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Things are looking up. |
If you listen to mainstream media, you'd think that the Horowitz report proves the FBI and everyone involved with investigating Trump for Russian collusion were innocent of any wrongdoing. Even lanky, lying Jim Comey is tweeting about the complete victory the report represents.
Only it doesn't. The report actually cites hundreds of examples of FBI wrongdoing, and finds "no evidence of political bias" for the sole reason that no one being interviewed admitted to being part of a coup attempt. The report is wildly damning of the FBI and the deep state...but the great unwashed aren't hearing any of it, and the odds that they'll bother to read a 400+ page report are nonexistent.
Meanwhile, the Democrats solemnly read out their articles of impeachment against Trump: abuse of power (for looking into Democrat corruption) and "obstruction of Congress" for repeatedly pointing out, with complete accuracy, that his opponents are liars and fools. In other words, he's being impeached for doing exactly what he was elected to do.
We're hoping that this is all the fetid calm before the real storm of the Durham report, which will possibly bring criminal charges against the whole seditious mob that's been undermining our government and country for years (and quite likely decades).
For now, all we can do is wait, grit our teeth, and focus on other things while adding "political Armageddon" to our Christmas wish lists.
I am filled with despair but it's comforting to have brilliant company.I fear it is time to storm the heavens with prayer.
“America is at that awkward stage; it's too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.”
― Claire Wolfe
But we seem to be inching closer day by day...
I only hope to live long enough to see these bastards swinging from that white oak tree out behind the White House !
@Drypowda - is there enough rope?
To what extent will we see the two main parties openly fracture and potentially realign?
The GOP has long been an uneasy operating partnership between True Conservatives, Banksters, Displaced Libertarian/Constitutionals, and RINOs (Republican In Name Only).
A portion of each faction has been tainted by Deep State and self-serving privateering.
The DRats are attempting to hold together Socialists, Anarchists, out right Communists, the Kalifornianists, some DINOs (Blue Dog), a smattering of classic small "L" liberals, and a very healthy dollop of Deep State and self-serving privateers.
Both sides have those who appear to have been "Epsteined" by being heavily tainted with increasingly horrid personal misconduct, along with those under the influence of the CIA, and those living at the tip of corruption mostly cleverly obscured enough to get a pass.
The compromised have the support or at least a tacit pass from their fellows compromised.
Layers upon layers of decades upon decades of games, all paid for from the pocketbook of the people in the end.
Bad business that will take a heavy hand to clean up, and to keep clean.
Regardless of what the MSM says, the Democrat leadership knows how bad the AG report is for them, which is why they released their Articles of Impeachment the same day hoping most folks wouldn't pay much attention to the AG report. They won't have anywhere to hide when Durham's investigation is complete and indictments are forthcoming. The chickens are definitely coming home to roost.
Trump has the greatest lawyers in this country. Why does't he sue these bastards? It looks like he has plenty of grounds for defamation of character, libel or slander. Pick one and just do it. This is insanity of the highest order.
@Rastapopoulos: You have succinctly described the foundation of the swamp, the demise of which is the very reason Trump was elected. The spin on the Horowitz report is allowing the treasonous denizens an opportunity to cool off and do what they always do: lie, obfuscate, denigrate and continue on their way. The Durham investigation will be more like a huge, advancing grinder, chewing up the swamp, depositing the remains in the prisons as they deserve. While such this process will only pull a small layer of surface scum off of the top, perhaps the reveal will enable real conservatives to prevail in the upcoming elections. My fantasy (hallucination?) is that a disgusted electorate will put enough constitutional conservatives into Congress to give Trump the means he needs to truly drain the sewers. That means firing seditious deep staters, nullifying the government union rules that protect the sludge dweller's positions and actually reducing the bureaucracy. After perhaps too many sips of my consciousness numbing preference, the most beautiful fantasy of all appears - that Trump will sign an executive order reversing JFK's eo that permitted federal government unions. The resulting demonrat carnage would be orgasmic!
NOTHING will happen. Dimmorats will swallow their own lies hook, line and sinker and will bithely quote anything in the MSM. Hillary will go unindicted, and the charade from D.C. will go on and on and on. I'm so fed up with the goddam mess that I want to scream, and...I WOULD, if it weren't for my concern about Red Flag laws.
