News Network. Real News
    In regard to this article, within the first few hours of the announcement of these bomb stories, I too questioned the legitimacy of the narrative that these were the act of a conservative. My reasoning: The caravan issue that I know had been promoted by Soros leftists groups which was blowing up on them by angering and frightening voters more than turning them against Trump as was their obvious intention. The timing, to arrive right at the election and the stupidity of the left believing Americans would react more unfavorably toward the administration's response in shoving back on this invasion rather than actually favoring a strong response required them to find a plan B and quick!
    Secondly, it struck me that anyone these days would be aware that none of these, if viable weapons, would actually reach their supposed targets. At best they might get a postal worker but it's known that these "targets" all have filters to protect them.
    These are false flag bombs, none meant to actually cause harm but instead only to distract from caravan news, instill blame on Republicans and sympathy for those "poor democrats".
    Third: Conservatives are too smart to have made a dozen malfunctioning bombs, are all busy at actual jobs and we all realize that there is zero need to do something this crazy because THE RED WAVE IS COMING TO KICK THEIR ASSES in just a couple weeks!

  7. Still curious how they KNEW joe bidens bomb was missing ??? Did they get a target list off the bombers web site ??? Did the FBI agents who planted them figure out there was one missing ???

    Not to worry....... I head they found it on joe's night stand next to the bed where he placed it.....

    Since the bombers name wasn't a news story within minutes after the first bomb was found we were pretty sure it was not a Trump supporter or that mysterious NRA member they have been warning us about for the past 50 or so years, did it ..... research into the left seems to take a lot more time ...... often never getting the answers before the news cycles peddle on and we are supposed to forget all about it ........

  8. Hey Stilton, explain to me how it is that Soros has kept from being shot or at least, jailed for treason or sedition all these years? He's on the news right now and they are confronting him with evidence he is behind this caravan which he is purposely sending to invade the US? This Hungarian is supporting foreign nationals to invade our country and he's admitting to the cameras that he's out to make our POTUS fail?
    Bill Cosby screwed a bunch of women, Soros is screwing the entire country!

  9. Whoooooo!! Fienstein got a "suspicious PACKAGE"!!!! #METOO!!!
    One would have to be comatose to think this bum crap is other than a false flag. I wonder what their Plan C is? It's a real giggler to think this terrorist sent a "pipe bomb" as a mail bomb. I just know one of demorat powers that be is behind this thru cutouts with Plausible Deniability. Remember Hillary doing basically the same thing, got caught red handed (not from dish washing.)
    It's a given that President Trump will be blamed for everything from a hang nail to a planet explosion. And on the wannabe illegals? I think a few miles of razor wire several coils thick should do it.

  10. Forgot: News sources that don't make you barf:
    Rush 24/7
    Whatfinger news
    Gateway Pundit
    True Pundit
    Big League Politics, mostly O.K.
    About a month ago, I went thru about 40 news sources and round filed almost all of them.

  11. They had to come up with something. Attrition is eating away at the alien mobs in Mexico. By the time the remaining few make it to the border, there won't be enough to fill a camera field of view.

  12. As I said on Daily Wire a couple days ago:

    Gotta be a false flag operation. If anyone serious had done this, the devices would have reached their intended recipients and worked flawlessly upon arrival...

  13. pseudo pipe bombs
    + insufficient postage
    + no postmark
    + 10 "bombs" at the latest count
    + simultaneously
    + 2 weeks before an election
    + bombs sent to the party losing ground

    = one heck of an inside job

    Those things never went through the US post office. They had to be PLACED where they were found by someone on the inside.

  14. The whole bomb fiasco has been one big 'bomb'. Like was stated above, if a conservative made bombs it would have most likely been a veteran. If a veteran makes a bomb, it will work 99.9% of the time.

  15. Since today's posting, two other devices have been discovered. One sent to "Spartacus" Booker, and to James 'Claptrap' Clapper, which leads me to now believe this may not be a false flag at all, but the work of some impulsive, shit for brains, Dylan Roof-like cretin, who is doing the conservative cause more harm than good.

