Joe Biden is still happily signing any piece of paper which lands on his desk, in return for which Susan Rice slips tasty kibble rewards into his mouth. Uncle Joe's latest penmanship project involved signing four executive actions aimed at "advancing racial equity," which sounds vaguely swell and not at all like the kind of thing that will cause more racial discord by unfairly treating people differently.
Among the orders is one which seeks to combat discrimination against Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders which theoretically has skyrocketed owing to President Trump (that Nazi bastard) referring to "the China virus" in his pandemic updates. Which, apparently, KKK members are using as an excuse to get snide with Hawaiians or something.
Or maybe not- frankly, we haven't seen any news stories about actual coronavirus-inspired prejudice against People Of Golden Color. And indeed, in Biden's executive order much of the initiative (and funding) will go into looking for that kind of discrimination...if it exists.
Unlike, say, the blatant anti-Asian discrimination practiced by top-tier (and universally liberal) American colleges who reject preposterously well-qualified applicants because they don't want "too many Asians" messing up their precious diversity goals.
After all, how can they - or we - ever achieve racial equity without, like Joe Biden, enthusiastically embracing racial discrimination?
Joe Biden, who at his current pace of issuing executive orders will have nothing left to ruin by early Spring, has just issued another royal edict that the military must fling open its doors (including cryptically-labeled bathroom doors) to the transgendered, thereby eliminating President Trump's policy to the contrary which was based on actual science rather than the desire to placate a political grievance group and (bonus!) further degrade military capability. All of which we explained perfectly clearly back in 2017...
This actually makes way more sense than the Left wants to admit. |
Donald Trump has issued an unsubtle new policy decision on Twitter, which could pretty much be the opening line of every news story we're likely to see over the next four years.
In this case, he announced that transsexuals would no longer be allowed to join or serve in the military, and the Left is going out of its collective mind. This is hatred! Bigotry! Some kind of blatant sexism which is admittedly hard to define!
To which we say: baloney.
We're not going to get into debating whether or not transsexuals are good people or bad people, patriotic or not, or which latrine they should use - because none of that is germane to the argument. What is germane is whether or not transsexuals have medical conditions and special needs which are unduly burdensome when it comes to the military branches completing their missions. And the answer is: yes, they do.
This is the same rationale which keeps many, many others with chronic medical conditions out of the military. And we'll note that this does not keep motivated individuals from finding alternate ways to serve their country or communities.
Despite attempts to make this into a broader LGBT issue, it's worth noting that Trump hasn't banned gays or lesbians from service. He's not concerned about someone's sexual orientation, he's concerned about their physical ability to complete missions - including at times when their medical conditions can't be treated in the field, potentially putting others at risk.
The outrage we're hearing from the media strikes us as nothing more than a tempest in a teapot. Which is somewhat ironic considering it involves individuals who aren't sure if they've got a handle or a spout.
According to the Poopometer, we don't give one. |