Cultural change is in the air. Or maybe it's just the lingering smoke from burned businesses - they smell pretty much the same.
In either case, corporate America is bending over backwards to show that it's woke and not racist. Which is why Quaker Oats has announced that they're getting rid of the Aunt Jemima brand of products. Not that Aunt Jemima herself will be out of work long...
And Aunt Jemima was only the first classic brand representative to fall. Because another familiar face will soon be missing from store shelves...
![]() |
If you didn't read comic books, don't even try to understand this one. |
But lest anyone start thinking that problematic branding is limited only to products with black people's names on the label, we want to point out that products with white people's names on the label can be just as bad, if not even worse...
Who knew we didn't have to fight a civil war to end slavery and discrimination? All we had to do was take colored folk off our groceries!
We eat Brer Rabbit syrup on biscuits and cornbread at our house. It won't be long before they snatch his happy ass off of that bottle of sorghum and smack him back into that briar patch. After all, he's been tainted by racist association with Walt Disney's "Song of the South". If a cartoon really offends your place in a free country, maybe you should move to a iceberg in the ocean and just chill.
I'm so tired of race baiters and panderers. Sit down and STFU.
What ever you do will never be enough. Never mind, all the race problems will magically go away when Gropey Joe is Pres.
This mass hysteria and insanity, like a thunder storm that spooks livestock, is just a rerun of similar deplorable episodes in our past.
Exhibit A, renaming sauerkraut as Liberty Cabbage or changing street or town names to more "American " names during WW1.
Personally, I buy/consume neither of the products mentioned: the syrup really isn't syrup but a corporate concoction. The rice is like eating styrofoam packing. But if the can start with food products, where might this all end?
The renamed box of 'rice' is a bullseye.
What is more worrisome is another poll showing Incoherent Joe widening his lead over Trump: for reasons as I mentioned before, the dumb herd of voters see voting out Trump as way to make everything bad go away.
Boy, are you on a roll today, Stilt! While we’re burning history, you can add the Florida Gators having to give up the Gator Growl and Georgia no longer allowed to play Tara’s Theme from Gone With The Wind because (wait for it) ....... it’s racist. A tribute to a reptile mascot and now music are racist. Just my opinion but if they’re serious about banning music they can start with grunge.
The SJWs & race hustlers went after Aunt Jemima because the brand was established by a freed slave,' black entrepreneur Nancy Green. Ms Green's efforts created the brand and made her independently wealthy. She actively promoted her brand until her death in an auto account in 1923. She was also a tireless activist for repealing the Democratic Party's Jim Crow laws. The race hustlers went after her because she disproved their narrative much like all the recent enthusiasm for petered out once the race hustlers realized she was a Republican and a gun owner.
The rush to re-brand long standing products strikes me as another example of just how near primitive this impulse is and how not so far we have progressed: like cutting out a still beating human heart, sacrificing livestock, public self-flagellation, all in the latent wish that somehow doing this will make the bad things 'go away'.
And once again I am reminded of Orwell's 1984. Everybody's wearing the same clothing, wearing the same facial expression, and doing exactly what the government tells them to do. I'm glad I won't be around long enough to see it but I fear for my great grand children and their offspring. One thing I am glad for is that conservative deplorable patriots and the like still own most of the guns. Now the question is where's the tipping point?
@Fish Out of Water- Great observation. We as a species love to think we are oh-so-evolved and wise and pure. Nothing could be farther from the truth. This flawed view of our collective wisdom is a large factor in pushing God and his ideals and values from our public square. Surely, individuals have risen to higher levels of compassion, empathy and righteousness but generally we are all flawed and primitive.
Stilton, another great post today. The box of Susan Rice deserves to be in your hall of fame, and the Gwyneth Paltrow bit captures her to perfection. Eww.
Stilt, another great edition. You did misstate one thing, you mentioned big business bending over backward, from their capitulation to the whining throng I do believe they bent forward and are willing to take it up the ..........
@ Fred Ciampi - it seems that rather than taking Orwell's "1984" as a warning, Democrats are using it as a guide.
And maybe she'll still make breakfast at the White House.
And another example of the cancel culture not only targeting those who supposedly offend by what they do, say or even look like....
They now attack those who dare to not appear appropriately "woke"...
"Fiona Onasanya, a Black Lives Matter activist and former member of the UK parliament, claims that Kellogg’s Rice Krispies is a racist cereal because it has “three white boys” as mascots."
I watched "Blazing Saddles" with my son.
Afterward we had a very long conversation about the current Mob mentality and why that movie could NOT be made in today's Hyper sensitive environment.
My personal opinion is that pointing out how stupid racism is...
How blinding bigotry is...
How those in power uses these issues to divide...
These are the reason's our current race hustlers,
And power brokers...
And Socialist/Communists...
Would NEVER allow people to point and laugh at these things.
Anyone who doubts that our current batch of Political Royalty supports, defends, and promotes the Riot, Loot and Burn crowds have only to look at Chaz/Chod/Chum or what ever they call it today. The Mayor and Governor and others are pushing this abomination and abuse of the legal citizens in their own city, state, and country.
