We're enjoying watching the big college admissions scandal story unfold, as it's got a little something for everybody. Hate rich people? Hate people who game the system? Hate people who live in a privileged bubble that you'll never enjoy? Hate Hollywood celebrities? This fraud's for you!
And while we chuckled over the hypocrisy of Senator Elizabeth "Princess Cheekbones" Warren saying that she has zero sympathy for people who fudge collegiate documents to get ahead (ironically while she was giving a clandestine "White Power" gang sign)...
...we couldn't help but be reminded of the long-running and highly plausible rumor that Barack Obama (or Barry Soetoro as he called himself at the time) got major funding help from Occidental College by claiming to be a foreign student. Of course, we can't confirm this blatant fraud - nor can Lefties disprove it - because Obama had the documentation sealed from public view...much like every other piece of information about his past. Because "transparency" apparently works best when armed guards protect your secrets.
But the college admission scandal isn't really about politics - it's about privilege, and those who abuse it. Actress Lori Loughlin apparently paid $500,000 to get her daughters into a good school, an amount for which you could probably buy entrance for a dead hamster or a small bowl of succotash. One daughter was already earning $300,000 a year on Youtube and questioned why she even needed college (not a bad point), though allowed that she'd grudgingly attend to enjoy "game day and partying."
We frankly doubt that this distracting, shiny object of a scandal (seen any major stories about FBI mattress Lisa Page testifying that Obama's DOJ ordered the FBI not to pursue charges against Hillary?) will make any real impact on fixing America's badly broken college system. But we do hope to see the guilty appropriately shamed and punished, if only to enjoy a brief moment of nostalgia for the way justice is supposed to work.
And who knows, maybe in this case it will...
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Speaking of fake documents, we admit we made this one up. |
Hey, this might seem like a screwy idea, but it's not as screwy as what California's Governor Gavin Newsom just signed into law. When convicted killers have more protections than kids, the world is badly out of whack.
Actually, I couldn't hate hollywood any more.
The big windstorm finally quit. My town had quite a few flat-topped buildings lose their lids. Gusts of up to 78 mph. One sustained for almost a minute. The weather people on the tube had nipples and boners showing.
On a great note, get to go get the grandkids in OKC tomorrow for a week. Love it.
DoJ did not order any stand down in the killery investigation. Somebody at DoJ gave the order. We want names.
Dammit!! Let’s get this corruption OUT of colleges and back into Politics, where it belongs!!
The same "progressives" who weep and gnash their teeth when a guilty murderer is put to death don't blink an eye at the killing of innocent babies.
Hey,Orwell sad it. All animals are equal but some more equal than others. And color me unshocked if we were to learn Harvard bent over backwards to admit his daughter.
They could call in Planned Parenthood to do a retroactive abortion, and be done w/ it...
Probably makes sense from a financial standpoint, though - due to a lengthy appeals process, an execution can cost over $1M...
Otoh, it REALLY cuts down on repeat offenders...
I wonder if Gavin got aunt Nancy's permission to forgive all those poor misunderstood murderers. Can you spell dynasty?
I imagine gov. Newsom will next give convicted murderers the right to vote, and a free college education.
Hillary the governor of California says that you can't touch him!!!!!!!!!!
Here's the list of states with/without the Death Penalty:
I'm glad to see that a large majority still support Capital Punishment.
Do you wonder with this college fiasco, that Professors are soon to follow?
You know intuitively that Loretta Lynch is behind the round filing on Hillary as no minion would make that decision, so get her ash under oath.
Obama and his locking up his past? Nothing new here as it only matters to the honest folks, the dems could care less - win at any cost.
This killing children will come back to haunt these people. Right now, if say a person injures a pregnant person but kills the fetus, they get a murder or manslaughter charge to deal with and that is going to cause some lawsuits.
While a bit off-topic, this might make your Friday. Or help you if you ever are looking for a lawyer in Ark.
From another blog I follow.
Glad to see you have recovered from your illness. Today's commentary was very good.
You're right, @Stilton. There's something for everyone here who is disgusted with elite privilege. Here's my contribution:
"Proud to march alongside people who demand better for all women. We all deserve better and we are not going away silently. Here's to the future!"
Oh, if that link doesn't work for you, it's not you. It doesn't work for me either.
