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A mighty wind's a-blowin'... |
And politically speaking, that's the moment we're experiencing right now.
We won't go into all the (ever-developing) details here, but Donald Trump has accused the Obama administration of extensively wiretapping his campaign with ill intent - and so far, at least some of the evidence suggests that Trump may actually be on to something. Have our nation's intelligence agencies been involved in orchestrated attempts to subvert an election and destabilize the new administration?
As much as we usually roll our eyes at Trump's assertions that something is "yuuuuuge," in this case it's perhaps an understatement - because this is either the biggest political scandal in recent history, or evidence (some might argue further evidence) that our shiny new President is somewhat off his rocker.
Make no mistake, we find it entirely plausible that there could be an effort by the flagrantly corrupt Obama administration to abuse power in order to undermine our election process and potentially take down a sitting President of the United States. And if true, it's the sort of thing which not only demands criminal investigation and prosecution, but suggests that there might be an important secondary use for Trump's wall involving blindfolds.
We encourage Trump to use every legal weapon in his Presidential arsenal to bring the truth to the American people and bring the guilty - no matter how highly placed - to justice. On the other hand, if that process reveals that Trump's accusations are baseless, we recommend that he seek treatment for "Twitter Tourette's" as soon as possible.
For now, not knowing which way things are going to go, all we can do is hold our hands up in the air, scream, and enjoy the wild ride.
To say that we 'live in interesting times' would be a bit of an understatement. When Trump was elected (and I voted for him), I told all my friends that I was going to sit back and enjoy the show, never realizing just how YUUUUUGGGE the show would be.
Have you noticed all the DNC propaganda organs who where trumpeting far and wide all of Trump's "illicit" dealings with Russia are now backtracking and pretty much admitting they had nothing but innuendo, and PLEASE do not investigate Obama? I have a feeling that not only did Obama have sycophants within NSA, CIA, FBI, and other agencies spy on Trump and his campaign, but that they've been using these sources to smear Trump (any Republican for that matter), but try to bring him down. I hope there is an investigation, and enough information is gathered to imprison Obama, Jarrett, Clinton, and a plethora of Obama administration officials.
Imprisoning the Obama contingent is about as likely as Trump quitting twitter. That said, further exposing their corrupt dealings would be awesome!
Imprisoning political opponents is done in tyrannies of all sorts, but imprisoning political opponents for criminal activity should not be something that is not done because they are political opponents. We have plenty of examples of corrupt politicians who are now serving time. Federal level crimes should not be ignored nor tolerated.
Investigate Hillary for violations of the espionage acts and her handling of classified material. If there was illegal wiretapping (you don't need a FISA warrant to do an illegal wiretap), then follow the trail to where it begins.
To do otherwise makes a mockery of law and justice.
As someone who remembers very well the media's role in the Watergate BS, I find this whole thing very troubling. I would put NOTHING past the former "president", or his minions, and I do believe Trump is very smart. Usually when he says something that sounds off the wall, he is correct in the long run. So, as is said, "where there's smoke, there's fire". But, we all know which side the MSM is on.
The sad thing is that Barry is still orchestrating crap through the shadow government that is mostly still in place. Two miles from the White House, he has set up his WH II. Soros is funding a coup to impeach Trump and take over the government. I could be wrong, but that is the way it smells to me. But God....
@chef621: I don't think you're wrong. And the mercy of soros' eventual end (isn't he a one of methuselah's siblings?) is tempered in that, like Darth Vader: he has a son. Unlike Darth Vader's, said son has been brought up in his father's image to hate the USA...
I would not put it past Øbama - after all: The Donald was pretty vocal about Øbama'a citizenship and many other things long before his run for president. Not too big of a stretch to imagine him having made Øbama's "enemies list," which comes with all of the government's agencies illegally targeting you...
As long as there are liberals and progressives they will be trying to turn our country into the NWO. With obammy and company stating out loud that they will usurp our government is enough for a full investigation. And, Trump should change those heads of the alphabet agencies that he hasn't already replaced. There are just too many sleepers and Manchurian Candidates.
0 has over reached so far, it appears he may have fell over into it.
Remains to be seen if he can get up, or if his paid helpers will
hoist him out of his mess.
Donald Trump is like no other, and I am looking forward to see what he does,
now that he is onto the scheme.
Great blog! I believe President Trump.
I have no doubt in my mind that Obama and his seditious shadow government are up to their eyeballs in an attempt at a "soft coup", or in other words, an attempt to overthrow the duly elected president and his cabinet. Why do I have this opinion? I have paid attention to the actions of the vile America-hater and his minions since 2008.
Trump really needs to release any proof he may have about the wiretapping or his credibility will go down the tube.
