Monday, July 22, 2024

Who's Laughing Annoyingly Now?

Sadly, their new slogan "Two C**ts At Once!" didn't test well.

"Joe Biden" has officially stepped down, though we'd be very surprised indeed to learn that the real Joe Biden knows anything about it yet. In fact, if they surround him with ice cream and teleprompters, he'll probably continue to believe he's president for the next four years even if he's strapped to his bed at Happy Acres Senior Center.

"Joe" has endorsed Kamala Harris, as have other top democrats who won't mind seeing Trump forever erase her from the national stage. Mind you, that doesn't officially make her the candidate yet, but since she's the only one who can keep the Biden/Harris campaign money and, importantly,  is Black (Jamaican), Asian, and alleged owner of a vagina (Willie Brown can only verify that she has gums), it's impossible for the Dems to replace her without admitting that she's a twit, Joe's a vegetable, and who the hell was really running the country into the ground for the last four years?

Kamala's VP pick isn't yet known, but if it's Hunter Biden, millions of dollars of signs won't need to be reprinted. Still, I'm betting heavily in favor of Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle. Who, coincidentally, may be available to take on a new job as soon as today! She has a brilliant job history of making DEI hires, economizing on protection details, and is wildly popular among Democrats for being the woman who has come closest to taking Trump out of the race. The electoral race and the human race - take your pick.

Kamala Harris could pass some of her responsibilities to Cheatle very easily. For instance, Kamala has been in charge of securing our border and Cheatle has almost exactly the same ability (and same success record) in security. Bonus - rather than building expensive walls at the border, she can authorize a long line of gently sloped roofs to repel invaders. Kamala has also spent these last years being America's AI Security Czar, but I highly doubt that she or anyone else remembers that.

As of this writing, there is no update on what Jumbled Joe Biden himself plans to do when his term runs out - assuming he hasn't first destroyed the world by drooling on the nuclear "football" with the launch codes. There is some speculation that Biden will concentrate mostly on wandering aimlessly (Dr. Jill will be less inclined to call him back), sniffing children real or imagined, and assisting with the plans for the soon-to-be-built Biden Presidential Bribery Library. It may be a national embarrassment, but at least it's fun to say!

If I had a real work ethic, I'd be selling these


In Kamala's Venn diagram, what Slick Willy and Willie Brown have in common is a willy.


Mike aka Proof said...

The Joe Biden Presidential Library? Has he even finished coloring the books yet??

SanJuan said...

So where did it come out that Harris was good on her knees? It seems oddly specific. I dont have the guts to do any real searches but I'm curious as to where this came from.

Anonymous said...

Her political rise was due to her handling other well positioned "rises".

Mike said...

Kamala sat on Willie Brown's staff for a number of year.

Bobo the Hobo said...

We just got a Dear John letter.

Fish Out of Water said...

The downfall of oe le Petomane shouldn't have been a surprise. That he couldn't even carry out a normal Presidential campaign in 2020 should have been warning enough for voters, but with all the TDS around....

Like many on this forum and elsewhere, I too have vented my spleen over Joe Le Petomane and the continuous, closed loop train wreck that has become, since early on in his time behind the Resolute Desk, the hallmark of his administration.

But I do have some sympathy for him. He is a mediocre man who let himself be used and manipulated but, for want of a better word, The Deep State as an empty suit to carry out an unelected 3rd term for the now second most worst electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga.

History will eventually provide its judgment on Joe le Petomane, but I hope history will reserve its harshest judgment on the cabal behind the curtains who put him in a position he demonstrated from the start, he was unable to handle.

TrickyRicky said...

There are so many things to comment on, so many layers of hubris, incompetence, and downright disdain for our citizens and our country....

Let me simply say that we need to keep our collective eye on the ball. It doesn't matter one whit who the democrats eventually nominate. The nihilistic, communist, totalitarian platform and goals of their party is the true and dangerous enemy. Please stress this to all your family, friends, and neighbors. GET OUT AND VOTE!!!

