Despite recent electoral upsets, when it comes to hypocrisy the Left still dominates the playing field. How else to explain the White House Correspondents Dinner, in which crude character assassination is passed off as "humor," in juxtaposition to the progressives' absolute apoplexy - and sporadic violence - directed against speakers like Milo, Charles Murray, or Ann Coulter?
President Trump wisely chose to break tradition (which is somewhat redundant, now that we think of it) and skip out on the media's self-congratulatory banquet. And by "self-congratulatory," we mean the kind of activity which usually results in needing glasses.
The evening was unsurprisingly filled with one-sidedly ugly remarks which can't remotely be described as jokes, including all those sentiments (sometimes cleaned up, sometimes not) shown in the cartoon above.
The event was emceed by alleged comedian Hasan Minhaj, who was particularly smug about being a Muslim - the first, we believe, to appear at the prestigious podium since Barack Obama. And we're not saying that his act was intended to bomb, but based on the material it seems likely that he was expecting to get 72 virgins out of the deal.
Indeed, the only genuinely funny thing at the banquet was Bob Woodward's assertion that there's no such thing as "fake news" being produced by the drunken luminaries in attendance. Now that's laughable.
Daughter Jarlsberg would like to send sincere thanks to one and all for the many kind birthday wishes and nice remarks about her list of life lessons, and also share an insight behind her choice of Brahm's "Academic Festival Overture" as a personal theme song...
"There's a funny story behind Academic Festival Overture, which is part of why I love it so much. Essentially, the University of Breslau told Brahms that they were going to present him with an honorary degree. In return, they expected him to write them their own piece of music. Brahms thought that was pretty presumptuous of them, so to thumb his nose at them, the piece is actually a collection of student drinking songs. So much sass!"
![]() |
Well played, Johannes, well played. |
The Democrats have a habit of accusing others of wrong doing, that the Democrats are actually doing. I see that practice is continuing.
CNN had a piece on "10 memorable things" from the WHCD. "Memorable" must be a code word for "not funny".
I guess the Democrats figure that since they invented the word "nigger", they can use it with impunity.
Why on earth would President Trump attend a rubber chicken dinner with a mob of drunks who despise him? He can afford to hire the best Chefs in the world and invite people he wants to spend time with. Seriously, do these morons have any idea how ridiculous they are? I think not.
So, President Trump:
started working (literally) the afternoon of his inauguration;
won't release his tax returns (which is not mandated by the Constitution);
bans those who "report" fake news, has accomplished in less than 100 days in office the nomination and approval of a Supreme Court Justice;
signed a bill that repealed adding mental disability determinations to the background check registry;
revived the Keystone Pipeline
spanked both Mexico and Canada over NAFTA inequalities;
[insert other accomplishments here]
All of these actions have been accomplished in spite of having the entire media plus every Democrat - and not a few Republicans - in Congress against him ... hmmm, I wonder why he won't break bread with people who actively seek to destroy his presidency. It's a puzzlement.
Kind of on this topic: Does anyone here already have insight on WHY or HOW the top-listed "news" items... [note quotes, I say smirkingly]... on Google "new" are often very highly weighted toward these sources: Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC Politico, etc. Although the topics were varied, at a spot-check yesterday those five sources had nearly all of the first ten or more.
IE: Is Google part and parcel of a unified conspiracy? OR Is this just how their system works based upon traffic? Or perhaps Contractual? Etc. Thanks.
The media continues to confuse simple things, like using "State Police" and "State Patrol" interchangeably (they are not the same kinds of organizations),and "revolver, semi-auto revolver (doesn't exist), automatic handgun/rifle/weapon, semi-automatic, fully automatic" to describe things they think are evil. And now it has spread to the evening weather. Everytime the temps drop below zero, and the wind exceeds 20 mph, we hear about a "Polar Vortex" coming our way. In a very large head line on the front page, a newspaper once touted: "Isreal Twenty-five Today." What can one say?
And talking about free speech, why, oh why, do people dress like ISIS members and attack conservatives for wanting to express their own views? Number one, it is against the law to cover your face in order to hide one's identity and number two, one of these days those folks are going to be met by a large number of patriots who have had enough. 'Nuff said.
these two articles will explain things reasonably well
President Trump chose to spend his evening with the people who elected him rather than a dinner with those who didn't. How refreshing he turned away from the Media Sucker Punch.
Your daughter's wit, wisdom and perception is exceptional, her choice of Brahms admirable. My daughters (bless them) can't even spell Brahms.
Watching the almost total disintegration of the left may be the high point of my life.
When they start calling each other names, such as this clip of Bill Maher calling Elizebeth Warren "Pocahontas", you know there is a problem:
@Joseph ET- One of the prime examples of the Left's tendency to accuse others of what they're actually doing themselves relates to the "climate of violence" they say is Trump's fault because it causes Lefties to commit ACTUAL violence.
@Mike aka Proof- I think you've broken CNN's code.
