Friday, October 6, 2023

F the B.I.

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, FBI, Biden, Secret Police, MAGA, Garland, Homeland Security, Stazi

Greetings fellow radicals and anarchists! Did everyone remember to bring their molotov cocktails, surface-to-air missiles, super-duper-automatic machine guns that never run out of ammo, and a healthy snack?

Question: after reading the statement above, how many of you know that I'm joking? All of you?! Wow, that's great - because nobody at the FBI is in on the joke at all.

An article in Newsweek, which I frankly didn't know still existed, is detailing the FBI's new definitions of potential terrorists who absolutely deserve the agency's highest attention (and detention) for espousing the "wrong" socio-political views. Hint: if you ever voted for Donald Trump, you're already a terrorist! Aloha Snackbar!

So what, other than blatant corruption and a craze for power that would make the SS blush, has got the FBI's knickers in such a twist? Let's hear from some of the people supposedly holding the agency's leash:

"Donald Trump and MAGA Republicans are a threat to the very soul of this country," according to Hunter Biden's mentally deteriorating meal ticket.

Homeland Security Advisor Liz Sherwood-Randall proclaims "the use of violence to pursue political ends is a profound threat to our public safety and national security. It is a threat to our national identity, our values, our norms, our rule of law - our democracy." And are MAGA Republicans using such violence? Can we get examples? Hmm? Shut up, terrorist, and don't ask questions.

Supreme Court washout and current lickspittle Attorney General Merrick Garland states "attacks by domestic terrorists are attacks on all of us collectively, aimed at rending the fabric of our democratic society and driving us apart." Again, Garland seems to be skipping the part where we've actually been besieged with attacks by domestic terrorists. Well, other than BLM, Antifa, and Occupy Wallstreet.

Still, all of these entirely fictitious accusations have been justification enough for the FBI to put you and me in their crosshairs officially. And I, for one, am pretty pissed off about it.  We're not only being personally targeted for hatred and government-sanctioned persecution (for instance, Hillary Clinton is suggesting "formal deprogramming" of MAGA sympathizers), we're also being pushed away from being able to participate in real elections (hint: if The State puts your candidate in jail for purely political reasons, you aren't voting in a real election).

I wish I had a good way to wrap this up, but I don't. I just have a metric assload of anger and I'm going to have to spend some time thinking about what to do with it.


  1. "If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever." ~ George Orwell

  2. The chair is against the wall. John has a long mustache.

  3. If we have all been declared enemies of the state, the state is no longer legitimate, and the state will find that out in ways they did not expect, and cannot control.

    Surprise, surprise, surprise Sgt. Biden!

  4. if they declare me to be an enemy merely by existing, then I shall endeavor to be the best enemy I can be..

  5. (cough cough Mozambique Drill cough cough)

    Fortunately, precious metal prices for plumbum are dropping precipitously, so practice isn't quite so pricey as it had been in the past...

    And like Allen said, if you're going to do something, you might as well do it well. :)

  6. I’ve been a deplorable since 2016, a racist (apparently) since 2008, and a Nazi xenophobe since 2020 so being called a right wing extremist is somewhat of an upgrade. Since we are now considered terrorists, where do I sign for the very generous Biden Weapons Giveaway? You know, the one he negotiated with the taliban.

  7. Sadly very sadly, I am starting to believe as others have before me and who I once dismissed as outliers, that for many reasons, this country is headed for a very violent break up.

    I now believe this because since the '60s, we all have been played against one another by the democratic political class and its running dog media and elitist enablers, by an electoral imbalance in voting, similar to the disproportional representation struck down by SCOTUS in the '60's, which now has small pockets of unrepresentative blue dictating to other areas of a state, or even this country, laws and values that only they believe in.

    That we have politicians in both parties, now so partisan, perhaps made so partisan, that little if nothing of substance can be dealt with. And because of this we are increasingly faced with and ever-grasping administrative state (Thanks FDR & LBJ and Nixon) which out of self justification, has ignored and continues to ignore their Congressionally set boundaries. And that we all are taxed on the money we earn be it salary or Social Security, taxed on what we buy, taxed for the water, electricity, gas we use at our homes. Taxed just to live in our home. Taxed for entertainment, taxed for use of our phones or internet. Taxed for the energy we use to make a living. Taxed for our recreation...

    Which brings me to this link, a video recently posted elsewhere and one some may have already viewed.

    Yes, its bitingly funny and yes, from the likes of Will Rogers or Mark Twain of the last century, there has been similar of this genre. But what strikes me about this is the utter irrelevance this humor has for our government and was such circulating around prior to the French and Russian Revolutions?

    So do I hear a firebell in the night?

  8. The problem with leaders who originally were supposed to be citizen representatives in government who then turn their elected positions into lifetime appointments is that they start thinking they are better and know better than we do if only to protect and make permanent their positions. We have the virtual equivalent of 'royalty' residing in DC in the Congress and the executive mansion as well as pretty much all of the leadership of the civil service apparatus too.

