Rather than having the Democrats shut down the government and turn the undeserving American people away from Mount Rushmore, Old Faithful, and the Washington Monument, Donald Trump has agreed to let an interim spending bill (is there any other kind?) proceed without the startup money for his border wall - but promises that he'll get better results in September.
Not that he's getting bad results right now - just the threat of Trump's policies has cut illegal border crossings by 70% to 90% in some areas, with the most recent report showing the lowest incursion of illegals in 17 years. That's impressive. Donald Trump is actually accomplishing more with words than Democrats can traditionally accomplish with money and misbehaving. Granted, much of the difference comes from Trump being sincere about his goals.
Frankly, we don't know if Trump is really planning to strike a deal with Hades Holdings LLC to rent Cerberus, the many-headed demon dog, and put him to work guarding our borders. But it's that kind of creative thinking which is giving potential interlopers (and yes, a number of gang members, drug dealers, terrorists, and rapists) serious second thoughts about trying to sneak in...
![]() |
Not just great security - also great TV! |
Yes, words work only after you have a record of actions. Once established, you can word the rest of your life. By the way, the alligators go on the inside moat. That way the Mexicans don't catch them, eat them, and then ginny up the wall.
@Don Surber- D'oh! My post for Wednesday has obviously appeared a day early - but it's worth it to get your comments!
I don't understand why this has to be so difficult.
Mexico's largest source of income is money sent home from Mexicans living in the US.
DJT should EO a 'transfer fee' of 10% or even just 5% on all wire transfers of money to Mexico (or all money to Central America).
He'd have enough money to start the wall in a couple of months and have the wall paid for before the end of his first term.
Lost in logic.
From the other day
@REM1875- Now we're BOTH going to get ads about being fellated by vacuum cleaners. See - there's one popping up now, for the cordless Black & Dicker "LustBuster."
I have seriously injured myself
Falling off my chair- going into a coughing- gasping- snorting- chocking- gagging spasm and all 6 dawgs trying to help. Mrs Rem stood by to call 911 although I would have preferred a little mouth to mouth with some black & dicker action.
Thanks Doc.
Ray K - that would make sense, and therefore is immediately suspicious... Seriously, I've heard this presented time to time for a few years, why it has never gotten better traction, I don't know.
Not that the wall has to be a literal wall - fences, people, electronic monitoring, all have points and places, and can certainly be billed as 'security operations' not "The Wall"... OTOH, I'd love to see the Fed shut down for a month anyway, let people realize just how effing LITTLE they DO for us...
Also, if 9th Circus thinks he does not have the ability to de-fund "sanctuary cities", what are they going to do when he de-funds the 9th Circus?
@ Ray K: Great idea! @ Pete: I agree with you. Why do we need whatever the "government" thinks it is doing for us?
@Judi King - We "need" the government to do things for us. Somebody has to man the toll booths charging to park at Mt. Rushmore The Shrine of Democracy, which was to always have been free to see, and to follow those of us who refuse to pay to park out of the parking lots making sure we don't try to stop and park for free. They also make sure that no one stops in any of the road turn outs for three miles of highway in either direction that have all been closed and signed "No Stopping" along with the parking area on the opposite side of the highway from the paid parking.
I know this cowboy will never go back to that monument.
Just think...without government helping us there might be thousands of un-washed deplorables viewing Mt Rushmore without being bilked out of money to park or buying cheap Chinese made trinkets.
Here in Arizona we already have somewhat of an electronic wall. In order to prevent drug cartel money laundering, there is a $499 daily limit on wired money being recieved and a $950 daily limit on wired money being sent. This can prove to be quite a hassle if a relative from another state attempts to send you more than the max, and has to make repeated daily trips to Western Union or Walmart. Also, I imagine, if there are many such transactions in a row red flags will pop up on several alphabet agency computers.
it seems that Ted Cruz has an idea on funding the wall:
i'm starting to like Cruz for SCOTUS
And speaking of The media (hhhhock-PTUI!), now it seems that FOX Nooze is now on the left (with a few exceptions). How long before Sean is kicked out? The only place to get accurate news now is on this blog.
@jlw - Yes, I saw that yesterday. It makes perfect sense, with a healthy dose of irony and schadenfreude thrown in for good measure. Plus, it takes the bogus "shutting down the government" meme out of play. DO IT!
@Geoff -- What's even more irritating is that to send 950 US to Mexico, they get an equivalent of about US$921 at the receiving end (plus a 99 cent fee at this end). So it'll cost around 29.499 bucks to send 950 to Mexico. But to send US$950 to another place in the US, it'll cost ya 99 bucks plus the 99 cent fee.
(I forgot to include that the 24.99/99.99 differences wasusing WalMart money transfer.)
@American Cowboy.....Good one!
Since the lefties on Twitter only read one book (apparently their rally cry is anything from the Harry Potter series) my new catch phrase is going to be:
Cerberus is my patronus
Way better than "Trump is Voldemort" or "I'm in Dumbledore's army".
Too bad. I love government shutdowns. They emphasize several salient points:
o The sun still rises, regardless of what happens in Washington.
o The suffering of federal workers is phony in that they'll get back pay when it's all over. It's basically a paid vacation that we get to pay for. But the upside is that millions of bureaucrats aren't spending those days looking for new ways to interfere with your life, so it's a net-win.
o What inconvenience is experienced by the general public mostly has to be deliberately inflicted by the Federal government, ironically by spending money they supposedly don't have. Think deploying law enforcement personnel to block turnouts so people can't park along a road to gaze upon Mount Rushmore.
o Best of all, it makes people think about how absurdly large and inefficient big government really is.
