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"Mission Accomplished!" |
Clearly, this bizarre (and so far unexplained) action goes way past the usual norms of "blind justice." In fact, it suggests that in Chicago, justice isn't just blind but also deaf, dumb, and covered with malodorous, oozing syphilitic lesions.
Frankly, we're not surprised that the vast majority of murderers go uncaught and unimprisoned in Chicago, because Chicago doesn't care a rat's ass about the mainly low-income black victims who are being slaughtered on a daily basis. We're slightly more surprised that an open-and-shut case involving a hate crime and terroristic threats (hey, YOU try mailing white powder to someone and see if it gets laughed off!) is so easily being dismissed...and actively covered up.
But this is the world we live in now. If, in the eyes of the media and those holding political power, you hate the right people, then you can do no wrong and suffer no punishment.
As for us, we have a sprinkling of good memories of visiting Chicago and her museums when we were very young. Which is a good thing, because there's no way we'll ever again set foot in that crime infested, thoroughly corrupt hellhole. We certainly don't approve of nooses (even a Smollett "fake noose"), but the city might very well benefit from a very thorough washdown in bleach.
Be reasonable. The court records are sealed since they contain photocopies of Soros' check and Michelle's e-mails directing the deep-sixing of the whole shebang.
Yeah, Congratulations! We are a nifty group.
And as always another outstanding toon.
Thanks a Million, Stilton.
I'm no longer surprised when I turn on the TV and see something more outrageous than anything I saw yesterday. And it just keeps happening.
Maybe Illinois should change their state motto from "Land of Lincoln" to "Cradle of Graft"........
I was shocked until I remembered that this was, after all, Chicago...where the law doesn’t necessarily apply to the colored folks because Obama.
I think what this means if anyone sends threats of physical violence and white powder through the mail, puts a noose around his neck, calls him a poo poo-head, they can get away with it.
Ain't Chicongo great!
@Reginald kcin: In the late Mike Ryko's book, "Boss" mention was made that it Latin motto should be changed to 'Where's mine?'
@Dan. Correct me if I'm wrong but, I believe the correct spelling of it's name is michael.
I, too, used to visit shitcago and will never again. Too many fingerprints from the obongo scheme/regime. Too many reminders of the narcissistic turd with his feet up on the Resolute desk. I saw pictures of the gay boy with the obumas in the white house, too. Great pixs. The whole story smacks of privilege and nobama's machine. Piss on 'em. Multi-tiered justice system. Here it is.
Judge to Jussie: "No noose is good noose."
Why would a elected District Attorney and a Judge pervert the legal system knowing that they sheit would hit the fan? Oh, I know! They want to run for Congress and this is resume enhancement! This is really reaching to justify dropping these charges because of who you know. The sad thing is if the Crook was Prez, not a word would be said about it because it would be business as usual.
Stay armed and ready, my friends.
I read that there is a possibility that there could still be federal charges...... tick tock tick tock.....
But Fred, if federal charges are pursued it'll be because President Trump is a rayciss homophobe.
Even the slimeball mayor of Chicago said it was a "whitewash of justice". Very telling when criminal dems like him and Smollet aren't on the same page.
All you have to do to understand this utterly vile and unfortunately predictable outcome is to look at the players involved. Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Angela Davis, others of this ilk who don't readily come to mind. And I read his "community service" would be with Jesse Jackson. The cherry on top.
One can only hope that this case is so high profile that it can't be swept under the carpet so easily. I think the Chicago police union wants to raise a ruckus.
“The Chicago Fraternal Order of Police has requested that the Department of Justice open an investigation into Cook County state’s attorney Kim Foxx’s handling of the Jussie Smollett hate-crime-hoax case.” National Review Mr. 19th
The usual vacuous teleprompter readers over at Al-Foxzeera Nooz are also clamoring that the FBI (aka the gang that couldn't shoot straight) might still investigate. Key word: "might"
Doesn’t letting him off with “time served” prove there was an arrest? If charges are being dropped and this case is sealed, why isn’t he suing for false arrest and imprisonment? Seems to me that would bring Jessie Jackson out to make a greater stink rather than just slinking away.
