Monday, January 20, 2025

Gone But Not Forgiven - Inauguration Day 2025

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, joe biden, inauguration day, President Trump
What a lucky "coincidence" that Jimmy Carter just moved out...
Today is Inauguration Day, 2025. The day when Donald Trump will return to the office of President of the United States, replacing...well...we don't know who the hell has been running the country into the ground for the past four years because it definitely wasn't the ancient dementia-ridden criminal bastard who has been the sock puppet of some pretty dark damn puppeteers.

The four-year lie that Joe Biden was even marginally mentally competent is an insult to Americans that should neither be forgotten nor forgiven, preemptive pardons or not. Now that "Make America Great Again" is officially policy, I'd like to see a new phrase put into play by the new Trump administration: "Reap the Whirlwind."

What the Left rabidly describes as "revenge" will actually look more like 100% legal justice...and long overdue justice at that. From mere malfeasance to treason, there is a long list of scoundrels who deserve comeuppance.

This is, of course, assuming that The Swamp fails in their next attempt(s) to kill or incriminate Trump. Which is sadly not an assumption I'm making just yet. Still, today's inauguration marks a potentially bright light in the darkness.

Since election day, Trump has already racked up impressive accomplishments on the world stage. I'm optimistic, for the first time in a very long time, that maybe we really can make America great again. Shipping the vile Biden family out of Washington is a good start.



JustaJeepGuy said...

There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth for the next 4 years, or until the Demo_Rats can activate a better assassin than they have produced so far.

I have been to GITMO. In July. I would so love to see all the Demo_Rat and RINO deep staters sent there.

She’s A Beauty said...

Happy Inauguration Day, Stilt. Seeing Fauci on the end of a rope would be a great start to the aforementioned “comeuppance”, IMHO.

Priscilla King said...

I wouldn't mind seeing the censors of Twitter, and the corporate and government goons who demanded them, all in one room in Lorton. The way they've been blaming each other...let'm blame away, and see which ones are alive in a week.

Bobo the Hobo said...

Can you feel the excitement? America is back, Baby!

Fish Out of Water said...

Excellent posting again, though with all the ill-gained $$$ this crime family has, I doubt Joe le Petomane's remaining time on earth will be so stark, though it should be. Perhaps Left Lucy could apply to be his caregiver?
I wasn't around at the time, but my understanding is President Truman left office with much disapproval, though now he is considered one of our better post-war Presidents. And hell, no, I am not even in the faintest trying to equate Joe Le Petomane with Harry S. Truman. My guess is the historical judgment on this utter failure as a leader will be as blistering and scathing as the surface of the Sun.
Despite all the handwringing about the weather here in DC for this day, and why the swearing in needs to be held indoors, there's been minimal snow accumulation and the temperatures are chilly, but not artic.
Am not surprised to learn the Clintons and the Obamas will not attend an inaugural luncheon, but surprised and disappointed the Bushes have elected to do the same. Thought Dubuya was above that sort of pettiness.
On my FB page, I posted a photo, which I wish I could do so here, but lack the knowledge to do so. I took it in 2022 at our local Costco gasoline station, showing a gallon of regular gasoline @ $4.45.9 per gallon, and yet Joe le Petomane still babbles about presiding over a strong economy.
Last, is a piece I wrote shortly after Trump's electoral victory

Dear President Trump,

My most hearty congratulations on your political comeback and reelection to the Presidency!
Yours is an accomplishment that will be talked about and analyzed by the chattering class, pundits, historians and political scientists for years and years to come.
But like the dog who finally catches the automobile he’s been chasing forever, what are you going to do now?’
As I see it, your incoming Administration and the incoming Congress the electorate has given you, brings back the Benjamin Franklin quote about our newly formed country, “A republic, if you can keep it”.
From the day you assume office, the Republican Party has the potential to hold the reins of power for the next 12 years and in doing so, can if there is the will, turn this country away from the dark forces of the ‘woke’, the grievance mongers, so-called DEI and the “progressives” and make this country a happier place, a safer place. The coming potential 12 years with the reins of power is also an opportunity to bring the Federal administrative state, which has been allowed to run mostly unfettered since the days of FDR, under control.
Last, the opportunity given you and the Republican Party may also indirectly contribute to long-due reform of the Democratic Party, as the prospect of being out of power for an extended period of time may finally embolden those in the Democratic Party to rid the party of the baleful influence the Clintons, the California Democrats and the Obamas have exercised over it.
To circle back to Franklin’s quote in more contemporary terms, you’ve been given a unique opportunity for change.
Don’t blow it.


As another great post-war President put it, 'Its morning in America', again.

Anonymous said...

at 12 noon, a new sheriff officially arrives in town.

Alex G said...

Fauci, has now been preemptively pardoned. Along with Cheney, Milley, Schiff, and a shitload of others.

TrickyRicky said...

Great post Stilton. If President DJT can accomplish half of what he has promised, I will be a happy man. I hope we are not simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic, but actually closing the bulkheads and getting the bilge pumps running in time to right the ship of state. Our republic depends on this, and the GOP in congress had better do their part.

Anonymous said...

Amen. Trump can sometimes allow his ego to say 'Mean Things' but it is the actions behind the words that are more important. I hope Trumps experience with the 1st term, combined with the aftermath of the 2nd election sticks in his brain. RINOS which have been identified should be called out as such. And the media needs to back off and go back to 'report facts and back off personal rhetoric'.

Anonymous said...

The small hat's control Trump and Congress, we will soon see what they will allow

BevAnneS said...

I've waited four long years for today!

M. Mitchell Marmel said...

@Fish: Per MAD's Dave Berg, once the dog catches the automobile, a trip to the car wash is in order shortly thereafter...

Best of luck, DJT! I rather suspect you're going to need it... ;-D.

Incidentally, I like the precedent of not having an outdoors inaugual in the Swamp in January. Do a private swearing-in in the Oval Office, and save the outdoor speech for when the cherry trees are in blossom. Call it a renewal of vows... :D.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for commemorating this magnificent day.

Anonymous said...

All pardons should be challenged in court since a demented carcass can't legally sign anything.

Oldarmourer said...

I'm hoping the Supreme Court comes to the conclusion that a pardon, Presidential or otherwise, can only be granted for a crime someone has been convicted of and served the penalty for, not handed out 'just in case someone finds out', then rules accordingly. Nobody shoud have that level of power, what's to stop him from pardoning 'any registered democrat for anything they have done, might have done, or will do, in perpetuity' ? The screaming from the media and the left is going to be deafening if Trump pardons grannies for walking on the grass on 'J6', so where's the outrage for this travesty ?

Oldarmourer said...

All politicians and other appointed senior civil servants should be required to recite their oaths of office on a daily basis and replaced on the spot if they violate it.

Anonymous said...

Stilt, I am so happy that you have lived to see this day (and last November 5th)! You so much deserve it for all you have contributed to the cause. You kept the rest of us sane through the years of darkness. Thanks for all you have done!

Elbarto said...

Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty that we're free at last from the Biden crime family! A great day for America!