  16. False flag operation for sure. Any "right" thinking person can easily see what a disaster even a single death would be for our side. Although I can agree with Fish, it only takes one Dylan Roof to go this route... But this is all to "smart" to be the act of some shit for brain. The TIMING, the guaranteed failure of the bs bombs, etc.,etc. (I have to admit the return address is a nice touch). And the genius of this is that this crap can (and probably will) continue right up to election day. Gotta give those bastards some credit. MSNBC has got to be swilling champagne during the ads. What a minute! Maybe it's the russians!

  17. What do you call a Filipino contortionist?

  18. Velveeta Processed Cheese FoodOctober 26, 2018 at 9:39 AM

    @MattyVac: I give up.

  19. "These unsubstantiated stories are what was recently called, by those same sources, "interference in our elections." If Leftist media actually gave a rat's rear end about the sanctity of elections, they wouldn't be screaming their unfounded accusations to the electorate on a 24/7 basis. The impact of their mendacity wildly overshadows any insignificant influence which may or may not have been generated by a few thousand dollars worth of Russian ads on Facebook back in 2016.."

    If they actually gave a rat's ass about the sanctity of elections, they wouldn't fight voter ID laws and continually import non-citizens to vote for their demonrat/globalist masters.

  20. According to Fox News, a suspect has now been arrested . So we'll see if it's a Democrat operative or a dog shot for brains Dylan Roof wannabe.

  21. @MattyVac: Hahahahahahahaha. Except they were in envelopes.

    The suspect they arrested, besides the left's intellectual development, is none other than the Cheetoh Bandito himself, Donald Trump! Or the Republican momentum, if you are Trump. One of the two.

    I still think Wasserman-Schultz mailed them. And I don't think she put her return address on them as misdirection. I think she's just that stupid...

  22. "...the bombs functioned perfectly..."

    That they did. These movie props totally swept the Honduran invasion army off the front page.

    But I wouldn't be expecting any arrests particularly soon. Certainly not before November 6th. And if the arrests involves anyone not even remotely connected to the right, it will be announced on a day that something else much bigger has happened, and on page 32. Remember, this is the same FBI that helped cover for the Clintons and cooperated with the DNC's scheme to undermine Trump.

    But you are right on about the one narrative that has been conspicuously absent from the media this week: "collusion" and "election meddling". Why isn't anyone blaming the Russians for this? They get the blame for everything else lately.

    Oh, yeah, "collusion" and "election meddling" are only relevant issues when they interfere with the Progressive agenda.

    Fortunately, after a solid 2 years now of TDS within the media, people are getting pretty numbed to it. Just as Kavanaugh and the Honduran Invasion narratives backfired on the Democrats, I doubt this circus is going to help.

    Breaking: The justice department has reported that a "person of interest" is now in custody. I may be issuing a mea culpa for what I just wrote above.

  23. @mamafrog, the only paper I subscribe to anymore is the Wall Street Journal. The news is well-written, albeit it actually is what I'd consider left-of-center. Their editorial section is establishment GOP conservative. During the workday, I listen to Bloomberg, which is establishment Progressive. I read a fair amount of the New York Times, largely for insights into the Progressive mind and amusement. I watch local television news just to know what's going on in my own town. (I think people eschew too much local news for national news, when the things that actually affect their daily life is happening locally) The rest is a smorgasbord of stuff that shoes up from various sources. Truth be told, I probably read more leftist media than conservative. But I already know what conservatives think, so that's not a bad thing.

  24. @ Judi King: "....doesn't seem to have the intelligence to pull off..." . Along the lines of Marinus van der Lubbe?

  25. @ Fish: I had to look him up but it seems to fit. Since the rogue FBI is involved, I doubt we'll get the true story for years, if ever. This loser could be the sacrificial lamb

  26. The 56-year-old man who has been arrested for sending mail bombs to Democratic politicians has been identified as Cesar Sayoc Jr.
    Sayoc, who resides in Aventura, Florida, north of Miami, was arrested Friday.

