Friday, June 21, 2019

Stupidity on Parade

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, AOC, concentration camps, Iran, Obama, Trump, Drone, War

Proving once again that her nitwittery has no limits, AOC has again riled up the Right with a tweet declaring, "the United States is running concentration camps on our southern border, and that is exactly what they are. They are concentration camps."

Far from backing away from this odious statement, AOC has doubled down on the "accuracy" of her tweet by saying that concentration camps weren't the same as death camps. This is pretty much a distinction without a difference, considering the countless WWII prisoners who died agonizing deaths owing to starvation, exhaustion, exposure to the elements, vicious abuse, and an almost complete lack of medical care. All of which occurred under the ever-present threat of being sent to a death camp.

Sometimes, stupidity can be amusing. At other times, it is dangerous and repugnant. This is one of those times.


Since potential war with Iran is being talked about a lot, we thought this might be a good time for a quick retrospective to show just how the Ayatollahs got the idea that America could be pushed around.

We begin by going back to 2009, when a people's revolution failed after receiving no support or even encouragement from Iran's best buddy...

Jumping ahead, let's consider Obama's infamous "Iran Deal," which was intended to be the centerpiece of his legacy. And, if war breaks out, it actually may be...

We hope that the tension surrounding Iran ramps down peacefully. But if it doesn't, we would do well to remember who it was that shipped $400 million in cash to Iran in the dark of night, and planted the dangerous idea that the United States would always back down from a challenge.


Some weeks ago, we shared the story of Mrs. Jarlsberg's quest to apply for Social Security, and the "entirely random" selection of her name as a possible fraud case, forcing her to report to the local office with every piece of legal identification she'd ever been issued. After a torturous DMV-style wait in what AOC would surely call a concentration camp, the authorities ultimately agreed that she was who she claimed to be, but still rejected her claim until such time as her husband was also a ward of the state.

So we filled out our application online and hit the send button. Several weeks passed, at which point we were told by the Social Security Administration that our name had also been "entirely randomly" selected as another possible fraud case. What a crazy and entirely unsuspicious coincidence!

So now, we'll have to make another trip to that bureaucratic hellhole to prove our identity. And this in a country where illegals get free driver's licenses and tax refunds without actually filing. We haven't yet been told when we need to appear before the tribunal, but we've already got a darn good looking birth certificate ready to present...

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Street Fighting Ma'am

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, biden, brass knuckles, revolution, shotgun

Joe Biden continues to lead the pack (well, by now it's a herd) of Democrat presidential candidates, and he's just made it abundantly clear what it is that makes him different from all the others: his bloodlust and willingness to implement a "final solution" to handle those on the Right.

Biden's declaration of war was made during an address to the Moral Action Congress of the Poor People's Campaign (no, seriously) following a question about what he would do as president if those darned Republicans obstructed his agenda like they did when Obama had a super-majority. Yes, yes - we know that the Republicans weren't able to obstruct anything, but just try telling that to a Democrat.

At any rate, Battlin' Biden said when it comes to congressional Republican resistance, "there are certain things that take a brass knuckle fight," later snarling "Let's start a real physical revolution if that's what you're talking about!" And he probably would have capped off the remark with a throat-ripping Howard Dean-style berserker scream were it not for the likelihood that the shock might kill a number of geriatrics in the audience. Or at the very least, cause blowouts in their Depends.

It's hard for us to picture exactly what a Joe Biden revolution would look like, but we're pretty sure that hand-to-hand combat would be replaced with "hands-to-inappropriately-personal-areas" combat, and that members of the Biden infantry would stand on the balconies of their mansions shooting shotgun blasts into the air.

It's a terrifying picture, and we can only pray that the Moral Action Congress of the Poor People's Campaign will ignore Biden's calls for violence. And change their ridiculous freaking name.


stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, biden, brass knuckles, revolution, shotgun

Monday, June 17, 2019

Power Press

stilton’s place, stilton, political, humor, conservative, cartoons, jokes, hope n’ change, sarah huckabee sanders, white house, trump, spokesperson, press room, busty ross, bad lip reading
"Jim Acosta, put on that dunce cap or get the hell out."
White House Spokesperson Sarah Huckabee Sanders has announced that she's leaving her position at the end of the month, and she will be sorely missed. Or at least, she'll be sorely missed by those of us who appreciated her strength, her humor, her intelligence, and her mastery of facts. And more than that, her delectable ability and willingness to rip new superhighway-sized buttholes in the many aggressively ignorant poltroons in the Press Room.

Which is why the mainstream media is unsurprisingly doing their best to savage this fine woman on her way out. A quick check of "news" related to her departure offers up nice, neutral headlines like these: "Sarah Sanders was the disdainful Queen of Gaslighting (Washington Post)," "With Sarah Sanders Leaving, Trump Now Lies Along (USA Today)," "As Sarah Sanders Signs Off, a Look Back at Her Biggest Lies (Vanity Fair)," "Sarah Sanders' Legacy: The Death of the White House Press Briefing (CNN)."

During her tenure, many on the supposedly pro-women Left decided if they couldn't match wits with her, they'd attack her personally. Her weight, her makeup, her clothing choices, and her Arkansas roots were all mocked viciously and repeatedly, clearly demonstrating the hypocrisy and snobbishness of the Progressive Left. And Sarah handled it all with unflappable style and wit.

It's hard to conceive of a tougher job than that which Ms. Sanders has handled so impressively, and hard to imagine who can now do the job as capably. There are fun speculations out there: not only our own Busty Ross, but names like James Woods, Mark Steyn, Diamond and Silk, Greg Gutfeld, Jordan Peterson, Gilbert Gottfried, Roseanne Barr, ventriloquist Jeff Dunham and "Walter," and (our personal favorite) Deadpool.

Whoever gets the job, we hope they're as willing to bring the fight to a combative Press Corps as was Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She should be proud of her service, and we eagerly look forward to seeing how she will dumbfound and torture those on the Left in the future.

We didn't make this, but it's too good not to share again.