Friday, November 6, 2020

Hocus Pocus Hanky Panky


Watching the seemingly unending and entirely mysterious process of "vote counting," we're put in mind of a stage magician doing his act and making doves, cards, and silks appear from unexpected places in endless quantities. And so it is with votes for Biden magically appearing just when you thought you'd seen the last of them. 

Of course, Joe himself is giving us plenty of cause to see him as a somewhat tacky stage magician. One of his illusions is that his party can saw the nation in half, and then Joe will say the magic words "badakathcare trunalimunumaprzure," and join the halves into a functioning whole again. C'mon, man - we all know that's not going to happen, in part because neither Joe nor his party wants it to happen. 

And while a good magician never reveals how he does his tricks, we're hoping that the proper authorities (assuming such even exist anymore) will be doing a deep dive into finding out the tricks which the Democrats are apparently using to try to (ahem) "influence" the results of the most ineptly run election in our nation's history. Seriously, when did "Election Day" turn into "Election Month?"

Our best guess is that Biden will soon be proclaimed the winner, that myriad (and valid) legal challenges will immediately arise, and the Leftists will accuse President Trump of acting like a dictator for not unquestionably accepting Biden's claim that there was "nothing up his sleeve."

At that point, keeping things peaceful in our nation will be the real trick. 



  1. "keeping things peaceful in our nation will be a real trick. "

    You mean because patriots won't stand for having an election clearly stolen from them and the Left is poised to riot in the streets again, should Trump prevail?

    Buy ammunition.

    1. There is none to be had anywhere. Which is suspicious itself...

  2. Stilt,

    The video brought back memories of my childhood, had me laughing, and captured the ridiculousness of the election! Well done, Sir.

  3. This whole post made me laugh out loud, which felt especially good after this week! Thanks, Stilton.

  4. Good ol’ Bobby Burgess wasn’t just light in his loafers...he was airborne!

  5. Just was reading some posts stating that a number of mail-ins were watermarked and, based on that, the feds could differentiate valid and fake mail-ins.

    Anyone know if there's anything to that?

  6. The vote-by-mail fraud is off and running.....

  7. Well the Polka was light and refreshing ...... and I hate bringing bad news but the Dems have a long history of winning recounts ..... No matter how many recounts it takes and/or how long it takes .....

  8. I simply cannot believe attendees at Donald Trump’s multiple daily rallies did not show up to support him at the polls where Hidin Biden’s non-existent campaign produced the results the MSM want us to believe

    This election is shaping up as a contest between a wolverine and honey badger - your choice as to which is which. One thing our allies, and enemies, will learn is Donald Trump will not be steamrolled; Iran should not look for pallets of cash from his administration. .

  9. The opinion pieces I've read in the WSJ strike me as consolation prize pieces. 'Trump may not be reelected, but the democratic leadership, their donors and running dogs in the media have been scotched in the House, Senate and Statehouses.', strikes me as prepping us for bad news.

    Peggy Noonan, who I used to respect and read appears joyous at the prospect of Trump being shown the door.

    And this makes me wonder how great a factor the Never Trumpers have played. On a very micro level, my imeadiate neighborhood, there 2 households, both confirmed Republicans, but neither household had Trump signs in their yards, though they did have signs for other Republican candidates posted.

    I asked why and was told for them. Trump is a Constitutional embarrassment waiting to happen.

    Oh, and where is Joe pulling his extra ballots out from? Perhaps from his running mate's (fill in the blank) ?

    1. @Fish... which may account for the watermarks @Dan was questioning.

  10. What the Democrats have taught us this election:
    There is no law, only Zuul.
    There will be war.

  11. @Mike: Precious little ammunition left on the shelves. This, in itself, should tell you much-oh, look! A squirrel!

  12. Cool! where can I get an outfit like that? I want to have it so I can infiltrate the DNC and not be noticed.

  13. Don't you all remember Obama hyper-weaponizing the federal agencies?

    Only one example from the article:

    "Just who is U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service trying to sneak up on? The agency was created to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats – but they spent $410,263 on .308 rifles, Glock pistols, and semi-automatic rifles. Then, they modified their Glocks with silencers."

  14. For a democracy or republic to survive, the citizens must have confidence in the voting system. That confidence is no more. It has been swept away in massive voter fraud like we have never seen or thought of. The dims-socialist-commie party has pulled out all the stops. It's full speed ahead toward a south american style dictatorship. They have tried for 4 years to overthrow a legally elected government and it seems likely they have finally done it. The ammo should have been bought before this time. The weapons should have been cleaned and sighted in. My state shit canned it's one demo US Rep. Too little, too late. We're in for a storm.

