"Like my cologne? It's called chloroform." |
We've got to be honest with you - today's news just looked like more slices of the same stale, mold-covered white bread that the media keeps feeding us while saying that penicillin is
good for us.
But rather than leave this valuable space blank today, we thought we'd share the photo above which
can't possibly have a legitimate explanation. We're not sure if Biden is whispering a threat or just getting wood while trying to suck out a helpless child's eyeball, but we find this image pretty darn disturbing.
Of course,
some people (including a plurality of Democrats) may have
other opinions...
FINALLY some shovel-ready jobs! |
And as long as we're going down this road, last night we were perusing some amusing vintage ads from days gone by and found
this one which immediately made us think of Biden and his young victim...
This message approved by Marlon Brando |
Notice how the mother strategically places herself between Biden and her daughter? She didn't know the Predator stalks any prey in range.
Even more disturbing. Turns out that photo is of him and his grandson at his son's funeral in 2015.
I used Google reverse image search and found several instances of this story:
“‘Pop, you have to run pop,” Biden said, claiming that his grandson Hunter asked him about a photo of the Vice President clutching him at his son Beau Biden’s funeral.
“Pop it says: ‘Look at Biden molesting a kid,” Biden recalled about the meme, quoting his grandson.
Biden discussed the story during a fundraising event with reporters present in South Carolina, according to a report of the event.
The photo he was referring to was a cropped photo from the Associated Press of Biden clutching and speaking to Hunter at the 2015 funeral for his son Beau. The meme tries to capitalize on other photos on the Internet of Biden touching children and making them feel uncomfortable.
Things that make ya go, "hmmmmm..."
If Biden gets elected, the Presidential vehicles will go from a line of black SUVs to a line of plain white vans...
Butter...Marlon Brando...Last Tango in Paris. SUPERB!
The comic strips seem very deep.
As I may have said in another, earlier post, I welcome the candidacy of Uncle Joe. It gives we on the other side another bite at the worst electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from Plains Ga, and should the party machinery crown him as it nominee, one can only hope AOC, Bernie etc., will tear the party apart.
Biden came home from work and his wife was packing a suitcase. He said "What's up?" She said "I'm leaving you". "What, why?" She said "I heard that you are a pedophile". Joe said "Well, that's a mighty big word for a nine year old".
Ooooogggg, now I have to watch for the black SUVs to start coming up my driveway.....
Fish, one can only hope that the whole Kilkenny Cats nature of the overloaded primary will seriously fracture the Gimmeecrap party, and produce a large number of 'Never Biden/Bernie/Lizzie/whoever' types who vote 3rd party in frustration.
As for same mold, different day, it not like there's anything happening in Venezeula, Paris, Moscow, Riyadh, Persian Golf, or anything.
And not that it matters or anyone cares, but wired stimulation of the pleasure centers, via 'droud' and the resultant currant addicts, was Larry Niven, not Bob H.
Both brilliant authors, and long time favorites.
So, Fred, you're saying he should convert to Islam, and he'd be Ok, eh?
Speaking of Islam, Taliban Johnny walks free tomorrow.
FREE CANDY painted on the side?
Unfortunately Maria Schneider was unavailable for comment.
The reference to Last Tango makes me wonder what Tango represents in Islam?
If anyone has read "The Camp of the Saints", I think I know how this will end. The recent scene at the airport is simply the prelude.
What"s scary is that Biden's only announced platform thus far is "beat Trump!", Yet he is the front running candidate.
@Anonymous- Say what you will about Gropin' Joe, but he doesn't discriminate when choosing victims.
@Jason Anyone- I didn't know the picture was taken at a funeral, or showed Biden with his grandson. It's still creepy, but more understandable in that context. However, since there are hundreds of other such photos NOT taken at funerals, I'm not exactly riddled with guilt.
And I think the worst campaign slogan I've ever heard is "My Dead Son Said I Should Run."
