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When we take a step backward to look at the big picture of our last Presidential election, an astonishing and terrifying truth is revealed. Queen Hillary, with all the money in the world at her disposal, literally bought the debt-ridden DNC in order to assure that she would become the nominee - disenfranchising the Democrat voters who overwhelmingly and enthusiastically supported Bernie Sanders.
She then doled out the dollars to fund the fake Russian dossier against her Republican challenger, setting in motion a Kafka-esque attack on a Presidential candidate - and every Republican voter - by an unscrupulous cabal of political flunkies, intelligence agencies, and "news" sources who expected to be rewarded for their evil deeds (and certainly never investigated or punished) following Hillary's coronation.
Think about this for a moment...and then drop to your knees and thank God that she didn't quite manage to pull it off; the first Presidential election in which virtually every voter would have been disenfranchised. Interference with an election doesn't get any bigger or more direct than that.
Hillary, dripping venom, was indeed at the center of this web...and it's a web which stretches far and wide, and is littered with the desiccated remains of those who stood between this angry arachnid and her obsessive ambition.
She did not need to give specific instructions to all the players (beyond tugging a few silken threads here and there, and occasionally baring her fangs). Like the insects they are, they already knew their jobs and roles. They understood the system down to their DNA, and the good of all depended on the good of the queen. Nothing else mattered, whether laws or professional oaths.
We came terrifyingly close to losing everything: our nation, our rights, and our freedoms. This is a crime of unimaginable scope and consequence...and to prevent it from ever happening again, we need to see vigorous investigations, prosecutions, and appropriate punishments for all who were involved.
And that web needs to be burned down.
Hillary sounds like Shelob from Lord of the Rings, but without the winning smile and personality.
All that is shocking. It should be the best of each party running not someone who paid money to be the one. Its even more insulting, as a woman, to have moochelle insult us saying we voted against our own good by voting for President Trump. Knowing that she really wasn't the person to represent the democrats and would not have been the best First Female President. I didnt vote against my greater good by voting for Trump; I voted for my greater good and the greater good of my daughter and sons by voting for Trump.
We dodged a major bullet with the election of President Trump. Since his election, folks can really see the democrat party for what it is. I had forgotten about her buying the party to guarantee her nomination. She is the most evil, corrupt person I have ever seen. What bothers me is it has been over a year and no one has had to answer for the corruption or the felonies committed. If something is not done about it, that is indictments, that tells us a lot about how this country is run. With them, just business, win at any cost.
I can't help but think that God had a hand in Donald Trumps election...
Bravo !!! Well said.... 5 Stars Doc*****...... A brilliant synopses of exactly what the situation is and was !!!
Bruce O'Hara I have no doubt He did.....
Very well said, Sir. Thank you. This simple and clear summary is some of your best work.
Unfortunately, I believe nothing will come of this. Hillary will never be charged with anything and American citizens faith in the justice system will collapse completely. Sure, some low to mid level scapegoat will likely be thrown under the bus, but the true criminals will continue on as if nothing happened.
Until we outlaw lobbyist and globalist control of our politicians, and enact term limits to stop RINOs like McCain from being re-elected, it will be business as usual in DC.
Since this whole memo fiasco will be a feather in Trump's cap and since the DNC's money and credibility are both running out faster than feces through a gander, the mid-terms should be decidedly owned by the Republicans, but I doubt that any real change in government will come about. It will simply be the other gang of criminals being corrupted by absolute power. That is why I believe, now more than ever, we truly need at least one viable third party to infiltrate the "brothers from different mothers" heirarchy.
Geoff, I share your pessimism, to an extent.
However, it 'should' be easier to infiltrate the GOP from the ground up, and start bouncing the frikkin' RINOs.
Ohhh, there I go, using the 'ess word' again...
But yeah, LOSSA people need to go down HARD for this.
And other stuff. Looking at YOU Lerner, Holder, ValJar Binks...
What I found hilarious was how Schiff's head was exploding trying to keep the memo under wraps, then coming out and saying it was proof Trump was guilty after it was released. I can't believe no one in the media bothered to ask him, "If this memo proves Trump's guilt, knowing its content, why did you try so hard to block its release?" You'd think they (the Dems) would have been demanding its release if that were the case, right? :)
Please remember those short-form words that carry huge definitions.