However, considering Øbama's track record, the allegation is quite believable:
Trump presents a conundrum to all the liberats, political and media borne. Never before have they encountered anyone from the conservative side who fights back without regard to consequence. For what consequence can Trump face? He has money. He's been elected. He has no need to look toward future offices or to make a living. So he can fight back using their own Alinsky tactics with impunity. Karma sucks. And suddenly the liberats are being to feel the vacuum.
Stilton, very glad you have this new forum. Enjoy it very much. Was going to be pretty lost without H & C cartoons, now this is the go to spot.
"all we can do is hold our hands up in the air, scream, and enjoy the wild ride."
...and maybe puke??
As each year goes by, the Democrat Party (which has evolved into the Communist Party) has gotten bolder and bolder and more and more corrupt. I fear that, like the Clinton's, again the "Democrats" will skate away aided and abetted by the biggest threat to our country, the Marxist media.
I fear that there is so much corruption in Washingmoney that they do not want to expose it all to us lemmings for fear that we will lose all faith in our government. But frankly it is too late, we have already lost all faith and only handing out severe punishment to the scumbags, no matter how high in the food chain, will my faith be restored.
@ chef621: Very nice....Amen!
They scream and accuse that the Russians messed with the election and that Trump (and administration/nominees) have Russian ties but it was Hillary that sold our uranium to the Russians and took millions from Russia during the campaign. Trumps people talking to/meeting with Russians? Chucky met and had lunch with the Ambassador. Itsna very common thing to have lunch/dinner with Ambassadors. Seems like they protest too much to cover up or deflect their dealing. Now that they are making fun of Trump because he is saying their was wiretapping, I think Trump is on to something.
How sweet it is to have a president with the cojones to take on these smarmy libs in the press and Democrat party. They have never had to contend with this and they are not handling it very well at all. Even when in the minority before, they could still run the show because of the hapless Republicans afraid of being called names. I had grown so weary of the pinko press magnifying the tiniest of transgressions on the Republicans while ignoring real corruption on the part of the Dims. For this alone, I am grateful for Trump. He has tipped over the apple cart and the desperation is palpable. Now, if we get lower taxes, more jobs, more security and a roaring economy, well that's just sweet icing on the cake.
Speaking of "smoke" Judi King, perhaps Trump is trying to smoke out the Obama loyalists in the administration.
And even if Obama was behind any wiretapping, I don't believe it will ever be proven; Rule One when you're doing anything dodgy is not to document it. And if the investigation DOES lead anywhere, there will be one of Obama's underlings that will fling themselves on the grenade and take all the blame.
I had always wondered why President Trump left that traitorous scumbag in place at the FBI and think I figured it out. I am sure most of you read Mark Lavin's timeline of the electronic surveillance, so it started about last July. President Trump KNEW about it and and decided to keep Comey in place so he could hang this albatross around his neck instead of his choice for director.
This Russia thing has opened a Pandora's box that the liberals will not be able to shut down. Hillary's Russian ties will get another investigation. My, how the money rolled in. I believe President Trump being POed at Sessions is a red herring as the fellow taking the non Russian thing is a Clinton holdover. This frees up Sessions to drop the hammer on all the rest by having clean hands in the President Trump non Russian meetings. Just my thoughts and opinion.
I'm not a conspiracy guy, tinfoil hat not withstanding, but there does seem to be at least a little bit of smoke spiraling up from this issue. The obama administration, and by extension obama himself, obtained FISA authorization for surveillance of some people associated with the Trump campaign.
More at the link, but be warned - it gets complicated.
Just imagine: BOTH Obama and Hillary in jail!
Speaking of Russians, why would they conspire to elect Trump when Hillary was already bought and paid for?
The left will do ANYTHING legal, illegal, unethical, or criminal to regain the power that they have lost. NEVER underestimate what your enemy can and is willing to do to achieve their ends.
The veneer of civilization and this constitutional republic is very thin. If the left tries to destroy our institutions through subterfuge, Alinsky tactics, or any other flavor of infiltration or 5th column activities, there will be a tipping point where they will be targeted and hunted down like the mad dogs they are. The rule of law is all that we have to maintain a peaceful and vibrant society that guarantees all citizens the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Try to destroy that rule of law at your own peril.
WindRider got it right asking why Russia would want Trump elected since Hillary was already bought and Paid for. She probably promised Putin the other 80% of our Uranium open taking power (notice I didn't say "reins") of our Govt.
@Readers- Great comments above! I'm really enjoying the ongoing dialogue here. Personally, I find it almost impossible to believe that there's not some kind of chicanery that's been going on (and continues) to undermine Trump - and I'm enjoying his willingness to be confrontational about it. Mind you, I still worry about the guy - but no real change is going to happen in Washington until someone operates outside of the Marquis of Queensbury rules.
I sense that this is all going to play out slowly (because the bodies have been buried so deeply and carefully). And it doesn't help that there's pretty much no investigative body in Washington with much credibility anymore. Does anyone still think Clapper and Comey have any credibility?