@Geoff. The mayor of shitcago is still obama's right hand man in the circle jerk of northern ill-a-noise politics. He says what he is told to say. He acts outraged when he is told to. Also, because that black cop standing next to him would shoot him in the head if he said any different. Looks like we're in for nasty weather.
Do you really think Rham cares about a "white wash of justice? Remember who he is and what he's done in the past. He cares only about himself. He has some sort of agenda in mind.
She has a lot of nerve, forcing Christians to alter their religious practices: http://concoctednews.com/index.php/project/ocasio-cortez-orders-christians-to-give-up-farting-for-lent/
Herman, you forgot the SARC tag...
We get the idea.
If nothing else, the whole Jussie Smollett episode should put to rest this whole phony notion of "privilege" and just who really possesses it in today's society: Wealthy progressive celebrities who score high victimization points on the Progressive Values Totem Pole and who have powerful friends in the community.
Simple thought experiment: A wealthy white male stages a phony "hate crime" incident by hiring two assailants (also white but to pose as being black) to assault himself on camera solely to create nation-wide racial and political animosity and score victimization points for personal financial gain. Local police resources are diverted from investigating actual crimes for a week to deal with this. The case is shepherded by a politically-connected white state attorney who happens to be friends with a former white President, and the prosecutor handling the case eventually drops the charges, stating that 16 hours of community service and sacrificing a $10,000 bond is more than fair and adequate punishment. And then lawyers for the white male publicly reiterate that the protagonist was innocent of all charges all along, even though the facts of the case are entirely to the contrary. To add even more insult to injury after all that, the layers for the protagonist then without any sense of irony or embarrassment say, the protagonist "said he wanted to move on with his life and continue to fight for justice, equality and marginalized people."
Just what would happen after all that do you think?
In a more sane universe, we would owe a debt of gratitude to the Chicago state prosecutors for putting the final nail in the coffin of the notion of "white privilege". And yet, I think we can all agree that this will not be the case.
The Green Phony Deal: Did anyone else notice that the day that AOC's cohort dropped their "Green New Deal" to totally dismantle America as it's been known for the last several centuries to be replaced with some nebulous communist utopia that the stock market didn't crash in response? Last week, Mrs. Econ & I took a little vacation that involved transiting through no fewer that 4 airports. Every one of them had multi-million to multi-billion dollar expansion projects underway, and even though the GND would literally do away with commercial air travel and render airports totally unnecessary monuments to a carbon-indulgent past, each of these projects were continuing unabated in anticipation of never-ending growth in air travel.
So was it any surprise at all that the GND got absolutely zero votes yesterday, even from the Presidential candidates that enthusiastically embraced it only a couple of weeks ago?
To make the whole episode even more transparently absurd, the bill's originator was actually pissed off that her signature legislation was even brought forward for a vote, adding to the proof of what a fraud this really was. And then to make it even more funny, it provided an opening for normally staid Republicans to humorously mock the whole concept.
Although Senator Mike Lee's presentation was quite funny (Reagan on a velociraptor with an American flag and firing a machine gun) I wish someone had also done a more somber presentation regarding what the citizens of Venezuela now must endure under their socialist experiment that is proving to be as un-green as it is miserable. Or perhaps how happy North Koreans are living their green dream.
For 30 years now I've been arguing that the whole "global warming" (re-branded to "climate change" when the globe stopped warming) agenda had little to nothing to do with the actual climate or environment in general. It is nothing more than an excuse to impose a totalitarian regime over a freedom-loving people that have over and over again rejected such totalitarianism over free market principles. We owe a debt of gratitude to AOC, Ed Markey, and the rest of the communist left that quit lying about it and enthusiastically promoted this transparent assault on American freedom and independence. It will make Trump's re-election in 2020 that much easier.
Jussie did 18 hours of volunteer work over 2 days for JJ's org...perfect situation for Pres to pass to Barr to scrutinize... obvious pay for not playing...so obvious a corrupted DA doesn't come along that often, even for a Chicago Dem.
Ahhh!, the clarity today. Another Bingo for you, Stilt.
