President Liz (presumably in full feathered headdress) would introduce a concept she calls "accountable capitalism," which the Wall Street Journal succinctly summarizes as a plan which is "an assault on retiree wealth" which would "destroy savings built over a lifetime and sink the economy."
In other words, every large company in America will go belly up, taking retirement investments with them.
All considered, we'd prefer to have the maniac with the hockey mask running our economic policies rather than any of the ten Marxist candidates who are currently giving us goosebumps.
We watched quite a bit of the debate (well, all we could stand), and it was even more disturbing than we expected it to be. So much anger and hatred. So many lies. So much loathing of our country and disparagement of large portions of our citizenry.
Not to overstate the case, but if any of these candidates wins the presidency we can kiss the American experiment goodbye.
Five minutes earlier, Busty, and my heart might not have taken the strain!
For Fauxahonas, I'm waiting for her to announce her campaign's official theme song will be ca ira.
Oh, yeah, and now that I've had a few sips of morning coffee, thought Busty's punch line would have been we would have caught Elizabeth Warren in the shower.🤢🤢
I'm rather glad I did useful things like go to my audio theater rehearsals instead of watching Ten Little Idiots spewing their poison. The reports I've seen so far got me so angry that watching the entire thing would probably have put me back in the hospital...
Something's wrong here NO woman is dressed 5 minutes after she takes a shower. 1/2 hour... maybe.
Another thought before I trundle off to do my 8 hours.... to turn one of the tenets of "progressiveism", 'diversity' on its head, most of the berserkers masquerading as democratic candidates for POTUS, are white.
On the other hand, I see a viable potential future Republican POTUS candidate field: Nikki Haley, Bobby Jidal, Condolezza Rice, Ben Carlson, off th top of my head and I see a much more diverse field of candiates
And we have no one to blame but our so called educational system to blame for the so called candidates who are running for office. 'Nuff said......
I might have watched the debates if Ms. Ross was on the panel, showered or not. Otherwise, nope.
I can't imagine anyone running for POTUS that does not have at least one positive proposal but it has happened. President Trump has taken away every plank that they usually espouse and fulfilled it in spades. Economy, unemployment, taxes, immigration, etc. All they have to run on is get rid of President Trump. O.K. Suppose they did, then what? Everything he has built would then be destroyed so they can go back to only the government can help you. We will never see 2% economic growth again, expand food stamps, tear down this wall, etc. How horrible is that? My worry is the illegal votes. There is no honest way they can win. Those bastids better be careful what they wish for because none of them has a long range solution.
To paraphrase a quote from a movie, "Evil people can do whatever they want but good people can only do what they are allowed." Now, back to visit with Busty.
I'm going to start making up a lot of good shit up too, since no one seems to expect any logical explanation of how such things can and will be done.
By the way, if & when elected Bernie will be 79 years 3 months old at his swearing in, and he's already been off his rocker for several years. Maybe the field will be narrowed by a more natural process well before then. Biden is not much younger and already appears to be embalmed. I would not want to be the person that had to wipe the spittle off their podiums after this so-called "debate". There was nothing Presidential here, folks.
Warren wants every business in America worth $1 billion or more to be compelled to become a "federal corporation" in which 2/5 of the directors must be elected by the workers. And rather than primarily serving stockholders, these "federal" corporations would be ordered to serve "the workforce, the community, customers, the local and global environment, and contribute to the betterment of community and societal factors."
Wow, just wow. Straight out of Atlas Shrugged, just ask Hank Rearden. Regarding the ending of fossil fuel production, perhaps it IS time to light Wyatt's torch.
Speaking of torch...Betsy, Betsy, Betsy.
An Irishman speaking in Spanish and vowing to take our guns away. A Chinaman promising to give every American $1000 a month from some magical money tree, and an ancient former VP who isn't always sure where he is and can't keep his dentures in place, plus 7 other delusional contestants all wishing to captain the greatest country in the world.
I can't decide if that should be the script for a Mel Brook's movie or an episode of The Twilight Zone.
Where can I get a Busty Ross flag? Designing one of those ought to stimulate your creativity.
Re: Friday the 13th. I love this day! When else can I use the phrase "Friggatriskaidekaphobia" and not sound out of place?
Enjoy, share, et cetera...
@Geoff King. All you may have missed is calling the rest of them the 7 dwarves.
