Sure, there are a lot of important stories in the news lately - but can any story possibly be as important as saving our entire planet?! Excluding, apparently, any story about a top-heavy porn star or the nightmarish discovery of 8000 domestic hideouts for racist baristas.
But saving the world is right up there, which is why it's so important to take part in your local Earth Day activities this Sunday! Whether it's shutting off the electricity to your home or iron lung, not flushing the family toilet all day, eschewing burgers made from flatulent cows, or simply holding your breath to avoid exhaling poisonous carbon dioxide - every little bit helps.
The time for skepticism about our growing environmental catastrophe has passed, assuming that "skepticism" means "asking for scientific data which is at least marginally plausible." Consensus science tells us that Mother Nature, ruffled and ravaged, deserves to be at the forefront of the #MeToo movement - and not just because of that night she can't quite remember with Bill Cosby.
This Earth Day, don't be an energy-wasting planet-destroying wastrel like Leonardo DiCaprio or Al Gore. Be like this guy...
A hand-chosen selection of environmentally conscious cartoons from our past...
And with Starbucks in the news, let's revisit their monumentally unsuccessful and quickly aborted "Let's Talk About Race" campaign from several years ago! Apparently having access to free coffee isn't enough to help slow learners...
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maybe some of your meds are apropos for urp day -
For Earth Day? Hmmmm.... Well,I've got this old set of snow tires that I'm not going to need anymore...y' warming an' all...and five gallons of diesel....
And you do know the real reason for "Earth Day", don't you? Some fuckin' asshole Senator named Gaylord Nelson (oh, the jokes here) wanted to celebrate the birthday of his favorite person and fellow asshole V. I. Lenin, founder of modern soviet Russian a communist of the worst kind. He knew a lot of American's wouldn't stomach his publicly proclaiming said birthday as a day of celebration, so he craftily snuck it in this way, chortling gleefully all the while.
Great cartoons, spot on. On the Coast Guard, I spent a lifetime there for four years, really glad to get out. Earth day is one of my favorite non holidays as I just love to see pictures of the trash left by those that gather to disparage something or other. One thing is written in stone: Liberals have no idea of the law of unintended consequences.
Tractor tires stacked with care and covered in used motor oil and liberal sprinkled with gas, just waiting to kick off our usual earth day celebrations........
I do understand some of you urban and suburban folks lack the space for such celebrations just burn the tires while still on your green neighbors vehicle ..... you know who they are .... they can't shut up and stop virtual signaling about it....
@James Daily - liberals ARE the unintended consequence!
I find it quite arrogant and borderline racist to only celebrate Earth Day. I mean, why ignore the other planets?
Shouldn't we have an Up Uranus Day?
What? Lefty Lucy has enough time on her hands to take a brief break from her "resistance" activities? ;-)
Can't speak for others who follow this blog, but this morning in the Central Atlantic, the outside temperature was a crisp 33 degrees when I drove Wife Unit to work earlier this morning. We've only been here since 1998, but as far as I can remember, this has been the coldest "spring" we've had.
The babble about climate change is a manifestation of the fault of human arrogance that it has already figured out everything. My favorite example comes from a book every highschooler/college student needs to read, The Distant Mirror by the late Barbara Tuchman. In a chapter on The Black Death, she noted the mainstream scientific community's thinking on the cause of the Black Death was a malevolent alignment of stars and planets. Oh and wasn't it TIME "magazine" (for those who can read , but not think) who in the 70's was sounding the alarm for a new ice age?
Ahhhhhh, save the F***ing planet day. Some day I will tell the story of how the environmentalists cost me over a million dollars by convincing a judge that a few baby ducks were more important than 500 homes and businesses. But I'll need a gallon of moonshine. Whenever I even think of those idiots by BP goes up....... Grrrrrrrr.
Are you telling me that Winnie Mandella celebrated "Earth Day" by necklacing opponents in Sou Tafrica?