I'm hoping one small result of the 2+ years and 25 to 40 million of our dollars spent (depending upon who's counting) will be a clear definition of the illegal collusion for which Trump has been cleared. There's a hellofalot of collusion been going on by others; what exactly has Mueller been looking for and not finding?
Now that have seen a pic of Jussie Smollet, I still have no idea who he is. I guess that was the point of his publicity stunt.
If Mayor Rahm-bo was serious about criticizing the Smollet thing, Barry and Mooch might unfriend him on Facebook! The whole thing stinks to high heaven, but my Shock-O-Meter indicator needle didn't even twitch off zero. Now if that was, say... Donald Trump Jr. charged with similar crimes, they'd be dusting off the old rack, hot pokers, and iron maiden that's stored in Rahm-bo's basement, and Don Jr. would get a dead fish in the mail.
I am still pretty durn amused that the Dims are so incensed that McConnell would actually put their asinine bill up for a vote! Isn't that what they wanted? It's almost as though they were (gasp!) bluffing! And they then show their true maturity levels by voting "present." What a bunch of babies! Wah...
For those who haven't already heard, the Chicago PD has released ALL documents related to l'affaire Smolett, ahead of any non disclosure court order.
It doesn't pay to spit into the wind, or anger an entire police department.
I am not in the least surprised by this travesty.
I'm actually tickled pink about l'affaire Smollett, especially coming right on the heels of the crushing blow to the left known as the Mueller Report. I want them to keep it up, right up until Donald Trump is reelected in November, 2020. The more exposure of the duplicity of the left, the better.
Don't forget that S'more ollie's high falutin lawyer is none other than a partner with Creepy Porn Lawyer in creepy extortion attempt. Justice being served hot.
Looking ahead there should be a unmistakable shot across the now of any company willing to sponsor this fraud's return to TV/show business, that they will be facing a boycott.
Your judge cartoon reminded me of Comey’s July 5, 2016, news conference letting Hillary off the hook for the email server debacle.
There was some noise on the radio, should Jussee go back to his show or not?
Or should the character be re-cast?
Were I in charge, I'd have an episode where he's attacked, as he described, and gets away from the goons by dodging down allys, maybe some parkour wall climbing / dumpster assisted fence jumping... he figures out he's ditched the attackers, and does a 'arms up in triumph' whoo hoo, and jumps to cross the street (to a Subway? a gay bar? Strip club? Chicago Pizza joint? ) and gets splattered by a bus...
But that's just me.
EFF "recasting" the character, kill him off, and replace him, if necessary.
With Extreme Prejudice..
Side note - when I'm on the laptop w/ the big (15.5) screen, I almost NEVER get asked to verify that I'm not a robot. On the WORK laptop, w/ 13" screen (and I can't see SHIT in the pix) more often than not.
But, But, But, It's the Chicago way.
The part that gets me is that even with all the blatant, in-your-face corruption and idiocy coming from the left, the lefties see nothing wrong with any of it, and just keep on shoveling up more of the same. It makes. Absolutely. No. Sense.
Flying pigs are having snowball fights in Hell... I actually agree, 100%, with Rahm AND Axelrod on the same day. I believe that I hear the distant rumble of hooves coming from over the horizon.
@Fish Out of Water---------- The Latin translation of "Where's mine "? is "Ubi est mea". Just so you know....
@Dan- I genuinely believe that there a number high-ranking folks who are at risk from what those sealed records might reveal.
@Joseph ET- There IS a great group of people here and I thank you all for that!
@Anonymous - Same feeling here. The drumbeat of idiocy just goes on and on and on...
@Regnad Kcin- I think it's unofficially had that title for a long time. But by now, it should be stamped onto their license plates.
@Section147- If an actual violent terrorist (and Obama mentor) like Bill Ayres can walk around free in Chicago, why not a wannabee like Smollett?
@Unknown- It sounds like the mailed white powder and threats may be a federal matter that is being handled separately. I'd LOVE to see Smollett smacked with arrest on those charges.
@Fish Out of Water- Considering the fact that Chicago is not considered tropical, it's surprising how many palms are there...
@Sortahwitte- It would appear that Smollett and his family are well connected to the upper echelon of black radicals in Chicago. As I mentioned before, it amounts to a "get out of jail free" race card.
