There's been a lot of news in the last 48 hours, much of which has been absolutely delightful. Topping the list, the U.S. Senate fully acquitted President Donald Trump of the impeachment charges leveled against him by out of control (and beneath contempt) Democrats.
Not that this will really put an end to the animosities in Washington. In fact, everything has been turned up to 11, and we're now seeing (and enjoying!) bareknuckled open warfare between Trump and the Democrats.
As a case in point, following the President's outstanding and inspirational State of the Union address, Nancy Pelosi made a point of holding the pages of the speech aloft and tearing them to pieces...
Not that this hateful gesture made any real impact on Trump...
And so life moves on, with the Democrats now trying to subpoena John Bolton in hopes of starting new impeachment proceedings, and Republicans looking deeper into the Biden family's corruption scandals. Guess which one we think is more likely to pay off?
There's way too much to comment on today, so we'll just have to give you some short takes.
IOWA CAUCUS SNAFU - Per the cartoon, we think we can blame Democratic mischief and Democratic incompetence for the spectacular fustercluck which was likely intended to produce the credibly faked results that the DNC really wanted. Another perfect example of why Democrats shouldn't be trusted to run anything. Not to mention a great example of which party really interferes with honest elections.
IMPEACHMENT CIRCUS - In his closing argument before the Senate, Adam "Popeye" Schiff actually claimed that if Trump were not found guilty and removed from office, he could give Alaska to Vladimir Putin in return for election interference in November. If Schiff continues snarling and foaming at the mouth like this, we'd advise him to avoid the street on which Atticus Finch lives. Then again, maybe we wouldn't advise him of that.
CORONAVIRUS - We're not panicking, nor do we think anyone else should. But that being said, this nasty virus has gotten our attention and, at the moment, we think the potential gravity of this situation is being severely underreported. We've been following daily Youtube updates at this link which seem pretty substantive...and darned worrisome.
The point currently being made on that site is that this would be a really good time to lay in some practical supplies for your home just in case we all need to go into social isolation (have you seen the pictures of the empty streets in China?) and self sufficiency while this plays out. If you need a starting place for finding out what sort of things are really handy in a pandemic (besides chocolate bars, nylon stockings, and a lot of Clan MacGregor), we found a handy little ebook on Amazon that was free last time we looked. You can get it here - though do make sure it's still free before you get it.
THE STATE OF THE UNION - We're writing this before the speech has been given, so we can't tell you what was in it. But we can tell you what we hope was in it: a complete ass-reaming of all the assembled Democrats who have so thoroughly and enthusiastically betrayed this country and the Constitution...and still failed to bring down the President who'll have plenty of good news to share.
And finally, the only story we really want to talk about today...
The one and only. A magnificent patriot and an inspiration to millions.
On Monday's broadcast, RUSH LIMBAUGH shared the news that he has been diagnosed with late stage lung cancer. We're still in shock and more than a little disoriented. This isn't how the world is supposed to work.
More than ever, we desperately need Rush's clarity of thought, keen analytical abilities, unsurpassed ability as a communicator, his wonderful sense of humor, and the calming influence of his optimism and positivity. His accomplishments and his ongoing importance cannot be overstated.
Rush Limbaugh, through his radio presence, was our personal conduit into the world of Conservative thought. When he first appeared in the Dallas radio market, we heard that he was a whack job and raving wild man of the airwaves. And so we tuned in, expecting an enjoyable freak show. We couldn't have been more wrong.
What we heard on Rush's show was sanity and perspectives we'd never thought about previously. In fact, it was Limbaugh who made us realize that we hadn't really been thinking at all when it came to politics, just acting on feelings and untrue stereotypes. Which is one of the reasons why, years later, we're still blogging to do penance for the many Democrats we voted for when we were young and stupid.
In our home, Rush Limbaugh has become a friend and companion. A constant over the years, and someone who we knew could both enlighten us and simultaneously lighten our burdens.
Rush's cancer diagnosis has hit us hard emotionally, but we're a long way from giving up hope. Limbaugh is a fighter, and we don't believe that we've heard the last from him. He has a rough medical road ahead, but hopefully he will be buoyed by the sentiments and prayers of the millions who love him.
And in the meanwhile, we'll do our best to soldier on right here - speaking truth as accurately as we can while mixing in enough humor to make it go down smoothly. A combination which we definitely learned from the man behind the golden EIB microphone.
BREAKING NEWS: Rush Limbaugh received the Presidential Medal of Freedom at last night's State of the Union Address! What an unexpected and delightful moment.
Controversy erupted Sunday when the results of the Super Bowl, which was widely expected to be over and done with by now, were declared illegitimate by the San Francisco 49ers.
“Our team presented an unbeatable case for the offense,” sniffed 49ers quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo, “and the defense presented by the Chiefs was completely meaningless and, frankly, an insult to the good people watching these historic proceedings on television."
"But what really did us in," Garoppolo continued, "Was the Chiefs' insistence that the game be decided with only our standard number of players on the field when we, and the American people, wanted to call additional players onto the field to help make our case for victory!”
Chiefs' quarterback Patrick Mahomes said that the case for letting the opposing team call for additional players on the field was unnecessary and a waste of everyone’s time. “Look, everyone already knew what the outcome would be,” stated Mahomes. “Why stretch things out with additional players who have absolutely nothing new to offer?”
Further tainting the results were accusations of misconduct by one referee. “That whistleblower was totally on their side,” accused Mahomes, “but Garoppolo claims he doesn’t know who the whistleblower is and never even met him! Give me a (bleep)-ing break.”