Friday, March 3, 2017

A Whiter Shade of Fail

politics, trump, hope n' change, stilton's place, speech, democrats, white

At President Trump's wildly successful speech to Congress, female Democrats decided to show that they're tough, serious, and independent-minded by all dressing the same, the first opportunity many have had since serving as bridesmaids back in the days of the Eisenhower administration.

Theoretically, the decision for the ladies to wear white was to show their support for women's suffrage...which was codified into law 92 years ago. Disappointingly, none of the Dem dames wore anything to show their support for abolition. Racist much, ladies?


stilton's place, hope n' change, franken, sessions, Russia, conspiracy, hillary, trump

We don't know all the details of the accusations against Attorney General Jeff Sessions because, and we state this firmly and for the record, we don't give a rat's ass.

For Sessions to have taken part in a Russian conspiracy to elect Donald Trump, there would have to have been a Russian conspiracy to elect Donald Trump. Not only is there no evidence of this, but the whole premise makes no sense.

Whereas Trump was simply free-associating about the possibility of a better relationship with the Kremlin while on the stump, Hillary quietly approved the sale of 20% of America's uranium reserves to the Russians. Moreover, with her bungled Russian "reset" program as Secretary of State, Hillary had already clearly demonstrated to Putin that, if elected, she would be far easier to manipulate than the wildcard Trump.

We're hoping that Jeff Sessions stands tough against the current accusations and that Trump stands behind him. The "Russian Conspiracy" is nonsense of a high order...and the last resort of a failing and flailing political party.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Nuts Who Say "Knee!"

stilton's place, hope n' change, trump, politics, conservative, liberal, vagina, conway, oval office, bill clinton
This has been a public cervix announcement.
We can't comment on President Trump's address to Congress because it hasn't happened yet at the time of this writing. We predict, however, that the President will heap praise upon himself, outline a boldly vague agenda for restoring unbelievable swellness to America ("so, so swell that you'll get sick of swelling!"), and that the Democrats in attendance will find some new way to make complete asses of themselves.

But in the meanwhile, let us reflect on the fact that those on the Left now need to manufacture a Trump-related crisis every day, and the current one is a doozy: Kellyanne Conway put her knees on an oval office sofa, thereby leaving the Left shocked (shocked!) with her lack of respect for the office.

Mind you, these are the same idiots who didn't complain a bit when Monica Lewinsky's knees hit the carpet, and Bill Clinton's "precious bodily fluids" were shooting around that same oval office like a Red Bull-fueled paintball war. Even now, there's probably more of Bill's DNA in that room than there is in Chelsea.

Of course, while focusing on Kellyanne's knees, the mainstream media ignored what was actually happening in that photo: Donald Trump was meeting with the nation's black college presidents - which you'd think the Left would approve of if they actually gave a tinker's damn about either black people or education (spoiler alert: they don't).

Then again, the ever color-conscious Left may have simply assumed this was the cast and crew of "Moonlight" showing up to demand government reparations after the Academy Awards fiasco.

Monday, February 27, 2017

And Now, On With The Show!

stilton's place, stilton, jarlsberg, conservative, comedy, news, hope n' change, trump, lefty lucy
Funny, we thought your generation knew ALL the four letter words...
Well, that didn't take long, did it? Only one month after wrapping up Hope n' Change, here I am with a brand new (yet hauntingly familiar) blog! Which may raise some questions on your part, like...

"What the heck made you change your mind about doing a blog again?"

Several things. First and foremost, it turns out that I really missed being in touch with the great HnC community. I was made keenly aware of this fact when I decided to purge the various lifelong friends on Facebook who, post-election, were declaring me and my ilk (note: you are that ilk) to be fascists, racists, pussy-grabbers, and haters. After which I had nobody left to talk to online, which was relaxing but boring.

"Why not just continue doing Hope n' Change Cartoons?"

We are now living in a very different political world and it just didn't feel right. Hope n' Change had a specific mission, which was to see Barack Obama removed from office (and simultaneously point out the myriad foibles and failings of those on the Left). Mission accomplished - albeit the hard way.

The dynamic now is very different. Donald Trump is Presidenting like he has a roman candle shooting out of his rear end, which is sometimes good, sometimes bad, and always (gulp) exciting. Meanwhile, those on the Left have upped their game from "insane" to "criminally insane," having conniption fits over the slightest of upsets and calling for the blood of conservatives to flow in the streets. Yikes!

It's an uglier and more intense battlefield than it was before, and frankly I've reached an age where I don't need the stress of swinging that vorpal sword three times a week.

"But Stilton - you look so young, vigorous, and handsome! And you've lost some weight, right?"

Yes, a little - thank you for noticing. But as I was saying, I just wasn't in the mood to get back into obsessing over the news and doing 3 cartoons and full-length commentaries every week for another run of 4 to 8 years. And various HnC stalwarts have told me that they'd still like to hang out, but would also like an occasional break from politics.

Ergo - Stilton's Place. I'll post something every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A cartoon, a graphic, an editorial, or whatever else strikes my fancy (I really should protect my fancy by wearing a cup). The subject may be politics, entertainment, venting about home repairs, doctor visits, or arguing that "The Kid from Borneo" was the best ever episode of The Little Rascals (fact). Or maybe I'll just declare it to be an "open microphone" day with YOU supplying the topics in the comments area!

"Is it still confusing how we REACH the darn comments area?"

Think of it as the intellectual equivalent of Trump's border wall, intended to keep out riff-raff, rapists, and ruffians.

To comment, you just need to click on the title above the day's post (in this case: "And Now, On With The Show") or click on the number of comments shown at the bottom of the post. That will take you to a fresh page where you can frolic, gambol, and commune with old friends from HnC and hopefully new friends who are looking for an online oasis of erudition, goodwill, and general wise-assery.

"Will you occasionally create new political cartoons under the Hope n' Change banner?"

Why, yes! How insightful of you to ask...!

stilton's place, stilton, jarlsberg, conservative, comedy, news, hope n' change, trump, immigrants, illegal aliens, pipeline
Sadly, someone already beat me to declaring CNN to be the Clown News Network.
Such cartoons will be posted here and (probably) on Facebook. They will not be published at the old HnC site, which is going to be preserved as a standalone archive: my very own version of the Barry Soetoro Presidential Library and Progressive Holocaust Museum. 

"Is this new site entirely finished and running like a Swiss watch?"

No. I'll be tweaking the look and function for awhile (with your help). But I didn't want "perfect to be the enemy of the good" (especially since I find web design baffling) and so opted to get this site running as soon as possible.

" it good to be back?"

Yes. Very good. And it's good to have you back, too - I'll see you in the comments section!