We believe that those on the Left are about to get one heck of a wake-up call courtesy of Attorney General Barr, and the soon-to-be-released report detailing DOJ Inspector Michael Horowitz's investigation of the unethical and illegal tactics used to spy on, and frame, Donald Trump. Legally speaking, we could be looking at a tsunami which will sweep away the biggest political players on the Left.
But the mainstream media is doing very little to cushion the coming blow for their gullible audience members. As a case in point, we were stopped dead in our tracks upon encountering this headline from the Associated Press: "Fines, jail time? Trump team resists oversight, Dems dig in."
Okay, first things first - the Trump team isn't resisting oversight, it's resisting overthrow. But back to the ludicrous article which is a not-so-funhouse mirror version of what's really going on...
WASHINGTON, AP - They're talking at the Capitol about jailing people. Imposing steep fines. All sorts of extraordinary, if long-shot measures to force the White House to comply with Democratic lawmakers' request for information about President Donald Trump stemming from the special counsel's Russia investigation.
"When the president denies the Congress documents and access to key witnesses, basically what they're doing is saying, Congress you don't count," according to Rep. Elijah Cummings. "We simply cannot have a presidency that is run as if it were a king or a dictator in charge."
The article then details the draconian measures Democrats are planning to further obstruct justice by filing contempt of Congress motions against Barr, and threatening to lock Trump staffers up in a super-secret "Capitol Prison," despite repeated denials from the House and Senate that such a spiderweb-filled, subterranean dungeon actually exists. Because that's the level of insanity currently in play.
And so we come back to the red pill and the blue pill that those on the Left will soon have to choose from. They may find the red one hard to swallow...but it's going to be a lot easier on them than the alternative.
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The road is, of course, half-blacktop. |
Mind you, none of the road is new or upgraded (or as Barry would say, "You didn't build that"), as that would have required actual shovel-ready jobs to be performed, which was forbidden by California's "Department of Irony Suppression."
Instead, shiny new street signs were posted, carefully handcrafted by the prison inmates whom Democrats hope to have voting again (and again and again) in time for the 2020 elections.
"the Trump team isn't resisting oversight, it's resisting overthrow."
Bah, away with your annoying "facts".
To the Left, 2+2 doesn't equal 4, it equals shut up, sit down, think what you're told.
The bigger the gap between what you know, and what the Left tells you, the better, because it just demonstrates how dangerous it is to disagree with your rulers.
Wouldn't duhbama's sign be more appropriate if there were black vertical bars applied to it ? My brother really needs to know this.......
@Regnad: Yes. Yes, it would.
For my part, I'm getting the popcorn popped and ready for the impending entertainment...
Good: There's still room for the rest of the sign, which says: DEAD END NO OUTLET
Enough clowning around. In fact RODEO DRIVE is famous for having among the most outlandishly expensive real estate and stores in the world; and is often used as such in film, TV & jokes. While not the only such location, it is THE place in LA LA land for blowing a lot of money for pretty useless stuff and/or putting on a big show over not much.
IMO this renaming is very appropriate; and the "Crust" will still call it Ro Day O Drive.
I find it amazing so many people in so many places continue to allow themselves to be played by the most venal, vile, bitter clinging, pathological serial liar and charter member deplorable, who has been twice repudiated for POTUS .
Speaking of which (witch?), read tickets for her and her sexual predator husband's road show are now deeply discounted.
I'm unfortunately not that clever, but see a Stilton's Place cartoon featuring a tawdry traveling circus and two has beens.
Can't wait for the gangbangers to graffiti spray appropriate artwork covering this monstrosity
Once again my excitement is peaked in anticipation of justice BUT.......
The (R)s, sadly, never respect you in the morning ........
To veer off the path for a moment, it seems the WaPo, in a sad effort to sell newspapers, has published a piece of intellectual trash by a guest columnist, who claims the Greatest Generation were a bunch of evil racists...
Two things... nothing will happen to the Dems that attempted the soft coup. That would require Congress to reach a consensus to jail them and with their super majority of non-patriots in both houses, well.... Also the newly named LA road IS shovel ready if only just to get the excrement off the pavement!
Stilt, I have a question. On my Tea Party group's website I post a weekly rant along with lots of cartoons & memes I find out in the ether. Lately I've been getting harassed by outfits looking for money for the copy write on the some of pics in the memes. Since some of your gems like the blue pill one above include images that might be in the same category, I thought I'd ask if you get similar emails or there's some way to actually pay royalties. I believe all artists are entitled to the fruits of their labors, but this seems more like a scam than something legit. Any thoughts on this?
from "moving out of California very soon"
Well,I'm a resident,
and here is another street that my car will never roll over.
It might stop itself at the corner road signs, especially as my rear bumper says
NOT A LIBERAL sign on each end.
I suppose this coup attempt goes back to Philosophy 101 a hundred years or so ago: Does the ends justify the means? Can you commit treasonous acts for the greater good (at least your idea of the greater good)?
