Friday, December 20, 2019

Swindlers List

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, christmas, trump, impeachment, santa

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, trump, pelosi, impeachment, bitch, botox face, stroke victim, dog sucker

Mrs. Jarlsberg summed things up perfectly when she said that the day after Trump's impeachment felt "9/11-ish." Yes, it did. And does.

Much like the 9/11 attacks, the impeachment of Trump was an attack on all of us by a radicalized group that hates America, hates freedom, hates capitalism, hates respect for human life,  hates individual responsibility, and has a fevered desire to bring it all crashing down.

And as much as we dislike agreeing with anything ever said by Barack F. Obama, compared to congressional Democrats, Isis and Al Qaeda really are the "JV teams" in terms of the damage they can afflict on our nation. A seat of power is always going to be more dangerous than a seat in a cockpit.

The articles of impeachment are a complete sham, and represent a historic low of lawlessness and dereliction of duty in American politics. To borrow an apt term from the President of the United States, these people are scum. And every last one of the bastards is blessed to live in a country governed by a man who doesn't use firing squads to sort out matter how richly deserved.

During the impeachment vote, almost every Democrat said words to the effect that Trump was an immediate danger to national security and all we hold dear. That being the case, why is Nancy Pelosi unwilling to let Trump's case go to trial in the Senate? Is he an imminent danger, or isn't he? By her actions, Pelosi is quite clearly saying that he is not. And just as clearly saying that her party has lost none of its historical enthusiasm for lynchings.


• The Johnny Optimism book is still flying off the shelves at Amazon (and still free at this link). And as of yesterday was Amazon's #1 bestseller in the Graphic Novel (free) category. Can fame and fortune for Johnny be far behind? Yes, probably - but still, it was a fun milestone.

And we won't beat the subject to death, but we'd greatly appreciate some additional reviews on Amazon. In theory, when a book gets 50 reviews, Amazon gives it substantially more exposure and marketing. Also, with that many good reviews, it really dilutes any one-star reviews from nincompoops.

• Remember our complaint that the IRS was taking forever to resolve a $5000 fine they'd imposed on us for being a few weeks late filing an information form about the contents of our retirement account? Well, today was the magic day that we finally received an official letter stating that our fine of $5,353 (there was accrued interest) had been reduced to $0.

We are grateful that there is still apparently someone with actual logic working within the IRS, and further grateful that this indicates they haven't linked our playful political musings to our social security number yet.


To take your mind off the news and to gleefully annoy anyone who is offended by the word "Christmas," we're giving you a free no-strings-attached downloadable album of relaxing instrumental Christmas music!

And yes, it's exactly the same album we give away every year - because it's our holiday tradition!
stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, christmas, manhole steamrising, free, music
Not available in stores. Trust us on this one.
It's the Manhole Steamrising "Complete Christmas Collection" and...what's that? You never heard of Manhole Steamrising? Well, you didn't think we could afford to hire Mannheim Steamroller to record a custom album, did you?! Besides, who needs all of those fancy-shmancy synthesizers when you're trying to enjoy quiet moments with the twinkling lights on your Christmas tree and the tinkling ice in your glass of scotch?

The album is solo harp which is actually played by a real angel (we think his name is "Harold") and consists of 15 soothing tracks of Christmas favorites, two of which are "Adeste Fidelis" and are done (as Basil Fawlty would say on gourmet night) "in two extremely different ways."

It's all perfectly legal, and you're free to share the music and/or the link with as many people as you like. In fact, we encourage you to share! Please! Tis the season! Just click this link to get your download started.

You'll end up with a ZIP file which, when double-clicked, will open up into a folder with your 15 songs in MP3 format. It's our way of saying "thank you" and "Merry Christmas" to everyone who visits Stilton's Place!

Want to sample the music before downloading or enjoy it without downloading? Then just click here to listen to the Youtube version!

