It's a glorious time to be alive.
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is stepping down, meaning that Donald Trump gets to pick another Supreme Court nominee, and those on the Left are having a white-hot thermonuclear meltdown which is more spectacular and beautiful to witness than any sunset...especially since this likely does represent the sun setting on many of their most beloved violations of the Constitution.
Many progressives are especially bereft of hope because, judging on their social media posts, they actually believe that all laws come from the Supreme Court rather than being created by our elected officials (including the ones the Left has been claiming were heading our way in a tsunami-sized "blue wave" in November).
Granted, there's a certain de facto truth to the notion that the Supreme Court has been creating bad law out of thin air through highly (ahem) imaginative interpretations of the Constitution - but we're pretty sure that President Trump is about to slam the brakes on that aberration. Somewhere, the founding fathers are breathing sighs of relief and exchanging high-fives.
Adding to our delight in this turn of events is the chilling knowledge of what could have been and would have been had a certain other presidential candidate weaseled her way into office...
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You KNOW this was on the table... |
Think they'll be able to keep Darth Bader Ginsburg awake for Kennedy's retirement party?
If Ruth Bader Ginsburg decides to join Kennedy, I’ll think I must have died and gone to heaven.
I read where President Trump thinks that Sotomeyer will be the next to resign because of her health problems with Diabetes. As mentioned, it is well within possibilities of President Trump picking a total of five Supreme Court associate justices. Just thinking about that possibility gets me excited. Ginsberg really screwed the goose when she did not retire under the last administration and now she is wanting to leave and can't. That could not happen to a nicer old biddy. The reason this will be settled before November is elections have consequences as you so rightly wrote in Lynch cartoon.
I'm just all giggly! Chucky probably crapped his Depends when he heard the news!
Very likely that she'll be heading off to heaven (or the other place) shortly herself.
That's it. Yes officer. That's the cartoon that killed 'im.
(Check Ginsburg for a pulse or a pentagram. I think they're keeping her alive and on the SC by artificial means. Or a mask, since she was probably beyond re-animation decades ago...)
I had an orgasm just thinking that President Donald Trump (I love writing and hearing that) may well appoint five (count 'em, 5) Supreme Court Justices. Now for a sip of 'shine and a nap.
Just remember that Songbird McShame is still in the Senate until he croaks. And then the AZ governor is proposing to put McShame's wife in his place. Then you have Flake. And Collins. The only way President Trump will get someone on the court before the end of the year is if he nominates Moochelle. The Koch-sucking Rove Republican swill would eat that up.
Loved the cartoons! So the left is now screaming about the new Supreme Court Justice overturning Roe VS Wade before they even know who the pick will be or what he/she believes. But they never scream about the innocent lives lost through abortion. What disingenuous hypocrites. It's all about their agenda. I hope the new judge is "right" minded and I hope Trump gets to pick more SC judges.
Yeah, if Constitutional scholar Obama ever had any fantasies about a second act on the Supreme Court, they evaporated with the implosion of Hillary Clinton. And considering that it took less than 18 months for his own Presidential legacy to completely immolate, chances for any subsequent Democratic President nominating him are now non-existent. Too bad. Maybe the UN will still have him some day.
#Winning: Watching Progressive heads explode over Kennedy's retirement is priceless. But if you think this week's outbursts are outrageous, remember that Kennedy was a Reagan appointment. Just wait until RBG retires.
And Whoopi, nobody wants inside your vagina.
@James Daily said " it is well within possibilities of President Trump picking a total of five Supreme Court associate justices."
Indeed. And imagine America by 2020 had Hillary won and had the opportunity to appoint those five. < shudder >
And you are right about RBG. But then again, she assumed that Hillary was "inevitable" just like all the other "smart" people did. Too bad.
Yeah, the Democrats and even some Republicans are going to do anything and everything to hold up Trump's nominees. But he is going to get them. And if the Democrats keep up their current behavior, Trump is going to get to keep picking them into 2024.
