Friday, August 28, 2020

If At First You Don't Concede

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, hillary clinton, biden, election, concede, drunk, tyranny, bitch

Hillary Clinton recently gave us a preview of coming distractions when she counseled Joe Biden to not concede the election "under any circumstances," even if he gets his ass handed to him by the voters ("Hey look," Joe would say, "It's my elbow!").

In other words, Hillary has dropped any pretense that she believes (or has ever believed) that our nation's leadership should be determined by voters. She's openly advocating a different system in which political machinations, power, money, and corrupt courts replace the expressed wishes of America's pesky peasant class. That system is called "tyranny," and dressing it up in a purple pantsuit doesn't make it any prettier.

And as long as we're hating on Hillary (and trust us, we are), here's a favorite cartoon from the vault...

And after hearing Leftists again attack Melania Trump following her stirring and eloquent convention speech, this cartoon from the vault seems relevant again...

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Poll Driven

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, pa, RNC, convention, steering wheel, trump
To be completely truthful, I again didn't have time to create much in the way of an original post today, which is why I defaulted to another one of my Dad's doodled cartoons (expect to see more of this happening for awhile).

But you know, it's not really a bad metaphor for what Trump and the Republicans are doing to the Democrats during the televised RNC Convention. The Dems spent their time talking about what a horrible, racist, xenophobic, fascist nightmare our country is...and Trump and company are taking that message and shoving it up their assumptions.

I haven't been able to watch much of the convention, but Mrs. J - with her various bandages, braces, and slings - is relegated to sitting in a chair and watching the news whether she likes it or not. Rather like Alex DeLarge in "A Clockwork Orange," whose eyes are wedged open so he can't look away from whatever's onscreen.

Happily, rather than Nazi atrocities, what she's seeing is a parade of people who are celebrating America and talking about how their lives have improved during the Trump administration. People of all races and backgrounds who want nothing to do with the socialist fantasies of the Left, and are citing their own life stories as proof that the American Dream is actually a lot more than just a dream. It's a reality, and a path to achievement for everyone which exists nowhere else in the world.

It would be very easy to simply vote against the Democrats and everything they stand for. And I'd do it in a heartbeat. But the RNC convention reminds us that we're fortunate enough to actually vote FOR something this time around. Something noble, inspirational, and worth preserving.

Whether or not someone loves Trump isn't really the main question for voters this November. It's whether they love America - her ideals, her Constitution, her freedoms, and her opportunities for all. That's what's on the line. And should the Left win, their reign will be a much greater pain in the rear end than that suffered by the poor guy in today's cartoon.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Big Bang Theories

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, asteroid, election day

Astrophysicists tell us that there is absolutely nothing in the universe which sucks more powerfully than a black hole...with the exception of the whole damn year of 2020. So it's not surprising that these same scientists are now predicting that an asteroid known as 2018VP1 may slam into the Earth on November 2nd, just one day before the presidential election.

Reactions to this potentially earth-shattering news are streaming in from every quarter...

Donald Trump: "Asteroids are not all bad! Not all bad! Some have big diamonds in them that are, like, the size of grapefruits. Or maybe a pomelo, you'd have to ask the scientists."

Joe Biden: "I am proud to face this challenge, even though it is hard for me personally. I lost a lot of dinosaur friends to an asteroid."

CNN: "This is a direct result of Trump's pervasive climate of violence."

Andrew Cuomo: "I'll be in a shelter which I'm padding with layers of people from nursing homes."

• Antifa: "Burning cities? Broken windows? Panic in the streets? Sounds like a win!"

Dr. Anthony Fauci: "Masks will help. No, they won't. Yes, they will. No, they won't..."

Wall Street: "Ding-ding-ding! The stock market is hitting new all-time highs!"

Kamala Harris: "It's KAH-ma-la, damnit! KAH-ma-la!"

Nancy Pelosi: "It's times like this I wish my face could move enough to scream."

• Every A**hole in Hollywood: "Would it help if we made bigger donations to Black Lives Matter?"

Alexandria Old-Casio Keyboard: "Can't we just use, like, a lot of Preparation-H?"

Scientists have calculated that the hurtling asteroid has about a 1% chance of hitting the Earth and that it has a diameter just a little over 6 feet - making it smaller and likely less destructive than Bill de Blasio.

Tragically, this "Not Big Enough Bang" means that we're all still going to have to put up with the election and whatever fresh Hell the year has in store for us.


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, biden, election, convention, bounce, jill, sex