Snark said...

I'm expecting that Shrillery will volunteer to run for VP. Which should strike absolute terror in Kamala's very soul. Wait! Does she have one of those? Kameltoe might be stupid enough to have Shrillery in line behind her, though it wouldn't be for long. With even a modicum of intelligence - which I don't think she possesses, if elected, thirty minutes after inauguration (perhaps thirty seconds) she should resign. Arkancide happens in DC, too.

Be afraid. Be VERY afraid.

Colby Muenster said...

The drone is a nice touch!

I saw on the Fox News website that Kamala has already raised 49.6 million bucks. If you are a Democrat donor, isn't that a bit risky? What happens if the Dims actually nominate somebody else? Gruesome Newsome is supposedly upset that the Dims dumped Joe. Yeah right...

Jim G. said...

I find it interesting that Sleepy Joe decided against running for a second term on National Ice Cream Day. Perhaps he was overwhelmed by all the deliciousness!

Rod said...

Reading your renderings about all this makes it a little bit more tolerable... well, for a while. Biting & funny stuff. It should go into those libraries as well. You know: DEI.

Oldarmourer said...

The interesting part is that bye-then 'resigned' via letter and nobody's seen him since...
His brother had an interesting slip when he spoke about "the time we have left" then got 'corrected' and called an alcoholic as if alcoholics don't tend to blurt the truth out more often than they should...

I still think we'll see the 'election' delayed for a State funeral while they decide which names to print on the ballots in the warehouses...and crowdstrike has a hand in running dominion voting machines so they'll need another reprogramming 'crash'.

Oldarmourer said...

and now they're saying bye-then won't have any public appearances this week either...
I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest he won't be appearing anywhere again except for his funeral.

I could be wrong, and unlike those on the left I don't wish any actual harm to political opponents, except as mandated under law for High Treason, etc. and G-d knows there are enough of them warranting that.

I just want them out of any position where they can cause more damage, so I hope he's as well as can be expected, but it's not looking good and there's speculation now that his signature on the resignation letter, that wasn't even on Presidential letterhead, looks a little different than his usual which is odd, you'd think 'bama's 'autopen' would be programmed with it by now.

Curiouser and curiouser...maybe sockboy should take a hint and get before he ends up resigning via memo too...

Shelly said...

I've been following politics, and most significantly presidential politics, for a very long time and I have never seen anything that comes close to this current spectacle. During the 2020 election, I begged and pleaded for family, etc. not to elect that reprehensible old man and why but I never dreamed it would be this bad. I will stand up proudly and say "I told you so." But having said all that, I am thoroughly enjoying his demise and the crackup of the leftist Marxist Democrat Party. I hope this spells the end of that reprehensible outfit.

The Inukshuk said...

Mr. Cheese,
I really hope you can get back to Monday, Wednesday and Friday entries. You make my week.

Oldarmourer said...

I'm really starting to wonder if bye-then's revenge on the dems for pushing him out was to die earlier than planned so they'd have to decide between running an election campaign with a cackling idiot who'd embarass herself more than she already has, were such a thing possible, and lead them to a crushing defeat even the preloaded voting machines couldn't save them from; or risk dumping the first 'african-american female' sitting president at the convention...assuming there is one, and also assuming killary lets her live long enough to take office if she ends up appointed VP.

'Damned if you do and damned if you don't' looks damned good on them.

Rod said...

If a funeral might be coming soon; it's suggested they save all this "What a great POTUS he was" horse-shit for that occasion when it's more the standard procedure.

Codex said...

Biden broke up with his Democrat voters by text. Then he ghosted them.

Maybe Kamala is hoping for a rebound hook-up?

Anonymous said...

Is anyone else thinking 80 million newly-donated dollars in the first day just might be a little story by these folks?

If actually so & the MEDIA were smarter, THEY would shut up with the free PR and make them spend it quickly before the curtain comes down.

In politics & banking isn't there some legal requirement to "show Uncle" the money?

John the Econ said...