@M. Mitchell Marmel- And presidential motorcade routes will all include slow passes near schools and playgrounds.
@mikethenav- I sometimes like to include references that not everybody will get, but strike me as funny anyway. Glad you knew the reference!
@The Best Every Philadelphia Private Investigations- What we lack in length, we make up for in depth. Which sounds dirty, but isn't.
@Fish Out of Water- You paint a lovely picture! This morning I saw that Biden wants to "Make America Normal Again." I'd like to hear him define what's "normal" in a way that won't offend most Democrats. I doubt it can be done.
@Fred Ciampi- If the SUV doesn't come all the way up your driveway, it's probably just Biden and a kid looking for privacy.
@Pete (Detroit)- I'd like to think the multiplicity of candidates would fracture the Dems, but they have an awfully big unifying factor in their unanimous hatred of Trump.
Regarding "same mold, different day," there ARE a lot of big, newsworthy stories out there - but for the purposes of this blog, a story needs to have a very specific focal point that I can spin into cartoon form. On any given day, a lot of very important stories are sort of amorphous blobs: the endless jousting between the Dems and Trump, the drums of war beating for a US/Iran conflict, and on and on. These things are important, but generally require a different and more journalistic approach than what I can offer.
And DANG, I really thought Heinlein invented "wireheading" and that Niven just picked it up. But the Internet seems to agree with you. I would have sworn that Heinlein wrote a piece where Lazarus Long had been out of circulation for awhile because he'd become an electrical stimulus addict. I guess MY brain needs some electrical stimulus...
@Pete (Detroit)- That could work. Bonus: you get to molest chickens and goats!
@Fish Out of Water- Taliban Johnny apparently still has (ahem) "extremist" Islamic views. Makes me wonder if he'll be wearing a vest soon?
@SpectreRider- The Dems are offering everything else free, so why not FREE CANDY too?
@TrickyRicky- I read someplace that Maria Schneider didn't know exactly what Brando and the director had planned for that scene, and never really forgave them.
And I recently downloaded "The Camp of the Saints" but haven't read it yet. I guess I'd better get on that.
@Geoff King- Trust me, in the end "Beat Trump" is going to be the real rallying cry for the Dems. And why wouldn't it be? They've got nothing to offer.
"today's news just looked like more slices of the same stale, mold-covered white bread that the media keeps feeding us while saying that penicillin is good for us."
My wife & I were talking yesterday about how it seems we are in a period where nothing seems to be going on - people are going about their business and not even needing to pay attention to national and world affairs - it is all local. People getting jobs, making money, families thriving, getting things done despite being given a sense of impending doom (other than the 2+ year onslaught of predictions that the Trump presidency is going to unravel any hour now and chaos will descend upon us.)
So, in defense of the media, I will say that "no news is good news". Elections are usually based on fear - what fear are the Democrats going to run on? The fear that our lives are going to change for the worse soon if we don't elect them?
So....who is standing behind Gropin' Joe? Kamala Harris?
@Stilton Jarlsberg: Lazarus Long in "Time Enough for Love" discussed his trial of wireheading, and his rejection of it. So though Lazarus the character predates the Niven droud stories, Heinlein's story that links him with wireheading comes after, not before them.
As for your choice of topic, what could possibly be more important than setting up the next electoral target for President Trump to knock down?
A few years ago we attended a naval commissioning ceremony in Annapolis for the son of very dear friends. VP Joe Biden gave the commencement speech (the Prez and VP trade off) for this graduating class. Instead of an inspirational speech to the soon to be naval officers, he spent the entire time talking about himself, Obama and the Obama administration. To say I was stunned was an understatement. He did mention that "I'm glad my mother's dead so she doesn't have to see [something]" - at that point I was convinced he was indeed a genuine idiot. The dead mother mention was a direct quote - I was there and I clearly remember.