    I believe he's from Cuber (as the Kennedys would say). He was arrested at the auto shop where he worked.

  27. Oh, the humanity!?!?!?!?!?! He's a republican. My farcebook page is going to catch fire. Oh, what to do? Oh, good thing I have a good supply of 'shine.........

  28. The bombing suspect is a Native American. I guess that's why he never sent a bomb to Elizabeth Warren, being kinfolk and all.

  29. @Readers- As I suspected might be the case, the FBI has caught up with the alleged bomber (as mentioned above) while this editorial is still fresh.

    The suspect is an absolute wet dream for Leftist media: a mid-50's white guy (well, white-ish) who has a history of making terrorist threats, and who has basically turned his van into a parade float in support of Trump. I'm seeing quite a few people online saying that this guy is SUCH a self-evident Lunatic for Trump that it must be a false flag operation. Please, folks - after all these years, Occam's Razor is still as sharp as ever.

    So- did he just intend to scare all of these high-profile Dems with devices designed not to work, or does he just suck (fortunately) at bomb making? I'm sure we'll find out soon.

    Happily (for me, at least) this arrest does nothing to change today's editorial. This whackjob thankfully did no actual damage, but the Leftwing media has done a lot of damage by equating this loony to all of Trump's supporters and the President himself. And if you think it was bad before, just wait - the usual "news" suspects are going to be on FIRE now, all the way up to the midterms.

    For now, I intend to lean heavily on the jug-bomb I call Clan MacGregor.

  30. And I call Clan MacMoonshine, 160 proof, ageing since Tuesday. Mmmmmmmmm Ad, I'm waiting for farcebooking to catch fire......

  31. A couple of things raised flags: From Minnesota, Native American and can he be a bomber if the parcels only Looked like a bomb? Absolutely no detonators or explosive powder such as dynamite or C-4 or black powder. The folks called it a bomb, not him. (It Looked like a Baby Ruth - but actually it wasn't)
    There may be a Native American that is an R but I've never seen or heard of one.
    Wish I could C & P where somebody changed his party affiliation from D to R. The time line for D was 17:56 and R at 18:02. Maybe someone can figure out how to C & P that telling document.

  32. So the alleged perp does appear to be someone with dog shit for brains....There's always somebody....

  33. I still say it's all about the timing.....No Republican could be this stupid. Could be the Dems October surprise!

  34. The guy was lousy at making bombs and spelling but he was an expert at neatly collaging photos on his van windows.
    I wonder what professional method he used so that not a single one of those photos had the slightest sign of fading fromh the hot Florida sunshine?
    Almost looks as though they were put there only yesterday, doesn't it?

    1. Could explain why the FBI covered the van with a tarp so quickly. They didn't want the evidence to fade away to invisibility in another day or two of sunshine and furnace like interior temps.

  35. The bombs weren't meant to explode....they were meant to do what they did. Take the media off the illegal invasion and anything pro Trump and throw sympathy to the left.
    And why was the so called bomb hand delivered to soros instead of mailed from FL? A little strange.

  36. Oh well, I'm wrong and Fish is right. This guy is shit for brains with, (apparently,) a long history. Word is MSNBC had to order in more champagne.

  37. "This whackjob thankfully did no actual damage, but the Leftwing media has done a lot of damage by equating this loony to all of Trump's supporters and the President himself."

    Have they really? I don't think so. This will be basically the media doubling-down on Hillary's "deplorables" narrative. And just how well did that work? If anything, it energized the right.

    So for the next week and a half, the MSM is going to be equating everyone who refuses to conform to the entirety of the Progressive agenda as a friend of this loser. Sure, the volume will be higher and the tone more shrill, but will it really be any worse than what they've been trying to do for the last 2 years? Seriously. Can their slandering of conservatives really get much lower than they already are?

    The reality is that the vast majority of political violence in America over the last century has been a product of the left. The difference is while conservatives would like these people put down, Progressives forgive them and later reward them with comfortable, well-paid and influential positions of power.