@joe jetson- Coincidentally, those were Saddam Hussein's last words.
@James Daily- The corruption here is SO obvious that I'm guessing there must be some important things being covered up to justify the risk. I hope we find out.
@Jim Irre- And never, never visit a Subway sandwich shop after midnight.
@Fred Ciampi- I think federal charges ARE possible, and they can't come soon enough for me.
@rickn8or- The great thing is, since Trump is already identified as such, there's no downside for him!
@Geoff King- I'm assuming that Rahm was upset because he didn't get his traditional cut of the payoff.
@TrickyRicky- And can anyone tell me how the "community" is being served by Smollett stuffing fund-raising envelopes for Jesse "corporate extortion" Jackson? And I, too, hope the Chicago Police take an aggressive stance on all of this. Perhaps in the future, rather than investigate "hate crimes" they'll just send Kim Foxx to the crime scene to determine its importance.
@WDS- I'd take more hope from the possibility of FBI involvement if Comey, Strzok, Page and more hadn't already shown that agency to be corrupt and out of control.
@Bobo the Hobo- Word is that Jussie actually is thinking about filing lawsuits for him (ahem) improper treatment. Un-frigging-believable.
@Sortahwitte- When I saw the Chicago police chief make his original statement about Smollett, I was ready to vote for him for President. It's good to be reminded that there are still honorable men and women in law enforcement and, in fact, I'm sure they're the overwhelming majority.
@Chef Spenser- Scientific proof of what we always suspected!
@Anonymous- I can't wrap my head around Rahm being genuinely offended by wrongdoing. He's a complete shitweasel and, when Obama's ass is within proximity, only Rahm's ankles can be seen.
@Herman Munster- AOC is such a punching bag.
@Igor- I think when the link goes to "concoctednews.com," we have a pretty good idea what's going on. (grin)
@John Holton- Like I said, I have some really good memories of Chicago. To keep them good, I'll never set foot in that city again.
@John the Econ- Your thought experiment is great, being flawed only by the fact that for it to reveal anything to those on the Left, they'd have to master the whole "thought" thing. Ain't going to happen.
And great summary of the Green New Deal fiasco. All those Dem senators voting "present" made me have memories (well, technically they're PTSD flashbacks) of Senator Barry Soetoro who voted "present" in order to avoid actually taking a stand on most issues. And yes, this WOULD have been a good time to really show the American people the nightmare existence that would be the reality of the socialist Green New Deal.
@Gee M- Even in a city legendary for its government corruption, this case is something special. There has got to be some devastating stuff lurking in those court records.
@Rod- As I understand it, Mueller found no evidence of collusion of any kind. Interestingly, there should have been at least an iota of solid evidence to even get the investigation off the ground. Well, if it were a legitimate investigation instead of a gross abuse of governmental power for a purely political purpose.
@udaman- I've never seen him or his show. Nor the horses they rode in on.
@Colby Muenster- One thing (among many) that pisses me off in this case is that the prosecutors said that Jussie's crime was "non-violent" and not a "driver of violence." Really?! As in, no violence could possibly result from a faked racial incident defaming about half the country as racists? Ever hear of effing Ferguson?! The fact that this didn't turn violent is owed solely to the quick and decisive work done by the Chicago police.
And good on McConnell for putting the Green New Deal up for a vote. AOC didn't get a single vote of approval from her own party. Good times!
@Ray Cyst- You know, I miss those concise show descriptions from TV Guide...
@Fish Out of Water- I saw that the Chicago police had made that move, and I hope it pays off for them. And us!
@Judi King- I'm afraid none of us are much shocked or surprised by injustice anymore. And that's really sad.
@Shelly- I like your glass-half-full attitude!
@Unknown- Connecting Geragos to these two stories in two days is a tasty bonus!
@Fish Out of Water- Early reports are that the show's producers won't bring Smollett back.
@Brumfeld- It reminded ME of Comey's preposterous acquittal of Hillary, too. She was guilty as hell of multiple crimes, but he'd let her go because he couldn't prove "intent" (which was irrelevant anyway). And yet, the whole Trump "obstruction of justice" case is predicated by an innocuous statement by Trump to which Comey inferred "intent." Hypocrisy level: expert.