Gee Off King... wouldn't it be "Planetist" to ignore the plight of other celestial orbs? (Marvin the Martian's "Martian Maggot" is surely not a hybrid spacecraft. If Algore went to where the American astronauts put the flag, I'm sure he would first convert the "Illudium Q 36 Explosive Space Modulator" into a bio-fuel dispenser.)
Fred Ciampi... The "Preble's Jumping Mouse" only cost me about $300 grand... I should consider myself fortunate.
You all are wasting those used tires. Learn from our more enlightened brothers in Haiti, who live more closely in touch with the land and Mother Gaia. Tires are to be recycled into decorative necklaces, with a little gasoline inside so the wearers have a light to see in the darkness by.
Show your love for the planet, and our great nation. Give a rubber necklace to your favorite Leftist on Earth Day. It's the loving, compassionate thing to do. /sarc
I will celebrate Urth Day by firing up the 64' Galaxie 500 convertible and motoring around in 390 cubic inches of bliss unimpeded by any smog or electronic crap. I can almost hear Mother G tuning up her pipes to prepare to scream.
What's earth day?????
I'm generally not a polluter (though I _do_ wear a size 48256487978 Extra Wide carbon shoe), but I do take special pride in my Earth Day activities. It is the one day that I causally throw a gum wrapper out the window of my speeding V8 SUV as I drive around simply for the sheer joy of doing so, all while exhaling HEAVILY to ensure that more than my normal share of CO2 is exhausted into the environment. Some years I fart. I mean: it's the least I can do for our country in particular, and for our planet in general. After all: if nobody did these things, these Gaia-worshiping moonbats would have more time with which to screw EVERYTHING ELSE up.
You're welcome.
We used to have a '63 1/2 Galaxy Fastback. Nicely patina'ed, gorgeous 500 motor, awesome sound. Much better than these rice burners these kids "soup up". Alas, we had to sell her along with our '64 Cadillac Sedan deVille. No room to store at our new place.
The main solace I take in the Global Warming thing is EVENTUALLY the "Scientists" will come to a different conclusion (like they did in the 70's when a "New Global Ice Age" was fast approaching.
If any of the hand-wringing gloom and doom predictions had come true I might be concerned. Unfortunately Leftists don't have enough of an attention span to realize climatologists keep missing their predictions (much like meteorologists).
No more snow by 2012, 2014
No more Arctic ice
Rising sea levels flooding Florida coasts
Anyone else remember the hoopla about "Acid Rain" from the late 70's, early 80's? The sky is always falling.
You must be feeling better Mr. Jarlsberg, because you so ably managed to push so many of my buttons this morning.
As millions of statist Gaia worshipers prepare to lecture us about "global warming" this weekend, it's prescient to note that it's almost May, and yet nearly half the country is still covered with snow. (I went skiing last week on several inches of fresh show) It's also prescient to note that the first "Earth Day" was celebrated in order to bring to our attention to the threat that the leading "experts" of the day believed was going to doom us all unless we changed our evil capitalistic ways: The impending new "ice age".
So see? We didn't vanquish capitalism at all and now the problem is "warming" when half of the northern hemisphere is still covered with snow. In fact, there's far more capitalism today than there was 50 years ago!
Of course, the eco-fascists arguments are always the same: We need less affluence and more socialism/fascism. (Now rebranded as "social justice") It's almost as though none of these people have ever seen a non-affluent socialist country. If you haven't, let me clue you in: Poor people don't give a s*** about the environment. They don't care, because they're too busy patching holes in cardboard roofs and worrying where their next meal is coming from.
So just keep that in mind this weekend while the eco-fascists lecture you that poverty is the answer.
While my two primary forms of transportation are Dunny horse, and a more than two decades old diesel pickup (let 'er smoke!)with nearly half a million miles, I may just have to take out the first vehicle I ever bought, and still have. A '66 Charger with an unencumbered 383 engine and a low 102,000 actual miles. Fun to drive every now and again, just not very practical for my chosen line of "work".
