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Hey, no big Dealy |
Today is the 60th anniversary of the CIA blowing the brains out of a much-loved American President. Unfortunately, he wasn't much loved by the power brokers and string-pullers, so they offed him and covered it up.
For many years, I thought that was just conspiratorial nonsense. Now, I pretty much take it as fact. Newly revealed evidence is coming out faster and faster and you'd have to be a moron at this point to believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. Plus, watching how the acronym intelligence agencies have tried to take out Donald Trump and made martyrs of the (righteous) January 6th protesters, it's obvious that they are morally bereft enemies of America whose activities are barely even clandestine anymore.
And look at the massive cover-up of the Covid fiasco. The "experts" in the government used our tax money to help create the virus, and then made us guinea pigs for mandated "vaccinations" that likely did more harm than good. If you doubt it, look at the numbers for "excess deaths" since vaccinations began. In some age groups, deaths from all causes are suddenly and mysteriously up by 20% - and that's a huge spike.
It's a complicated story, but one compelling theory is that the mRNA "vaccines" suppress disease-fighting T-cells in the body. These are the cells tasked with knocking off harmful things in your body like early cancers before they become a problem. Or at least, that's what they used to do before we got injected, and why so many people are suddenly dying with conditions that take off like wildfire. Not that you'll hear this from the CDC, the AMA, the WHO, or pretty much anyone else who is supposed to be watching out for us.
As I look back 60 years, it saddens me to think to what extent I've lived in a manipulated world of illusion. I take no pleasure now in seeing the curtain pulled back...but I can't resist looking and, for some reason, still caring.
Call me a tin foil hat conspiracist if you like. But I hope Donald Trump will be wearing far more protective headgear when the acronym agencies make their move.
Okay, the rant above is pretty much of a bummer and I apologize for that - but it's how I'm feeling today. Still, Thanksgiving is nearly upon us so it only seems right to also share a lighter sentiment...
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Pardon is such sweet sorrow |
As far as I know, there's no truth to the rumors that Biden is considering making the pardoned turkey his running mate for 2024 to increase voter confidence in the possible succession of power. He really should, though.
Remember that bad mood I said I was in? This may be one of the causes...
I'm missing Kathy very intensely today. Holidays are harder than other days - and those other days are no freaking cakewalk to begin with.
And it just struck me recently that I feel like a human leftover. Mind you, leftovers are loved by many. But after a while, their appeal diminishes.
Whining aside, I'm genuinely thankful for many things in my life, most certainly including the friendship and camaraderie we share on this website. Please accept my sincere wishes for a very Happy Thanksgiving this year and every year!
Yeah, same here, Stilt. The first couple of holidays and our wedding anniversary were rough after hubs died. Thank God for kids and family who got me through it. I'm doing okay now, five years later, almost six years soon. It still hits at times but it's not so sharp. And my youngest granddaughter was born on the same date as his death so that helped a lot! He loved his kids and grandkids. Deepest sympathy and love from this area of Oklahoma, and Happy Thanksgiving!
Leftover? Nah! Remember those contests where a bunch of people had to keep their hand on a new car or truck and the last person touching it got to keep it? Consider yourself the "last man standing"! Or maybe just "touched"?
I'm skeptical about the JFK assassination conspiracy theories. I read the book "Reclaiming History" by Vincent Bugliosi (the prosecutor who put Charles Manson on death row). It's 1500 pages with an accompanying CD with 900 pages of footnotes. There's a whole lot of detail about the days surrounding the actual shooting that look to me like solid evidence Oswald acted alone.
There are things like the so-called "magic bullet" looks pristine until it is photographed from a different angle. Jack Ruby hung around with cops too much to be a mob plant. Oswald was lying when he said he didn't shoot anybody--why would anyone believe that one single statement? Twenty-some people claimed they heard the shot come from somewhere other than the school book depository, but over 100 people did hear it come from there. That kind of evidence is hard to refute.
I am open to seeing whatever evidence there is that there was a huge conspiracy, but the size of a conspiracy like that likely couldn't hold together without SOMEONE spilling the beans. What is the other evidence? Just saying something is suspicious isn't evidence.
Stilton, I am completely in sync with you re: John Kennedy. I too thought the Warren report was bunk, but never believed in the CIA conspiracies. After the over-the-top and no longer hidden corruption of the security state, how could one not believe JFK was assassinated by our own government?
Dire times we live in, indeed, even before personal grief is brought into the equation.
Blessings to you and your family, and may God see fit to continue to bless our nation.
Another reason I doubt the CIA/government angle is that the "shadow warriors" could easily have destroyed JFK's presidency by just letting out the info of his numerous infidelities. In those days, even JFK couldn't have recovered from that and the CIA (or whoever) wouldn't have had to worry about killing him. They would have taken the easier path, I think.
