Here we finally are at (almost) Election Day. Which means that today, Monday November 4th, is likely the last normal day we're going to see for a long, long time. Because, if it hasn't already by the time this is published, the sh*t is going to hit the fan in a very, very big way...
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It's a good time to get into the umbrella business |
Election Day itself is unlikely to resolve anything or even pick a winner between the experienced and successful former President and the certifiable blithering idiot (with a Vagina Of Color!) whose current administration has done almost irreparable damage to our nation...and is hungry to do more.
The media and Leftists have primed much of the electorate to believe the Trump is Hitler incarnate and his voters are KKK members on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and Nazis on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. On Sunday, of course, they go to church and handle snakes, speak in tongues, and roll around on the floor hoping that their concealed firearms don't start shooting spontaneously.
Okay, I put that in a funny way (I can't help myself) but there's really nothing at all funny about it. Much of the American public on the Left has been fully indoctrinated with hate and stoked to such a fearful fever pitch that they are ready to embrace violence of any amount committed in their names if it will help "save Democracy" results.
If Trump wins, all hell is going to break loose. And if Trump loses, there's likely to be some hell-raising too, albeit of a legal and non-violent nature, since he's basically running against a Macaw that has only learned about four phrases to cackle loudly and unpredictably.
But of course, it's not that simple. Kamala the Kommie Kandidate is irrelevant. Trump's real battle is with the Deep State power brokers who will not easily give up their preferred ways of doing dirty, highly profitable business. The media, the intelligence agencies, the DOJ, and more. All will be fighting Trump and undermining him to an even greater degree than in his previous administration.
Make no mistake - the Deep State wants Trump dead and certainly seems to be pulling the strings to make it happen. And they thrive on chaos and are expert in creating it; don't be surprised by sudden military actions overseas, terrorist attacks, health scares, power outages, rioters in the streets "mostly peacefully" burning down buildings...and if those buildings are filled with "Nazis," well, so much the better. As long as the "garbage" people go into the ovens, then it's cool, right?
Big things are brewing. I'm no more of a nut that I ever was (discuss among yourselves), but I've laid in some extra food, water, batteries, and toilet paper (there's never enough toilet paper in post-apocalyptic scenarios) in case of (ahem) "disruptions" coming our way.
I care deeply about the results of this election. But I've got a nagging worry that we're all sitting on an enormous powder keg...and November 5th is the day the fuse gets lit.
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Spoiler alert: there are no winners in this scenario |
As usual, I believe you are correct in your comments.
Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?
"Which means that today, Monday November 4th, is likely the last normal day we're going to see for a long, long time."
This country has not seen a normal day since 01/06/2021 when that senile, blithering, sock puppet idiot was installed as President.
But yes, a shit storm is coming. Saw an article showing some merchants deep in the Heart of The Swamp, boarding up their storefronts in anticipation of hell breaking loose.
We put up our End of Democracy decorations yesterday so we’re all set.
I’ve been slowly “prepping” for a while now and expect that I can hold out for maybe a year or so. What concerns me is how much should I do to support neighbors most of whom have done absolutely zilch to prepare. I’m a “leading edge” Boomer and my household is me and a small fur-person. My nearest relative is 2700 miles away. I’m not wealthy but I do live comfortably on SS and a VA disability. How do I respond when these “unprepped” neighbors wake up and start agitating that WE have to get “organized”?
So, in summary: If Trump wins, we're doomed. If Harris wins, we're doomed.
They've turned a blind eye toward the obvious collapse, now it's your turn to turn a deaf ear to their wailing...Tough Love.
HI Stilton,
Hope you're doing well. Hate not having my wolf every day. At least I knew I was safe! Love always.
Kathe Houston
Awesome as always, Stilton!
As always...the question must be asked: what is their end game ? If ‘we the people ‘ are garbage, we all know what happens to garbage.
Pray for America!!