In my state, Oklahoma, there is a flood of parents pulling their kids from public schools. Among the reasons include: No fiscal accountability by school boards, teachers that would have been fired if they worked on a garbage truck, and (this may be the biggest) public schools are not safe places. With the pressure to not suspend thugs for thugish behavior, we might as well give the empty classrooms to whoever and sell beer and weed.
There are a bunch of options for parents. They include home school, online schools, charter schools and others. Public schools have shirked their main responsibility of educating young people on how to improve themselves and equipping them to make good choices in life and at the ballot box. I don't have to agree with anyone's choice in voting, but I would insist on not letting morons vote.
I have always been a praying man. As such, I have always believed that God, (the real one) has a plan. I will always want to be part of that plan. But, I must confess that I'm very worried. We are in deep kim-chee.
Let's not forget Bernie was/is a dead-beat father with a son from another women he never married. He married two others. He was too busy at the time running for low public office so he could "lead" his peeps. How these people are able progress in politics is just beyond me.
We really need reasonable minimum qualifications and character checks for higher office; or don't even register to run.
#Winning: I'm old enough to remember when Democrats had to take considerable care to hide the fact that they were closet totalitarians and that their various social programs were nothing more than simple vote buying schemes. Consider it another unexpected benefit of Trump Derangement Syndrome that suddenly they've unwittingly become transparent in their ambitions.
Accountable Capitalism: Another irony of this age of insanity is that while Democrats still argue that Trump is diligently working to transform America to Nazi Germany, they feel totally free to propose policies that Hitler himself would have cheerfully signed off on. After gun confiscation, another such proposal is Liz Warren's "Accountable Capitalism", which actually is fascism; the state asserting direct, political control over privately owned entities.
Remember, the only real difference between "socialism" and "fascism" is the bookkeeping. Under fascism, the state will still let you think you own things, but will reserve the right to tell you what you can and can't do with them. You average, ignorant Bernie/Warren fan doesn't understand that. They think fascism is entirely about goosestepping and behaving like Antifa without being Antifa.
As for Liz's plan, it's something straight out of Atlas Shrugged. If you don't have the patience to make it through the 1,200 some-odd pages, let me summarize for you: Know-it-all populist Progressives like Liz "fix" the economy to the point to where nobody bothers to work anymore.
Fortunately, these Democrats still have two big problems: One, most Americans, even those who think they are "poor" have too much to lose. Unlike Marx's proletariat who own little more than the shirts on their backs, today's masses own homes, cars, consumer toys, and IRAs & 401Ks. They have a lot to lose. Should they lose their homes, cars, toys and savings, then roughly half of them will still own 300,000,000 guns and will be mad.
Which is why they need to get the guns first.
Oh, Busty. You know just how to tease me.
@M. Mitchell Marmel, love the Busty Ross flag. Change the bikini polka dots to stars, and I'm buying one for Mrs. Econ.
@Sortahwitte, consider what just went down in California:
California to extend ban on pushing students out of school for disruptive behavior
That's right. Remember the Parkland shooter? California just sanctified his behavior. All school-aged sociopaths have now been empowered to up their game since the power of the state will further eliminate any consequences for "disruptive" behavior. Meanwhile, the "good kids" have learned that they don't matter, and that the state takes the side of the bullies.
This will be a boon for private and home schooling in California.
@Rod, Bernie, like his idol Marx is a bum. If it weren't for the economic enrichment provided by decades of supposed "public service", there'd be little difference between Bernie and the free-loaders he pretends to serve.
@Rod: And Grover Cleveland (a dem) gathered a child our of wedlock ( Ma, Ma, where us Pa? Gone to the White House, ha ha, ha. Went the campaign ditty)
Once again, the Dumb-o-crats put a debate on an NFL football night. What does this tell us?
1) They fancy themselves to be more popular than the most popular TV sport in the country.
2) They think that NFL fans will gladly eschew what they love to watch, and tune in to three hours of emotional children throwing poop at each other.
Is the DNC out of touch with reality, or what?
AND... it still kills me that the three front runners are what the Democrats claim is bad about Republicans: old white people.
It will never happen, but I'd love to have Beatoff O'Dork show up on my front porch and demand to have my AR.
Bottom line, IMHO... I hope these idiots just keep it up. Keep on trying to out-Marxist each other. Keep on threatening to take people's money, freedom and guns. Keep on insinuating that black people are stupid and unable to take care of themselves. Keep on promising the world to illegals while simultaneously screwing over citizens.