@Jim Irre- In fairness, Minhaj said "n-word" rather than the actual slur. I rehydrated the full word in the cartoon to accurately (in my opinion) represent the ugliness of his accusation. I seem to recall that at Obama's final attendance at the correspondents' dinner that the remarkably unfunny black "comic" referred to Obama himself as a "nigga." As you say, when the Left does it, it's theoretically okay.
@Granny- I love the fact that Trump held an event for people whom he loves, and who love him right back, while the journalists and hangers-on were disparaging him (and us) back in Washington. Brilliant!
@Bobo the Hobo- I was never a supporter of Trump, but wished him well upon taking office. So far, I think he's done a fine job. Which doesn't mean I'm done holding my breath, but that's my nature. The attacks on him from the press flirt with sedition - which isn't to say there isn't plenty to fairly criticize if the journalists care to do actual work and report factual stories. But instead they're happy with character assassination.
@Rod- JLW (below) gives a couple of good links about Google's algorithms. That being said, I think Google automatically declares the liberal sources you mention to be "high quality" from the get go, which in turn leads to their content always finding its way to the top of our newsfeeds. Clearly Google has a political ideology. Not that I want to bite the hand that feeds me; they also provide the platform for this blog.
@Dave from the Cheesehead Nation- On a regular basis I see jaw-droppingly wrong information in "legitimate" sources, and no one seems to give a damn anymore. Only months ago, a major outlet reported that we dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima, followed by a hydrogen bomb dropped on Nagasaki. This is pure fiction - yet I didn't see one comment online pointing out the error or its magnitude. Too few remember (or question) history these days.
@Fred Ciampi- I think the planners behind Antifa (and safely behind the lines) are actually hoping that one or more of their hooligans gets shot to give them leverage against the second amendment. Mark my words, if violent protesters end up dead in the streets, the George Soros types will be high-fiving.
@jlw- Thanks for the links!
@MJ Kishka- I enjoy the way Trump is handling the media. If you'll pardon my french, they've deserved a good bitch-slapping for a long time now.
Regarding Brahms, my daughter has a widespread and eclectic taste in music and has turned me on to a lot of good stuff, both classical and contemporary. And at this very moment, I'm working on a side project to help popularize symphonic music for young kids.
@Geoff King- I, too, am enjoying the fraying of the Left. I enjoyed the recent story about Brian Williams getting chastised for "patronizing" Rachel Maddow on the air. I would love to see the lot of them choke on their own political correctness.
Best comic line was Bob Woodward: "We are not Fake News"
For Dave from the cheesehead nation:
As stated it was made in 1901
Jack Van Nostrand
"How else to explain the White House Correspondents Dinner"?
I can't think of a better example of the highly insulated Progressive elite media bubble; a room filled with America's most smug leftists still seething yet clueless as to why the rest of us think they are the joke.
Mr. Jharlsberg,
Lots of people don't know (or care, even!) that the first atomic bomb was to be dropped on Tokyo, but clouds over the target necessitated them doing the secondary target, Hiroshima. Nagasaki was chosen for the second one since it was a large conglomeration of heavy industry and would deal a huge blow to Japanese war materiel output. We didn't have a third one ready to go for many months (6? 8? - I don't recall), so it's a good thing they surrendered, all things considered.
I for one find it delicious that the left-wing media has been diminished to a sniveling bunch of smug elites desperately defending their position. They have ruled the roost for so long, they can't comprehend how much they are being tuned out by the populace which has suffered so greatly under their elite rule. They are all singing to the choir, a choir which is diminishing rapidly. The Trump jokes are no longer funny, even to them. Sure, they snicker at the jokes, but can they continue to do that for four or eight more years? For years I have bemoaned the despicable left-wing so-called mainstream media. If the Obama slobbering didn't expose them, surely the Clinton love-fest has finished them off. Good riddance.
"We didn't have a third one ready to go for many months (6? 8? - I don't recall), so it's a good thing they surrendered, all things considered."
That's because Harry Truman was a poker player and the Japanese leadership wasn't.
"Surrender or be destroyed." BOOM!
"Surrender or be destroyed." BOOM!
"Surrender or be destroyed."
Some years back, during one of the Walker recall bouts, I was having dinner w/ an acquaintance who's associated w/ the University in Madison, and she was all about getting him recalled (yeah, I actually associate w/ some real wacky people). She was all going on about how Rachael Maddow (breathy voice) had shown up, and the protest / recall was going to be covered on her show. She was obviously impressed with the reflected celebrity. I almost laughed, ratings had just come out, and Maddow was the 2nd least watched show (beating out Matthews, or Olberman?) on the least watched network ever...
I think things had recently been improving for her (until the nothing burger of Trump's tax paper) but I was REALLY tempted to point out that more people listen to Rush Limbaugh in Detroit than watch her across the whole country (her show was getting like 175,000 viewers, I think?)
I'm identifying as an Old Soothsayer today. And the Old Soothsayer says: The more the lefties rant and spew hate, the more "normal" people tune them out. Then the lefties step it up a notch because they are too damn deaf and blind to see that their actions are exponentially worse than those of their sworn enemies (productive people who work for a living).