The only silver lining that I can look forward to is that there are more of us than there are of THEM, and that the entire waste of time and money will backfire, sending Trump into a landslide WIN next year.
I'd say more, but I have to break away to shop at Walmart. Now.....where the hell did I put my MAGA cap?
@Snark - share your hopes. Worried that the electorate has been compromised - tainted by ill gotten goods - by the Robbin Hood antics of our elected officials. How can we hold their corruption to task when collectively we have eaten the same bitter fruit?
Yes, it is your neighbors, the preacher in front of your church, your local politicians, the bums on skid row who still somehow have votes placed in their names, your children's school teachers, who all are making their own corrupt deal with the devil in the interest of self-serving advantages at your expense.
Perhaps it can be controlled and reduced to something subclinical, but presently we're running a collective fever caused by our own actions with an added "giving a pass" to the worst of the bunch.
The cleansing will need to clean up our own ethics, petty graft, and clean our souls.
Otherwise it will repeat and repeat.
I must agree with Alfonso Bedoya: I really don't think anything will happen as a result of either report. I don't think we will see justice. I don't know if that is even possible anymore in a nation that claims to value life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but legalizes the systemic murder of the unborn.
I also don't think a Trump win in 2020 is anywhere near certain. On the contrary, with the LIV (Low Information Voters) hearing only the sound bites from the propaganda arm of the democrat party (AKA the media, including social media), all that is needed is a way to make sure they vote and our republic is lost. The death spiral began with making senate seats part of the general election: Senators were not to be elected by a popular vote, but by those we voted into the house of representatives. The death spiral is accelerating with states dividing their electoral votes according to the popular vote, thereby negating the intent of the electoral college. We aren't supposed to have one popular election contest for President every 4 years … there are supposed to be 50 contests, and if a candidate wins a state, the whole of the state’s electoral votes go to that candidate. Not anymore.
I don't think the will exists to fight off the onslaught of the left, even though they are now starting to show their true socialist colors: too many people want all that free stuff provided to them by a nanny state. I don't see that tide receding without a fight, and the patriots are outnumbered by the envious and/or ignorant masses all wound up in the fad/sport/tv show of the day. The majority don’t even know that we are not a democracy … we’re a Republic – but only if we can keep it.
I'm getting on in years and may not see the final fall, but I suspect my grandchildren with be living in the United Democratic Socialist States of America (UDSSA).
I hope and pray that I am wrong.
Depths of despair. Not a fun place to be. Praying for justice, fearing a descent into communist/fascist totalitarianism. Definitely woke up on the wrong side of the bed today, and picked a bad 3 years to quit sniffing glue.
Chill, Mr. Curd. Crack open a bottle of your favorite smoky body wash/lacquer thinner/colon purge and sit back and listen for the sound of the falling Trump- guided smart bomb. The dim-tards are warm and cozy in their belief that they may not get rid of DJT, but at least they've tainted his persona by these bogus shenanigans. They still don't realize who they're dealing with. As has been previously pointed out, the Pres is a past master in dealing with morons and blowhards. The Barr and Durham reports will detonate in a airburst to take out these poltroons who'll be falling like ten pins. The Horowitz expose is just the beginning, like the way a warm bowl of prunes cleanses the lower tract. This Spring will bring forth the wailing and gnashing of teeth. Just dying to see who's going to be the first ones to rat out the ring leaders. So, keep the faith and DJT(like The Dude) will abide.........
It's 1860 In America again. Glad I saved all that Confederate money !
Regarding the Democrats' Christmas wish list (AKA the articles of impeachment) - "What difference, at this point, does it make?"
Civil War 2 is... inevitable.
"...possibly bring criminal charges against the whole seditious mob that's been undermining our government and country for years (and quite likely decades)."
POSSIBLY???? Say it ain't so!
It seems obvious to me that the situation is coming to a boiling point. Whether it is when they realize they won't be able to remove this elected president or when DJT gets four more years in 2020. We must be ready for violence directed against us.