    We are witnessing the death of the American Republic and rising out of its ashes is a socialist totalitarian regime. This will not stop as the result of elections alone. We are far past that point in time.

    The problem with people who are evolving into tyrants is that they will not give up their power willingly. They embrace this. This is their MO.

    So, in order to create the means of dealing with dissenters they are making holding opinions contrary to their own illegal by being labelled 'potential terrorists'. I wonder how long until people we know who are like us start disappearing?

    We are past the point of dealing with this as a social or political movement. Unfortunately this leaves few other options to entertain if we still desire to reverse this political movement by the leadership of our nation.

    God help us all....we are in such dark times.

  9. Praise the Lord. Pass the ammunition.

  10. So nice to see Busty still helping with the news and views. GO BUSTY

  11. So.......if you or I or all of us would send a written text or email or letter to the FBI and or the White House....would we instantly be in their cross hairs?? I’m afraid to do it. And that’s exactly what they intended to happen. 1984 is HERE.
    Pray for America.
    Old Wayne In Indiana

  12. I have the solution.
    Every single one of the 74 million Trump voters should surrender to the FBI, preferably all at once!

  13. "All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed they must rely exclusively on force." ~ George Orwell

  14. Those who make a peaceful revolution impossible, make a violent revolution inevitable-JFK

  15. If you're gonna be a bear, be a GRIZZLY bear!

  16. Don't move up here to get away from it, sockboy could teach stalin how to undermine and overpower political enemies using the courts and making new laws for them to blindly follow.

    In the latest installment of 'I admire their basic dictatorship', since you host a site where people can comment, you'd have to submit anything you say online to a gov't panel for approval before posting it, or risk having your bank accounts frozen, plus six figure fines and jail time.

    You think you have it bad down there with the legal 'system' ? every senior bureaucrat and judge including the Supreme Court Justices, and every single Senator are irrevocably appointed directly by the PM, with no vetting, screening, voting or approval by anyone else and they're there for life, well your life, it used to be their life but now it's only until they're 75 so he appoints fanatically loyal young ones to de facto hold onto power even if he gets voted out of office, which is unlikely since switching to Dominion voting machines with the data held out of the country and that already had more than a few questionable results in a recent provincial election. Since we're renaming everything else, we can rename the country to 'North Maricopa'.
    Speaking of 'party loyalty', every member of the party who wants to run for re-election has to have their nomination papers personally signed by the PM, no matter who their constituents prefer and candidates being 'parachuted' into a safe riding as a reward is a common occurance.

    I'm probably already on their watchlist and I don't care.

  17. So do you suppose we Libertarians are a subchapter in the FBI's book of enemies?

  18. Oh, goodie, I'll finally be ably to put my USMC training to use. I can't list all of them here onacounta the FBI, CIA, IRS, Joebidan, and a few other too numerous to mention will be coming up my driveway. But the best part of them coming up my driveway are the surprises I have laid out therein. I heard a fellow the other day yelling "I would rather have a sister working in a whorehouse than a brother working for the FBI". How true.

  19. @ Roger Myers - outstanding idea! Let’s start a carpool.

  20. All I Can Say Is 1984 Is Here!!
    We All Better Get On Our Knees And Pray!

    1. The Gummi wants us on our knees. Some would say we should stand tall, Pray to the Heavens with arms wide open. Some could still see what,s coming after us. Proudly a threat....

  21. Here I am, com'on and take me.

  22. There is no god, it's a mind virus control mechanism that is being used against you.

    Get up off your knees and show the world you are a man, not a deluded cowering mouse.

  23. Every time I used to hear people call for an Article V Convention of States to amend the Constitution, I used to poopoo it as radical and dangerous. Now I believe it's the only way we are going to turn this around. Sure we can elect a true conservative and populist like Trump for four measly years and maybe dispose of a few RINOs in Congress, but the leftist freight train is rolling straight towards the cliff and the RINOs are laying out the red carpet for it. This would give the power to the states, whom the federal government is supposed to serve, to amend the Constitution to purge these communists and return to the founders' vision which heretofore made America the greatest country in the world. The leftist blue cities would lose their ironclad control because each state has one vote and there are plenty more red states than blue. I'm mad too, Stilton, and feel so hopeless.

  24. Hey Stilt, great cartoon and commentary. I know you only have so much room to name us terrorist types, but I find it poignant that they've called parents who don't want their children sexually groomed or surgically mutilated domestic terrorists. Oh, and they've got traditional Catholics (you know, the kind who prefer Gregorian chant to Kumbaya) in their sights, too. I guess the reason they don't go after real domestic terrorists is because most of them are FBI agent infiltrators.

  25. Old Cannonballs, yeah it's like that old line from the 60's-70's:

    Q: "How do you spot the FBI infiltrator in your underground movement?"
    A: "He's the one that's trying to get you to blow shit up."

  26. I know they are authoritarian creeps, operating WAY outside the law. I am amazed that they are now saying the quiet part out loud. That is the really, really scary part IMHO.