I regret that I forgot to mention how I feel about Busty.
I love, love, love her and I was born 50 years too soon.
@Colby Muenster, perhaps they would just prefer that deplorable NFL fans not see what they have to say.
Speaking of: It's my understanding that the entirety of last week's "climate debate" is not online. (You can find bits and pieces of it here and there, but not all of it) Why is that I wonder?
I don't own an AR, but Beto's raving makes me want to have one. Anything this, or any of these clowns think I shouldn't have is probably something that I should.
And you're right: Everything these clowns advocate and promise is contradictory. They're going to take away my private insurance and care, but simultaneously open the borders and provide free gender re-assignment to whoever wants it?
Want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump.
I watched the entire first season of Bondi Vet on YouTube, instead of the debate (and I despise NFL sports). I thoroughly enjoyed watching a hot looking veterinarian take care of Aussie critters.
Methinks I missed nothing...
@John the Econ: Give the public what it wants, I always say! :D
Busty Ross Flag now mit stars:
GIMP is a wonderful thing, it is...
@John: the downside to your argument regarding the (D)'s two big problems is ONE of those groups are too focused on economic jealousy to recognize the threat, and are therefor "all in."
@Cousin Colby: No. The handlers are actually pretty smart. The conflict will likely precluded a whole swath of faithful democrat voters from seeing their "product"...
I really can't fathom how Booker and O'Rourke believe they can win when their comments offend about 43% of the entire population? And that's only those who admitted to having a gun in the home on a survey, and many of those homes will have one or more "vote alike" adults.
And this huge push toward fascism/socialism from virtually every democrat candidate? I just don't get it. I honestly think they're believing too much of their own "pollaganda". But, then again, we're entering an era where the vast majority of voters are products of leftist-controlled public education. Maybe there's a basis for this confidence...
@M. Mitchell Marmel - GIMP is usually my weapon of choice (unless I need vectors, then it's Inkscape...). Best toys anyone ever made for this engineer, and free to boot! And good on ya, mate, for being a fellow de-vo-tee!
@Emmentaler: I do have Inkscape installed. One of these days, I plan to sit down and figure it out. Shouldn't be that hard; I cut my teeth with Claris Draw, Claris CAD, Expression 3.0 and the like. I use Open Office's drawing suite for simple vectors nowadays...
@Mike aka Proof- That's why fluffy, shock-absorbing rugs are so important in bathrooms!
@Fish Out of Water- Or perhaps "Indian Lake" by the Cowsills. And geez, thanks for putting the phrase "Elizabeth Warren in the shower" in my head...
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Hey, what little I watched of the debate nearly put ME in the hospital. And what kind of audio theater are you doing? I'm all about OTR!
@Big Foot- I suppose it would've taken longer if she'd put on undergarments...
@Fish Out of Water- On the GOP/Conservative side of things, you have real diversity - ethnic and ideological. I wouldn't have a heartbeat's worth of hesitation voting for a candidate who was black, brown, asian, female or whatever as long as I liked their ideas. But on the DEM side, it seems "diversity" is only about skin color.
@Fred Ciampi- It's a vicious circle; the politicians dumb down the schools, after which a dumb electorate votes for bad politicians.
@DrDave- Ms Ross would definitely up their ratings. In fact, she even said "up theirs."
@james daily- You're right that there seems to be NO positive proposals from the Left. All they do is paint a false picture of a nightmarish America then claim they'll cure it - using force if necessary (yeah, lookin' at YOU, Beto). Meanwhile, the country is running just fine under Trump.
@Rod- The parts of the debate I saw were indeed "logic free" zones. Even Joe Biden was telling Kamala Harris that the things she was promising can't be done because they're unconstitutional, to which she just clucked "Yes we can." And I agree that Bernie and Biden are both over the hill. I wouldn't be surprised to see one or both drop out for health-related reasons.
@TrickyRicky- At this very second, I have actual goosebumps (of the "fear" variety) thinking about Warren's proposals. And the Wall Street Journal was the only news source I saw reporting this. Other outlets were skipping reality entirely and just praising Warren for her promise to give everyone on Social Security a $200/month bonus by taxing the evil rich.
@Geoff King- Well said!