    It's the left is becoming unglued because they are watching their power that they've spent decades building up slip away. Academia has largely been exposed as a fraud. The middle class finally clued into the fact that the Democrats have been at war against them. Many of the poor are figuring out they'll never get the life they want on the dole. Every gambit to delegitimize Trump has fallen flat in time. They lost bigly on Kavanaugh, which exposed their contempt for the most basic tenets of justice and law which they were happy to throw to the wind for what they assumed would be victory. Now they've lost the Supreme Court for a generation as well.

    So buckle up folks. There's still a bit over 10 days left until election day. You think this is going to be the last thing that goes down with so much to lose? I have a feeling that we haven't seen anything yet.

  38. Velveeta Processed Cheese FoodOctober 26, 2018 at 5:04 PM

    To Trump's credit, he got out in front of this affair and condemned it as quickly as humanly possible. And without saying something like there were faults on both sides. I think he's probably defused it to some extent. Even the MSM will be hard put to hand somebody as screwed up as this person around Trump's neck.

  39. Well, I don't think you could call the guy 'diabolical', but certainly he would be the perfect solution for someone who is. Hard to overlook the timing...the van...Dad always said "when it looks too good to be true...."
    Or, perhaps he just saw it as a way to stop the assholes from Bullying the President. I'm sure none on the left can recall the innumerable threats and violent suggestions that they made against Trump, but there were plenty...including the recent published scenario of Trump being killed....but suddenly dems are the victims and Trump is the 'Perpetrator'. I ain't buying it. People that can spiel, promote and condone the kind of hatred and ugly shit that Trump and his family have had to endure have all the vicious and vile inclinations to do what ever serves their agenda. All they need is a pawn to take the rap.

  40. @ Anonymous said...
    all I can add is...yep
    Just hope that move voters feel like you come election day
    ..and I agree about the pawn part. Almost seems like a setup to me.

  41. I voted earlier today ....My brother and wife won't say who they voted for but I told em if they voted for Beto they were off the island ...since they were unfazed I guess they did not vote for Beto...

    County says more people voted already that we usually get in a Presidential election !!!

    Not a lot of Beto signs up here in Rural Far North Texas a matter of fact I didn't even see a single one !!!

  42. @REM1875: Your comment reminds me of what I witnessed here in the Commonwealth of Virginia during the 2016 election.

    I was returning home from Kentucky and instead of driving through WV to get home, decided to take a very circuitous route directly back into Virginia.

    This put me in the southwestern part of the state and as I drove northwards, I only very occasionally saw a sign for the vilest, most corrupt and pathological public figure we've had in recent memory. Yet she carried the state, as the blue counties of Northern Virginia, the area around Richmond and oddly the area around Norfolk(military) went for her.

    Likewise for our Gubernatorial election of last year. The now democratic governor won on the strength of pretty much the same counties

    What I believe the democrats have realized they only need concentrate on heavier populated mostly blue leaning parts of my state and I suspect yours as well and they couldn't care less, don't need to even passively campaign in the rest of the state.

    This is very disturbing when one considers future implications locally and nationally, a de facto one party country. To put it another way, what the country is faced with and will not acknowledge is we now have the Baker vs Carr situation in reverse, with political power overwhelmingly tilted towards the urban areas.

    Personally, I believe its time to consider redrawing state lines to restore balance. For example, going with what I know, the Northern Virginia counties should be broken off and joined with the suburban counties of Maryland, all the way up to and past Baltimore, as a new entity, with Maryland's western counties melded into either Pa or WV, and the MD counties east of the Chesapeake Bay and the two VA counties on the peninsula joined with Delaware.

  43. Fish, you are correct. Other than voting for local issues and our congressman, I feel that living in southwestern Virginia gives me no voice in senatorial races and certainly none in gubernatorial races. Perhaps an electoral college for state elections?

  44. @Fred Ciampi- And Facebook DID catch on fire after the arrest. I'm kicking myself for not owning tin foil stock.

