President Trump has nominated Amy Coney Barrett for the vacant seat in the Supreme Court, and Liberals are apoplectic. Judge Barrett has previously been praised by Republicans and Democrats for her intelligence, integrity, and a long record of making decisions based on the Constitution rather than her personal beliefs. Democrats are saying, not inaccurately, that a new Supreme Court Justice who actually takes her oath seriously could mess up a lot of their plans for the future.
And so they want to take her down, but it's not going to be easy - Barrett is such an exceptional scholar, mother, wife, and human being that she pretty much makes the rest of us look like sinful, underachieving pond scum.
Which is why the Left is attacking her for having adopted two black children from Haiti (she also has five biological children, including a special needs son) saying, "transracial adoption is fraught with trauma and potential for harm." And they may have a point: just look at the sad case of a small black boy who was raised by privileged white people instead of his biological parents and grew up, tragically, to be Barack Obama.
Tuesday night will see the first Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, and we can expect to see even more fireworks than Antifa throws at cops during "mostly peaceful" riots.
There are reports that Joe Biden has been "training aggressively" for the event, which made us think of this cartoon from the vault...
And while we were looking for that cartoon, we also encountered a Hope n' Change post from 2016 that has whole new layers of meaning when viewed from today's perspective. Remember VP Biden being put in charge of a counter-offensive against Russian election meddling? How about Trump suggesting a drug test for his debate opponent four years ago? There's enough fun stuff that we're sharing it here in its entirety...
JOE BYTE 'EM (Originally published 10/17/2016)
Sometimes, a news story is so ripe that we can't make up our minds about what comedic direction to take - especially if it involves Joe Biden. So here's a Monday twofer!
In case you're lucky enough not to know the convoluted tale that we're referring to, the Obama administration has accused Russia of hacking the email accounts of Hillary, her campaign manager, and Democrats in general and giving the information to Wikileaks in order to criminally influence our sacred national election by revealing the truth about how despicable everyone on the left is.
Hope n' Change isn't buying the whole "Russian plot" scenario for several reasons: it's of no obvious benefit to Putin, the theory is being advanced by congenital liars who are in full fanny-covering mode, and so far zero evidence of Russian involvement has been offered. Frankly, we think this is all an orchestrated con game intended to soften up Americans for government seizure of the election process in the name of "security."
But that hasn't stopped Joe Biden (apparently taking time off from his extra-special presidential "moonshot" assignment to cure cancer) from declaring that the U.S. is about to engage in a full-blown cyber attack on Russia. Although the odds of our pulling off a sneak cyber attack just got a helluva lot worse thanks to the motor-mouthed veep.
The idea of Old Blank Joe being anywhere near cyber warfare is terrifying - but no more so than the latest brainstorm from Donald Trump...
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Grab 'em by the pissy. |
On Saturday, Trump said "(Hillary and I) should take a drug test prior (to the final debate), because I don't know what's going on with her. At the beginning of her last debate she was all pumped up at the beginning and at the end she was like, 'Oh, take me down.' "
Trust us, Donald - that describes a lot of us who saw that debate.