@Keith- My meds ARE apropos for "Urp Day;" I'm at the stage where my stomach is upset from the antibiotics but there's not much of anything allowed to settle it.
@Tannhauser- Somehow I'd like to tie that to a "Don't Tire Tread on Me" joke, but I don't have the strength to figure it out (grin).
@mamafrog- Whether or not Gaylord was slipping Lenin's birthday onto our calendars via Earth Day is debated, though I find it entirely plausible.
@James Daily- I, too, enjoy (if that's the right word) seeing the piles of garbage left behind by the Earth Day cultists. It's definitely a day of great ironies.
@REM1875- When you set those tires ablaze, stand at attention and sing "On Top of Old Smokey."
@Jim Irre- True enough, though they also like to abort many of their unintended consequences.
@Geoff King- Actually, I'm pretty sure that Disneyworld celebrates "Pluto Day."
@Fish Out of Water- I'm entirely open to the idea that we've got climate change going on (because it's always changing) but have yet to see even mildly compelling evidence that humans have anything to do with it. So I roll my eyes at that part of Earth Day, but certainly support efforts for clean air and water, reduced use of plastics, recycling, and intelligent energy use. Just because I don't believe humans aren't changing the weather doesn't mean I don't think mankind in general shouldn't clean up its act.
@Fred Ciampi- Just curious, did you eventually use an orange glaze on those ducks...?
@Bruce Bleu- For $300 grand, they should at least have called it Bruce's Jumping Mouse.
@McChuck- Once set ablaze, I believe those tires aren't so much "Goodyear" as "Goodbye."
@Sortahwitte- Actually, that '64 Galaxie 500 is probably a lot more energy efficient than today's electric cars, based on the fact that the car's lifespan has far exceeded what would normally be expected (basically amortizing the energy used to make the car itself). Today's electric cars have short lifespans, use toxic metals that have to be strip mined in impoverished countries, and (oh yeah!) are still powered by fossil fuels, albeit converted - inefficiently - to electricity.
@Judi King- I'd tell you, but we're hoping to make it a surprise Earth Day party!
@Emmentaler "The Caring" Limburger- The important thing on Earth Day is that you don't do those things thoughtlessly. Earth Day is a success as long as your consciousness was raised!
@AmyH- Sounds like a sweet ride. Sorry you had to thin your fleet.
@Tots- I'm pretty sure that "experts" also predicted there'd be no life left in the oceans at this point. I take valid environmental concerns seriously, but I can't say the same regarding my opinion of many "experts."
@John the Econ- You raise plenty of excellent points. Lecturing people about loving Mother Earth can only happen in privileged places - and in many cases the goal isn't saving the planet so much as spreading the wealth.
And I've GOT to share the dumbest climate change story I've heard in ages: a number of alleged scientists have looked at periods of global warming far, far before the industrial revolution or even civilization. So are they conceding that periods of global warming can occur naturally? Of course they aren't! Rather these periods of heat were cited as evidence that there have been previous human civilizations that burned fossil fuels, destroyed themselves, and were lost to history.
These "scientists" acknowledge that there's no trace of proof, but said that the telltale signs would be very hard to find and (quoting from memory) "the harder you look, the less likely you'll recognize the proof when you see it."
Sometimes I think Sciencing sounds like an awfully easy job for a natural born liar.
@American Cowboy- Hey, at least the emissions from Dunny horse can help crops to grow. Pretty sure that's not true of a Tesla.
They need to learn from the New Seth Efreekins.
They pose it as usual, but give you the lighter.
The choice is yours as to how much torture you recieve before you "Flip the Bic".
"Sometimes I think Sciencing sounds like an awfully easy job for a natural born liar."
Nah. That's why "politics" exists. Much easier than science as you never have to connect any dots or explain your intellectual dishohesty
Actually, Geoff King, every day is Up Uranus Day in San Francisco. And Houston as well, I understand...
