Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Between a Rocker and a Hard Place

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, sotu, superbowl, unity, wall, ginsburg

We'd really love to give a point-by-point breakdown of Trump's State of the Union address, as well as our customary analytical breakdown of the most subtle and meaningful bits. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, Trump is still hours away from just like the professional journalists, we'll just have to make things up while trying to keep a straight face.

Which won't be easy - after all, it's being reported that the primary thrust of Trump's speech will be to call for national Unity. And while he's at it, we hope he also calls for the successful development of cold fusion, lasting peace in the Middle East, affordable jetpacks for personal flying, decent "Star Wars" sequels, magic weight-loss pills and, most importantly, McRibs being served at McDonald's all year long.

Because all of those things are going to happen way before we see anything like unity in this country again. People flat out hate one another and can find no common ground. Even the tepid halftime show at the actual (and remarkably boring) Superbowl was steeped in controversy over not being controversial enough.

Some people even had a problem with Gladys Knight beautifully singing our national anthem because she gave it too much gravitas and respect. For those holding this opinion about our national anthem and the national treasure that is Gladys Freaking Knight, we will gently suggest that you might benefit from taking the "Midnight Train to Auschwitz."

But back to the State of the Union, which Nancy Pelosi has so generously offered to hold in "her" house (although we'd like to see her property tax receipts to prove it). Maxine Waters went on a long rant telling people not to watch the speech under any circumstances because "Trump has told lies 6000 times! We've counted them!" and she also hints that there's some chance that people who look at him will turn into pillars of salt, which presents a special (and no doubt targeted) risk to black Americans who have a tendency toward hypertension.

Still, SOME people will see Trump's speech - including a bunch of whackjobs who are being invited into the House of Representatives as "special guests" of the Democrats. Artesia Ocarina-Courtdate has invited the strident anti-Kavanaugh harpy who attacked Jeff Flake in an elevator. Kamala Harris is bringing a woman who lost her home in a wildfire which was, purportedly, started by off-gassing from Donald Trump's hair.

Kirsten Gillibrand is bringing a transgender Naval officer, who will burst into tears whenever Trump mentions "seamen." A number of illegal immigrants will also be in attendance, and there are unconfirmed rumors that a couple of pregnant women whose due dates aligned with the speech will be present to have their gasping children dismembered on the chamber floor.

So all in all, a big entertainment spectacle which will produce...well...pretty much nothing, we're guessing. Although there's at least a chance that Trump will take the opportunity to get the Wall moving by declaring a national emergency.

And if you can look at all the stories we just listed above and NOT think we're having a national emergency, well, you're just not paying attention.

And forceps and bone-saws make fabulous accessories!

After more than two months out of the public eye, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg emerged from solitude to attend a small musical which was written and performed in her honor. People attending the event swear that the aged, health-challenged Justice looked spectacularly well, vigorous, vivacious, and glamorous...

Unfortunately, no actual pictures of Ginsburg at the event have emerged, which is why we were forced to fill the available space with this fascinating and completely unrelated photo of a "teratoma tumor," a benign growth in humans which can develop teeth, hair, rudimentary eyes, and even tiny little arms and legs without being Justice Ginsburg!

We don't actually know if these odd growths can also adjudicate legal cases, and we weren't about to do a Google search for "teratoma tumors" AND "lawyers." There are some things you just can't un-see...

Monday, February 4, 2019

The Hole Truth

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, northam, KKK, blackface, groundhog day, abortion, virginia

Frankly, we're not really enthusiastic about "trial by yearbook," but since Democrat presidential wannabees like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker put such a high value on this kind of "evidence" during the Brett Kavanaugh hearings, we're willing to reach across the aisle and accept their notion that decades-old embarrassments can appropriately be used to destroy lives and political careers.

In this case, we're talking about Virginia's Democrat Governor (and baby murder enthusiast) Ralph Northam and the strange case of a photo on his college yearbook page which apparently shows him wearing blackface or a Ku Klux Klan robe. Northam apologized for the photo and the hurtfulness of his actions, and claimed he couldn't recall whether he was the person in the photo portraying Al Jolson or the one impersonating former Democrat Senator (and Klan official) Robert Byrd.

Northam later "clarified" that he was neither person, had nothing to apologize for other than his previous apology, and had never ever ever appeared in blackface except for the one time he literally rubbed Shinola on his face to imitate Michael Jackson for a dance contest. No, really. And when reporters asked about it, he offered to prove his case by doing the moonwalk but was stopped by his wife. Which, in our book, is a damn shame.

And as long as we're linking the late term abortion-happy Virginia Governor and Groundhog Day...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, northam, KKK, blackface, groundhog day, abortion, virginia


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, pelosi, ginsburg, wall, barrier, bury her, health, supreme court

Okay, we honestly hope that Justice Ginsburg gets well soon. But this gag, suggested by our erudite friend John F. Di Leo, was just too good not to share.

Friday, February 1, 2019

Fetal Distraction

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, abortion, cuomo, lorena bobbitt, late term, my body, woman's body

Believe it or not, we're actually trying to make a serious point in the cartoon above (with a tip of our hat to Jonathan Swift and his "modest proposal").

Considering the nightmarish abortion laws being pushed and passed (something that fewer and fewer babies will get to experience), just what is the difference between going Texas Chainsaw Massacre on a baby in the process of being born, or slicing and dicing a gentleman's johnson which happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

Both baby and man are separate individuals from the woman, with their own DNA, blood type, heart beat, and hopes to survive the experience of intimate contact with a woman. Both are presumably someplace where they were invited by the woman to be. And both are intended by nature to be pulled intact out of a vagina in order to go on with the rest of their lives.

Granted, our example is extreme - but where is the error in our thinking? We've certainly got science and biology on our side. The only difference is legal (ie, semantic) - and the apparent belief that life itself should be defined by neither physicians, philosophers, nor theologians - but by politicians. Who are technically the lowest life forms on Earth.


Happy Birthday to my father (who art in Heaven, albeit not necessarily the fanciest part, and quite likely on probation). He was conceived under circumstances which would likely lead to an abortion these days (the product of my paternal grandmother and a traveling piano teacher who apparently also gave organ lessons), and I'm damn glad he made it into this world. He created a lifetime of happiness for a lot of people.