Ammo is cheap. So are pistols and long guns. Lay back food and water. If you live in a big city, stay very aware when you have to go out. Actually, that goes for anywhere. You folks are very smart. Figure it out. I won't be going on any hunting trips, but I will protect my loved ones and myself.
Glad to see the Jarlsbergs are safety conscious. On another note, a girl I once dated had a tattoo on her ankle that read "Heavens Above". She wasn't wrong.
If Obama got indicted and imprisoned, that would very like initiate a second US Civil War. But it will never happen, as much as I'd like to see him (as well as Clinton, Holder, Mueller, Comey, Pencil-neck, Soros and many others) behind bars. Still, I'd settle for the Demoncrats to be publicly humiliated and to suffer crushing defeats in the Presidential and Congressional elections.
I see an epidemic of Arkancides on the horizon...
(Anyone else having issues with posting from iOS Safari or Chrome? I hit publish, and all the fields go blank...)
Oh, Busty. Thanks for making me forget the rest of today's cartoon.
What's the meaning of the stopwatch?
I share your disgust with the latest rounds of liberal BS, but truly believe the Senate impeachment trial is going to make Nadler and Schiff look like total idiots, exonerate Trump, and then what do the libtards have left? I also trust you got a really tall tree that needs lots of ornaments up high.
I wish I shared some of the optimism here concerning Barr and Durham. Yes, these two guys seem to be pretty damn tough and determined, and they have a lot more power than Horowitz, but our foes seem to be backed by satan himself. Us deplorables have anticipated nice Christmas gifts too many times, and ended up with lumps of coal. I really doubt we will ever see the likes of Hillary, Comey, Brennan et all doing time behind bars, but maybe, just maybe we will see them publically outed and humiliated. That would be good enough for me.
If I were a betting man, I'd bet Trump is going to wait for that sort of thing for his second term, which seems likely at this point, but who knows what sort of dirty liberal tricks are still in the wings. If I were him, and managed to win that second term, I'd unleash all holy lawyer hell on some of these turds like Schiff, Comey et al.
Oh! Good on McConnell to dare to delay the USMCA vote until after the impeachment. Pelosi and her deadbeats sat on this for a friggin' year and are now pissed McConnell stole their thunder?! Boo effing hoo...
I really didn't expect anything of substance from the Horowitz report. I have no doubt that before the report was totally completed it was first approved by Comey,Brennan, Wray, Romney, Strzok, ValJar, McCabe, and other total scumbags. That's why it took so long. Likewise I dont expect anything of substance from Barr and Durham either. The swamp is deeper than anyone thinks it is.
This farce of impeachment/ coup d'etat reminds me if what a late uncle said of chewing gum. Initially it tastes good, but soon it starts to chew back.
I foresee a lot of Liberal, Socialist, Democrat, and T-Hater cheating in the next election as it's about the only play they will have; and in-fact Schiff is already quite publicly accusing Trump of having exactly those intentions. But THEY have the history & the M.O.; while Trump has none. That pretty well means "The Resistance" is already preparing.
I, unfortunately, believe that the Deep State is and has been in such total control of politics and politicians, as well as the media for several decades now; and will never allow common sense, decency, or patriotism to stay their quest for total domination.
I am quite frankly amazed that Trump has not been assassinated yet, and I am also amazed that the American people do not question things such as "why have we sent thousands to die in Afghanistan for the last almost 20 years" and "why are we there in the first place?".
The powers that be and their lapdog media would have us believe that there is some noble purpose besides the sale of a plethora of weapons and the control of the Opium Trade.
Can anyone here educate me as to what that noble purpose might be?
Durham's report is kinda like cold fusion. It's just around the corner.
@Readers- I’m enjoying all the comments but can’t really respond because I got called out of town for a minor medical emergency (all is fine now) and I’m pecking this out on my iPad. Carry on!
The whole political election process has for years been just like the old time drag racing game. 'He who cheats best wins.'
The left is just P.O.'d because their overconfidence caused them to back off on their dirty tricks in 2016 and it back-fired.
@Chuck Baker (Macon) said:
"Senators were not to be elected by a popular vote, but by those we voted into the house of representatives."