@pkdphd- I've thought about doing a Busty Ross flag or T-shirt, and might follow through. The one downside for me is that when I post a t-shirt design for sale on Amazon, within a week 20 other vendors have stolen my design and Amazon really doesn't nothing to stop it.
@Geoff King- Bonus! "Friggatriskaidekaphobia" sounds dirty!
@twocents- I hadn't heard that about Warren's Indian-killing ancestors! Perhaps this very wealthy woman should start paying reparations.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Brilliant!
@Stilton: I'm playing some bit characters and doing some Foley work here: https://www.facebook.com/marmelmm/posts/10212219395113861
It's mucho fun! :D
@Sortahwitte- Few things depress me more than the state of education in this country. We're already getting our asses handed to us by well educated young people overseas, and it's only getting worse. Of course, that's in science and math. Our young peoples' ignorance of history, logic, and analytical thinking all promise stupid voters and (likely) an increasingly socialist future.
@Rod- Maybe Bernie's more qualified than we give him credit for: he's offering free stuff to people who've never worked for it and don't deserve it...and that's exactly how he's lived his life, and he's made out like a bandit. Literally.
@John the Econ- You're right that the Dems are showing their true colors. As has been pointed out online, Beto gave a huge gift to Trump by declaring "Hell yes we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47." (And I note that this asshole is now selling campaign t-shirts with this slogan). And wow - Warren's manifesto is genuinely about as fascist as it gets. The fact that she is rising in the polls chills me to the bone.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Cool beans! I love radio theater (I wrote radio scripts for a good bit of my career) and sound effects. Is this something we can listen to online?
@Fish Out of Water- Frankly, I'm amazed that a guy named "Grover Cleveland" was even able to get laid.
@Colby Muenster- You've summarized things very nicely. And I hope someone asks Beto if the people he plans to send to take peoples' guns will themselves be armed? Because if they are, he's just given us the most perfect example possible of why the 2nd Amendment is needed.
@Sortahwitte- Busty is an all-American gal. What's not to love?
@John the Econ- I certainly hope this is how we get more Trump!
@MAJ Arkay- Wait, there's a hot looking Aussie veterinarian on YouTube? I'm in! (Hmm, just checked and it's a guy. Granted that he's hot looking, but I'm somewhat disappointed.)
@M. Mitchell Marmel- I'll salute that flag any day!
@Emmentaler Limburger- I think the Leftists are also convinced of their own power because they own the media. I know quite a few good, intelligent people who like the Dems because they have no freaking idea what's actually going on.
And in matters artistic, I've heard of GIMP but use Adobe Photoshop Elements (which can be darn cheap if you buy it a couple of generations old).
@M. Mitchell Marmel- I just recently bought a graphics program called "Clip Studio" because it was highly recommended by a cartoonist friend (a real cartoonist - not a cut-and-paste guy like me). It's not very expensive and has some pretty cool features that Photoshop doesn't offer.
I might have watched the NFL game, but certainly not the debate. After hearing that Beto promised to break down my door and confiscate my match-grade AR, I decided to hand-load another 100 rounds instead. Far more productive than listening to a lineup of fools. Now, if I could only teach Busty to polish brass cases and hand me the primers.
Polish Brass? Nice; but I'd just like to watch her polish my shoes.
Why should we worry about this group of hypocritical, self serving, anti-Americans coming into power? Because... electrolytes.
Busty Ross Flag now mit stars: 5 STARS, Mitchell! (out of 5)
du bist eine mensch!
Once again I was busy rearranging my socks drawer and missed this one too.......
I understand Beta o'Dourke said we should get ready to have our semi-auto firearms picked up and million of American (16 million AR-15s at least) have set their's close to the front door to be ready for this pick-up. Rumor has it beta says we'll be happy to turn these in .....
Just overjoyed to do it .......... were gonna just leave this alone for now while we scratch our heads trying to figure out what part of Texas has he been in where these thoughts are popular...
As for what the rest promised - it makes one wonder if the Black Plague, which may make a come back from more demonRat policies, is really all that bad .......
I wish someone would ask Robert Francis O'Rourke, the Irish Mexican guy, why all the guns he finds scary need to be confiscated if only a few dozen at most out of 15-30 million of them have never been used to attack people. I also wish I could win a few million bucks in the lottery.
D'OH!! That should say "only a few dozen...have EVER been used..."
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