I had been referring to que-mala as an imbecile till I learned the "V" word (no, not, "Vagina-of-color") but, "Vacuous" (&/or "Vapid"?). Aye, quite a mess...but many thanks Stilt.
a favorite quote: when Dr. Ben Carson was asked if he thought Washington DC was a swamp, "It's not a 'swamp', it's a 'cesspool' "
If the totals aren't announced by 11pm Tuesday, Trump won.
It takes seconds for computers to count electronic votes. It takes hours or days to manufacture fraudulent ones.
We are presently living in a red county, well past the middle of nowhere. In fact, past the backside of nowhere. Nevertheless, I've been investing in precious metals. Brass and lead.
As usual, you have cut to the heart of the matter, Stilton.
"But of course, it's not that simple. Kamala the Kommie Kandidate is irrelevant. Trump's real battle is with the Deep State power brokers who will not easily give up their preferred ways of doing dirty, highly profitable business. The media, the intelligence agencies, the DOJ, and more. All will be fighting Trump and undermining him to an even greater degree than in his previous administration."
A couple of months ago I saw that two of my favorite guitarists, Adrian Belew and Steve Vai would be performing together at the Paramount Theater, a great venue in downtown Denver. Then I noticed the date of the show....November 6. There is not enough money in the world to get me into downtown Denver the night after this insane election. C'est la guerre, possibly quite literally.
In my opinion, the zombie apocalypse started about 4 years ago. Next is the start of the solution to rid the nation of zombies. Tomorrow will be the day the method is decided.
"When the shit hits the fan, it will not be equally distributed."
Or as Fred Ciampi used to call them, "Hammers and nails". I have a good supply of both, and am ready, willing, and more than able to drive as many nails as needed to help build a barn if a barn raising breaks out.
Every day reminds me of the reason that I loathe all National Socialist demoKKKrats with a passion.
Remember, remember the 5th of November...
For it gave rise to the 6th...
The feral gimmies will be out in force and shooting the looters only makes them martyrs and a reason to declare martial no matter who got the most votes, the powers in power now will stay there.
Another 124 iranians caught crossing the border illegally...all military aged men, of idea how many weren't caught or are already in place and iranian 'diplomatic bags' in the form of shipping containers have already turned out to be full of arms and ammunition in other countries.....
I fear that what's going to happen down there, if it does come to pass, will be mirrored up here so the whole continent is lost at once...or even globally...and this just might be what the ayatollah is yapping about when he says they'll soon be 'breaking the teeth' of the infidel americans.
I haven't even driven through Denver on the Interstate(s) in a couple decades. I'm certainly not going to think about it now!
I live in a Constitutional Carry state. There used to be a slogan by a credit card company that said “Don’t leave home without it”. I’ve applied that to my 1911A1.
Thanks for your reply. That’s generally the response I get whenever I ask.
I used to have an elderly (more so than me!) widow neighbor whose relatives, judging by their license plates, were from fairly far away. She has since passed. I used to think that I would “look out” for her to some degree. Still, it concerned me that by helping I would also be advertising that I have resources to do so.
I'm going to be the contrarian here. I believe Trump is going to win decisively and we will know it tomorrow night. Call it a gut feeling or a correct reading of the tea leaves, I don't think it's been as close as the polls have been reporting. Now this doesn't preclude the violence that will inevitably occur when this happens. Cities aren't boarding up their business just for the fun of it. And we all know leftists are violent people when their power is slipping away. We shall see. I hope I'm right, I truly do.
The bookies are giving better odds on a Trump win. These guys aren't going to throw money away and it hurts them in the wallet if they are wrong.
Bookies, particularly 'mob' bookies, have a habit of taking out 'contracts' on players and letting them now in advance as insurance in the event of the game not going their way...a copy has probably been delivered to kablabla and a lot of her staff...which is why she seems so nervous the past few days ;)
Oh, Busty, we've missed you! No matter what happens tomorrow, we know that you will always be with us.
Violence: Funny how "election denial" may flip from treasonous to virtuous tomorrow. That's why I've been calling the Democratic Party the Alzheimer's Party; Whatever their principled stand may have been yesterday, it will evolve to whatever political necessity dictates tomorrow.