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


Democrats, when not busily impeaching the President for being successful and patriotic, like to promise "free" goodies in exchange for votes. Of course, those goodies are never actually free, and usually don't even happen. Which is why we're going to show them how it's done...

johnny optimism, stiltons place, hope n' change, free book, amazon

Yes, everyone's favorite sick-but-lovable webcomic about a boy, his dog, and the general hellishness of Life is now in book form and, like Johnny approaching a steep wheelchair ramp, we want to give it a really good push to get started. That's why we're giving it away free as our gift to you, our favorite people on Earth. You can download the ebook from Amazon absolutely free (by clicking on this link) between 12/18 and 12/22. (Please check to make SURE that the actual price has dropped to $0.00, and not just $0 if you belong to Kindle Unlimited. Also, you DO NOT NEED to join Kindle Unlimited to get the book free - so don't do that!)

The ebook can be read on any computer, smartphone, or tablet using the free Kindle Reader app from Amazon. And the book has been specially optimized to look great, even on a dinky little phone, if you know this trick: turn your phone sideways, then double-tap on a cartoon. This will make the cartoon full-screen, after which a simple tap or finger stroke on the cartoon will automatically advance you to the next rib-tickler!

johnny optimism, stiltons place, hope n' change, free book, amazon
There's also a genuinely lovely paperback version of Johnny's book, which we're temporarily offering for $5.99 (pretty much the lowest price Amazon will let us charge, and free shipping with Prime). The paperback is perfect for bathroom reading, "accidentally" leaving behind in doctors' waiting rooms, holiday gift-giving, or a "get well" gift for anyone who you're not fully committed to seeing get well.

But wait! There's more! We're going to take every cent of profit from the paperback (during the dates shown), double it, then donate it to a children's charity. And how do you know we'll really do that? Because we're not thieving liars who steal from charity like the Clintons!

AND NOW, WE'D LIKE TO ASK A FAVOR... Amazon markets books based on how popular they are and how many reviews they get online. So after you've downloaded the book, please consider leaving an honest Amazon review. And if you do, please don't mention politics because Johnny has enough problems already without being labeled a Nazi.

Enjoy the book, and feel free to share the link with others! After all, it's the season of giving!

Monday, December 16, 2019

Bottom Feeder

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, hillary, face lift, botox, filler, transplant, butt cheeks, organ donor

Soon-to-be Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has just debuted a fresh, new, youthful countenance which is pure nightmare fuel. In perhaps the least-subtle plastic surgery we've ever seen, Hillary appears to have had silicone breast implants crammed into her cheeks - making them bloated and disquietingly smooth when framed by her heavily wrinkled face.

Although to be absolutely fair and journalistically responsible, we don't know that Hillary had plastic surgery done. We suppose it's possible that she took out her teeth to pleasure her husband ("Is it okay if I think of Monica?") and he got so carried away with slamming her face that her air bags deployed.


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, thunberg, time, person of the year, face

We normally scoff at the idiotic choices made by TIME magazine (not that it is still a magazine) for their annual "person of the year" issue, but for 2019 they almost got it right.

Not by selecting Greta Thunberg, the spoiled, hectoring, self-important brat of privilege who thinks she's going to change the world by skipping school and being a complete pain in the global ass. But we think TIME almost got it right because the real "person of the year" should be that vicious, angry, "please punch me" snot face that has become the new Guy Fawkes mask worn universally by liberals.

This sneering display of disdain for the rabble, so perfectly mastered by Ms. Thunberg, has also been seen on the pusses of nearly every prominent asshole on the Left. Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, Peter Strzok, Alexandria Ocarina-Goretex, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, James Comey, Ilhan Omar, the full roster of Democratic presidential candidates, every Democrat who attempted to destroy Bret Kavanaugh, antifa, college students, liberal professors, the entire on-air lineup on MSNBC and CNN, and far too many more to mention.

It is the face of whiners and those who hate. The face of those who resent the need to work or exercise personal responsibility. It is the face of unearned superiority and unmerited self-love. It is the face of the power-hungry and the heartless. It is the face of bigotry, prejudice, and the deeply embedded belief that all people are not created equal, which is why the ivory tower class feels compelled to tell the peasant class what the hell to do with their insignificant and annoying lives.

So TIME swung and missed again this year. But maybe they'll get it in 2020, when the "person of the year" will be all of those grief-stricken faces that we'll see when Donald Trump is elected to a second term.