It's increasingly likely that Bernie Sanders' least favorite billionaire with delusions of grandeur is no longer Donald Trump, but Democrat Mike Bloomberg who is buying his way into a possible nomination, and stealing whatever else he needs.
In this case, it's Bernie's long promised platform of making the minimum wage $15 an hour - a hugely popular position among the multitude of young Sanders enthusiasts who have enough self-awareness to know that their careers are likely to peak while receiving minimum wage.
Although a late entry into the race, Bloomberg has a real shot at the nomination thanks to his ability to not only buy massive amounts of advertising, but also his willingness to buy endorsements and hire the best political strategists (more than he needs) at high rates just to keep them from working on the campaigns of other candidates.
Of course, Bloomberg isn't the only threat to Bernie's ascendancy just now. The DNC believes, no doubt accurately, that a Sanders candidacy would guarantee another four years of Trump and very likely give Republicans the House of Representatives. Which is why the DNC is bending or breaking all of their own rules in order to grease the skids for Bloomberg.
Plus, Bloomberg may have another surprise for Bernie up his short little sleeve...
![]() |
People unclear on the whole "heartbeat away" thing... |
Frankly, we don't think it's going to happen because Hillary would never settle for being Vice President, and Bloomberg doesn't want to be violently suicided. It's more likely that this "news" has been leaked to tempt diehard Hillary fans to vote for Bloomberg rather than Bernie in the primaries - a nasty trick which fits the modus operandi of both Hillary and the DNC perfectly.
Then again, it's been speculated that Bloomberg doesn't really want the presidency, but desperately wants Trump out of office. Given that scenario, we could see a Bloomberg / Clinton ticket happening, with a tacit understanding between the two of them that Bloomberg would quickly step aside without the need to shoot himself in the back of the head a couple of dozen times.
Duelling ban-Jews!
I'm confused. Is it Bernie or Slow Joe that's been busted as a plagarist?
@Tannhauser: Both of which will be wanting us to squeal lak pigs...
@Rick: Why not both?
Will his Arkancide be set for the afternoon of the 20th or wait for January the 21st so everyone can enjoy the inauguration parties?
Dan,you made me spit out my wine!
With the VA democratic primary looming, Bloomberg is filling the airwaves with ads. Yesterday I believe, there was a radio ad linking him to the "accomplishments" of the worst electoral mistake since the peanut farmer from Plains, Ga. Reflexively screamed in rage as I listened, them realized I had the driver's side window partly down. Ooops.
Why does THIS edition seem like pretty accurate journalism? Political year 2020 is becoming more bizarre all the time.
What amazes me is that some are not in jail, or a pillory, although I prefer a pillory with crowds of people pelting them with what they picked up at the dog park. I'd pay to see that.
This entire election cycle (if not the past three years) has seemed like I have walked into a recurring "Groundhog Day" version of "The Twilight Zone." While the election of PDJT was a pleasant shock, the eruption of not just the dhimicrats, but the entire swamp tsunami has revealed a level of hate, vitriol, rage and malevolence that is breathtaking. Bernie Bros who are ready to burn down cities if he doesn't win (not a chance in 'Frisco); media goons who publish stuff that they apparently excreted from nameless orifices; dhimicrat myrmidons who lap up this drivel and beg for more; and now a billionaire dwarf who allegedly has an arkancidal impulse spending more money than Croesus had to draw attention to himself. I can only hope that adults move into the House and Senate this next election and help PDJT take a fire hose to the entire bureaucracy, re-write the self-serving simple circus laws pushed into place by Washington parasites and use his executive orders to reverse the entire government union alliance put in place by JFK. I want to see heads in Washington resemble the July 4th fireworks show. I'm expecting Rod Serling to host the presidential debates
Stilton, I LOVE the Try The Crow flashback, although I don't actually remember it from the first time around. If only it were true that the Ma Barker crime family had fallen that far. Apparently karma is taking it's time with this pair.
@Snark - very well said.
Flushing California: Meanwhile, in the shadows, while people are distracted by the tsunami of deep-state coup actions and the unraveling of the Democrat presidential field, California is trying to undo the Prop 13 protections that may be the last barrier to mass exodus from that state. The "rewiring" of the 1978 tax initiative will be on the ballot in November, and will only reassess commercial properties at the current rate rather than the protected tax rate set by the 1978 act. So you'll not be taxed out of your house or farm, but the company that employs you will move to a lower-tax state...
Every day, I'm glad we moved to Utah!