@Pete(Detroit)- I'm not going to tell the writers of "Empire" their business. I ask only that in regards to Smollett's character, they give careful consideration to the dramatic possibilities inherent in an exploding butt plug.
And sorry about the problems with the verification system when logging on. Perhaps I shouldn't have my settings on "Annoy Pete(Detroit): MAX"
@Anonymous- Chicago. Called "the windy city" because of how much it blows.
@Old Cannonballs- Nothing on the Left is intended to make sense. It's intended to make the participants feel good about themselves. It's the political equivalent of an activity which was once believe to make people go blind or grow hair on their palms.
@B.C.- Thinks are definitely shaking.
@Regnad Kcin- Everything sounds classier in Latin.
I find interesting how many comments have been generated this week. We seem to be a group of people who consider, ponder, and sift through the facts as we know them before we speak. I can only speak for myself, but I find that I am disappointed in the fairness of our justice system at this point in our nation's history. It doesn't take much research to find too many cases where the scales of justice have someone's thumb on them. Back in the days of my youth I had a friend that admitted he was a cynic. He said the justice gal with the scales was blindfolded so she couldn't see the corruption. We are skating on thin ice while whistling a happy tune.
The National District Attorneys Association had something to say regarding the conduct of the prosecutors in the Jussie Smollett affair:
First, when a chief prosecutor recuses him or herself, the recusal must apply to the entire office, not just the elected or appointed prosecutor. This is consistent with best practices for prosecutors’ offices around the country.
Second, prosecutors should not take advice from politically connected friends of the accused. Each case should be approached with the goal of justice for victims while protecting the rights of the defendant.
Third, when a prosecutor seeks to resolve a case through diversion or some other alternative to prosecution, it should be done so with an acknowledgement of culpability on the part of the defendant. A case with the consequential effects of Mr. Smollett’s should not be resolved without a finding of guilt or innocence.
Fourth, expunging Mr. Smollett’s record at this immediate stage is counter to transparency. Law enforcement will now not be able to acknowledge that Mr. Smollett was indicted and charged with these horrible crimes and the full record of what occurred will be forever hidden from public view.
...the case in Chicago illustrates a point that must be discussed in an effort to ensure fairness in our criminal justice system: the rich are treated differently, the politically connected receive favorable treatment, and Lady Justice sometimes peeks under her blindfold to see who stands before her. NDAA rejects these inequities as they are antithetical to our
founding principles of justice: that no one is above the law.
@ Stilton: Maybe what I should have asked was: How is "Collusion" legally codified and described as a crime? What exactly is it they've been looking for? And once (if ever) so described: How does all this other behavior by Democrats and major media NOT qualify?
The legal definition of collusion can probably be found in Black's Law Dictionary
John the Econ, so she's not "corrupt", she's "incompetent". How con-VEEN-yent...
@ Fish Out of Water: Thank you very much for that good reference. It's pretty vague but there are some definitions. I've yet to see how/where it's been codified as being criminal; and some specific examples of guilty judgements. May get back to that later.
Maybe I should go to the FBI and say I sure don't want to do any colluding as I run for President; so what specifically should I avoid doing?
I'd like to know if there's ANYONE in the country (with the possible exception of Taraji P. Henson...) who actually believes Smollett's story. I mean really deep down believes it. I'd bet that the vast, OVEWHELMING majority of people calling him a "victim" are just happy he was able to put one over on whitey and get away with it. Had he gone to court, I think he'd have rolled over on whoever his fixers (Horizontal Harris, Michelle Obama, etc.) are so fast he'd have started another Polar Vortex right there in the courtroom. I think you'd be able to count the believers on the fingers of...one finger. Guess which finger...
I see things differently than other commenters. I see that the Obamas consider that they are so powerful that they can get away with the abuse of power, as Hillary did, and as I read Biden and his son do. They do not see themselves as losing but see themselves as still where they want to be, and are still preparing their subjects for rulership by the Elite, in contrast to the language of equality they use to lead the young and the naive to give up the US Constitution and to give up their rights. Read more to understand.
The wonderful Theodore Dalrymple wrote “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is...in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
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