Speaking of behavior of the unhinged: It turns out that there actually IS a level of crazy that the Democrats will not endorse:
Chelsea Manning loses Maryland Democratic primary in a landslide
Come on, Stilton. That's gotta be worthy of a cartoon.
Remember, there are 3 Democrats that do not vote along straight party lines. They have broken Democrat "rules" and voted for Republican things. They also dont need Supermajority. Just a majority since Harry Reid changed it all in '13.
Given that his literary biography stated for about 15 years that Obama was born in Kenya, I can see why people might get confused. Obama must have seen it at least once and decided not to correct it. The only reason I have to doubt the claim is the fact that Obama lied just about every thing else.
Great cartoon, saw it at Gab.
Maybe your best ever. The look on Obama's face is priceless. And I can actually picture President DJT making that exact phone call.
@Geoff King- I'm pretty sure she's on a Red Bull IV-drip at this point.
@jpb252- Hope springs eternal. Well, except for the 8 years Barry was in office.
@James Daily- I don't wish health problems on anyone, but if Sotomeyer leaves I'll be delighted. And you're right that Ginsburg made a serious mistake by assuming that Hillary would win and she could retire at her leisure. Ha!
@Jim Irre- I must admit that the misery and panic from the Left is like sweet, delicious nectar.
@LSWCHP- Time wounds all heels.
@Emmentaler Limburger- Yeah, I could tell I hit a sweet spot with today's cartoon. I knew there would be a million of them on the same topic, so wanted to sneak up on it from a different angle. And it worked! On Facebook, this cartoon has now been seen by way over a million people...a personal best for me!
@Fred Ciampi- Isn't it great? What I love isn't just the misery on the Left today, but the knowledge that these picks will be influential for years - maybe decades - to come.
@Mark Matis- It'll be an uphill battle for sure, but Trump has stacked up a lot of wins against the odds. I can't explain it, but I also can't ignore it.
@Judi King- Those on the Left aren't just afraid that babies won't be dissected, they're predicting that - somehow - an update Supreme Court will make birth control of any sort illegal. This shows a pretty fundamental lack of understanding about where laws and babies come from.
@John the Econ- I definitely worried that Barry could end up in the Supreme Court under Hillary, so this is all wonderful on many levels. Barry's "legacy" will soon just be an asterisk.
Regarding Chelsea Manning, if I had done a cartoon I likely would have suggested that he/she didn't have a "hanging chad" problem anymore.
@AnyH- I'm guessing that Harry Reid is digesting his own liver about now.
@Freddie Sykes- It's funny how many Libs who have seen the cartoon on Facebook zoom in immediately on the birth certificate while clearly not knowing that Barry lost his law license, and that his college and medical records are under lock and key and hidden from view. Ignoramuses, all.
@Raker_T- This cartoon has flown around the Internet like a bird. Makes me feel less foolish about screaming in the wilderness.
@TrickyRicky- Make no mistake, it's the look on Barry's face that is pure gold in this cartoon. I couldn't create that, but happily I knew how to use it!
Stilton - you win the internet today with your Obama SC cartoon. Absolute gold!
Stilton: your 'hanging chad' reference reminded me that I shouldn't read your stuff whilst drinking liquids... not even the comments section is safe.
Also this: "Barry's "legacy" will soon just be an asterisk" ... probably no coincidence what an asterisk looks like when centered upon an ass; (*)
The argument that McConnell made the rule, so must stick with it, is fairly ignorant. First, he didn't make a rule, he just refused to hold confirmation hearings (as far as I know). Second, just like Dirty Harry before him, McConnell's the Senate Majority Leader and can do what the eff he wants. Libs didn't seem to have a problem with this practice from 2009 through 2016, just like they didn't have any problem with O'Liar acting like a little emperor. It's the whole "goose and gander / shoe's on the other foot" thing, you silly moonbats. And the icing on the cake is, Harry Reid DID make the simple majority confirmation rule, and now they are most likely going to pay the piper.