My recommendation is that no matter what happens tomorrow, the day after, or next week as these things are now engineered to stretch out into, let the left be the ones to act crazy. Don't act mad. Smile. Be joyous. We will preserver. Nothing pisses Progressives off more than watching conservatives go on with their lives.
As for the violence, I hope it doesn't happen, but it may. But let them own it. Let them show who they are. We're supposed to be the violent ones, right? Prove it's not true.
As for my town, I'm not worried. Everyone here is already armed to the teeth and the troublemakers know that acting up in places like this is a possible death sentence. As usual, the madness will take place in the Progressive-run hell-holes where they thought disarming the police was a good idea.
But I'm going to remain optimistic. Even if the deep state resists, the vast majority of Americans have seen the left show their cards, and they are crazy cards. The amped up crazy over the last week includes a multi-racial, multi-cultural rally at Madison Square Gardens that the left wanted to equate to American Nazis, complete with cheering Jews in attendance. JD Vance is "weird", while Tampon Tim is not. Kamala couldn't escape her past promoting insanity like taxpayer-funded sex changes for criminals. Come on, even hard-core Democrats had to cringe at that. The undecideds couldn't decide what word salad really meant, beyond that her "values hadn't changed". Nobody, even many Californians want to MACa.
Stay positive.
Very good point.
I agree. Trump is way ahead. The polls are BS. People from every race, creed, and category are flocking to him in droves and away from the Democrats. Blue states are turning red. Pro Trump rallies have been held throughout the world. What is happening here with our government turning on us is happening in many countries and the people are waking up. So if this is an honest election, he will win in a landslide. But there is already proven cheating. My hope is that enough of it will be caught. Personally, I think we should have a do-over, because there are already situations where the invalid ballots can't be eliminated.
Summing it all up the way the media won't.
@Readers- As always, great comments above. Today is Election Day, which seems an oddly outdated term since in most places voting is available for weeks. Maybe it should be "End of Election Day," although even that wouldn't be quite accurate since ballots continue to roll in from unexpected sources for days. In some cases with the ink still wet.
And whatever happens, it's good to remember that we're not the crazy ones. If there's violence (and how can there not be?) it's going to be the same players who are always setting cities on fire and looting stores.
Here's a Constitutional amendment I'd support: If your precinct, county, or state can't figure out who has won by midnight, you are too incompetent to conduct such important matters and your results won't count.
I second the motion.
Hear, hear!
I am of the opinion that voting shouldn't be "mail-in easy"; it should require a bit of effort. In-person, with photo ID, on Election Day, and purple ink on the finger afterward doesn't sound too hard to me. Of course the Demo_Rats wouldn't permit it because it makes it too hard to steal the election.
On another note, the Demo_Rats still have an opportunity to eliminate President Trump with the 22nd Amendment. When they see that he will definitely win this time, they'll still have a chance to claim he actually won 4 years ago. The game ain't over until January 20th...
The only saving grace is that it's usually the 'blue' cities that get wrecked, maybe the citizens there will finally put two and two together and see that voting to keep their city 'blue' just ensures that it will keep getting wrecked. If not, well they got what they asked for and shouldn't complain.
At about midnight Mountain Time, it looks like President Trump has been re-elected. I'm seeing over 300 electoral votes for him. Apparently, Word Salad Annie is pulling a Hitlary Clinton and not addressing her supporters regarding her loss. WAAAAAAAH!
I learned long ago from a history professor that historical judgement takes time. Passions need to cool, the dust needs to settle and facts shifted through.
That said, I may not be around when the verdict on Joe le Petomane is rendered, but I will not be surprised if it is exceptionally harsh on him and those who put knew he was incompetent, yet put him in the WH.
Well, The Donald has won decisively and Kackles has gone into hiding. I wonder if she is still feeling the joy. Maybe Hilary can come over and console her, haha.
As an added bonus, Barry must be feeling pretty pi55ed off this morning!
I wonder if anyone has told Sleepy Joe yet?
Suddenly, I feel unburdened by what has been.