However, we are either a nation of laws or we are not. Many of us are just plain tired of the skating of felons because of political affiliations or using their influence in the Old Boy Network. If with this current crop of law breakers, especially since the majority are suppose to be enforcing the law, this nation is doomed. It makes little difference which party is in power since they will both use their positions to influence whatever the current flavor of the day.
Exactly. I'm having mine with extra REAL BUTTER, and plenty of SALT
Good that you left room on your bumper
Im thinking George Orwell needs to be removed from libraries fiction section and put either in comedy or political affairs.
I'm not able to remove my post above which apparently is not correct about the richer "Ro Day O Drive" The Obama renaming is apparently about some other street; but I'm not the only one who made that mistake. I guess one has to be registered here or know the secret password to take down their own mistakes. I'm sorry about the mislead. But maybe the first line is still OK ? [grin] Onward to probably other mistakes today; I just have a feeling.
If the hammer is truly about to fall, I imagine we will soon be hearing of an unusually high number of D.C. suicides - both real and staged.
I don't have to worry about ever driving on that half blacktopped street, although it would be enjoyable if I ever had a chance to ride Dunny horse down that street leaving a trail of road apples!
I saw the announcement about the Obama Boulshitevard. I added proper signage.
@Jason: Nice work, but shouldn't that arrow be pointed Left?
Replying to Geoff King above - Indeed, the jogging trail in Ft Marcy Park may end up looking like a re-enactment of Omaha Beach, June '44.
Sounds great, Stilt. It would make me so very, very happy. Why, it's almost too good to be true! Maybe it IS too good to be true. In fact, and it pains me to say this, I strongly suspect that it is far too good to be true.
I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, I'll try not to get my hopes up too high, because the crash when it doesn't pan out is a bitch.
How long before "Obama Boulevard/Street/Drive" will be read as "MLK Boulevard/Street/Drive" is read as "Check your doors are locked and your weapons ready"?
I share your optimism that AG Barr and IG Horowitz will continue to expose the Left and their failed coup attempt. I do not share your optimism that much of anything will come of it. I wish it would but I don't think they will have the desire to remove their fellow Deep Staters from office, much less charge them with any real crimes.
In the fullness of time, the street name will be changed back again. Like the Russians did with St. Petersburg.
I hate what has happened to our country. I hate that my parents generation bled and died to save the world, only to have our freedoms, our rule of law, and our moral foundation slip away like sand on the beach. I don't know what we can do besides vote, unless it is to be more vocal and visible with friends and family who simply don't know or don't care what is going on. This charade in Washington eats away at me daily, and I SO hope that AG Barr can expose this outright coup attempt in a way that the complicit media cannot ignore it, only try to spin it. I don't expect anywhere near appropriate consequences for Ma Barker or Zero, but I hope everyone from Lynch on down has real legal problems.
We shall see.
@DJMoore- The divide between what the Left and Right "knows" has never been greater. We have alternate realities, though ours is based on facts. Which is why the Deep State hates us...
@Regnad Kcin- All in good time...
@M. Mitchell Marmel- I just hope Barr doesn't let our popcorn grow cold. It's time to act NOW!
@Rod- Barry's reign was a dead end, indeed.
@Fish Out of Water- Hillary is now saying publicly that the election was "stolen" from her by the Russians (and of course, comrade Trump). Meanwhile the tickets for the Clintons' "Cirque de Shutup" can be had for as little as $10 or $20. And I think they're now peddling influence on eBay.
@Anonymous- Perhaps someone will change the sign to "Benghazi Boulevard." If motorists break down there, help will never come.
@REM1875- We've been disappointed so many times that I feel foolish for getting my hopes up again. But what if this time justice is actually served? Granted, none of us should believe it till we see it.
@Fish Out of Water- Fortunately, the Washington Post story is behind a paywall. I say "fortunately" because otherwise I might put a fist through my computer screen. I can't wait for their followup story on how the WWII Allies didn't do enough to fight for gender neutral bathrooms.
@oldvet1950- I fear you're right about the bad guys getting away with it again, but I hope to be surprised. As far as scraping poop off Obama Boulevard, why bother? The media can just deny that there IS any poop, just like they did for 8 years.
@John GaultCSA- I haven't received any letters asking me for cash, so it might well be a scam. Or I might be a small enough fish that no one bothers. But here's some background on what I do here: I, too, believe that artists should have proper protection and remuneration for their work. For that reason, I pay licensing fees for the artwork I use. However, the lines get a little sketchier when it comes to using photos from news stories or, as in today's case, stills from a movie (which I do NOT pay for, and wouldn't know how). Generally speaking, the laws on parody and satire (as well as "fair use") give quite a bit of latitude about using such images, especially if you're not using the images in a profit-seeking capacity. That being said, if I use a copyrighted photo from the AP, they'd be well within their rights to send me a "cease and desist," and I'd take down the image if they did. They could also TRY to sue me for using it, but like I said, there's not much of a point to that when I can show that my use was not for profit.
In any case, I can almost guarantee that someone asking for money rather than sending a "cease and desist" is just trying to scam you.
@Moving Out of California Very Soon- If you DO have to use that stretch of road, make sure you're not going too fast when you hit the Michael Brown Memorial Speed Bump.