"...there have been previous human civilizations that burned fossil fuels, destroyed themselves, and were lost to history."
So since those civilizations completely disappeared, they weren't able to warn us about the foibles of capitalism and SUVs. Sad.
Yes, I saw that. Just more proof of how desperate the eco-fascists have become after over two decades to maintain their narrative that human industrial activity fueled by unfettered capitalism is exclusively responsible for everything bad. They had assumed that by now they'd have an electoral majority of believers (including a whole generation of schoolchildren programmed with junk science from kindergarten) willing to vote away their freedom to a cabal of "experts" prepared to re-order our entire society as they see fit. And yet, they've failed largely because their loudest voices are also the most transparently hypocritical (Al Gore, Leo Di Caprio, etc) and because the actual climate has refused to cooperate, behaving in a manner totally inconsistent with the predictions made by the supposedly infallible models that were supposed to justify everything.
As the narrative continues to wither and die, expect more desperate insanity of this sort to emerge over the weekend. Remember, millions of people were willing to vote for Hillary Clinton, so there's still plenty of people out there willing to believe anything.
@Fish out of Water
Looking east from the semi-rural homestead, the western side of Mt. Charleston has snow covering even lower than normal during an average winter. Usually the snow only covers the top of the mountain on the west side, with the east side providing enough snow for skiing and a snow park.
A few weeks ago, the snow had mostly disappeared, but perhaps Mother Nature wanted to honor the memory of Barbara Bush with a white necklace
Well, here in Northern AZ. we had an unusually warm winter with a lot less snow than usual.
Now that Spring is sprung, we we're starting to get drought concerns. Fire danger was rising rapidly in the forest.
However, as I speak, we are receiving mixed precip of rain, sleet, and even snow.
Been getting it for hours, but tomorrow is supposed to be clear and around 70°.
If this all has been an indication of what I have to expect from climate change, then bring it on!
Took me this long to realize that LL's glasses are GREEN.
OK I'm not the brightest bulb...
As for the Global warming CRAP, the (hopefully) last patch of snow in my vicinity finally faded away today.
Honestly, if this were a few centuries back we'd be storming FrankenGore's Castle with torches and lots and lots of flammable petroleum byproducts.
All of you who don't like "global" warming.....come to Michigan. We don't have it here.
The globe-bracket bit is ace.
Looks like you've been watching flat-earth videos on YouTube.
Yeah, guilty; but, then, I'm really easily entertained.
Prob'ly why I visit here regularly.
Earth Day just hasn't been the same since 2014, the last of Iowahawk's Earth Week Cruise-In.
*sigh* I miss Iowahawk. And, no, I don't bother with Twitter. *sigh*
Stilty, why don't you pick up the gauntlet and do a Cruise-In here? I doubt Dave Burge would object. It would give you a whole lot of material for free! Pack in a little Lefty Lucy and a whole lot of Busty Ross. . . I can see it now. . .
@Boligat --
You don't have to join twitter to read Dave Burge's wisdom. Just go to
and there ya be. Takes a little bit of getting used to navigating Twitster, but he's still excellent. The pics of the cars and bikes ain't bad, either, along with the inadvertent travelogues of Austin.
Thanks for the note. I didn't realize I could do this. That's because I generally detest Twitter. Maybe I will overcome my reticence just to get my daily Iowahawk fix. I haven't looked through his feed, so I don't know what all is posted, but I really miss some of his longer screeds. Hilarious.
Glad to be of service. I read several twits and as of yet don't feel I need to "join" twitter.
He still refers to some of his olderstuff on the iowahawk blog, so sometimes you get a long read (thought older).
I LOVE LEFT LUCY!! she is soooo CUTE!! ;)
I've been missing the Iowahawk blog too! I'll be checking out the twitterblog too!
OMG, I had a '64 Galaxy XL 500, pale yellow, two door sedan, 289 only but the best driver ever. Sold it in Rapid City far too cheap to buy college books. Should have kept the car...
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