If I was Darth Vader Ginsburg, I'd hang up my hat anyway. If the Repubs actually get a good Conservative on the court, she's going to get outvoted on every decision. Not fun when you're a cranky old socialist like her. Her party is basically over, unless the Republicans really screw the pooch, like they are sometimes prone to do.
Speaking of Obama and delusions of grandeuer:
I told Trump to just rename Obamacare and take credit for it
"President Barack Obama told donors on Thursday in Los Angeles that he told then-incoming President Donald Trump that he should rename Obamacare and take credit for its successes, instead of repealing it."
I really want to parody this, but I'm having difficulty finding an absurd enough comparison.
Just gotta make a few comments...
the whole thing about not naming a new Justice is ONLY WHEN IT'S A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION...this is a made to order whine for a election is an election. so there.
Sorry,it's only a midterm election...if Justice Kennedy ran away to Guatemala with a hot intern, or up and died, the Prez could nom a replacement right glad I'm so very not a Lib Demotard!
Another thing...Obongo was born to an American Mother...he was also born therefore an American citizen. Only if Mom gave it up to live in Indonesia with her hubby would Barry Soetoro need to get borned in Hawaii...
@RDB- That cartoon has currently had 1,800,000 views on Facebook, so I feel like I won the Internet today! Shockingly, there are no prizes...
@Mike Porter- I'm sympathetic but can take no responsibility. I've been causing spit takes for years; some people are born athletes, great thinkers, or captains of industry. I make people choke on liquids.
And you're completely right about the asterisk!
@Colby Muenster- Yeah, the whole argument that Trump shouldn't get to pick a nominee is nonsense. And I agree that if Ginsburg hangs around, it will be to no purpose whatsoever. Could that actually make her resign? Oh, sweet mother of mercy - please let me be here to see that day and the resulting pity party on the Left!
@Gee M- Absolutely right on the whole Presidential nomination thing.
Regarding Mr. Soetoro, in some conspiratorial circles it was thought that his mother might not have been of age to confer citizenship, and therefore B. Hussein needed to be popped out on American soil to have citizenship. It's a moot point now, of course, and I really just threw it in for a little wicked fun...because Barry couldn't/wouldn't produce the first three things Trump mentioned either: college records, medical records, or a current law license.
I read something last year (I can't remember exactly what it was though) that convinced me Barack Hussein was in fact born in Hawaii. The thing I don't understand is, why the Adobe-mangled-fake-as-hell-looking birth cert? What would be the point? Other than it's a Demo_Rat thing to lie your ever-lovin' a$$ off, no matter what. The thing is, Barry O was never a "natural-born citizen" as the term was known in 1787: a citizen born in this country, both of whose parents were citizens. The parents could be naturalized citizens but Barack Hussein Sr. was never a U.S. citizen, so Barry O is not a "natural-born citizen" unless some weasels changed the definition sometime between 1787 and 2008. I'd like to see a Constitutional amendment that actually spells out the definition of "natural-born citizen".
I may not live to see the day, but I can't wait until the normal Americans' response to hearing the name Barack Hussein Obama is "Who?"
Mr. Jarlsberg:I just threw that fact out for fun, so many miss that point...J McCain was born in Panama, Romney's Dad ran for Prez and he was born in Mexico, etc...born anywhere,to an American (of any age) you are a citizen,
This effort is definitely snerk-worthy...absolutely among your best.
2,000,000 views and more ...
(Some people just gotta say somethin' ...atsa me!}
Congratulations...the internet is yours!
Natural born refers to born, not adopted.
Many Americans are out of the country (military, diplomats,biz and pleasure travelers,etc) but as long as one parent is a citizen, so is the child.
Barry's Mom may have given up her citizenship to marry and live in Indonesia, they had those requirements for foreigners,I believe; so, Barry woulda had to have an American birth to those days,very pregnant women were not let on prop planes due to the long and rough flights from Africa to the US...
