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They sound like bursting grapes! |
"Let each of us pledge that when we disagree, we will respect each other and we will respect the truth," said the aging harpy who recently showed her respect for the President of the United States by saying that listening to him was like being sprayed with skunk piss.
"Transparency will be the order of the day," she added - clearly not caring about the irony of her demands to turn off news cameras during her recent meeting with Trump, not to mention her famous quote about Obamacare that "we have to pass it so you can see what's in it." In other words, the only thing "transparent" about Nancy's tenure for the next two years will be the obviousness of her anti-American motives.
Nancy also promised that Democrats "will make America more American by protecting our patriotic, courageous Dreamers who aren't actually Americans and may, in a few cases, belong to violent gangs."
Okay, she didn't really finish the sentence like that, but we're sure she wouldn't mind us adding the additional facts for the sake of transparency.
And while she didn't specifically mention the controversial border wall which is currently the cause of a partial government shutdown, her inflexible position on the issue is already impacting a lot of lives...
The lack of a border wall tempts people to make a very dangerous journey...in hopes of eventually committing the crime of entering our country illegally, after which a huge percentage will survive on welfare.
But not everyone makes it. Many woman and children are routinely raped and abused during the journey, and still others simply die of various causes - nearly 400, just last year. We'd include the young girl and boy who recently died after being dragged over the border by neglectful parents. The United States tried to save the children's lives, but it was too late.
Refusing to build the wall is an open invitation to more suffering and death. But deaths - even those of women and children - are secondary to the political advantages Democrats intend to gain by flooding our country with government-dependent illegals.
So besides giving Nancy that gavel, maybe we should also give her a shovel with which to dig graves for those who she'll continue to sacrifice for her own ambitions.
Remember when she was last speaker? She had the unlimited use of an Air Force 757 or 767 based out of Andrews AFB. Sometimes she made 2 or 3 RT's a week back to kaliforni. The black jesus may have been in power then. Maybe it won't fly this time. She is such a shitweasal.
Be afraid, very afraid, the Witch is back!
It was easy to tell which six kids at the podium, were her grand kids.
Pray for our nation.
Take care, be safe.
God bless.
Griz - Alaska
What a ruff day.....and it will get worse.....well our media is happy......they won .....and plan on now stop bragging about each and ever little victory ......and hiding each defeat ...
(sadly hums "Praise The Lord and Pass the Ammunition") (particularly the latter phrase)
Where's Deadpool when you really need him? ;D
Perhaps she should use that shovel to dig her own grave. (Wishful thinking)
I think the pressure of the job will scramble what few brains she has left. She'll be replaced, and the Democratic Party will resemble a Black Friday sale at Walmart.
The thought that she's 3rd in line to the presidency scares the hell out of me.
For those who would have voted for their now ex Republican representative, but stayed home in 2018, this is your harvest.
This will prove to be a very interesting year. I am thankful that 90% if the guns are owned by patriots who know how to use them but pray that it never comes to that. Somebody posted shoomerrs and peelousy's phone number on farcebook. Maybe I'll try them out today.
And I can't understand why folks like them can continue to act like despotic rulers instead of our representatives. Well, I really do understand why, I have been to some of the schools my great grand children attend and met their teachers. 'Nuff said on that. Just glad that I have my guns ... oh wait, I don't have my guns anymore, they all got lost in a horrible boating accident and are all at the bottom of a lake somewhere.
With Pelosi doing her Porky Pig imitation, saying she will pass humpteen dozens new laws, don't mean schitt. Each and every one has to pass the Senate then be signed by the President which is long shots. She can huff and pull and blow somebody but she remains pretty much toothless in completing her agenda.
The real power she has is having humpteen dozens committees to "investigate". However, if President Trump's pick for AG is not a deep stater, again she is stymied.
I wish to goodness President Trump or his new AG will get rid of that Rosenstein, shut down Mueller and investigate the democrats just to watch them squeal.
I wonder whether WE THE RIGHT-THINKING PEOPLE/DEPLORABLES can vote to THROW MEXIFORNIA OUT OF THE UNION? By their repeated election of nitwits, brainless
morons and absolute WASTES of oxygen, the leftist/socialists have proven they're guilty, at the very least, GUILTY OF SEDITION.