It was Ann Coulter who declared that mass, unjust killings by law officers like those at Waco and Ruby Ridge could simply called "wacoing" as in "Armed EPA officers might come by and waco all of Montana if we make the Democrats mad."
I'm the guy who realized that getting a free pass for individual murders by officials with ill intent could be called hillarying in "honor" of old wotsername. Use it this way, "Aw, shucks, Chucks. If you murder one of the Republicans, you can just get a hillary on it.
Nifty, huh?
So, what's the big question? Will The Hildabeast and about 142 of her cronies go to Gitmo? Or will we have to call up approximately 57,234,982 pissed off patriots to do what has to be done? Will President Trump put the right people in place to get it done? So many questions, so few results.
Damn. Straight.
C'mon Stilt. Quit beating around the bush and tell us your true feelings about Billary. And make no mistake, he's been a huge
part of this on-going nightmare since before Arkansas.
Nothing has ever come of any of the MANY proglodyte scandals yet, so I doubt if this will be any different. Especially If the Clintons are involved because everyone is afraid of them.
Amen. If my last name was Clinton, I'd bee looking into countries not having extraditions agreements with the US to become my new lair, er, I mean: home. Of course, as she and other criminals may find, most such countries would be the shit-holes from which everyone else is trying to escape.
Honestly: as desirable an image of Hitlery in prison orange striped by the shadow of cell bars is to me, I really have no expectation that this will occur. They'll find some means to weasel past via the squiggly lines between the written words of the law. Super-villains such as them always do.
I hope both the Clintons will be buried together again back in Arkansas. That will be centrally located for the nation's convenience.
Their plots may need to be declared small brownfield environmental zones from all the piss that will be left there. With coordinates surveyed I and by the time they both die we may have tanker drones to fly old batches in and make drops.
Stilton, one of your best, to be sure. Straight to the heart of the matter. Of course, there are so many, many evil instances left in her wake. Private server, Uranium One, Benghazi, enabling Bill's sexual predation, ad infinitum.
@Casey Carney- The glaring dichotomy to me was how Schiff and minions declared with great gnashing of teeth and rending of garments how the memo release would result in the end of our republic, then immediately deemed the memo a "nothing burger" upon it's release. How can they have it both ways? Will the 60-65% of our population who aren't actually brain dead socialists see this and wake up?
@Geoff- I've said for some time that there really is no Republican party any more. The Democrat party of our youth has become Socialist and the GOP has filled the vacuum, becoming the Democrat party. JFK would be reviled as a right-wing nationalist ideologue, were he alive today. Where are today's Scoop Jacksons and Tip O'Neills?
And for the truth about socialism, one need look no farther than V.I, Lenin's quote:
"The goal of socialism is communism." Whether the idealistic youths and other fools have that as a conscious goal is not pertinent. Aside from small, demographically homogeneous places, steeped in a Christian history of work and morality, such as Denmark, Socialism always ends in totalitarianism and mass murder.
Since the '90s the most pleasing image of the Clintons I have had is a version of what happened to Benito Mussolini and his mistress,by that I mean the hanging upside down part.
True justice for all of the lies and treasonous corruption.
I had begun to despair towards the end of the election. The thought of that vile witch gaining the ultimate power over us was too horrible to contemplate. And believe me, she would have beaten any of those other Republican candidates easily because none of them had the fight to take her on like Trump. Even Cruz, as much as I admire his spunk, would have folded in deference to donors, who we all know control everything in Washington, except for Trump. I can't believe the NeverTrumpers are still out there bleating about how bad he is. They were willing to let her do her unspeakable damage to assuage their virtue signaling. It gives me comfort to be among other like thinkers here who have had her number for a very long time. I too think she will never do the proper time for her crimes. Trump alone cant make it happen. But keeping her out of the White House will have to suffice as whatever justice we can get.
