Friday, June 28, 2024

No Mo "Fo Mo" Fo Joe

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, Trump, Biden, Debate

The first, and quite possibly only, presidential debate for 2024 is over and there was an indisputable winner: the Democrats.

Not because Old Joe did well, because he certainly didn't. The man basically sh*t the bed on live TV. He lacked energy, had a weak and hoarse voice, and mumbled, stammered, and mangled words and ideas, all while staring blankly into space. Trump, on the other hand, radiated vitality and confidence and showed a surprising amount of control and restraint. Well, for Trump.

So brutal was the difference between candidates that even the panel of talking heads on CNN couldn't put a positive spin on it and instead unanimously agreed that Joe has to be dropped from the top of the ticket. Which was, of course, the plan all along and is why this was a huge victory for the Democrat machine.

It's been clear that Joe was refusing to step down on his own and equally clear that he was likely to be demolished in the general election. And so the Powers That Be decided to put Joe onstage to be publicly humiliated so that he can be replaced with a new candidate who might stand a chance against Trump.

Personally, I wish this wasn't the case. Joe would have been relatively easy to beat absent massive fraud. Now the door is open for an Obama-like candidate to magically appear with hazy credentials (that won't be scrutinized by the press) and meaningless slogans ("In the fierce urgency of now, WE are who we've been waiting for") that will be swooned over by the media and the dimwitted woke. 

Or maybe a hoary (in every sense) old warhorse like Hillary will suddenly be anointed. Either way, despite his impressive debate performance, it looks like the race just got significantly harder for Trump.


Mike aka Proof said...

Maybe that was the plan all along? Leave Joe in until the last possible moment and insert a candidate, with very little time for public scrutiny.
Of course, the Democrat hoi polloi will be appalled at the lack of opportunity of choice in the primaries, but at the same time, they'll be slapping themselves on the back saying, "At least we got rid of that moron Biden!"

She’s A Beauty said...

Painfully obvious that this has been the script all along…

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Mike aka Proof and She's A Beauty - I agree and I've been predicting this for some time now. It's actually a smart strategy by the Dems; take Joe off the board and then take their time picking a new person so there's not much time for voters to adjust. They can pick literally anyone and simply run on a "Not Trump" platform.

Ron Chee said...

The real plan...Leap frog Kamala and insert Hillary... Am I right?

Anonymous said...

Joe gets diagnosed with anything common to his age and steps down, Kamala takes the lead, Hillary steps in at VP, until after the coronation and parties are over. Kamala gets sent to the Vince Foster/Jeffrey Epstien school of Executive Diplomacy where an unfortunate accident may or may not happen. Hillary moves up, and the VP job goes to the highest donor to the Clinton Foundation.

Bobo the Hobo said...

Watching last night's "debate" makes me reconsider my stance on euthanasia; at least it would be a more humane way to get rid of that jackass.

Trey said...

I'm sure you guys don't like CNN, but you have to watch it this morning. All the left wing rags got the memo from Obama and Soros that they have to deep six Biden. It's pretty amazing. It's like you're watching Fox or newsmax. Fabulous result.

Anonymous said...

It was painful to watch and listen to. When I heard '...beat Medicare" trailing sentence, I felt a disturbance in the Force. A feeling of the Left suddenly coming to realization there isn't any amount of cheat that enough people would vote back this poor old man. He needs to retire - BADLY !!

The MSM who have been pushing 'sharp as ever' lost a lot of stock value as well. Like the pollsters in 2016, they weren't paying attention enough.

Trump was unrestrainable as a Chihuahua on crack. He never appeared to lose his temper which was a big win for Trump voters. He kept his cool.

And surprisingly, I give the CNN moderators a VERY uncharacteristic nod. They appeared to be fairly objective.

Roger Myers said...

Spot on today Stilton.

"Two great minds with but a single thought"

Anonymous said...

I think it will be obamas wife. But either way they have their cheating down pat so I’m concerned about what we will have with the election

TrickyRicky said...