After the end of her acceptance speech Pelosi was heard saying on a still hot mic "I think I skipped a couple of pages. I'm not sure". Doesn't that just instill confidence in the new Speaker - that isn't sure what she is speaking about?
"Refusing to build the wall is an open invitation to more suffering and death. But deaths - even those of women and children - are secondary to the political advantages Democrats intend to gain by flooding our country with government-dependent illegals."
Stilton, that pretty much sums it up, I can't add anything.
I have nothing nice to say about Nancy Pelosi or OUR new congress. I also see Mitt might ask her if she needs help.
You think you're nervous, just think about Pence.
@ M. Mitchell Marmel
"Where's Deadpool when you really need him? ;D "
In theaters everywhere, natch. Unfortunately, he's just a Hollyweird cartoon character, or I'd seriously consider hiring him!
For, uh, a kiddies party. Yeah, that's it, a kiddie party...
They both have a whole room full of phone operators, paid for with tax $. Calling accomplishes nothing
@Sortahwitte- And let's not forget that over a two year period, she spent $101,000 taxpayer dollars on booze and snacks while on those flights. $1000 a week. Must be nice...
@Anonymous- I've always thought that the most dangerous enemies are those closest to power. Nancy fits that description to a "T."
@Griz Alaska- Flooding the podium with kids was a nice touch, but to be accurate more of them should have had tattoos and incurable, contagious diseases.
@REM1875- Yeah, it's going to be sick-making for a long time.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- You paint a lovely picture...
@Judi King- In fairness, I don't think a shovel could make a deep enough hole for us to really feel secure afterwards.
@Jess- I fully expect her to have more obvious signs of dementia in the ensuing months. Not that anyone will particularly care.
@Prudence Provolone- This is the sort of nightmare scenario that gave the founding fathers sleepless nights.
@Fish Out of Water- Right you are. THANKS, lazy butts!
@Fred Ciampi- Sorry to hear about that boating accident. This is another sad reminder of why it's so important that guys wear flotation devices.
@James Daily- I'm already reading that the Dems want to get rid of the electoral college, provide additional funding for abortion, institute medicare for all, create greater gun restrictions, impeach Trump, end spending limits, and create more programs to encourage illegal immigration. I am unaware of one good thing they want for America.
@Dr. Roger Harris- I'd genuinely like to see California severed from the union. I know there are good people there, but they'll need to get out or learn to just deal with California as a failed nation-state like Venezuela.
@Geoff King- It's hard to imagine that two unread pages of lies would have made much difference.
@TrickyRicky- It's not complicated, but it's sad as hell.
@Woodsterman (Odie)- Don't even start me on Mitt. I liked him, sort of, once. That ship has sailed.
@Anonymous- Pence is smart never to be alone in a room with a woman who isn't his wife. Especially if that woman is Pelosi, of whom her own daughter said "she'll cut your head off and you won't even know you're bleeding."
@Igor- I still haven't seen Deadpool 2, though have it on DVD. I really need to get on that...
@Anonymous- I wouldn't say that calling them accomplishes nothing. It puts you on a short list for an audit...
After several hours of work yesterday, I was feeling a bit tired so I took a short nap in the office. I had left the business news on, and found myself slowly awaking to Nancy Pelosi's speech, where she was droning on about "respect", "truth", and "transparency". I suffered a definitive neuron-misfire. I have a feeling that is going to be a frequently recurring experience over the next two years.
On immigration: The Democrats alternate between saying that a wall is pointless in lieu of other immigration measures to "It's pointless, so why should we even bother?". The reality we've long known is that the Democrats don't want any border security because open borders are working to their benefit. If you won't vote for Democrats, they'll just flood your red district with people who will.
There was an interesting exchange a few weeks ago that pretty much nailed the Democrats:
"Could you identify, Wolf, for me some of the border security they support?" Miller asked the host.
"They all support border security," the CNNer responded.
"Like what? They voted against case law. They voted against ending sanctuary cities. They voted against supporting MS-13 gang members, they voted against supporting violent criminals. They voted time and time against a physical border wall to stop illegal entry. I mean, where is the evidence that you keep asserting they're for border security? They haven't been. They oppose closing loopholes for asylum," Miller told Blitzer.