  27. Good to see ya this pissed, Stilt.
    Means you’re well on the road to being in the pink.

  28. BTW, is Busty, due to association, also now on the enemies of the state list?

    But seriously this is of course serious stuff as history has shown what totalitarians (or would be) authorities have done to label and then persecute or attempt to eliminate, in the past. Like the Kulaks of Stalin's Soviet Union, or counter revolutionaries as deemed by the French Revolution's Committee of Public Safety, or of course the horror unleashed in the last Century by an Austrian corporal.

  29. The good news: Thanks to the Second Amendment, American citizens are armed to the teeth against a tyrannical government.

    The bad news: There is a non-zero chance we'll be putting this to the test in the next few years...

  30. The speaker shenanigans have nothing on ours...yet
    At the swearing in of the new one after the last was sacrificed to draw heat away from him, sockboy winked and made a show of biingt his tongue while looking at the new know the 'impartial' speaker is anything but and that's why they're always from the gov't side of the House, but this goes beyond the pale...or in this case, is it 'beyond the pail' ? because the bucket of bullshit is starting to slop over the sides and is going to need emptying soon.

  31. @Readers- Fine comments above and just being in your company has helped lower my blood pressure. Not my anger - just my blood pressure. And it didn't help hearing Hillary Clinton jump into the fray (note: after my initial post, I updated when I saw her appalling comments). This woman was within a gnat's ass of becoming president and she's honestly talking about "formal deprogramming" of people who want to make America great again. I'm not sure what that process would involve, but I'm pretty sure it would look like what was going on at Abu Graib.

    Am I overreacting? How could I, or anyone else, possibly know? Oh sure, the FBI just added 75 million Trump voters to their terrorist watch list, but they can't investigate ALL of us, can they? In my opinion, thanks to AI, that's absolutely what they can do.

    AI will help them find the targets that will have the greatest effect. For instance, conservative bloggers or conservatives with large numbers of social media followers. People with a history of giving money to non-Democrats. People who own a firearm or support the 2nd amendment. Whatever the standards of selection are, AI will make it possible to determine how to do the most damage to folks like us with the least effort. It will tell the FIBbies who to target and then help them to concoct a reason to do so.

    The Left has always had the desire to screw us and silence us, but they've never had as much power, technological ability, and transparent willingness to do so as they have now.

    I just can't believe that elections will solve this anymore, and I don't think violence will either (in fact, a lot of the Left's actions seem designed to provoke that kind of rhetoric so it can be used against us). At the moment, I can't see this corrupt power structure really changing until our whole national experiment collapses and the survivors, if any, build something new from scratch.

    Hopefully, that's just my natural pessimism talking (hey, I'm a widower - I have to talk to SOMEone). But today is the first reasonably cool day in north Texas in months, and I think I'll go for a walk in the fresh and still somewhat free air.

  32. @ Stilton: Yes, this vile, venal, and truly evil woman who was the most unfit, most unworthy and most unqualified democratic POTUS candidate since Henry Wallace, would have been most at home during the Inquisition, the English Star Chamber, or in Mao's Red Guards and she continues to be a poison for our political and social discourse because we let her.

    Tis latest attempt to keep whatever relevancy this harridan has left is frightening but also pathetic. It also shows just how small how frightening the echo chamber she and whoever still supports her lives in

    But there's a silver lining. With episodes such as this, she's digging her hole even deeper into someone best forgotten.

  33. killary's '3AM call' came in at 1140 Friday night and the *resident didn't take it until 0830...
    Of course, he directly funded the attacks on Israel so he already knew, $6 billion buys a lot of rockets, and it seems that the ones that were left in Afghanistan are showing up in hamas's hands...surprise, surprise, whodathunkit ?

    I'm going to have to paint the front door so it's nice and clean when the gov't comes knocking on it for posting things like this...all those years as a Federal Peace Officer accountable to the public don't count when the current ones aren't

  34. Just more of the ongoing gaslight op of the left. The left has always own most of the political violence.

  35. Your apprehension about hip surgery is understandable. Surgery of any kind can have consequences. Having said that, you should definitely go ahead. New hip ... new life. Modern techniques and prosthetic joints put this in the "minor" surgery category. My wife has had both hips AND a shoulder replaced. Recovery from the hips was a snap, the shoulder not so much, but worth the struggle with the new lease on life. Just do it, you'll be happy with the results. We're both early 80's and regular ballroom dancers, thanks to those new hips.


  36. Get hip replaced NOW, I resisted and suffered and finally got hip replaced, Even with 2 day hospital and 2 wk. home recovery I suffered far less. Didn't resist 2nd, replacement. Now, 14 years later hips don't bother - every thing else bothers.

  37. Not to worry, Stilt. The FBI will take you off their list of "Domestic Terrorists" right after your surgery is completed. The downside is that they will re-list you soon after you have recovered, and just think: Fauci is certain to have one of his vaccines ready to inject. Isn't our government health care system great?

  38. Sounds like the FBI has been drinking the Kool-Aid and now has a bad case of the DTs (domestic terrorism).
