Monday, October 21, 2019

Period Piece

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, national period day, menstruation, beto o'rourke, menstrual equity act, tampons

In case you weren't paying attention, Saturday was National Period Day, with crowds of woke men and women flooding into the streets (so to speak) to declare themselves "period proud," demand that we "end period poverty," and wave signs saying "tampons, not guns," which makes us wonder who the hell had been making that mistake?

And although it's easy for insensitive cretins to make sophomoric jokes about all of this, we are fortunate to live in a society where serious issues are taken seriously by serious people. Like Beto O'Rourke, for instance...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, national period day, menstruation, beto o'rourke, menstrual equity act, tampons

Okay, we've slightly exaggerated what he had to say, but we're not kidding about Beto's hot-blooded dedication to this issue. Just consider this actual tweet...

That's right, the Irishman who pretends to be Hispanic, who wants to confiscate guns, and who promises to take away the tax exempt status of churches has thrown his support behind the Menstrual Equity Act, which is surprisingly a real thing. We're not 100% sure what the goal of the Menstrual Equity Act is, but suspect it's intended to close the menstrual inequality gap between the poor and the rich. Or, in tampon terms, the "light day" versus the "supermax" crowd.

But enough foolishness. We certainly and sincerely support women's health and hygiene, and in good conscience can not mock National Period Day since we didn't mock men when they held National Skidmark Day.

Sorry! Sorry! That was another joke! But we're going to take a deep breath, square our shoulders, and make one more attempt to present this subject in a serious, adult manner...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, national period day, menstruation, beto o'rourke, menstrual equity act, tampons
Hey, we tried.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Stand Up Guy

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, pelosi, third rate, illegals, sanders, hunter biden, comedian, stand up, comic

For those of you keeping score, here's the story about Nancy Pelosi staging a highly choreographed walkout on the President, here's the story about there being twice as many illegal aliens in our country than were previously reported (and the number is still erroneously low), and here's the story in which scientists say that less neural activity translates to a longer life...which raises the terrifying possibility that Democrat freshman Alexandria Foccacia-Croutons may actually be immortal.

Frankly, we occasionally think about buying a loud shirt and a stylish hat and popping in front of a camera to do a stand-up comedy act about current news events (eons ago, we actually did stand-up comedy, albeit nothing political).

But video seems to be a young person's medium and, additionally, one that looks suspiciously like work. Moreover, Youtube seems pretty consistent about trying to bury anyone with a conservative viewpoint - let alone a politically incorrect sense of humor.


In the meanwhile, you may be seeing more of our brassy friend above from time to time...assuming that I can stuff him back in my Id afterwards.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

See Worthy News

In our sadly paternalistic culture, the voices of intelligent, independent women are still too little heard when it comes to serious discussion of the issues which confront and divide us.

Well, Stilton's Place won't put up with that sort of sexist crap! Which is why today is Ladies Day in the fast-moving, bareknuckle world of Internet journalism.

And for anyone who thinks we just felt lazy today and thought we could get away with posting pictures of bikini babes, we must remind you that these are "woke" times, and you should never just assume our agenda.
stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, syria, biden, debate, bikini, women, tan o'clock