MSG Grumpy
Can't wait til "Poontang Porridge" hits my local grocer's shelves.
And.......yet another product now off my 'buy' list:
Then we have this little bit of Vichy Capitalism:
Bite me, Dan Cathy.
I'm really not losing any sleep about losing Aunt Jemima and similar brands because many of them really do have direct linkage to outdated stereotypes. Tastes change and brands age as well. There are plenty of better hills worth dying on in the ongoing culture war. This is not one of them. However, I am glad that I will no longer be personally offended by certain product names.
Gwyneth's Goop: Seriously. Can you not imagine Gwyeneth and her snooty Progressive-capitalist friends hanging out her castle playing a drinking game of "What can I get my follower rubes to waste their money on next?"?
But you do have to give her credit at being a master marketeer. After all, here we are talking about her brand for free.
I wet myself laughing at the last one !!
@John the Econ: How about enjoying some Kraken Jack instead?
...but they're going to leave the old white guy on the Quaker Oats? Isn't that raaaacissst!!!! ;-D
Just add Aunt Jemima's and Uncle Ben's to the list that includes, pretty near the start, Sambo’s Restaurant. It's never about the substance of actual racism, it's about the optics.
And how they make "us" feel...
This makes me so mad, I refuse to buy brown rice now.
But seriously, folks, where have all the adults gone? Hiding, thinking the "stupid storm" will pass? People who have original thoughts need to step it up, or the stupid storm will last forever, then there will be no people with original thoughts. Orwellian society here we come. Whoopee!!
BTW - I heard that Soros promised to not send any protesters to the upcoming Trump rally in Oklahoma. I also heard the tooth fairy is real.
"maybe you should move to a iceberg in the ocean and just chill"
Sortahwitte, I am sooooo stealing that line! :)
Well, I've always preferred Mrs. Buttherface myself. Jes' sayin'.
"...that it's 'woke'... " Didn't think that I would catch that, didja?
It would be pleasant if you were to use your remarkable wit to address the arbitrary and accidental changes in grammar. I will bet that you could say something really deep about the enforced posessive nounS and wonder why the word, "their," has no apostrophe WITH an S.
The "awakened" and "woke" thing are startling but I would enjoy your thoughts on theft of the word, "gay" so that we may no longer enjoy gay parties.
What do you think about those tough-guy thugs who strongarm us into changing grammar and definitions?
Pat Cummings, from my cold dead hands:
@ Fred Ciampi said... One thing I am glad for is that conservative deplorable patriots and the like still own most of the guns. Now the question is where's the tipping point?
I for one will no longer play nice. For this conservative, "deplorable, patriot the tipping point has not only been reached, but passed.. I will not go looking for trouble, but I'll be damned if I run from it!
It's silly to think that Aunt Jemima or Uncle Ben, who do have roots in past racial stereotypes but in their current representations are rather benign, would "offend" anybody. This is more about claiming "offense" so that when a rational person points out the silliness of it, that person can be branded a racist. Who really cares? The syrup and rice will still taste the same regardless of what it's called. As for Confederate statues, Kevin Williamson over at National Review has a good piece. He pretty much says it was Democrats who erected all those statues, so they can now worry about pulling them all down. That's their problem, and we shouldn't let them off the hook for it. As for defacing statues of Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, etc, we should push back and push back vigorously. On a lighter note, I am all for canceling out the Democrat Party for its well documented racist past.
Since every statue and name is offensive to some group or another, how long will it be before the Washington Monument or Mt. Rushmore are eradicated? How long before Columbus, Ohio is forced to change it's name?
Speaking as a citizen of city 12 in the great state of 48, I will miss the old names.
@Jay Dee,
You posted this:
"...the recent enthusiasm for [?] petered out once the race hustlers realized she was a Republican and a gun owner."
Was this meant to be a reference to Ms. Green? I read that she became a millionaire, back when a million dollars was real money. That would mean she was someone to emulate, and the SJWs are deleting her. It makes less sense than usual for the SJWs...
I want nothing that smells or looks like gwyneth's nether region anywhere in my house or world ....... thank you ...... talk about an antidote for an overdose of viagra ....just the thought of her, clothed even, is more than I can bare .... aahhh bear ... (kinda grizzly)
Virginia Gentleman bourbon was an early cancel culture victim with corporate's self-serving (pun intended) decision to replace the black servant with a third gentleman on the bottle's label, paving the way for Virginia's future progressive direction and current tyrannical leadership.
Just like MANY in Hollyweird, Gwyneth Poltroon deserves her namesake.
I want Uncle Ben's "with great rice comes great responsibility" white rice.
with a glow in the dark plastic spider in each box.
@Mike aka Proof- It seems so obvious in hindsight.
@Sortahwitte- It might be a smart play to buy a few cases of Brer Rabbit syrup. It will soon be a valuable collector's item.
@Brie Camembert- "Never enough" is exactly right.
@M. Mitchell Marmel- I didn't know if you could find a pun but you (wait for it!) pulled one off...