It's gotten waaaaaay out of hand, and I sure as hell don't see them trying to reverse course. Quite the opposite. Just when you think someone couldn't possibly stoop any lower, they do the limbo under a snake's belly.
So, grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the show. The more these retards do this, the more their numbers will shrink.
Maddow's "Breaking Trump News!" was priceless! Talk about a big fat nothingburger.... And she's still acting like she completely ruined his political career.
@Colby Muenster
It seems that whenever they say that the Democrats can’t get any lower, the Democrats take it as a challenge.
Speaking of re-purposed drinking songs...
Was in Colonial Williamsburg, and as part of the experience, some of the "locals" in the "Tavern" where we were eating broke into song.
Quirky melody, rather bawdy words - took a bit to realize the National Anthem
@Joseph ET, I've long since come to the conclusion that most Democrat's accusations against conservatives are merely "projection". My personal favorite, Bill & Hillary's campaign meme from 1992 against the "greed and corruption of the '80s", of which they were neck deep in. I honestly believed they were being honest when they de-facto proclaimed that all business people were greedy and corrupt, simply because every business person they ever personally did business with was, in fact, "greedy and corrupt".
@Geoff King, the interesting aspect of Fauxahontas' response is that if she were anything but a Democrat, she'd long since be used to hearing that said to her face. That she's never had to actually face that from a member of "the media" until the other day demonstrates the fraud that is the mainstream media. The only thing that should have made that exchange unique is that it came from a fellow Progressive.
As for Maher, is it possible that the hypocrisy and BS has gotten so deep that even he can't stand it anymore?
@Rod re Google: I think that became pretty clear during last year's campaign when it was shown that searches for Hillary would not come up as one might expect.
@Igor, I'm pretty sure that was not the case. Tokyo was not a primary target because in the preceding weeks, it had largely already been destroyed by firebombing. (Far more people had were being killed daily by conventional bombing than would ultimately die from the two nuclear attacks; the only difference is that it took two planes instead of hundreds) The Army wanted a relatively untouched target so that they could accurately ascertain the destructive power of their new weapon. They would have learned little by dropping one on Tokyo.
@Pete (Detroit), Grumpy Cat has a bigger daily audience than Maddow. And smarter too.
@Colby Muenster, I've found myself repeating more and more frequently lately: Want more Trump? Because this is how you get more Trump. The more off-the-cliff these people go, the more sane people they lose. Then with the core that remains, they get even more shrill. At some point, their core is going to get so confined and dense that it will have to implode, like a neutron star into black hole.
@John the Econ. Yes that's a good indicator. Unknown to me. I never searched for anything on Hillary unless it had "death notice" in the search terms. One can hope.
Back to music & "Academic Festival Overture": With the refrain at 9:10 being recognized as the tune for "Latina Soldalitas", our Latin Club song in high school; and that goes back thought the old classical piece to origins as a Roman DRINNKING SONG? That is rich. Difficult to research on-line since "Latina Soldalitas song" is ignored by search engines in favor of "Latin Music". I guess we would have needed 3rd year Latin to learn the drinking verses; I had enough trouble getting through 2 years. Dear daugther J. I really enjoyed your fine list and also having this topic revisited.
John the Econ... LOVES me some Grumpy Cat!
Point being that in Detroit, Dem "gimmiecrat" bastion that it is, Rush has more listeners than "she" does, NATIONALLY, was just rich...
For more info on the nuclear bombs dropped on Japan in August 1945, see: "Rain of Ruin, A Photographic History of Hiroshima And Nagasaki" by Donald M. Goldstein, Katherine V. Dillon, and J. Michael Wenger.
Straight history with NO PC slant.
Dave, thanks for the comment that inspired the link, never would have occurred to me to look up an automatic revolver...
I hope you all right about the MSM self destructing. I just can't help remembering what the so called media did to Nixon and hope it does't happen to Trump. He seems not to be affected by their biased opinion.
Stilt made "Pookie's Toons" - a digest of right-tending cartoons, daily
I found proof that there is a God yesterday afternoon upon my arrival at the Muenster palatial palace. The wind had knocked down a giant tree a couple of doors down, and it crushed a snowflake's brand new red Prius! My whole neighborhood consists of geezers like me, rednecks (and old geezer rednecks), and this one young couple with the Bernie sticker on their Prius. Also proof of God is the fact that the tree completely missed the other neighbor's 4' x 8' "Hillary for Prison" sign.
Colby Muenster, God does indeed work in mysterious ways.
However, He also has a "wicked" sense of humor!
@Pete (Detroit), if you ever get to the firearms museum in Cody, WY, they have one or two of the Webley-Fosberry automatic revolvers there. Or at least they did in 1993...
'Hasan Minhaj'. hmm there's a good old American name doncha think? All the way from the Mayflower perhaps? He should be thanking Trump for the privilege of being able to say things in public that would get him vigorously beaten in a lot of other countries.
Brahms rocks those shades. Cooler 'n Kirk.
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