"Stephen, I want to move on to another issue."
Of course he did.
Speaking of "respect", "truth", and "transparency", do note the latest collateral damage where one of Nancy's "spark of divinity dreamers" who had been sheltered by the state from being exported back to from where he came took out a legitimate dreamer in the line of duty in the soon-to-be-failed sanctuary state of California. Fortunately, the suspect along with 7 of his fellow dreamers who were working to hide him were arrested. One can only hope that their fate under California's legal system will be worse that that for disposable straw use.
This is the real future the Democrats are fighting for: War on the middle class and law abiding and chaos on our streets. Since the first Clinton era, the Democratic party has been the party of the very wealthy, very poor, and the criminal.
"Imagine Pelosi as 3rd in line of succession to the presidency."
I would be very careful if I were the President or Vice-President and keep plenty of personal security around. I would not be overly surprised if "someone" were to make a deal with another bitter old hag who wears pantsuits to have Trump or Pence fall victim to a fatal "accident". Of course I may be 100% wrong...
When we DO build the wall along our southern border with Mexicoit's strongly suggested it be constructed from east to west; staring with mostly privately-owned land with fair Purchase, or Rights of Way or Easements. There is very little government land in Texas. This will save Texas first then New Mexico and Arizona. THEN TURN NORTH; leaving California for the final effort, and let's make it count. By leaving CA open to the last and with their eagerness to allow that... California will not be worth having in the Union. CA will be a much of a blight on the rest of us as are the Americas south of here. Maybe they will wise up when THEY are being walled off.
Nan is no doubt in the beginning stages of mind loss, but she still knows that the House has zero chance of getting ANY bill passed thru the Senate, much less get Trump's signature. Her plan is to provide a constant barrage of shit that will (in her mind) take Trump out of contention in 2020.
I think this is a fairly large roll of the dice; could backfire, bigtime!
So, Ms. Pooplosi says "My Precious" is her "best" friend, hmmm ? Well, is it steam-powered like Steely Dan or is it dependent on the chemical energy of D-cell Ray-o-vacs ? Inquiring minds want to know......
She needs a 45acp tonsilectomy!
Well deserved!
Tucker Carlson: The American dream is dying - Fox News
ps. could you please add CC to your blogroll?
It boggles the mind that with the economy going gangbusters, the democrats want to sabotage every part of it. I am sure many democrats want to work, need work and can now get work. 370,000 new jobs last month? Could this have happened under any other administration? Of course not because every other R President played footsy under the table with those lying seditious folks from George Bush to George Bush. Under any democrat administration they just kept hammering the middle class until there wasn't one. That O care tore the heart out of the middle class with its penalties and diddly squat for medical care.
Lastly, CA during the depression put up barriers to bar migrants from the dust bowl and now they can't get enough of them from South of the border. My New Year prediction is that metaphorically, CA will slide into the Pacific of its own Government weight and I cannot wait for that to happen.
Meant to include this...
@James Daily said It boggles the mind that with the economy going gangbusters, the democrats want to sabotage every part of it.
It really shouldn't. After all, people who are well employed, self-affluent, literally-educated, otherwise self-sufficient and freedom-loving have little use for intrusive mega-government. People of this nature are the enemies of the Progressives, who would much prefer poor, ignorant and dependent people who will vote pliantly to empower them. (This is why they need to import millions of poor, dependent and largely illiterate from across the globe to turn solidly red states blue, as they did in formerly well-educated and affluent California)
The real question is why people are so willing to let the Democrats do it. My answer is, "envy" and "greed". Enough people have been convinced that they can be even better off by looting from others, with the state as the middleman with a touch of something called "social justice" to fool them into thinking they are doing it for others.
The white hoodie-wearing Trump-inspired racist killer of 7 year old Jazmine turned out to be 2 young black men, arrested by the Po-Po.
I wonder if all the donations are gonna dry up...just another day inna hood.
@Gee M,
The big question is, after all the "reporting" of the "suspect" as a white guy and the subsequent arrest of the real shooter, will those who screamed the loudest about the "white guy shooter" acknowledge their misinformation and report the truth? Yeah, we know the answer here...
"Alternative" rock band called "Smashing Fetuses" in 3...2...1...
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