{prayers for you my friend; I know it is hard. Even ten years on, it is still empty, but each year the pain becomes a little easier to bear. That may not sound like a happy thought, but we go one for anyone who still cares for us. In my case, my dogs and cats.
About the gummint murdering Kennedy, there has been a great series done about all this on a Texas based public TV channel on YouTube; also, if you did not know, they snuffed Dorothy Kilgallen because she was digging some deep state stuff up. The only difference in third world shitholes and Washington is, our death squads wear suits.
For a different take on the JFK matter:
Enjoy the laughs! :)
I don't see you as a leftover, I still enjoy your output. I do understand your feelings of loss, there were two people who's love for me made it possible for me to survive to my current age. One died in nineteen eighty six and one in two thousand and some days their loss is still fresh. I offer you my sympathy.
@Readers- I'll get into more detail later; I'm writing this late at night. Do I know the CIA offed Kennedy? No, but it's increasingly what I've come to believe. Oliver Stone has recently updated and augmented his materials in compelling ways, an analytics company just found that the trajectories of the bullets couldn't match what was hypothesized, aging doctors and other medical personnel involved in Kennedy's autopsy have gone on record as saying that what we were told wasn't what they'd seen - but they were afraid to contest it. And there's more, of course.
I'll certainly grant that it seems impossible that a secret this big could be kept for 60 years. On the other hand, if the secret is that the CIA knocks off people it finds problematic, that's a pretty damn good reason for NOT telling secrets.
Bottom line is that I don't know. And there are a lot of excellent arguments against this having been a conspiracy and coup. But watching the government now, I have little doubt about what they're capable of and what their history might be. And a simple rule of thumb (courtesy of Scott Adams) is that the government should always be assumed guilty until proven innocent.
I’m sorry to say that I’ve come around to your way of thinking on Kennedy, too.
As a fellow leftover, I wish you and all the other leftovers a Happy Thanksgiving! I will be grateful for all I have, as I try to do every day. It’s the best way to deal with the world these days (that, and a daily rosary)!
You are in my prayers daily,
Happy Thanksgiving. Know that you are loved.
I wonder how weird it must be for Caroline Kennedy, knowing the government assassinated her father but she has represented Obama’s administration and still votes Democrat.
The CIA killed Kennedy. I could not believe it for years but now the truth has leaked out. tucker_carlson_the_cia_removed_nixon_the_most_popular_president_ever_to_cover_up_their_murder_of_jfk.html?utm_medium=referral&utm_source=mixi&utm_campaign=realclearpolitics
Conspiracy theories are just spoiler alerts.
Happy Thanksgiving, Stilt. And know we are thankful for you and your humor, insight and oft times biting commentary.
Stilton.....so many unanswered questions.....and sadly I doubt that my great great grandkids will ever know (or even care !). - our great all caring..all knowing government will be in total control of everyone’s live ... bleak future?! Yes....(how sad)
Pray for America and trust in God. Really....what else is there.
Old Wayne In Indiana
Thanks for your amazing insight! Happy thanksgiving!
Throughout the years, Stilton, may your holiday be one of acceptance & peace.
Irene Peduto
Sending you a big hug. I’m sure Kathy would want you to feel her love surrounding you that she will send through family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving Big Guy. Despite our losses, regrets, poor choices, opinions, financial situations, et al, always be in gratitude for what we have - food on our plates, a roof over our heads, warmth in the Canadian winter months and A/C in the Texas summers and in your case, 2A. Your rantings are, without a doubt some of the most poignant and timely on the web. Your humour tickles my funny bone every time you post.
Keep up the outstanding work.
Brian Egoff - somewhere near the center of the universe (Toronto)
Stay strong and funny my brother.
And as happy a Thanksgiving as you can make, good man. Perhaps you can find some joy in knowing that there are folks out here who hold you in high esteem. Peace to you!
Let the knowledge that you touch many hearts and minds with your words, give you comfort always. Happy Thanksgiving Stilt!
It's been four years But I know the feeling of the second strip. Celebrate Life and enjoy Thanksgiving Stilton.
I have no doubts that any of the alphabet agencies wouldn't go to ANY extremes to eliminate an obstruction, whether a janitor or president. Whether they actually were complicit in JFK's demise or just the lucky benificiaries of it, I doubt that the true details will ever be revealed. I believe that if Trump is re-elected he should wear body armor 24/7 and stay behind blast proof barriers. He and Vivek could-and should- absolutely destroy the deepstate vermin that have taken over this country. And that is what they are terrified of. The msm is complicit as well.
On a nicer note, HAPPY THANKSGIVING! I hope you, your daughter and all the other members of this family (fraternity? Congregation?) have a joyous and fulfilling holiday!