We will never know if Mama Hussein was still an official American in Kenya, where Barry was born. Or if they both had to give it up in Indonesia.
"....B. Hussein needed to be popped out on American soil to have citizenship...."
I am sorry if I offend, but I noticed "pooped" was not spelled correctly.
Not the way it works...only birth to an American parent. The birth can
be in any country.
Rubio was born in Canada, American parent; McCain was born in Panama; Romney sr. was born in Mexico and was a Presidential candidate; Goldwater was also born in Mexico.
Only requirement is to be born to 1 parent who is a citizen.
Obama may have been an Indonesian citizen, as was his Mom...not available info. She may have dropped it in Kenya, but he fooled the low info voters with a birth certificate...
Don't matter...we got Trump, he's fixing what's broke.
Strike Three Call on duhbama !! Game over, man !!
But Wait! There's more.
The extra added bonus is the childish bullying outrage by the left and the media over the SCOTUS appointment should really do them in big time in the mid term elections. I'm looking forward to all this.
Anonymous Mark Matis said...
Just remember that Songbird McShame is still in the Senate until he croaks. And then the AZ governor is proposing to put McShame's wife in his place. Then you have Flake. And Collins. The only way President Trump will get someone on the court before the end of the year is if he nominates Moochelle. The Koch-sucking Rove Republican swill would eat that up.
I hope that will be balanced by the 5 Red State Dem Senators who have to try to appear to be moderate during an election year. I'll bet Joe Manchin isn't sleeping well - he's damned by the electorate of his own state if he votes against Trump's pick and damned by the Dem base if he does.
Anon Mark: I read where the Gov would probably appoint himself to the Senate. He is a President Trump supporter. (I think that is why McConnell is going to vote in Oct so maybe Songbird will keel over by then.)
Why doesn't anyone ask EXACTLY WHO fed, watered and changed clothes for the 2,000 + Guatemala refugees who are now ILL-legal Aliens inside our Southern border while they were on their long long trek??? There surely were no fast food stations along the way? Could there have been caravans of food, water and supplies furnished along the way under the protection of a variety of corrupt Mexican officials?
And how sure are we that the women and children aren't just a part of more HUMAN TRAFFICKING being pushed across our Southern border so that corruption-based "industry" which is already thriving in America can have 2,000+ new "recruits" for the other ILL-legal aliens to pimp.
How do we even know the kids belong to the women acting as their "mothers." This all plays into and tugs at the heartstrings of the bleeding-heart hypocritical Democrats who want to disband ICE so more can WALK across our Southern border. The ones who hope laws aren't changed so they can legally ABORT more babies are crying when living babies are separated from their so-called mothers and probably do not have the same DNA as those so-called mothers anyway. It's all cry-baby tactics. Grow UP liberals and get jobs. Trump's promise to Make America Great Again has brought jobs back, so there is no excuse for your slothful lives any more. Go to work, it will teach you something about how the economy really thrives on capital, and without work there is no capital.
It is amazing to watch the liberals desire to let anyone and everyone come into America so honest-working taxpayers' dollars will magically feed and give health care and educations to everyone. Do any of these marching liberals actually have a job that pays taxes? If it is not "their" tax dollars being spent to care for, educate and feed these ILL-legal aliens, why should they care? They have so little respect for "real working folks" - because we are just stupid in their "entitled" minds.
LMFAO; Sir, that is an instant classic.
Hats off to you!
Now if Ginzie,say, died in her sleep with a pillow over her face, as another SCOTUS member has, that would be convenient.
But our side doesn't pull shit like that, however unfortunate that might be...
A piece of advise for those considering making the trek to McInsane's grave, stock up on Bia Hoi, a popular Vietnamese drink to pour on his grave in a gesture of respect for his service to their cause, and yes, drink it first.
@ Gee M - just for the sake of accuracy, thought I should correct something you said. Barry Goldwater was not born in Mexico, he was born on January 2, 1909 in Phoenix, Arizona Territory (Arizona didn't become a state until 1912).
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