Monday, July 13, 2020

An Easy Commute

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, roger stone, clemency, commute, pardon, trump, Left, statues, antifa, BLM

Last Friday was "a day which will live in infamy" for Leftists - who are likely unaware that the phrase has been used previously. In this case, it refers to President Trump's "Executive Grant of Clemency" commuting the sentence of former presidential advisor Roger Stone Jr - one of the higher profile prosecutorial victims of the Russian Collusion Hoax.

Those on the Left are fearful that if not kept in jail for life, the 67-year old Stone will embark on a wave of crime: setting buildings on fire, looting stores, strapping on a gun and claiming an entire urban neighborhood, toppling statues, defacing public monuments and, in his spare time, shooting dozens of black men, women, and children in Chicago.

Just kidding! The Left is actually totally cool with all of those things! What they're really afraid of is that Roger Stone will serve as a living reminder of their coup attempt and the corrupting of our nation's intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

And speaking of political dysfunction...

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, Biden, Buy American, Hunter Biden, Ukraine, Burisma
"There was this guy called Cornhole who was fascinated by the golden hairs on my legs..."
Joe Biden has announced his own plan to "Make America Great Again But Not A Donald Trump Kind of Great," which boils down to this: "buy American."

By which we assume he means to buy any of the literally dozens of products still made in our country, as opposed to actually buying an American the way Ukranian energy company, Burisma Holdings, bought Joe Biden by funneling money to his son, Hunter.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Still Playing Hooky

water bill, cartoon, Stilton's dad, staycation, time off, refrigerator
Another cartoon sketch by my Dad
My "week off to relax and catch up on things" hasn't really played out that way. Life, in its puckish way, has served up a series of minor emergencies and distractions which have left me frazzled and even further behind than I was before!

For example, our refrigerator broke down (in Texas, in July) and so I had to scramble to get a new one without actually venturing out into the world of possible plague-carriers. I finally found a good one online that got delivered today, but I discovered it's a HUGE amount of work (Mrs J was already on the "injured reserve" list) to get all the crap out of one refrigerator and repack it into another before everything rots.

And amazingly, even though I didn't materially help the guys installing the new refrigerator, I still managed to need a weed whip to help make it happen (to uncover the water shutoff to the house), tore the skin off my knuckles (shutting off the water), then later pitched myself wildly and clumsily into the street, ripped my pants and knee open, and sprained a wrist. It's a long story, but the short version is this: I suck at taking time off.

But now I have ice for my well-earned drink.

On the plus side, ripped jeans are stylish - right?
See you in the comments section!

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Stilton Waters Run Deep

cartoon by pa, pa cartoon, donnel, fish, door, salesman
I'm still doing the "staycation" thing this week, but didn't want anyone to show up here without getting something for their effort. And so, here is another old cartoon that my Dad did about 70 years ago.

Meanwhile, what little we've seen of the news still pretty much stinks. Want to talk about it? The comments section is open for business!