I'm not a big conspiracy theory person, but the lack of transparency between the Democrats and their lapdog media makes them inevitable.

Nobody has seen him since he was sequestered at his beach house following the NAACP convention and everything on his schedule has been cancelled. Biden announces no longer campaigning not the traditional way by having a press conference, but via a tweet. (On evil-Elon's X, no less)

I wonder if he even knows he's given up.

Oldarmourer said...

So…. bye-then tells everyone “only G-d can take me out of the running” and the next day he apparently has a stroke…well, a TIA they started to treat as a full blown stroke and were rushing toward a local hospital when they decided it wasn’t bad enough to make public and took him to Airforce One instead and nobody’s seen him since…until he slurred his way through a short phone call…he’s lucky he only got a warning shot.

Oldarmourer said...

The dems had to abort bye-then's presidency when they did...he was close to full term

Anonymous said...

Interesting times. Being an older conservative, productive USA patriot with integrity & world experience: IF IF IF on 20 Jan 2025 we must begin a potential 4 years with Harris as POTUS (assuming she lasts); THAT would mean 20 years of Obama, Biden & Harris with only 4 years of Trump "45" ending 3.5 years ago to intercede. Sum 16 years of this. Our nation will receive what we continue to earn in this changing world. I'm not confident USA will handle that as well as most expect. I expect others may be as concerned, fed up & thinking about it.

I will be considering our older years, our resources & our options. It would be kind of a flight or fight situation; if granted continued viability to make either of those choices.

WE must take this general election & the processes leading up to it very seriously.

Anonymous said...

@Anon- Very well said.

John the Econ said...

@Anonymous, more than enough time for the "fundamental transformation" Obama boasted of.

Fish Out of Water said...

From the People's Cube

bombadil1977 said...

I miss you at Coffee With Scott Adams!!

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@bombadil1977- I still listen to his broadcast most days of the week. And I'll occasionally visit the Man Cave in the evening and may throw in a comment or two. I had no idea would even notice me in that busy arena!

Oldarmourer said...

Proving once again that you get what you vote for...

"...On July 11th, the new Labour government announced that 5,000 prisoners would be released early, in order to ease prison overcrowding. On July 15th, reports emerged that London’s once-great Metropolitan Police had failed to solve a single burglary, phone theft, or car theft in 166 London neighbourhoods over the past three years. On July 17th, a Jordanian refugee who attacked a female police officer in Bournemouth was spared community service on the grounds that he could not speak English — and on July 18th, two asylum seekers from Egypt who stole a watch worth £25,000 in London’s West End were spared jail.

That same day saw two separate cases of rioting. In the Harehills area of Leeds, police were attacked and a double-decker bus was set on fire by local residents after four Romani children were taken into care by social services. In East London’s plurality-Bangladeshi borough of Tower Hamlets, rioting broke out in response to political unrest in Bangladesh...."

Stilton Jarlsberg said...

@Oldarmourer- For years, I wanted to visit London. Too bad it's not there anymore.

John the Econ said...

For decades, Europe has been little more than a museum to the greatness of western civilization. Soon, it won't even be that.

Oldarmourer said...

The exact same thing has happened up here, you're next if the election gets taken from the people the way the ones in France and Britain were.

Anonymous said...

:) :) :)

Alfonso Bedoya said...

You are too optimistic about the breakup of the "Marxist Democrat Party." They may be evil, but they are not stupid, and they will, as in the past, always
find a way to survive; after all, they still have the MSM and other liars to hoodwink the usual cache of ignorant voters and megabux donors such as Bloomberg and George Soros who will continue to finance them. As proof, the Marxocrats have somewhat successfully promoted Commie-La Harris as being a competent guru on Economics, when she doesn't know the difference between supply and demand. Harris still sticks to the mantra that big government should supplant facts, history, reason, and opinions from us
"pesky" taxpayers. Harris and her despicable political pals still feel that our suffering is tantamount to our being "happy." Anyone who argues is pegged as a "Far-Right Radical." I am proud to wear that label.