Again, Biden is the Democrat's idea of "adult supervision". Let that sink in. He is a genuine idiot who only seems smart to Democrats because he spend 8 years standing next to Obama and now stands opposite of even dumber people like AOC.
Biden's platform: Make America 2009 Again!
No thanks.
had fifteen minutes of face time with joe in 2005 at a convention he spoke at in vegas. he spent his time trying to find my buttons but only failed to impress me. just a politician looking for to be liked and reelected. on a personal level, I think he is an ass. on a political level, he has the correct party logo-an ass. this is a front man in the same way aoc(what ever that cows name is today) is for the money managers ideals. he is a empty vessel into which is poured the slop of what ever pays him the most.
I hope that The Groper (sounds like a wrestler on the WWW circuit) is chosen as the Dim's candidate in 2020; he is so delerious or "demented" (take your pick) that he he would be ripe for the Republicans to tear apart. Did the clown ever have a REAL job in the PRIVATE sector, other than maybe working in the fitting room of a woman's lingerie store?
Threatening the dog? Is Joe now plagiarizing the Clintons?
While off the current topic, this link from a government relations job board made me stop and think. Name something and there's probably a trade association (lobbying group) for it, which in turn is sobering commentary on just how deeply the Feds reach into our lives.....
I believe the real reason most Dems stand behind Gropin Joe is that they sure as heck don't want to stand in front of him.
Stilt, did not mean to cast shade at YOU for the 'no news is good snooze' aspect of the state of the media - not your fault you don't have much to work with... maybe a montage of Gimmeecrap talkng points.. Democratic Socialism (Venezuela) Green New Deal (Paris Yellow Vest riots - are they still going on, and just not 'news' anymore?) Open Borders (occupation of Paris airport) etc... seems all their ideas HAVE been tried, w/ disastrous results.
Of course, we, your devoted audience, already KNOW all this...
Pat verifies Laz Long 'experimenting' w/ a droud, I don't recall - pretty sure I only read that one once, he was not one of my favorite characters. Situation you describe is pretty much where we find Louis Wu (another long lived char) at the beginning of 'Ringworld Engineers'...
And hey, what's a little conflation between TruFans..
It *is* rather tragic that C.U.Joe pretty much *is* the adult in the room on the Dem side of things. Given his scandalous behavior in re his son's business deals, it's sad that this appears to be the best they've got... Wonder what ever happened to Jim "is this mike on" Webb (I think I've got that right) who was on the stage at 1st Dem debate, and got like literally 30 sec air time.
He seemed sane. As one acquaintance said, "Oh, the Republican listed as a Democrat?"
No wonder they buried him.
Oh, and there's the latest Creepy Porn Lawyer News:
Michael Avenatti charged with defrauding Stormy Daniels
His defense? "She received millions of dollars worth of legal services..."
And just what was that really worth? It wasn't enough that his advice for her to break her non-disclosure agreement with Trump was just plain bad, but he also pocketed a $300k check for a book advance that was supposed to go to her. After being forced to pay for Trump's lawyers, Stormy is back to swinging on poles.
But the people who really should be embarrassed here is the mainstream media, which barely a year ago couldn't get enough of him and lauded him as "Presidential" material. He was on CNN so much that I had just assumed that they had given him his own show.
@John, What's new? Remember 'absolute moral authority ' Cindy Sheehan? Once she served her purpose, she was discarded like a soiled sanitary napkin, and now she's just the batty lady who does stuff for Russian TV
@Fish -- Sheehan always was a batty lady.
Here's an idea : Put Mr. Butta-Plug and Da Groper in a sound-proof room naked with tubs of dairy products. Turn the lights out and, through the magic of low light TV, put the whole thing on pay-per-view. May the best man(?) win...........
Much like John above my son graduated from The University of Delaware years ago. Guess who was the speaker? He began to rant about Vietnam and all around us parents started complaining and began to leave. I just thought he was clueless but now I think that he may have been losing it even back then.
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