@james daily- Great points, throughout. I don't doubt that a lot of the anti-Trump conspirators believed they were saving the nation from a nutcase. But that isn't their call to make, especially since one or both candidates in most presidential elections are nutcases. Laws either mean something or they don't. If Barr fails to pursue the cabal members aggressively, then we live in a nation where laws don't mean anything, and we should make our plans accordingly.
@The Italian Meat Sauce- Our popcorn of choice for these occasions: use bacon grease for the popping, real butter, and a dusting of garlic salt. MMMMM!!!!
@cintaroja- See, I'd like a bumpersticker like that, but I also like having a car that doesn't have swastikas scratched into my paint.
@Battle Rifles of the World- It sure as hell ain't "fiction" anymore.
@Rod- Actually, there's no way for any of us (including me) to change comments once they're up (although we can hide them). I deliberately keep this site low tech for my own mental health, but it does mean we lack some niceties. I really wish it was easy for folks to post links which would automatically work. But hey, the price is right!
@Geoff King- And there may be a lot of deaths from natural causes. Because it IS natural to die if you have an ice pick shoved into your brainstem.
@American Cowboy- Those road apples could be collected and put to use over on "Michelle's Garden Drive."
@Jason Anyone- Nice! I also laughed that one of the performers at the naming ceremony was "Korrupt."
@M. Mitchell Marmel- Indeed!
@Anonymous- Now THAT'S a vivid image!
@Old Cannonballs- You're probably right, and I have a 10 year record of having most of my hopes crushed on this blog. But if I'm still in the game, maybe Barr is too.
@rickn8or- I sort of assumed that was the case from day one.
@RDB- I have to concede that I'm "wishing" more than "believing" at this point. But I'm wishing hard.
@Stinking Bishop- St. Petersburg used to be named after Obama?!
@TrickyRicky- What your comment lacks in optimism, it makes up for in accuracy. Right now, it seems like all we can really do is vote...but when it becomes clear that the media and Deep State tried to take even that from us (by manipulating the information that allows for an accurately informed electorate) then we have to start wondering what other options we have. Personally, I'm making whatever plans I can to care for my family in the future under the assumption that institutions and liberties are likely to fall. And I'm not happy about it.
Oh by the way, according to the New York Times, it wasn't "spying". The FBI deployed "cloaked investigators".
So next time one of your Progressive friends is going apoplectic over the Mueller investigation, ask them what they'd think if the FBI under Trump were to infiltrate the campaign of whoever ends up being the Democratic front-runner in a year, with orders to report back to Trump.
I mean, it's not like we don't already have evidence of "collusion". Certainly as credible as the Steele dossier.
Just see how that goes over.
Meanwhile, the Trump re-election campaign ads are literally writing themselves here. All he needs to do is run ads with quotes from the coup leaders, followed by their post-Trump agenda, "Make America 2009 Again".
Barack Obama Boulevard: I've long been of the opinion that it should be illegal to name any public entity or infrastructure after a living individual. One of my favorites was the Cynthia McKinney Parkway in Atlanta, named for the Georgia congressional rep famous for assaulting Capitol Hill police officers and antisemitism that would set the standard for Democrats of a decade ago until they upped their game with the likes of Talib and Omar. My guess is that Barack Obama Boulevard will get renamed to a future flavor of the decade in 15 or 20 years.
"Department of Irony Suppression": Stealing that.
I'm trying to be optimistic about Horowitz and/or Barr kicking over the rocks exposing the grubs, worms and slime, but I'm also trying to remember all the other times I thought the left was FINALLY going to "get it." I guess maybe a good sign is, the lefties are frantically trying to discredit Barr as much as possible right now, so when the truth comes out, they can claim he made it all up or something. Maybe a weak strategy, but it's been effective in the past 'cause they have the media's help.
Honestly, I don't see anything ever happening to O'Liar or Shrillary. Maybe it will only be some underlings that "get got," but one can only hope!
I think I actually had some brief chest pains when I read your popcorn recipe. Just kidding, but I am going to try that. WE always do real butter, but the bacon grease is a nice touch.
Upon a later visit to this blog at lunch: It's ironic that there's a real cheap FENCE right behind the big new sign; and the traffic light doesn't seem to be operating. LMOA at California. Their jokes just keep coming.
@Stilton: And I'd like a site where everything I contribute is complete & exactly correct. But that's not going to happen.
Purty dang nice sign. I dunno what's behind it; but I count 18 "closed" bullseyes on it.
Big 'uns and small. Almost a box of shells.
"Hillary is now saying publicly that the election was "stolen" from her by the Russians (and of course, comrade Trump). Meanwhile the tickets for the Clintons' "Cirque de Shutup" can be had for as little as $10 or $20."
$2 last I saw, earlier today.
Well it would be kinda stupid to award him ANOTHER undeserved Nobull prize....
@Jason Anyone
One other suggestion: At the end of the dead end, place a "No U Turn" sign.
Cleanup on Aisle 6!
Heartily recommend popping in bacon fat, also McCormick has a 'garlic and pepper' spice grinder that works well, even on microwaved stuff. Hopefully, there will be a show worthy of it.
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