Felicity Huffman, hubby Bill Macy (or their people) pulled it. You see, at least someone in these people's bubble realizes the sheer hypocrisy of marching for "equality for all women" and yet using your celebrity and immense personal wealth to game the system so that your airhead kids can bump out some brighter, yet poorer kid who might have held the key to figuring out cold fusion.
It's Hollywood. These uber-pious Progressives are all about image. No substance. Just like Beto.
Hey, Democrats: This is another reason why Trump will win. Again.
Fauxcahontas: You'd think that of all people, she'd be keeping her mouth shut during this.
Lisa Page's bombshell: Well, not really. That after the infamous "tarmac meeting" between Bill Clinton & Loretta Lynch, that the DOJ ordered the pliant FBI to stand down regarding pressing forward against the various Hillary transgressions surprises absolutely nobody. Just more of the "privilege" we assume from these people.
California Progressives and their ongoing war against civilization: Just more proof of where the wall really needs to be built.
Climate Walkout: As I was writing the above, I got a pop-up about local schoolchildren eschewing what little actual education they receive to leave class and march on behalf of "the climate". In my town this morning on April 15th, it's currently 21 degrees out. After they think they've made their point, they'll return to their fossil-fuel-heated classrooms and ironically-yet-unawarely continue their comfortable lifestyles unabated.
You see, Progressivism is all about demanding that someone else do something. By demonstrating your "awareness", you are absolved of any additional personal accountability on the issue. So as long as you march on behalf of "equality" for women, it's then okay that you then use your own wealth and strings to see to it that your kids get a leg up over the others who lack your wealth and strings. As long as you march on behalf of the climate, it's then okay that you go back indoors and enjoy the comfort provided by fossil fuels. It's up to someone else you don't know or don't like to make the real sacrifices for "change".
Progressivism is the real ideology of envy and greed.
Grrrr. I am so sick and tired of being lectured and put down by these elite jerks. I'm ecstatic this was exposed, even if they never suffer any consequences. At least we can throw it back in their faces.
If the Mueller report does not contain any reference to the real collusion with Russia with corrupt DOJ and FBI officials and that wretched woman, then it's not worth the paper it's written on. And it will be exposed as the witch hunt against Trump we all know it to be. I heard Lindsey Graham was calling for a new independent counsel to investigate the real crimes that were committed, not the ones in TDS leftist fevered dreams. While I cannot stand this procedure, if ever there were a real need for one, this is it. People need to go to prison. I'm talking Hillary, Lynch, Comey and the rest of the corrupt DOJ and FBI officials who gave that beeyotch a pass and sicced themselves on the president for nothing. And I'm talking all the way to the top. If you think that poser wasn't in on it, I've got the proverbial bridge in Arizona to sell. The worst thing that has happened is the loss of trust in these institutions and the exposure of their extreme bias. It's shameful.
These people who pay mega bucks to pay their spoiled snowflakes way into a prestigious college can't pay to buy them a brain. We have great examples of that with those on the street interviews of brainless college kids. And the there's always DC with people like.....AOC, Biden, Watters, Warren, etc., etc. All fine examples of a college education. College means nothing anymore.
And now they've legalized murder....What's next.
@Sortahwitte- Yeah, scary weather we've been having. It's that time of year. Having once lived in a mobile home (which we loved), we pay a LOT of attention to weather warnings. And give my regards to OKC when you get there! That's where my adult daughter lives!
@Jan Blickenstaff- Yes, we DO want names. And arrests. And trials. And long sentences. This is not trivial stuff here; these were serious crimes, not accidents or oversights. And the additional corrupting of our justice system and election system only makes these matters more important.
@Unknown- Right! Let's get our damn dirty ducks in a row!!!
@jpb252- I genuinely don't get it. Either you believe in the sanctity of life or you don't. Either you believe you have the right to END life or you don't. Progressives aren't just hypocrites, they're consistently making the worst possible choices.
@Fish Out of Water- I don't think any strings needed to be pulled to put Barry's daughter into Harvard. She's a PR magnet, and the school would have to know they'd enjoy a big uptick in donations just by hosting Ms. Obama. But I'd bet real money that Barry claimed to be a foreign student to get free money from Occidental college. If that's the kind of info Trump can get his hands on, it needs to come out.
@Stan da Man- I had a much nastier idea for the cartoon today but didn't follow through...