Donald Trump may be the last chance America gets to turn back the takeover of the country by the mega-bureaucracy established by the previous stream of Progressives since Reagan. If he folds and lets the bureaucracy have its way, the America we loved is lost and gone forever, or at least until the grand economic crash.
As for "The Wall": Was always largely symbolic. As @Stilton points out, just the perception of a change in policy itself has eliminated much of the need. The anti-wall Progressives like to argue that a wall is just too big, impractical and expensive, so we shouldn't bother. To which I respond, so if we can't even address a problem as theoretically simple as a boarder wall, why would any intelligent being expect that the same government can address something as big, impractical and expensive as managing every citizen's health care?
@Don Surber said "Yes, words work only after you have a record of actions. Once established, you can word the rest of your life."
So true. Reagan was mocked by the left because the only "war" he actually engaged in was the liberation of Grenada. What should be celebrated is that was all he had to do. Our adversaries were very scared of Reagan, and Grenada was a test. Had Reagan reacted as the squishies would have, the latter half of his tenure would have been far less successful than it was.
If, Stilton, at some time during the day you feel a big warm glow hit you from out of nowhere, it comes from me, laughing and loving your latest work!
I seriously think, when Donald Trump made his campaign promises, he didn't really grasp what it's like in DC. I believe he is honestly trying to move things along as fast as he can, and is no doubt pretty frustrated at the typical snail's pace within the beltway. Getting two politicians to agree on something is hard. Bump that number up to 535 and it's astounding anything gets done at all, ever.
I see no rush on the infamous wall since the flow of illegals has already dropped off just from the increased security, and even the threat of increased security (did that make sense?). Now, if another year passes, and nothing has been done, we start hollering at Trump. But, we holler at our so called Reprehensitives and Sinators NOW.
@John the Econ,
I totally agree. Where in the world did people get the idea that a gubmint shutdown is a bad thing?
I’ve suggested for a long tie that there should be “back-up” tax withheld of at least 20% on money wired out of the country, especially going south. If the tax was paid, then they will get a refund when they file their tax returns. This will make sure that money earned “off the books” gets taxed.
And then we have the issue of refugees sending 'suitcases of welfare cash' home to Somalia. Some think that much of this cash is going to the war Lords. Has it been taxed?
And the loophole allowing illegal immigrants to abuse tax credits
They also need to reform the Earned Income Tax Credit.
There is so much fraud, waste and abuse in our tax system, I only hope that they can find the spines to drain that swap too.
Stilton Speaks
Actually this is kind of interesting to me: President Trump gets More money for Border Patrol agents and equipment but since the influx is down, he can transfer agents to Sanctuary Cities and let them work that area. Their authority does not stop 20 feet from the international border. Use the new equipment to arm the drones and I do believe a warning shot or two might have an effect on interlopers (also known as illegal aliens). Secondly, do these Army training field events in the desert of AZ, NM and TX to improve their acuity in dealing with foreign insurgents.
And be sure and check the legality of our former socialist president that loves to give $400K speeches on subjects he doesn't know anything about unless socialist now handles banking.
Colby Muenster, "The President proposes, Congress disposes.
Even with an Executive Order, the funding *has* to come from Congress. Congress (being the opposite of Progress) means that not much will be done because of that pack of knaves, fools, and poltroons...
Is it just me, or does it seem to others as well that Maxine Waters and Chelsea Clinton are being promoted as the next rising stars of the Democratic Party? Meanwhile, new DNC chair Tom Perez working to make Bernie Sanders look like Milton Friedman.
Democrats can say what they will about the dysfunction of the GOP. But if this is the best they have to offer as an alternative, Trump has little to worry about.
Oh, c'mon @ John the Econ, at least Chelsea got an award for handing out grapefruit:
Just what all homeless people dream of. This makes her presidential material for sure.
@Geoff King,
Just another shining example of just how out of touch the Democrat elites are. It almost ranks right up there with, "Let them eat cake!"
Not only that @Geoff King, she got a "Lifetime Achievement Award", aka "participation trophy".
Her sacrifices for humanity have been truly inspiring.
@Colby Muenster, for years now I have been calling the Democrats the "Marie Antoinette Party"; run by absurdly wealthy rent-seekers spouting platitudes as to how they honestly care about the little people more than the little people do themselves. Promoting empty vessels like Chelsea who proudly proclaim they don't really care about money with her $10-million Manhattan pad, $3-million dollar wedding, (largely paid for by a "charitable" foundation she worked for) and $15-million in the bank for no obvious reason beyond crony nepotism just solidifies this impression.
Keep it up, Democrats. Want more Trump, because this is how you will get more Trump.
@Readers- Well, when it rains it pours. And also hits my neighborhood with wrath of God lightning bolts, which is what happened Wednesday morning. I lost Internet and only just got it back (1:15 pm Thursday), so I haven't been able to visit the site or comment...and now I'm playing catch-up with a surprising number of loose ends related to 36 hours without Internet access.
Stilt, remember in Young Frankenstein when Marty Feldmen said "well, at least it's not raining"? That's what your comment reminded me of ...........
Regarding the opposition to Trump administration proposed tax cuts: Well, it certainly IS nice to hear Democrats becoming concerned about national debt and budget deficit.
Let's be sure to remind them of this now & again & forever. What a bunch of inconsistent lying hypocrites. Our money is their power. And as for our populace: It's hard to understand how anyone can fail to see see right through their bullshit.
On the wall: A Coulter is correct. He does not need their money or permission to defend the USA. Take the money out of the military budget which just got increased. It is to protect the country. And he better get with it before he loses momentum.
Hi Stilton, I am very much enjoying your new site, as I expected to. fyi Cerberus is the name of a Royal Australian Navy base Down Here.
Josepg ET: I agree with you, i have same opinion.
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