Stilt: I know that starting my day with a belly laugh is good for my health, and that's why I read you blog first.
I've don't know about other states but just looked up & printed the sample ballot for our primary election on Tuesday 10 March. The ONLY issue is Presidential preference. For each of these five (5) Parties there are the following number of names, PLUS an "Uncommitted" choice in each Party. We each vote for only one overall:
Libertarian Party: 1 name. Constitution Party: 2 names. Green Party: 3 names. Republican Party: 5 names. Dimocrat Party: 22 names & I only recognize 11. 33 names total or Uncommitted under party of choice. Hillary is not on there... that's soooo nice. BUT: For the Dimocrats there IS another definition for "Committed". By using that definition, may I vote for most of them?
Bloomberg has said it's so easy to be a farmer. Surprised he didn't add 'deplorable ' or 'bitter clinging '. There's a late uncle/farmer of mine who would have some choice words about Bloomberg's farmer comment.
Oh Mike & Bernie, how behind the curve you two already are. Tom Steyer is now calling for a $22-an-hour minimum wage. Mike, Bernie, Liz, do I hear now $25-an-hour?
Of course, I have to ask why Tom Steyer is so stingy. Personally, I don't see how anybody can survive, much less raise a family on only $22-an-hour in Progressive meccas like San Francisco, New York, or LA. If I was the typical Democrat, I wouldn't vote for anyone who wasn't supporting a $100,000-a-year minimum wage.
(I have already let it be known to Democrats that my vote will cost them nothing less than a $50,000-a-month no-show job)
"...Bloomberg has a real shot at the nomination thanks to his ability to not only buy massive amounts of advertising, but also his willingness to buy endorsements and hire the best political strategists (more than he needs) at high rates just to keep them from working on the campaigns of other candidates."
Actually, I like this idea. Bloomberg's poaching the "best" political strategists will inflate the going rate for all political strategists, effectively bankrupting the campaigns of all Democrats. Do note that Trump won 4 years ago by eschewing a staff of overpaid political consultants.
President of Vice Hillary: I had quite a chuckle when I read that. Are they actually seeking the most repellent ticket possible? Yeah, that was a trial balloon that went nowhere.
"Then again, it's been speculated that Bloomberg doesn't really want the presidency, but desperately wants Trump out of office."
Ironic. Wasn't that they theory behind Trump's candidacy 4 years ago?
The Soda Jerk and Stumbles McCoughinhack--- even Satan couldn't have come up with a worse ticket for a freedom-loving country. Little Bernie Lenin and Fauxcahontas are about the closest thing that could hold a candle (smells like Gwyneth's taint?) to that pair of Granny-statists.
Holy cow. I've not seen this many clowns performing at once since the last time I went to Ringling Bros / Barnum & Bailey (RIP). I pray the "I'll out-socialist you" movement will escalate to complete, irrational ridiculousness right around October 30. By then, maybe they'll be promising a $50 minimum wage, and total confiscation of EVERYBODY's possessions, not just the evil wealthy bastards.
I just wonder, though, what might actually happen if everybody got a free car, free house, free college, free phones, free abortions, free food, free... you name it. Who is left to pay for it all? And wouldn't your heart surgeon have the same college degree as the pimple faced dude serving up your Big Mac? Does that mean they both make the same $50 per hour? Does everybody drive a Honda Fit, or a Rolls? Probably your average Venezuelan knows the answers.
All great comments here today, but B.C. wins the internet with Stumbles McCoughinhack!
Bloomberg's political ads SUCK! They start out sounding somewhat reasonable until the end when his bottom line is exposed for what he really is. He is scary because he could buy his way to the nomination. Hopefully Trump, who really knows what is happening, can take him down and does.
@ Pat Cummings: I can gah-ron-TEE you the Californians will vote this in with a vengeance, because "screw those fatcat businessmen, we need the tax revenue!".
Here's what Diogenes Sarcastica said about Mini Mike and his ads:
As to that California tax thing, why do the Demo_Rats always think people will always do that which they've always done? Did they learn nothing from their destruction of the luxury yacht industry in this country? I guess I should ask if it's possible for Demo_Rats to EVER learn from their mistakes...
Speaking of Bloomberg distorting the marketplace:
Mr. Bloomberg’s giant spending isn’t just buying ads, it’s driving up ad rates to make it harder for other Democratic candidates to get their messages out, it’s buying up campaign talent so they can’t, it’s corralling Democratic Party influentials to endorse his candidacy or at least mute any noisy criticism of his effort.