  15. As pretty much planned & openly executed with little resistance: It's cheat in many ways; and cheat until they win. I wonder if there is EVER going to be Truth and Justice for the malfeasance committed over the last 12 years, and now this. And while not all that much surprised; I've not yet figured out how I personally should react.

  16. I hit the video button and got the "unavailable" message. Youtube censoring you as well?

  17. Well, it's Friday and we still don't have a definitive answer. Anyone here surprised? Of course not. So Trump wants the counting to stop, which of course makes Democrats mad. Of course, the Democrats want to keep counting up to the moment when Biden is ahead and then stop. Then Trump will demand that the counting continues and it never ends.

    And as @Stilton points out, the Democrats get to point their finger and declare that Trump is a dictator. Never mind the fact that they'd do the exact, same thing were the situation reversed.

    This whole cluster**** was designed at least 6 months ago to spread FUD and force the election to the courts. Because nothing says "Democracy!" like having a court decide an election.

    But not all is lost: Remember, the only "blue wave" that happened Tuesday was the one that swept Democrat hopes of taking over Congress down the toilet. And ironically, the only demographic that Trump lost in was white males. The GOP's collection of non-white-male votes was the highest in generations. In fact, contrary to the Progressive narrative, Trump is the worst white-supremacist ever! This has to have the think-tank Democrats freaked. It turns out that we're not the only people sick and tired of the compartmentalized identity politics the Democrats have been practicing for over a generation. The people who Democrats have thought they've owned for generations are walking. Seems as though Hispanics aren't as enamored of socialism as the smart, well-educated white folk who think they know best for everyone else. The non-white middle class thinks that a booming economy is a better answer than riots and defunding the police. Is the GOP able and willing to learn what this means and capitalize on it over the next 4 years? Can they find candidates who like Trump will fight for middle-class Americans as a whole?

    Congress will remain gridlocked: In fact if Biden is the winner, this is the first time in generations that a Democrat President has come into office without a Democrat-controlled House & Senate. The damage Kamala will be able to do for the foreseeable future will be limited. (This is why the stock market went up even without knowing who the President was going to be) Gridlock is good for business.

    So regardless of what happens with these endless recounts, there will be no "green new deal". There will be no Treasury secretary named Elizabeth Warren. There will be no labor secretary named Bernie Sanders. AOC will remain a fringe voice for the ignorant and insane in the house. There will be no legislated socialist revolution.

    So I'm not ready to retire, just yet.

  18. Could be worse: We have 6 of 9 in the Supreme Court (hopefully with none soon to die) and Gains in U.S. House. I think we held the U.S. Senate & it was master politician LBJ who once compared Senate to the House; by describing a House seat compared to the Senate as a "boot full of piss".

    We've a majority of Governors; Biden is all BS & has never actually done much of anything anyway; and when the dust settles there's a hellofalot of dirt on these A-holes. The rich Dems like a strong economy too. Just curious to see what the media will do now. I don't think there will will a need to mobilize an armed mass of millions of PO'd people who will not forget this fraud. Just watch for truth and justice. THAT'S THE RUB.

    One thing that bothers me is having three lousy D's in a row in Presidential succession.

    How to react or adjust personally? Still thinking about it.

    Wondering if Trump will prevail in court; or maybe form a new party?

  19. @Rod: THREE lousy D's? We haven't had a semi-decent D in the WH since (maybe) Truman. JFK: Dilettante. LBJ: Thug. Carter: Naif. Klinton: Forget it. Obama: Likewise.

  20. @MMM. Generally agreed but none, (except Barry O. clearly qualifies) were the outright jackals supposedly in public service that we might have lined up soon. The trend is clearly downhill.

  21. @Rod: Where are TR or Ike when we need 'em?

  22. What did anyone expect from an election in 2020. Nothing good. The whole covid mess was designed to take Trump down and the lying media saw to it. So enjoy president harris.

  23. @MMM: No kidding. Ike was the first President I actually recall directly: During his term from 1953 to 1961 I was age 5 to 11 and had joined Scouting back when BSA had 5% of the U.S. population. That soon got me acquainted with TR; and there are a Lot of places to learn about him now. The Ken Burns/PBS documentary on National Parks is a good one.

    Top among that TR stuff IMO was a trip to Medora, ND and Theodore Roosevelt National Park which is out of the way, historic to TR, and beautiful. It's also ND oilfield boom country now. Stay at the very nice downtown Hotel in Medora to learn even more about TR. Great trip. We went out there to do White Butte, the High Point in North Dakota. My wife is a "High Pointer" and I was along to this trip to tote the water and watch for rattlesnakes which we did encounter. A small one, it sounded more like a grasshopper in flight; but it would not yield the trail. Found out later there are larger rattlers at the high point but they're under a few large rocks found there. Between the two places (both very nice); Medora & TRNP were the unexpected big draws.