I tend to lean toward the Mafia taking out JFK as payback for appointing Bobby Kennedy as Attorney General. Bobby promptly went after the Mafia, who'd helped deliver Illinois and West Virginia for JFK in the election.
Assisting were the FBI/Hoover and LBJ, who was going to be dropped from the ticket in '64 and was facing some serious inquiries in Congress over some slimy stuff he'd done over the years. Johnson canceled Kennedy's National Security Action Memo's getting us out of Vietnam and instead ramped up things there as a distraction.
Kilgallen was taken out because she was about to blow the lid off the Marilyn Monroe death with Bobby Kennedy/Peter Lawford as the prime suspects, and the JFK assassination.
And there are as many theories about the assassination as there are people thinking about it, so feel free to pooh-pooh mine; I'll listen to yours as long as it's not "Oswald Acted Alone."
I haven't looked at the news coverage this morning, but I'm going to put on my Carnac turban and make a prediction: The Usual Suspects will be at the forefront, crying for "Moar Gun Control", offering "solutions" that don't work or are utterly un-Constitutional.
Do I believe that the U.S. government working hand in glove with other deep state actors murdered Kennedy? YES! In the last two weeks I watched a new documentary about the JFK assassination. One of the E.R. doctors made the assertion that there was a bullet entrance hole with an upwards trajectory from the front of Kennedy's face. That only strengthened my belief.
For those who profess that the U.S. government would not engage in such activities against their own citizens I would remind them of the Tuskegee syphilis experiments.
As for the COVID fiasco I have a personal friend who hurried to get the shot as soon as they were available. For three months she suffered the side effects that the CDC acknowledges. Tiredness, headache, muscle or joint pain, chills, and fever. After decades of very good health she finally saw a specialist and was diagnosed with stage 4 leukemia. In researching I found that the mRNA shot also initiates a stronger than normal t-cell reaction in some people resulting in an over production of abnormal white blood cells rather than suppressing t-cell production. In either case the end result is sadly the same.
I too hope Trump has better than normal protection against the last arrow in the quiver of the deep state. If I were him I would not trust the USSS any further than I could throw an armor bearing vehicle.
Snark took the words out of my mouth. The Deep State has apparently become Biden's Gestapo, and Trump should take serious note.
I feel a special kinship with you, Stilton. My beloved, beautiful wife of 40 years passed away 3 years ago, after a chronic illness of 5 years. She made my life better every day for the entire time we were together. Never had an argument, nor raised our voices to each other. The best part of me has been missing since 9/23/2020. I am also a Thanksgiving leftover. Thank you for your honesty and your slightly twisted sense of humor.
Great commentary today. I had to "learn" about it through the history books, I was about to turn 2, so no first hand memories. Hope you and your daughter have a Happy Thanksgiving, (as best you 2 can)
We are all here on God's timing. When He is done with you room temperature will be yours. Till then thanks for saying what we are all thinking and making us smile.
Thanks for the kind thoughs (at the end of your post, at least), Stilt. I love you man, and hope you find more happiness than you can imagine right now. It's out there, so just keep your eyes open.
Best regards
Will Hepburn,
Prescott, AZ
I, too, miss my late wife. It is a group widows and widowers did not ask to be a part of but we are here. Happy Thanksgiving.
Yep, and those mRNA shots are safe and effective, too.
Mr. Stilton. My thoughts exactly on the JFK assassination. We have our government, which created the COVID plandemic and forced us into our homes, with an excess amount of time, and curiosity on our hands, to finally do the research. “JFK: The Unspeakable” by James Douglass is what sealed the deal for me, in terms of why (if not completely who) was behind it. Also Oliver Stone’s Behind the Looking Glass series.
Living in the WDC area, I joined some folks this weekend to visit the eternal flame of the JFK resting place. How different our country and our world may have been had he and his brother been spared.
And if you are in the DC area, know that there is a seat at my table for Thanksgiving tomorrow. 🍂🇺🇸❤️🙏🏻🍁🦃
Happy Thanksgiving to you, too.Your words are more fact than rant, hoping we have a few more holidays left! Carry on.
Stilton and daughter J.,
Bobo in Phx
I was in high school when Kennedy was taken out. I graduated the following spring. So I have first-hand knowledge of the event. I really don't know what is the truth, but looking back with the wisdom I have acquired since then, I think the Warren Commission was a joke and a fraud but had the effect it intended, shutting off the investigation. What we've seen the last few years from our government has made me cynical and I don't believe anything they tell us. In fact, I assume the opposite is true. The Covid debacle should have been enough for straight-thinking people to see how quickly the government can violate our constitutional rights and impose draconian restrictions over a bald-faced lie.
One of the good things of not having a spouse is you will never have to mourn their passing. I was divorced from my only husband in 1984 and never remarried. However, the love and companionship of my children, grandchildren, family at large and a wealth of friends and former co-workers have sustained me since then. After a rough patch post divorce, my ex and I have become friends and he will be with us on Thanksgiving as a family member. I do hope your grief will lessen over time. It can't be forced and you should do what your heart tells you.