4:35 A.M. And for the first time in four years I am looking forward to the day. Heeler dog even seems to be less growly this morning. We have to remember though that Trump is still only the President-elect this morning. There are still 70 days more to go before inauguration day on January 25, 2025. As optimistic as I am this morning I have no illusion that the National Marxist demoKKKrat party will accept this election without a good measure of force being needed. Already one talking head (a dark skinned female) has claimed that the only reason Trump won was because of racism and gender prejudice.
Perhaps enough optimism will put an end to that?
They'll scream racism, sexism, truthism, and every other 'ism' they can find, as usual.
But they'll never mention the real reason....
"White liberal women: That joke wasn't funny
Latino voters: My gallon of milk costs $4"
First of many ? let's hope so, this one is a good start.
If Stilt's ever looking for an understudy, he could do worse :)
Dank Brandon is hilarious!!
@JustaJeepGuy said "I am of the opinion that voting shouldn't be 'mail-in easy'"
Agreed. While there should be no obstacles to voting, it certainly should be force-fed on people either. The people in this room don't need to be encouraged to vote because we understand the issues and what is at stake. Any yahoo that needs to be pushed or coerced into voting certainly isn't immersing themselves into the issues otherwise they wouldn't need to be coerced; they're just going to vote based upon some marketing they saw or what their friends/family tell them to do. I don't think that's good for the country.
The whole notion that presenting an ID is racist is itself racist in assuming that non-white people aren't capable of doing what white citizens have been doing for centuries.
And yes, @Bobo the Hobo, today we have been unburdened by what has been. Time to move on to a more optimistic future.
Covfefe, everyone!
I'm curious now as to whether byethen will step aside completely, or be forced out via the 25th Amendment, or simply have a 'medical event' so kablabla can claim to be the very first woman president, and the first one never getting a single vote in any primary or federal election.
What would her first Executive Order be ?
to override the election ?
cancel the inauguration or move it back a year or so ?
something to punish everyone who didn't vote for her ?
preemptively pardon the 'big guy' and his kid after joey's last act was to premptively pardon her ?
one of the above ?
all of the above ?
something even more vindictive and illegal ?
It's going to be a long 70 days..especially since the White House Chief of Staff has already told the workers there that they are going to 'kneecap' Trump's administration, and not just in petty ways like switching keyboard letters around or locking filing cabinets and 'losing' the combinations like the last time...
So, how is Lefty Lucy taking the electoral beatdown?
You simply can’t buy symbolism like this
It could be staged I suppose but I doubt it
The problem with peanuts is you can’t have just one
My thoughts exactly! Here it is, November 7, and Arizona and Nevada can't seem to get their shit together. I'd probably give them until noon the next day, then they don't get added to the total.
Many celebs are already backing out of their promises to leave. Liars!
Oh, I so HOPE that video clip gets out and goes viral! You're right about the symbolism!
How can we hold them to their promises? Put the video evidence out everywhere!
@Colby Muenster, they never do. I'm still waiting for the cohort that promised to leave after GWB was re-elected in 2004 to be gone.
Even those who really do mindlessly mean it won't after they discuss the issue with their lawyers and accountants who will lay out for them the tax implications of moving to their supposedly favored white-majority social democracies. Few have the stomach for reducing their lifestyles to that of the proletariat, even for free health care.
I just want to see one hag finish the bottle of drano she showed beside the champagne, but like the politicians they're paid to support, there's little chance of any of them actually following through on any promises. They won't move up here either, the tax rate is far too high for them.
A tax rate over 50% plus a 15% sales tax on everything you buy with what's left slows them down a lot...especially when they find out the 'free' health care ain't free.
I'm thinking the reason the rent-a-riots haven't started yet is that the dnc blew through a couple of billion dollars in a couple of months and are millions in debt...not counting '10% for the big guy'...they can't afford to hire any mobs right now, they have to save their pemnnies for Inauguration Day...if there is one.
Keep your head down and your mouth shut except to tell all that you are struggling like the rest.
Whose going to save NY from their totally idiotic gov and AG?.
Buy more ammo!!!!
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