    @James Daily- The information I've seen is confusing; the guy claims to be native American but seemingly has no proof of it (question: was Elizabeth Warren's DNA test the last straw for this nutbag?). As for the bombs, I'd really like to know if they were viable in any way, or just intended to scare. Ask yourself this: why would he bother including envelopes of harmless powder if he thought they'd be blown to smithereens? Since the powder was intended only to scare, doesn't it make it likely that this was also the intent with the "bombs?" I don't know, and am eager to find out.

    @Fish Out of Water- In my opinion, one should never assume conspiratorial sophistication when stupidity could explain the same event.

    @Judi King- Sorry, but I think that's wishful thinking on your part. My money is on this guy really being that stupid and crazy.

    @Geoff King- Deep breaths. Those collages appear to have all been a single decal of some sort (one in each window) with the individual images put together in photoshop by someone. The top image on Drudge Report at the moment is the guy wearing a t-shirt with exactly the same collage of images that can be seen on one of the windows of his van. Both were probably custom printed for this moron. As far as "no fading" goes, I think you're (understandably) grasping at straws. It's perfectly possible to get auto graphics with UV protection coating these days.

    @Judi King- Do we really know the bomb in Soros's mailbox wasn't put there by the post office? I haven't seen evidence one way or the other yet. Plenty of speculation...but not actual evidence.

    @Easygo- Christmas has come early for the Lefty media agitators. Even though they tend to be offended by the word "Christmas."

    @John the Econ- You make a convincing case that, despite the increase in volume, the shrieking news harpies on the Left really won't be adding anything new to their attacks nor convincing anyone to change their minds. And I've no doubt that you're right about more shenanigans happening before election day. Politics is theater now. Grand Guignol, to be specific.

    @Velveeta Processed Cheese Food- Sadly, Trump didn't quite fail to stick his foot in his mouth. He cast some blame for the bomber on the media, which suggests that the bomber wasn't just acting on his own, but rather was influenced by someone. By categorizing the events as such, he left himself on the board as a possible playing piece. And wow, I admire (but don't share) your belief that the MSM won't hang this guy on Trump's neck because he's such an obvious whackjob.

    @Anonymous- You're going to get no argument from me about which party really calls for violence...and gets it.

    @zregime- We should not only vote, we need to encourage others to do the same!

    @valvenator- I don't disbelieve all accusations of conspiracy; unquestionably there was (and continues to be) a high-level conspiracy to thwart Trump's Presidency via the Russian nonsense and intelligence agency complicity. But in the case of the bomber, I'm not buying into any Illuminati scenarios.

    @REM1875- There are a couple of Beto signs in my neighborhood, and they make me grit my teeth. Refreshingly, there are FAR more American flags than Beto signs in that same neighborhood. And tellingly, no house has both.

  45. @Fish Out of Water- Interesting points, all.

    @Fred Ciampi- I can't quite picture how an electoral college would work at the state level, but it might be interesting to see a state experiment with it.

  46. @fish out of water.
    Look an NY state or Illinois ........the area in California away from the coast ....urban idiots telling us how to live a life they don't have a clue about.....they lack the live and let live gene we have ...

  47. @REM1875: Interesting your comment about Illinois, etc. Had a conversation yesterday with a neighbor, who has been very involved with the Republican Party here in the Commonwealth and she said the same thing, that this state too is heading towards becoming another Illinois unless people wake up.

  48. Interestingly, I also recently came to the conclusion that the states need to have a state-level electoral college in order to keep an entire state from being held hostage by the big cities. Here in Colorado, the state is controlled by the leftist idiots in Boulder and Denver and the rest of the state suffers because of the concentration of Demo_Rats there.

  49. Thanks guys, for the recommendations. Been down with the yearly cruds and haven't felt like looking at anything but the backs of my eyelids. I've had a screaming headache with this so it's just been non stop fun. Bless his heart, my son finally found some OTC things that let me cough without killing myself and I'm beginning to be functional again. Will start checking them out now.