TRUMP: "We'll handle California's killers the way Planned Parenthood handles babies. We'll inject their brains with poison, crush their skulls, and then pull them out of their mother's vagina in chopped up pieces."
REPORTER: "That's impossible!"
TRUMP: "Not impossible, but I won't lie - it's going to be pretty rough on the Mom."
@Fred Ciampi- Are Newsom and Pelosi really related? I've heard it, but have been too lazy to check it out. Although inbreeding would explain a lot...
@Geoff King- Oh, suddenly you're against representation and rehabilitation? Man, that's cold...
@Bob Baker- I almost but don't quite get your point. I'm probably having a senior moment.
@Geoff King- Maybe we convince the other states that this is really sort of a Daylight Saving Time situation; we're not really "executing" killers, just re-setting their clocks to show their time's up.
@James Daily- I'm hoping this scandal goes deep, and that everyone involved takes a hard hit. These are basic (and formerly important) institutions, and we're overdue to start putting them right again.
@Fish Out of Water- If I'm reading that right, Hillary simply lost her license for not stating up to date on ongoing educational requirements. Perhaps Lori Loughlin could help her with that...
@RDB- Thanks! I'm mostly better. My cough continues (albeit less intensely) and my on-again, off-again bouts of "Stilton's Palsy" (not that anyone has figured it out) can be a minor inconvenience some days. Mostly I'm doing fine!
@John the Econ- great points across the board. If only the progressives could look at their Hollywood idols and see that all of the rhetoric means nothing. Rich liberals don't want to empower anyone else; they just want to look good for making the insincere suggestion.
Regarding Lisa Page, yeah - it's not a bombshell to any of US, and not of interest to anyone on the Left. Sad, really, but oh so damning.
And for (blank's) sake, can't our failed schools at least take a SHOT at teaching kids the 3 R's are not resisting, revolting, and resentment?
@Shelly- Mueller's report will be empty, but it won't be sold that way in the media. Rather, they'll take the approach that because of legal gameplaying, the "good" stuff is being hidden from the eyes of the citizenry. And people will buy it - they always do.
But oh my gosh, what I wouldn't give to see a REAL investigation with REAL teeth into Comey, Hillary, Lynch, Mrs. Weiner (I'm spacing out on her name right now) and everyone else involved in A) trying to sabotage an American election, B) the trading, selling, and half-assed exposure of state documents, and C) the attempt by the Obama administration and intelligence agencies to stage a (mostly) bloodless coups.
@Judi King- If parents want to help their dumbass kids, then let them spend $500k on tutors. But no - this was never about making the children better educated, just giving them higher (and falsified) market value. For these overly wealthy parents, these weren't kids - they were commodities. Appalling.
Stilt, here's the straight scoop on gavin and company. Oh, and he went to the same college as brown jerry;
Special Council Robert Mueller may have undertaken this bogus "investigation" with a good reputation; and he may still be fooling both others and himself about it. But at the very least (Are you reading this Sir?) I want to clarify: That reputation is now down there with the dogshit as far as I & many others out in the real USA are concerned. Shame on him.
All this time, all the cost to taxpayers; impeding the current administration, and playing the partisan game... I hope he eventually gets a conviction, losses standing, assets and does time for it. This goes for all the others who enabled this bogus witch-hunt. They are subversives, conspirators & traitors. If this were a time of formally-declared war; they should be charged, tried, convicted and executed.
One thing that appears to have been overlooked in the Pay-To-Attend scandal - the "parents" (I use that term VERY loosely) were "paying" to have their kids admitted by contributing to a Charity or Foundation, correct? Then I'm real sure they were deducting that amount from their taxes...
Isn't that Tax Evasion? Can't say they were unawares or "didn't know", either!
It appears that a couple of slots have opened up at USC. Notice the word "potential", ya think? Nope, they just can't handle being called a cheater, a fraud and elitist.
Lori Loughlin’s daughters have reportedly decided not to return to the University of Southern California, blaming potential bullying by classmates and the media.
Barry's entrance into Occidental College as a foreign student can be proven and it has been proven. The Redondo Beach newspaper, The Daily Breeze, printed an article which was an interview with the president of the college. In that interview the president did provide a photo student identification for one Barry Soetero. The mug of Obumbler was right there on the ID. The president also provided the transcripts of a failing student, aka, Barry Soetero.
This article would have been around 2005.
You are brilliant.
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