At the opening of today's Michael Brown local radio show, he opened up with the LBJ speech of March 31, 1968 announcing that he would not seek or accept the Dem nomination for president. Perfect!!

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

To quote The Ramones, "I Wanna Be Sedated"...

Oldarmourer said...

It won't be enough for them to replace bye-then at the 'convention', he simply knows too much and is vindictive enough to spill a LOT of beans so the election will likely be delayed for a State Funeral...either his or Trump's.
If Trump waxes the floor in the next 'debate' with the actual, intended, pre-designated candidate even after their having being handed the questions weeks in advance and the 'moderators' all but standing at the same podium, then he probably won't make it to election day either. The question will be whether it was a 'right wing domestic terrorist' aka 'cia cut-out who conveniently died resisting arrest' or arkancide...

Oldarmourer said...

Given the almost total lack of support from the moderators aka 'the usual cheating', other than actually pointing at where bye-then was supposed to be looking so his incapacity didn't appear too obvious, it seems that they were told to just 'let him go' so he could be let go at the 'convention'...or before.
You have to remember that virtually every media personality is either married to or part of the family of a major politician or political appointee, invariably a dem politician...

JG said...

I expect the DNC to insert Michelle at the DNC Convention to try to keep the black vote and let Barack run things. I do not think it will work as Black Males, Hispanics, and others will not back Michelle. Obama and Biden have worked to destroy the USA and Michelle will not get far from their past.

Michelle does not have a business or political background that is good for making the economy good, the illegals gone, and negotiations with foreign countries. The MSM and Fox has lost credibility and many people see reality in the grocery stores and crime.

Phil D said...

Another apt Ramones quote:

Guess I gotta tell 'em

That I got no cerebellum!

JustaJeepGuy said...

I didn't bother to watch more than a half minute or so and what I saw was Gropey Joe telling his life story. He seemed to me to be on a massive dose of speed. I'll look for more today.

However, if for some reason the Demo_Rats don't dump Gropey Joe, they will still have the 22nd Amendment option I have been touting. Don't be surprised if someone tosses out the possibility. The Demo_Rats are desperate enough to try absolutely ANYTHING!

American Cowboy said...

I've said all along that pResident Poopy-pants would be dropped like a hot potato and Big Mike would come swooping in on his LGBTQYXZBCDLMNOAGKRS magic unicorn to "save" the day and cheat his way to Øbammy's fourth term as Dear Leader for life of whatever the Hell country this has become.

I also believe that IF that does come to pass there will be an event that will genuinely be an insurrection, and the left will not come out of it unscathed.

JohnF said...

Wondering if Vegas has a line on when FJB will be replaced and by who. But I would also recommend being prepared for another virus release in September or October.

Fish Out of Water said...

Disagree with the thought the nationally televised elder abuse was planned. First personally I cannot think of any democratic politician, even an second worst electoral mistake (the worst electoral mistake now sit in the WH) since the peanut farmer from Plains GA, clone who could smoothly slip inot Joe le Petomane's place. Second, having (forcing?) Joe le Petomane out of the run for the Presidency would blow the democratic party apart, which would be a yuge bous for Trump.

John the Econ said...

Due to a cluster with our original dinner plans, we ended up at Texas Roadhouse about the time the s***show started. I really hadn't planned on watching it live as we all knew it was going to be a s***show. But it was on one of the screens that Mrs. Econ could see, and all she could say was that Biden looked like crap. (standing there with a blank stare and his mouth wide open so the flies could easily come and go) I looked over my shoulder and said, (i>"Yeah, he's done. The trigger on the replacement plan has been pulled".(/i)

Quite frankly, I don't think Trump had to do much to win. The best line of the evening was what we were all thinking: "I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence. I don’t think he knows what he said either." As @Stilton's example from CNN demonstrates, we may have finally found the limit for just how much the media can spin against reality.

