Friday, October 12, 2018

Brutality is in the Eye of E. Holder

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, democrats, violence, holder, kick, civility, hillary, maxine waters, antifa, fast and furious
And of course, Holder's armed New Black Panther pals will handle the polling places.
Enraged by the fact that Donald Trump is, in fact, "winning" on the national and international stages, and doing more for America's minority communities than Obama accomplished in 8 years, top Democrats have been hard pressed to come up with a rebuttal to this administration's remarkable success. But at last, they've found something: increasing calls for physical violence against anyone who opposes their racist, sexist, and socialist policies.

And the calls for violence aren't just coming from the meth-using, basement-dwelling, Antifa minions who get a weekly allowance from George Soros (and, probably, their long-suffering parents). No, the bloodlusting battle cries are coming from top Democrats.

Eric Holder, the sleazy law-breaking bag man for Barack Obama who helped destroy the credibility of the Department of Justice, just issued a statement in which he declared that "Michelle Obama says when (Republicans) go low, we go high. No! NO! When they go low we KICK them!"

Hillary Clinton, who once swore to accept the results of the election in which Donald Trump kicked her fanny, just declared "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about. That's why I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and or the Senate, that's when civility can start again. But until then the only thing Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength."

Hang on - we're pretty sure that there's a word that distills that whole thought. "Strength" applied in a way that lacks "civility"...  Oh yeah, now we remember! That word is violence.

And let's not forget Mad Maxine Waters, who helped pour gasoline on this anti-American fire by saying "If you see anyone from the Cabinet in a restaurant, a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and create a crowd! And you push back on them! And you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere!" Except, perhaps, the death camps that Maxine and her chums seemingly have in mind for citizens who won't do what they're told.

This is in no way amusing, because it's pushing our nation to a very dangerous place. Not that you'd know it from the mainstream media, which has now undertaken a concerted and coordinated effort to say that violent Leftist mobs aren't really "mobs" at all - they're just groups of concerned citizens who are expressing their first amendment rights by kicking people in their faces, beating cars with truncheons, harassing family homes, and - when things get a bit boring - setting things on fire.

It seems inevitable that blood will eventually be shed - and that's just what Holder, Hillary, Maxine, and the rest of their ilk want. In victimhood there is why not push impressionable kids into acts so dangerous that a few may get shot while assaulting right wing Nazis?

That scenario is quite literally the Leftists' wet dream. And they're bothered not at all by whose blood will be providing the moisture.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Crawl of the Riled

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, kavanaugh, supreme court, beach friends, vesuvius, beach, bikini

The illustration above pretty neatly captures what we're dealing with today. Our hands are poised at the keyboard, but when it comes to tapping out some playful political musings, they're moving very, very slowly. Imperceptibly, even.

Truthfully, we've still got a bit of burnout from the ups and downs of the Kavanaugh confirmation debacle, though we were pleased to see today that Supreme Court Justice Kavanaugh is on the bench and on the job, hearing arguments and raising questions. This is as it should be.

There's plenty of ongoing drama and rampant stupidity related to this that we could talk about (like the pierced, pink-haired, and suddenly jobless school teacher who thought it was a smart idea to tweet "Kill Kavanaugh") but we'd prefer to treat this as a time of relative silence and healing. There's only so much of this stuff we can expose ourselves to until something bursts in our noggin.

And that's not just hyperbole! A team of Italian researchers has been examining the remains of Romans who were killed when Mt. Vesuvius erupted in 79 AD, and discovered that the sudden exposure to superheated air actually caused brains to boil with such ferocity that skulls started exploding like small bombs.

We're not absolutely sure that the hot air produced by the Leftists and their media cohorts reaches quite those searing temperatures, but we're not in the mood to put our little grey cells at risk today.

But as long as we're all here anyway, how about an eye-pleasing farewell to the Kavanaugh saga...?


Beer-drinking aliens who wanted to probe her hippocampus!

Monday, October 8, 2018

It Only Hurts When I Adjudicate

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, kavanaugh, supreme court, dr. ford, trump, midterms

The nightmarish Kavanaugh hearings are over, Brett Kavanaugh has finally been confirmed and was immediately sworn in as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

So why aren't we feeling happier? After all, we won and the Left lost, right? Right...?

Well, maybe not. Oh sure, we got a great jurist on the Supreme Court, but that should have been a given with broad bipartisan support (as has traditionally been the case). We only got what was expected and, considering Kavanaugh's remarkable qualifications, more or less inevitable.

But what did the Left gain from all of this? Sadly, one heck of a lot. For starters, they permanently stained the good name and reputation of Brett Kavanaugh, who now begins a lifetime of being called "Rapey McRapeface" and being screamed at in public places. The Democrats have additionally sullied the perceived legitimacy of the Supreme Court itself, as well as insuring that in the future no sane person will submit to a similar character-destroying gauntlet for the "privilege" of doing public service.

On top of that, the feigned outrage displayed by the Democrats over allegations even they don't believe is generating millions of dollars in campaign contributions from sheeple who have more dollars than sense.

But wait, there's more! Utterly bereft of actual ideas for the betterment of our nation, the Democrat machine runs on inspiring fear, hatred, and division in their simple-minded, hyper-emotional electorate. And they've hit the motherlode with their Salem witch trial against Justice Kavanaugh. Men are bad! White people are despicable! And people who think it's even possible for a woman to lie or get facts wrong are Nazier Nazis than the original Nazis.

The Left is telling the dimmest of their followers (and their number is legion) that those on the Right don't listen to women. But we did - and bent over backwards to make Dr. Ford feel comfortable and unthreatened while she delivered every jot and tittle of her "recovered memories" testimony. And then, we listened to other Ford's lifelong friend Leland Keyser who, rather than being a witness for Dr. Ford, asserted that she had no memory of the alleged party, nor of ever meeting Brett Kavanaugh. And this despite heavy pressure to change her story to one less truthful.

Another woman we listened to was Rachel Mitchell, an Arizona sex crimes prosecutor who, presumably, is against sex crimes. She asked Dr. Ford a number of basic questions, gently and respectfully...and concluded that her story had unacceptable inconsistencies.

Democrats chose not to listen to those women, preferring instead to evangelize for a purge by fire of all men, white people, and Republicans in the November midterms.

And they are delighted with their Machiavellian mendacity, and have given not a thought to the destruction of the lives of both Justice Kavanaugh and the likely psychologically challenged Dr. Ford.

Still, even though we're feeling more melancholy than joy at the moment, there is a deeper and more profound feeling of satisfaction that we'd be remiss not to mention. Specifically, the knowledge that the Supreme Court has just taken a huge and hopefully long-lasting step to again become a moderate body which doesn't make laws, but rather carefully weighs the constitutionality of the laws brought before it.

That's huge - and we hope this truth burns those on the Left like Holy Water splashed on those who are demon possessed. Which, frankly, we think is pretty likely to be the case here.