Excellent rundown: Recalls what I was telling my Democrat friends two years ago when they were mocking the supposed chaos taking place with the Republican nomination process. At least the Republicans got a choice as to who would be their candidate. As far back as 3 years ago, it was obvious that the Clintons literally owned the DNC and that Hillary would be the "designated" candidate. That Bernie's challenge got out of control was just one of many miscalculations the Clinton machine made because of their assumption that Hillary was "inevitable".
One sign that the Democrats have yet to fully digest this reality is the remaining assumption that the majority of Democrats really did want Bernie. I don't think that's entirely true either. The far-left of the party certainly does, but for much if not most of the party, Bernie was a protest vote against Hillary just as much of Trumps support was a protest vote against the establishment GOP. Although many Democrats are loath to admit it, they know deep inside that the Clintons are poison and that Hillary is exactly as @Stilton has depicted her above. The problem is that these people are willing to go along with the ride as usual because she represented the path to power, and they honestly believe that such power, even in the hands of despicable people like Hillary is better than the alternative.
And this is why as @Stilton points out, we did dodge a bullet in 2016. We got a temporary reprieve from permanently "...losing everything: our nation, our rights, and our freedoms."
The question now is how long will this reprieve last? I think that depends on how well the economy does. For the first time since the beginning of the Obama era, the economy is actually moving to the benefit of those who were not exclusively the rent-seeking wealthy. Trump's tax reform is already rewarding most people who actually work for a living. (I saw this last Friday for the first time in Mrs. Econ's paycheck) Trillions of dollars are likely to be repatriated over the next year, spurring new private domestic investment. Millions of millennials who used to think that Bernie's socialist utopia will discover the joys of real work and a real paycheck and will start to reconsider that the costs of his hippie-socialism will be borne by people like them. More people will realize that there is no possible way that government can reward them as much as they can reward themselves through personal productivity.
That's my hope. And that is what it will take to burn down the deceitful web spun by the Clintons and their enablers.
Super Bowel: Well, we did watch, largely because Mrs. Econ wanted to. Remember over a decade ago when it seemed that half the ads were for various erectile dysfunction pills, which led the game to be known as the "Erectile Dysfunction Bowl"?
Well, I declare yesterday's game to be the "Virtue Signal Bowl"
Heck, we even had MLK hawking pickup trucks.
Thanks for the straightforward, upfront, truthful analogy of Hillary the Harlot's dreams, schemes and plots to win the election of 2016.
Is there justice in store? Will she and her minions pay for their criminal behavior?
I most sincerely hope they are put so in jail that a slingshot will be used to feed them!
We came terrifyingly close to losing everything: our nation, our rights, and our freedoms.
You make it sound like it's over. It's far from over. It's not even the end of the beginning. Someone from the FBI was widely quoted from the Twitter warning the president, "We've been doing this since 1908. We know how this will end."
There are times I wish this blog had feedback like Facebook, because I really wanted to click on a "laughing out loud" face for @Mike aka Proof's "Hillary sounds like Shelob from Lord of the Rings, but without the winning smile and personality.
Still laughing.
@James Daily, what we've seen since only confirms what we already knew. What gets me is the cognitive dissonance of the true believers who are still fighting to defend against the painful truth. It's as though their religion has been laid bare.
@Geoff King, @Fred Ciampi & Emmentaler Limburger, I've said it before and will say it again: The Clintons deal with Satan preclude their ever being prosecuted for their crimes in this world. The best we can hope for is that they just fade away until they die of natural causes and finally face their real judgement.
@Casey Carney, as @TrickyRicky says above, it is indeed amusing to watch how Democrats simultaneously describe the memo as, a "threat to democracy", representing a "Constitutional crisis" and yet is also a "big nothingburger". In the end, it only confirms what most of us had figured out over a year ago.
@Shelly, over two years ago I had every expectation that by now I'd be planning my early retirement because there would have been little point in actually working for pay anymore. I didn't feel "despair" so much as a sense of resignation, and a small joy in educating socialist millennials that they'd be the ones shouldering much of the cost of my early Greek-like retirement. Instead, I find myself busier than I've been in over a decade. I much prefer the latter.
I am going to stick up for Ted Cruz, though. I would have loved to see him debate Hillary. And I don't think he would have folded either; remember that Ted Cruz was the only candidate ever to go into Iowa campaigning against ethanol subsidies, and actually won! He won my total fealty after that supposedly impossible feat. BTW, Trump still folds to the ethanol lobby.