Of course you meant that U.S. Senators were originally chosen by the state legislatures. The states would have more power than they have now had that method of choosing the U.S. Senate stayed the same. The Senators' emphasis would be the states, not the people in general. That's the House of Representatives' job.
Like @John the Econ, I'm wondering what's the significance of the pickle...I mean, the stopwatch...
@JustaJeepGuy, @John the Econ: Surely the stopwatch indicates the countdown to the next ray of hope (the results of the Durham grand jury inquiry). However, I'm not holding my breath—and I know Stilt isn't, because we all see what happened. He went off to "hold the ladder" for Busty, and voila!—minor medical emergency!
@Stilt: Perhaps you should consider wearing an editor's eyeshade in the future during any such assistance with Miss Ross?
I woke up from unusually deep sleep last night and have some catching up to do here. Must go back to see where the "stopwatch" topic originated. All I can remember now is there was something going on about an medical emergency & Stilton & his pecker.
@Rod: Would you need a stopwatch to time a four-hour interval?
About 7 years ago, I met a former Senator from Washington state at an affair in Olympia, WA. He told me how as a freshman Senator, the first thing that happened when he got to Washington was he, and all the other freshmen Senators were taken into a room and told the facts of life in Washington politics.
He said he and the others were told if they wanted to get on committees that could help their
state, that they would have to vote the party line. If not, no chance to get on a committee that they wanted.
I know that this is off topic, but I remember reading here about a B-17 pilot that was visiting an air show that had a B-17 on display. The former pilot was offered a tour inside, but he declined saying something like, "I've seen enough already" and then he broke down crying.
If anyone remembers that story, or if one of you wrote that entry (if I remember correctly the poster was an eyewitness), I would appreciate reading it again. I thought I had copied it and saved it, but I can't find it if I did.
Sorry to be off topic, but this story has been bugging me ever since Veteran's Day. I just today had a 'talk' with one of my high school classes telling them a little about my experiences. I don't know if any of it sunk in, but at least the classroom was dead silent while I was talking.
Thanks, Stilty, for letting me make the request. Thanks, too, to all the posters here at Stilty's place. You are all the best. Funny, smart, all that good stuff.
Nice to see Miss Ross, too. ;-)
I was thinking (scary thought, I know)
Treason's Seedings might have been a better choice for the title.
@Boligat: Stilt used to have a search function for his blogs; Might still have. I bet he can help you when he gets back. "B-17" should sort though it all pretty quickly. Very touching story, that one.
Now For Something Slightly Different:
Eyes on the State (Commonwealth?) of Virginia for the Jan 20, 2020 protest there. I have a haunting feeling the Fourth Box may get opened. May God have mercy on our souls...
One good thing about the fourth box is, if we are forced to open it, we can get free of the socialists for maybe another 200 years. Our posterity can be free again. For a while...
Boligat's post was a reminder for me.So many WWII pilots could never think about flying again,after what they saw.At an airshow about 27 years ago,my 8 year old son met the pilot of the Memphis Belle,Robert Morgan.My son was very interested in B-17's,and Morgan sat him down and talked to him for quite awhile about how much he liked flying them,after the war was over.Between people like that,and his grandfathers' stories of their service,he gained quite an appreciation for that generation and the heroes around us.We all miss those guys,don't we?
@millard fillmore
Yes, we will miss those guys. What I will miss even more are the opportunities that flew right past me without my even knowing. We moved into our current house in '96. Our neighbors at the time was an older couple. As we were getting acquainted one day I asked what he had done for a living and he said pipelines. For some reason I just assumed that his work was probably one of those jobs critical to the war effort, so I assumed he hadn't served. He was the nicest guy. One day he mowed my backyard while mowing his (no fence). This was while I was mowing my front yard in the middle of a VERY hot July day. I didn't realize what he was doing until I finished and went to the back yard. Almost all of it was mowed. (He had a riding mower and mine was an old clunky self-propelled that needed a lot of help). I went to thank him and he said he was just fooling around.
At his graveside service I read the card with the short highlights of his life. That was when I found out he had jumped into Normandy on D-Day.
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