Watching the seemingly unending and entirely mysterious process of "vote counting," we're put in mind of a stage magician doing his act and making doves, cards, and silks appear from unexpected places in endless quantities. And so it is with votes for Biden magically appearing just when you thought you'd seen the last of them.
Of course, Joe himself is giving us plenty of cause to see him as a somewhat tacky stage magician. One of his illusions is that his party can saw the nation in half, and then Joe will say the magic words "badakathcare trunalimunumaprzure," and join the halves into a functioning whole again. C'mon, man - we all know that's not going to happen, in part because neither Joe nor his party wants it to happen.
And while a good magician never reveals how he does his tricks, we're hoping that the proper authorities (assuming such even exist anymore) will be doing a deep dive into finding out the tricks which the Democrats are apparently using to try to (ahem) "influence" the results of the most ineptly run election in our nation's history. Seriously, when did "Election Day" turn into "Election Month?"
Our best guess is that Biden will soon be proclaimed the winner, that myriad (and valid) legal challenges will immediately arise, and the Leftists will accuse President Trump of acting like a dictator for not unquestionably accepting Biden's claim that there was "nothing up his sleeve."
At that point, keeping things peaceful in our nation will be the real trick.