  24. @McChuck: It is war - war to the knife. President Trump has awakened conservatives to the fact that they don't have to be -nor should be - docile recipients of the abuse, harassment and sewage that dhimicrats have been feeding us for decades. They will lie, cheat, steal and murder to win elections, thus power, and have no compunction about doing so. Never Trumpers like Noonan and the Liberty crowd should be castigated for the turncoats they are.

    Unless Barr and Durham can come up with solid indictments against the cabal as well as Hunter, then they too will have proven themselves to be part of the toxic swamp, masquerading as loyal lovers of the law.

    Traitor Joe won't be indicted, but perhaps some of his deeds can be revealed. Actually the dhimicrats would use this to their advantage, pushing TJ aside so Comrade Harris can reign.

    Ammunition is scarce, as are guns. With over 18 million new background checks this year (and in many states concealed permit holders aren't rechecked) that is an enormous expansion of the market. I doubt that there is any conspiracy to disrupt manufacturing, just stupendous demand. If you can find either, buy them.

    I have been remiss in updating my blog lately, that ends now. I might not get many readers to piss off, but at least I can blow off some steam. I have considered the "cancelling" of conservatives by their "woke" former friends to be rather short sighted. I now realize that life is too short to associate with ignorant assholes that vote socialist.

  25. Do the Dems and the Libs have any idea of the rage that is building against them? I just hope that we have the backbone to take them down at the end of a barrel if it becomes necessary.

    To the U.S Military and the National Guard, please stay out of the way if and when the shooting starts.

  26. If the theft is successful and Trump semi-retires to Mar a Lago, I don't expect him to just fall back into the woods.
    There's been talk of him starting his own media business, including cable. That could be a lot of fun from my viewpoint.
    It would also give him something to do until he can run again in '24.

  27. Uncomfortable thought but he's pretty frank about it. The reality seems to be someone is going to have to try to replace Rush Limbaugh in the uncertain future. That will be a big task; and they are professional friends.

  28. Sorry (Not sorry, and I half expect you were hoping for it)
    "Hanky Panky" always put me in mind of this lovely lass who bares any burden for her work... Yes, basically the classic disappearing hanky - it goes into a fist, then appears in a pocket, a waistband, etc.. This slender lass's stichk is she then removes the 'offending' garment, until there's almost no place left to pull it from.
    Yep, she goes there.
    DEFINITELY not worksafe, but classy and enjoyable... (2nd down, on the left)
    (nope, don't know how to link it 'properly' and too lazy to look)


  29. I have pointed out before that President Trump's rallies drew 1,000 people for every 1 person Gropey Joe drew. I seriously doubt that all those rally-goers passed on voting. I doubt that all those millions of new gun owners would vote for Gropey Joe and Kamalatoe. No, the only way the Demo_Rats can win is if they cheat, and the Demo_Rats are cheating. THE DEMO_RATS ARE CHEATING!

  30. Sorry, OTHER 'left', of course..

  31. Ref my November 6, 2020 at 12:57 AM post -- DHS put out a note that they don't do watermarking and have nothing to do with ballot acquisition, distribution, or collection.

  32. Not my president! Impeach fotey six!

  33. Well, I'm real glad Joe & Kamala are going to kill Covid19 in the first few days; and fix all our other problems in the first week or two. He's been saving all this up for a long time; and it's about time to do something.

  34. @Rod-I too am happy that COVID-19 is or will soon be completely cured. Weather will be perfect 365 days a year for the next four years; no more looting, burning, or rioting, racism will magically end, there will be no more poor people, hunger is going to be wiped out, other nations will no longer war amonst themselves.

    Nothing in the future now except rainbows, kittens, and. . .oh hell! We all know none of that will ever happen!

    I plan to let every last leftist know exactly what I think of them. They thought Trump was brash in the way he spoke, they ain't heard nothing yet! Time to get down in the gutter and give them what they have given America for so long.

  35. @American Cowboy: Rather than the leftists, as they were a given, I would focus on the Never Trumper Republicans.

  36. @ Fish Out of Water
    Right you are! I have enough venom built up to more than cover both those factions.
    I was taught growing up to never "pull a punch" but rather to punch THROUGH the intended target instead of punch to. While I may refrain as much as possible from physical "punching" I will not refrain from speaking my mind any longer.

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