Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Coming Up Next

In nature, mother birds regurgitate into the mouths of their young to provide all-important sustenance and nutrition. So too, in politics and the news, do those who are stationed above us puke into our upturned faces and expect a "thank you" for their generosity. And today, we're just not in the mood.

Reviewing news stories for today's blog, we managed to put ourselves in a foul mood (or fowl, if we want to stick with the bird metaphor). Enough so that we don't even have anything particularly clever to say, but will instead just list a few of the stories that are honking us off...

• On Sunday, two people were killed and 21 others injured at a mass shooting in Miami. News reports rather cryptically said that this occurred at a "banquet hall" and, for reasons we can only guess at, did not mention that it was a rap concert. The shootings were by three thugs who jumped from a white van and opened fire, then drove away. And despite the van being described as "white," no color was ascribed to the shooters. Including in the security video that showed three black guys with guns. But a mysterious shooting at a banquet hall just doesn't fit the desired news narrative as well as "black guys shoot up rap concert crowd because they can."

• There are more (and more) stories about hate crimes in which black folks beat the hell out of Asian folks. But again, the news reports only mention the victims' race...never that of the assailants, even though (again based on security video) it always seems to be black assailants. And we're bitching about this not because we've got a problem with anyone black, but we have a HUGE problem with "news" which distorts and hides facts which could be helpful in addressing a genuinely serious and growing problem.

• There are very few Covid-related topics we aren't sick of at this point, so we're not really enjoying the media's tiptoe approach into speculation that the virus was manipulated in, and escaped from, a lab in Wuhan, China. People who were paying any freaking attention at all have known this for more than a year. But the truth had to be covered up, lest the reality help Donald Trump's reelection effort. With very few exceptions, every news source has gotten so much wrong (often deliberately) about Covid that we just don't give a damn anymore.

• Holy sweet mother of pearl, do we dislike Biden and Harris! And all of their friends and co-conspirators.

• The White House issued a proclamation to remind us all that this is LGBTQ+ Pride Month. We're just unsure about whether it's racist when white LGBTQ+ people feel pride? We live in confusing times.

But rather than leave you with the impression that there's no such thing as good news anymore, we're happy to report that in Fitzgerald, Georgia, work continues on the construction of a majestic 62-foot framework which will soon become the world's largest living topiary chicken. It's stories like that which give us the will to keep going.

Monday, May 31, 2021

Memorial Day 2021

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, memorial day

Today is not about politics. It's about remembering that the freedoms we too easily take for granted came at the highest imaginable cost. We are all in the debt of the fallen - and while it is a debt that can never be repaid, it is essential that we try to prove ourselves worthy of their sacrifice every day.

On this Memorial Day, please take time in your thoughts to express gratitude to those who have died in the service of our nation, and to rededicate yourself to the defense of the gifts they have given us.

Friday, May 28, 2021

The Great White Nope

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, biden, racism, covid, anti-white, rescue plan

To help "Make America Greater Than The Bad Orange Man Did," Joe Biden is pushing his "American Rescue Plan" which will distribute billions of dollars in Covid relief funds to "socially disadvantaged" people. And according to Biden, "socially disadvantaged" doesn't necessarily mean you're poor, or uneducated, or jobless, or particularly impacted by Covid at all- it just means you aren't white. Because Biden's plan might more accurately be labeled "No Cash For Caucasians."

Blacks, Native Americans, Alaskan Natives, Hispanics, and Pacific Islanders have all been granted "instant victim" status regardless of their degree of success in life. Because in Democratic minds, if any of those people are succeeding it's clearly some kind of fluke.

Not everyone is happy with this reasoning, including a white farmer (who has filed a lawsuit) born with spina bifida, who has two prosthetic legs, struggles to milk 70 cows a day, is overwhelmed with debt, and still can't get financial aid solely because of his skin color. Apparently, a twisted spine and two missing legs just aren't "socially disadvantaged" enough to deserve assistance. 

Nor will he be seeing anything from Biden's $100 billion "Justice For Black Farmers Act," which will give 200,000 black applicants 160 acres, a home mortgage, loans for farm equipment and, oh yeah, agricultural training...since they won't need any farming experience to harvest government greens.

Happily, it seems likely that the courts will overturn at least some of Biden's plans because, according to a small technicality hidden deep, deep, deep within the Constitution, overt racism by government agencies isn't legal. Yet.


As we head into the Memorial Day weekend, it's worth checking in to see what Joe Biden's handlers have planned for him...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, biden, Memorial Day, Arlington, wreath, Aretha Franklin