When a recording leaked of Mr. Bloomberg defending stop-and-frisk in New York, Andre Fields of the liberal voting-rights group Fair Fight Action rushed out a tweet hitting him as a “true terrorist” but promptly deleted it. Fair Fight Action had received $5 million in funding from Mr. Bloomberg. Three members of the Congressional Black Caucus helped out with timely endorsements of a man who spent at least $90 million on House Democratic races in the last 19 months.
Bloomberg Buys the Democratic Elite
So it's clear that Mike can, or perhaps already has bought off a large chunk of the Progressive establishment. But those people weren't going to vote for anything but a Democrat anyway, so what are their votes really worth? Mike also puts establishment Democrats in an odd place, voting for what is effectively just a richer, slightly more Progressive version of Trump. And I don't see a lot of Trump voters dumping Trump for a guy who literally buys swamp creature stew for lunch.
John the Econ, besides, every minute of airtime ads that Bloomberg buys is a minute not available for the Republicans to get their point out to the public.
@rickn8or: What I find deliciously amusing is that Rush Limbaugh's podcast on YouTube is often monetized these days with a Bloomberg ad...
I'm not concerned that Bernie is promising to make the minimum wage $15.00.
What he's NOT talking about is he plans to also make $15.00 the maximum wage.
Mr. Sanders is unworthy & unqualified on so many counts I won't even try to list them here. So it's a very concerning thing that his rants & ramblings mostly about free stuff, most of which which are not viable nor practical nor affordable, can gather any attention at all much less voters. We'll see how it goes because: (1) we cannot believe most of the news & polls; & (2) 26% of Dimocrat voters may not be all that many voters this year. But if this jerk can actually make a close race of this; we as a free & prosperous nation are in it way too deep.
@Rod said, "Mr. Sanders is unworthy & unqualified on so many counts..."
Well @Rod, the Democratic establishment agrees with you, and like it did in 2016 it is already taking steps to see to it that he is not the candidate. Late last week after Bernie took New Hampshire, the memo went out to the MSM to stop holding back on the criticisms they all have of Bernie. So expect to be surprised.
In fact, I really did a double-take when I came across this surprisingly and wholly accurate take on Bernie's dream of the "Green New Deal" at, of all places, CNN:
Fareed's Take: Sanders' magical thinking on climate
CNN's Fareed Zakaria gives his take on why Bernie Sanders has an unrealistic approach to achieving deep cuts in carbon emissions.
Fareed even uses the N-word: Nuclear.
"Is the real problem that Bernie Sanders will loose, or that he might win?"
If I had said that verbatim, (and I frequently do argue exactly what was said here) any mainstream Progressive audience would dismiss it outright as just another right-wing denier screed.
@Readers- Great comments above, as always! I'm short on time so can't put in my two cents' worth individually. Then again, you're doing fine without me!
@JustaJeepGuy put his finger on it, @rickn8or: ...the Demo_Rats always think people will always do that which they've always done...
I'm sure it comes of thinking of people as a resource, like water from a well—or corn from a farm.
Unlike water tables or grain-fields, however, people's lives consist of choices, and they can choose anew every day; choose a new state or country of residence, choose a new job or not to work at all, choose to vote Republican this time around instead of "Democrat like daddy"...
"What he's NOT talking about is he plans to also make $15.00 the maximum wage."
I'm pretty sure doctors, lawyers and athaleeks won't work for those wages.
@Colby: To repeat my comment from yesterday: Why not both? ;-)
I find it disturbing that most people, including our supposed elite haven't a clue as to how the goods and services that we depend upon for our very sustenance happen. Bloomberg is such a smart guy that thinks he knows that "climate change" is going to doom us, and yet he knows nothing of agriculture beyond thinking that it comes from people dropping seeds on the ground?
In the history of human existence, food has never been cheaper to the masses. (In fact, food is so cheap today that the consequences of obesity among our poor is supposed to be one of our nation's biggest health problems) That didn't happen just because a bunch of ignorant hicks in the middle of flyover country just wander about dropping seeds on the ground to make the food we eat (and export).
The more Mike opens his mouth, the more he sounds like an idiot. And doubling-down on Hillary's "deporables" attitude towards everyone who lives west of Manhattan is not an effective electoral strategy. Makes me wonder if becoming a billionaire is that easy, why aren't I one?
Oh Stilton !
Jon, thanks for the Chuckie err... I mean Chuckle!
Sort of like how crapping in the streets of SF leads to a Typhus epidemic?
Everything about your blog is genius.
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