Let's not forget Soros.
Every time I think about Clapper, it reminds me of this. I love it. Smile!
Which New York Times do I believe? The one that argues that Trump is making stuff up, or the one that said that the Obama White House was provided intelligence on the Trump campaign?
And considering the history of the Obama Administration's cavalier attitudes to privacy, (Think AP spying scandal) civil rights, and willingness to let various agencies of the Federal government do what it would to any enemy of the Progressive cause, (IRS, EPA, ect) it really doesn't take much of a push for any non-Progressive to accept this as not only likely, but probable.
Years ago, I started arguing that the Progressive-owned megabureaucracy has been out-of-control for years to the degree that it almost doesn't matter who is President anymore. For example, you'll never find any memo from Obama to the IRS that says "Go and shake down conservative groups and individuals" because he didn't have to; the IRS is already mostly populated by people friendly to the Progressive agenda who already felt free to do so with little fear of repercussion. So now that Trump is President, we still have hundreds-of-thousands of ideological employees within the bureaucracy who will be more than happy to throw whatever they can find into the gears. Any why not? If Trump is actually successful, many will be losing their jobs anyway so doing so is low risk, high reward. Good luck finding the leaks in this environment.
Everyone of the talking heads on FOX keep talking about the FISA rules. Are they so stupid that they think Obama would do the proper, legal thing to wiretap Trump's phones? Hell no, he would have a short off the record talk with one of his flunkys, who would have some pro-dem underworld scumbag to install and later remove the wiretaps, probably wearing a Bell uniform. Do I believe Obama capable of that kind of underhanded, illegal behavior? Hell yeah! What kind of rose colored world have these idiots been living in that they don't realize that Obama will do ANYTHING to retain power and protect his legacy.
While he was president, Obama didn't like having to work so hard, he needed multiple (and very expensive) vacations to relieve the stress of ruling. During his eight years in office, we couldn't keep Obama off the golf course; now we cannot keep him from meddling in Trump's administration.
Give me a break.
As on old business acquaintance of mine used to say, "the defecation is going to hit the ventilation"
Well past time to indict Hillary. Likely she will skate due to inaction by all parties who do not want to let Americans look under the covers. Well past time to indict Podesta. Ditto. Indict Obama? When pigs can fly and unicorns can fart!!! No indictments as far as the eye can see. I just hope they build the wall. Doubtful at best. The commies run America.
Does anyone else find it at least a little bit creepy that Valerie Jarrett has moved in to the Øbama's new home?
Geoff King, I don't find it a little creepy, I find it a lot creepy ... but then again they are all really creepy. Next to them, the Addams Family are like Ozzie and Harriett.
I can't shake the feeling that Trump is using the patented, Democrap "Oh look, a squirrel!" diversionary tactic against... well, the Democraps. Like this wiretap thing just as he signs the second attempt at banning travel from terror inclined countries? This guy may be waaaay smarter than I thought.
Hillary or O'Liar indicted? Never happen, but if it's proven that they were guilty of wiretapping, it sure could take the wind out of Barry's sails in his plots to undermine Trump.
@Geoff and Fred,
Super creepy! Ya ever wonder what goes on in the bedroom? Me too. And I'll bet it involves whips, chains, handcuffs, rope, and a banana.
I thought Valerie Jarrett had a husband. Is he moving in with the Husseins too?
@ Geoff: "Politics makes strange bedfellows". It doesn't get stranger than this.
Colby Muenster said "I can't shake the feeling that Trump is using the patented, Democrap "Oh look, a squirrel!" diversionary tactic against... well, the Democraps. Like this wiretap thing just as he signs the second attempt at banning travel from terror inclined countries? This guy may be waaaay smarter than I thought."
I agree. And after over 2 years of it, the media is still falling for it hook, line and sinker. And the best part is that the Democrats are going nuts because they keep falling for it, and they don't have a coherent defense against it. Their whole "fake news" narrative has backfired right in their faces. Progressive media types keep getting stumped when their conservative targets keep pulling up the Democrats malfeasance whenever they've think they've settled on a narrative. They've so insulated themselves over the last 8 years, that half the time they don't even know what they're talking about. Fun to watch.
Also agree on any Hillary or Obama legal action. Historically, the party in power resists going after the previous party because doing so is dangerous. The unspoken deal is that after you leave office, you're supposed to go away. Now, that could change should Hillary or Obama make any overt moves against Trump, which hasn't quite happened yet. And considering how everything the Democrats are doing right now is backfiring, it would be a very dumb move on their part. They're corrupt, and somewhat clueless, but not quite that clueless.
" Historically, the party in power resists going after the previous party because doing so is dangerous. The unspoken deal is that after you leave office, you're supposed to go away."
It's even more dangerous to go after the party in power after you've left office which appears to be what Obama and Hillary have done.
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