Happy Thanksgiving to you Stilton and all your devoted followers. I feel sometimes like we are all friends in the same little club.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. I enjoy reading your blog, and appreciate your time and energy writing it.
A year or two after JFK assination I started hearing it was an inside job. After 2008 till now I fully believe it. I was a junior in chemistry class at the time.
I admire what I detect within your "rants", healthy grieving and a reservoir of strength to carry you through. Life is beset with trials. You model the very best in coping with such.
If I had heard about this guy or read The Committee of 300 book 4-5 years ago, I would’ve thought he was a wacko ‘conspiracy theorist’ (A term, by the way, coined by the CIA to dismiss people who ask impertinent questions).
Now, he’s making a lot of sense.
And then this: https://rumble.com/v3wp0x1-documentary-shadowring.html
A final comment today from A.C.
Some years ago I sat with my grieving father in the viewing room of the mortuary where my mother was laid out just seven days after their 60th wedding anniversary.
I do not know if it will be of any small comfort or not, I hope it may be. As he wiped tears from his eyes with a trembling voice he said, "If there is anything good about this day it is that your mother did not have to endure the pain of being the one to sit and look at me."
The grief was borne by him, but spared for my mother.
Holidays are pretty lonesome days when your wife, husband, partner, children or family are no longer with you. Even so, find something to make you smile or at least try to appreciate what we have been given--life and good memories.
Speaking of The Who, back in 1971, they "got down on their knees to pray we don't get fooled again".
Those lyrics are more important now than ever.
Your rant as you called it was NOT a "bummer" and you should never apoligise for printing the Truth.The bullshit vaccine will kill a lot more yet by stealth and that is the whole plan.Mr Gates and his buddies are partying.
The official problematic Center of the Universe is in Wallace, Idaho. There’s a manhole cover that marks the spot.
Checkout Michael Jaco on Rumble. Last week he had a guy who claims to have made the kill shot. Worked with both cia & mob. Pretty compelling story with many names and facts. 2 part interview.
Happy Thanksgiving Stilt! I love and appreciate your insights, humor, and words of wisdom! I'd love to share a wee dram of fine single malt together one day! Til then, Keep Moving!
Semper Fidelis, Buck
I always thought that there were so many loose ends with the Kennedy assassination.
Lee Harvey Oswald was a Communist sympathizer who traveled to Russia, renounced his US citizenship then reappeared in the US with a Russian wife. given the time, one would expect the FIB to follow Oswald like stink on, well you know.
Ignore Oswald for the moment. Who gained most from Kennedy's assassination?
The top of the list is LBJ. the story I was told is that neither LBJ nor Lady Bird were particularly wealthy when they first came to DC but LBJ used his Klan connections to became a protege of Sam Rayburn. Both made extremely fortuitous investments immediately prior to Pearl Harbor and came out of WWII wealthy. The cycle repeated with Korea. Rumor has it that Kennedy learned of the planned US involvement in the Vietnam War and was going to stop it. Billions of dollars of "investments" were at risk. Kennedy had to die.
LBJ & the Klan planned their "War on Poverty" to destroy the Black community by citing Planned Parenthood clinics in Black communities and using welfare to destroy Black families and Black businesses. Black school districts were drained of funds through the use of "administrators".
In some regards, this was the insurrection that Democrats accuse Republicans of.
I can't imagine and honestly don't want to imagine that feeling. You have family, friends and fans that support you and love your insight and occasional crankiness. Thank you and know that we and are others are keeping you in prayer, sir.
I hope you find comfort in the memories of all the good times you shared. Loss is one of this life’s greatest challenges, but in the context of eternity, it can be borne.
Same feelings here, Stilton. Lost my better half pretty much the same as you. Absolutely best wishes to you and your daughter as the holidays press through. Don't gotta like it... just hafta accept it. Tough times don't last, but tough people do. Blessings and best wishes to you and yours, brother. Thanks for keeping on here at your "Place." It's appreciated by way more than just me.
Off topic and late to the party but this video about the worst electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from Plains GA (however, Joe le Petomane is giving him a run for his money), featuring Thomas Sowell may be of interest?
Thomas Sowell is a national treasure.
@Fish Out of Water- I have lost not an iota of my dislike of Obama.
@John the Econ- I agree. Sowell is one of my favorite thinkers.
@ Stilton & John: Pity Sowell can't go more mainstream.
@Fish Out of Water said, "Pity Sowell can't go more mainstream".
Sad, that. But considering that Sowell is the antithesis of everything the left thinks and says about race in America, is it any surprise that the mainstream will continue to pretend that he doesn't exist?
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