As for who will be Biden's replacement, my guess is that decision has already been made in a smoky back room somewhere. Considering that for the last 20 years or so, Joe has been the "adult supervision" for the party, their options are pretty bleak. Hillary? Ha! No, she's no more popular than Kamala and doesn't check any meaningful diversity boxes which are now a requirement for any Democrat. Michelle? She's already living the easy life and doesn't want the work.

Then there's Newsom, who has been measuring for drapes for over 3 years now. But all he's got going for him is slickness, which isn't necessarily a good thing especially going up against Trump, who for all his flaws and foibles still comes across as more authentic. And besides, exactly who wants MACa? (Make America California!)

Shelly said...

While CNN showed restraint in not interrupting Trump with arguments, I did notice the way the questions to him were phrased were loaded as in the "when did you stop beating your wife" sort. They were basically little editorials with a question at the end. Trump is not the best speaker. Ted Cruz could eviscerate Biden, for instance. But he got his message out loud and clear. And I'm quite sure some of the folks tuning in heard things they've never heard from their media sources. To me, the biggest losers were the media. The same people who have been all over TV less than a week ago, touting how sharp Joe was behind the scenes and telling us the videos of the meandering man on the world stage were cheap fakes, are now the first to cry "he's gotta go." And speaking of that, their battle cry of Trump destroying democracy no longer holds water. If they can so casually reject the will of the voters and replace him with their preferred choice, their idea of democracy has been utterly destroyed. Trump had Biden on his shaky old heels all night and his righteous indignation at being decimated by Trump was a joy to behold. How many times did he say "the idea that" with that crypt keeper death grin?

Oldarmourer said...

While we're quoting lyrics from the Ramones...
The dems are getting so desperate I wouldn't be at all surprised to see this one...

"...Hey, ho, let's go
Shoot 'em in the back now..."

JustaJeepGuy said...

In looking around at the interwebtubes for comments about last night, I have started seeing that Gropey Joe "had a cold". I wonder how many Demo_Rats are now wishing/hoping it's a Kremlin cold?

jayjay said...

That was so painful to watch. My question is: How could a loved one's family continue to let him publicly display his cognitive decline? I believe the answer is that power is the ultimate drug. GO TRUMP!

miniskunk said...

Trump played it cool which was a good strategy. He knew he was getting the short end of the stick cut off from the one propping Brandon up. Nothing would be gained by whining or complaining about the soft ball questions and letting Brandon have more time to speak which I suppose balanced the play field a little since a lot of it was gibberish. He was in hostile territory and made the best of it.

Mamafrog said...

@jayjay - his family doesn’t love him, they just love the power and money. Even his idiot son has gotten quite a bit of it, not to mention “Dr. Jill” the puppet mistress.

Anonymous said...

We went to the Trump speech the day after.Boy,was he happy.Boy,was the press miserable.Boy,was it hot.As for the press,I watched this one,very elegantly dressed young,pretty blond reporter(I don't know who she worked for) listen to Trump for awhile,then walk to the back of the reporters' area,sit down,grab a bag of potato chips,break open the bag,and just pour the bag of chips in her mouth.'There's the real girl',I thought to myself.She had a 'what's the use'look on her face.They know if Trump is going up against Bidowealltrumfuscismyapyapyap,they will lose.The crowd was very upbeat and excited,the media downcast and dragging.The only happy liberals in Chesapeake that day were the reprobates that blocked the only exit out of the event for 2 hours afterward.The police seemed not to notice them,probably on the orders of the heads of the department.

Gee M said...

No matter what plan they have, it is obvious to even the most clueless Leftie that the country will not give a pass to another 2020...I am too old to fight but I will do what I can if Trump is cheated again...let's Go Brandon! Maybe leave with Rappin Ho or Whoopi...

On another note, is Sondrakistan gone? I can't get to the site...

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

@Gee M:

Mike said...

Bill Maher said it best, "Jope Biden shit his bed so bad that his new Secret Service name is Amber Heard".

Gee M said...

todah rabah chaver.