@Fish Out of Water- Considering the media narrative for 3+ years, it's not surprising that a lot of voters think that everything will be unicorns and rainbows if Trump is removed from office. They are, of course, idiots.
@Bobo the Hobo- I've also seen where "Eskimo Pies" will be changing their name, since the Inuits don't like the name "Eskimo." And no, I'm not making this up.
@Jay Dee- Nancy Green didn't actually create the Aunt Jemima brand, but she was the first spokesperson and model. And yes, a former slave who became popular and successful. Somewhere, I saw someone suggest that the Aunt Jemima brand simply be changed to "Nancy Green," and keep the art. I actually think that's a great idea.
@Fish Out of Water- I agree. People are acting like syrup bottles and boxes of rice have some kind of bad juju, and the superstitious believe that The Badness will go away if these items are made to disappear.
@Fred Ciampi- I don't know if we're near the tipping point yet, but we're a helluva lot closer to it than I've seen in my lifetime.
@TrickyRicky- I echo your thoughts about the inherent primitivism which motivates people and, even more so, mobs.
@Rarse- I actually wanted to do a joke about them bending over, but it didn't fit the flow of the paragraph. I may work for free, but I'm still an artiste, dammit. (grin)
@jpb252- It's (not) funny because it's true.
@Rod- Could be. But how much longer can it be called the White House?
@MSG Grumpy- Great comments. And you make a great point with "Blazing Saddles." It never tried to argue that slavery or prejudice were funny, but rather made a mockery of the system to help us laugh at its inherent illogic. Because laughter is empowering. I've spent the last 11 years here trying to do the same thing: laugh at the bad guys while taking the problems seriously.
@Alej- Pretty sure that's already in the women's hygiene aisle.
@George- But we can still buy Malcolm X-lax, right?
@rickn80r- Yeah, the Chick-fil-a thing pissed me off enough to make a special cartoon about it. It's on the Facebook pages for Stilton's Place and Stilton Jarlsberg if anyone wants to go look.
@John the Econ- Like you, I don't really care much about the brands being changed and updated - but damned if I was going to let this much comedic low-hanging fruit go to waste. Regarding Gwyneth Paltrow, I agree that the naming of these expensive candles is brilliant from a free PR standpoint.
@Matthew W- Then my work here is done (grin).
@M. Mitchell Marmel- We're gonna need a bigger box...
@Anonymous- Some time ago, they slimmed down the Quaker Oats guy so he didn't look quite so much like a heart attack waiting to happen. Now they'll probably make him renounce his faith.
@Pat Cummings- I have to believe that "Colonel Sanders" has got to go soon, too. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised to hear this week that he's gone.
@Colby Muenster- I'm starting to suspect that this isn't just a "stupid storm," but is actual "stupid climate change" of a longer lasting nature.
@Valvenator- It should get a titanic reaction!
@Studebaker Hauk- Yeah, like she's still going to exist by July...
@Jack- It is interesting to see how language evolves over time, though I think we're currently seeing a devolution as pictograms replace polysyllables.
And I agree that it's odd to have words like "gay" co-opted for political use, though I don't necessarily have a problem with a group deciding what it wants to be called. But every time I hear "woke," it absolutely puts my teeth on edge. I want to pull off my leather glove, smack the person across the face, and say "awakened."
@rickn80r- Ooh! Tiger striped!
@American Cowboy- I think there are many who feel what you're feeling. More than the Left knows...
@Robby- You're right that my morning bowl of steaming rice and syrup will taste the same as always. As far as the statues being pulled down, I am unamused to put it mildly. A nation which forgets its history won't be a nation very long.
@Geoff King- There's a theory called "six degrees of separation" (alternately "six degrees of kevin bacon") which postulates that any two people in the world can be linked through a chain of no more than 6 acquaintances (and the acquaintances' acquaintances). I think we'll soon see "six degrees of racism" in which everything will find a tenuous link to something offensive.
@JustaJeepGuy- Ha! You just used "sense" and "SJWs" in the same sentence!
@REM1875- Wait until Gwyn's next candle: "This Smells Like My Yeast Infection."
@Anonymous- Johnny Walker's "Black Label" can't be long for this world either.
@Bruce Bleu- When you're right, you're right.
@Allen- BOOM! I love the new slogan! Well played!
I keep hearing that there are upwards of 350,000,000 firearms in the United States.
So when the aitch ee double toothpicks are we going to start seeing more of them being put to their proper use?
The incident in Alberquerque was a good start, but only a start...
@Stilton: "They are, of course, idiots."
Which pretty much captures the democratic voter profile.
@REM1875- Wait until Gwyn's next candle: "This Smells Like My Yeast Infection."
I can wait for and hope I have to wait till Diogenes finds a demonRat politician that causes him to blow out his lantern or long beyond eternity - which ever comes later ....
MSG Grumpy, 19 JUN at 08:43 -- Frankly, I don't know what Fiona Onasanya is complaining about. Doesn't she know about Coco Krispies?!
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