@SiGraybeard points out that "It's far from over" when the "deep state" people at the FBI blatantly say "We've been doing this since 1908. We know how this will end." You are right. The fight to retain freedom is never over.
Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer is must reading. And after you do, try to imagine how Hillary would have behaved in the White House.
I'm still puzzled. How can you have a "rebuttal" to a factual document? Wouldn't this be a bit like writing a rebuttal to the laws of physics? "We Democrats hereby refute the right wing manufactured fable that velocity equals distance per unit of time, and that energy equals mass times velocity squared, seeing as how velocity itself is a part of the great right wing conspiracy..."
I'm with Geoff. Hillary will never pay for her sins beyond what she has already paid (losing the Presidency). She could be caught red handed burning down an orphanage, and would suffer no more punishment than having to disappear to some secret, lavish mansion for a few weeks while her servants bring her cases of vodka.
But we can dream, can't we? She probably can kiss her political career goodbye at the least. Makes me wonder what socialist turd the Dems will offer up in 2020.
"Someone from the FBI was widely quoted from the Twitter warning the president, "We've been doing this since 1908. We know how this will end."
He is a former member of the FBI...he was just stating a fact and the President needs to accept he will pay a high personal price for draining that swamp.
Loyalty is when the poop hits the fan blades the people loyal are the one's still standing behind the attacked one afterwards.
I think President Trump can play some very effective hardball from years of experience; I look forward to flying poop from every fan.
@ Don in Oregon: read "Unlimited Access," by Gary Aldrich. Aldrich was an FBI agent who for five years had to endure the Clintons and their crude and outrageous attitudes toward white house staff members who had served previous presidents with honor and integrity. Instead, she fired these people and replaced them with their Arkansas friends. The book perfectly illustrates how lowbrow and low-class the Clintons were and are.
The only way to deal with the "Queen of the Damned" is to apply the Monty Python solution : Drop a 16 ton weight on her and squeegee up the leftover slop to feed to the wild pigs......
Just for clarification, spiders are not insects. They are arachnids. You are welcome.
One thing that makes me laugh is that the Demo_Rats still seem to think that if they can get rid of Trump, Hitlary will automatically become president. Every time they talk about how awful Trump is, it doesn't seem to occur to them that she'll NEVER be president and if the Demo_Rats (and their propaganda arm, the MSM) try to make that happen, we'll see another shooting war in America. And guess who's got the firepower?
Afraid of the Clintons? 47 people know the truth....
Raid. Kills bugs dead. Spiders too.
... and Mike Pence would become president; a guy who is arguably way more Conservative than Trump. The LoFo Libtards probably also don't realize then Pence could then appoint a new VP, and it very well might be someone like Trey Gowdy!
Considering the Demotards have seemingly forgotten that wise old saw..."Be careful what you wish for!"...point out that, since VP Pence would become President, he could easily appoint Dr. David "Dumbass" Duke as HIS V.P.!
After all, isn't the central tenant of the Libbie howl of agony that the Donald is a RACIST...then, that being the case, who better to be a heartbeat away than a confirmed racist and idiot?
Be sure to stand at least 15 feet away to avoid the flying head matter when their noggins surely explode.
Is there a law that could keep Pence from appointing Trump as VP?
Now that would really make heads explode.
Used to ask myself why The Donald tweets messages that make some people cringe.
Than the vermin crawl out of the woodwork and I say, aha!
He's forced the media, Dem's, Gov. agencies, etc. to actually admit to what they really are without even realizing it.
Honestly, I think he enjoys the fight.
@Readers- Actual work took me away from the computer today, so I never got the chance to respond to all the great comments here. Appreciated them all, though!
@Joe Previtera- If you look at the commentary again, I do refer to Hillary the spider-woman as an arachnid. I then refer to the other players - some of whom end up as Hillary's meals - as insects (not spiders). And the general reference to serving a queen is more directed at the inborn social hierarchies of ants and bees who simply know what they're supposed to do. As far as I know, there aren't any particularly social spiders...although if they exist, you can be pretty sure it's in Washington.
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