Thursday evening sees the final Presidential Debate of the 2020 election season, and the debate commission is instituting a few changes to make sure that it will be an orderly affair. Specifically, they're wrapping Donald Trump in a straightjacket, binding him with chains, locking him in a trunk, then lowering him by crane into a tank of water where he'll have only two minutes to throw off his restraints and escape drowning.
No wait, we're thinking of Harry Houdini, who debated Biden back in the 1920s. Successfully, we might add.
But this time around, the debate commission has decided to discourage interruptions by turning off each candidate's microphone while his opponent speaks for two minutes. At least, that's the theory - and one which will be put sorely to the test when Donald Trump repeatedly uses his two minutes to list all of the damning evidence regarding Joe Biden's illegal graft which has come to light on Hunter Biden's laptop computer. Frankly, we can't imagine the moderator letting Trump speak uninterrupted about a giant scandal that Twitter and Facebook have forbidden their users from even seeing.
And while it's popularly considered that this new rule is an attempt to squelch President Trump (yeah, good luck with that), it might actually work to his favor. After all, is it even conceivable that Joe Biden can speak for two consecutive minutes without putting his foot in his mouth...?

No wait, we're thinking of Harry Houdini, who debated Biden back in the 1920s. Successfully, we might add.
But this time around, the debate commission has decided to discourage interruptions by turning off each candidate's microphone while his opponent speaks for two minutes. At least, that's the theory - and one which will be put sorely to the test when Donald Trump repeatedly uses his two minutes to list all of the damning evidence regarding Joe Biden's illegal graft which has come to light on Hunter Biden's laptop computer. Frankly, we can't imagine the moderator letting Trump speak uninterrupted about a giant scandal that Twitter and Facebook have forbidden their users from even seeing.
And while it's popularly considered that this new rule is an attempt to squelch President Trump (yeah, good luck with that), it might actually work to his favor. After all, is it even conceivable that Joe Biden can speak for two consecutive minutes without putting his foot in his mouth...?

Foot in mouth (Biden) is still better than... um... Jeffrey Toobin's gaffe!
When Biden speaks, it is either jibberish, lies, or angry yelling. So I'm guessing if he gets two minutes without interruption, we'll get to see all three!
Yup, might be the best thing for Trump. Biden without a teleprompter for two minutes is a train wreck waiting to happen. He can't talk about his favorite flavor of milkshake for that long without screwing up.
Still no drug tests for the opponents ? Are Biden's shoes gonna be anchored to the floor to prevent him from going into a low hover ? Am dying to see Biden do two whole minutes without going into a coma. Trump should let him speak as long as he wants just to see what issues forth. Maybe he'll start translating the Dead Sea Scrolls from memory. Hope POTUS calls him out about his son's nefarious Russki and Chinee machinations for all to see. Best head to the package goods store and stock up. Fasten your safety belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride....
Personally, it's a waste of time. First its because what "debates", if they can be called that anymore have degenerated into.
Second, at this point in time, if there are still wavering voters out there, their voter registration cards should be voided for the next two Presidential election cycles.
Well, if Byden can't interrupt the president then the moderator will. It's going to be interesting in any case.
At some point, dollars to doughnuts POTUS will have had enough and will disregard the “moderator’s” question and launch a shot across Biden’s bow at which time the moderator will turn off his mic. I can only hope he pulls a Reagan and demands his time. Should be an interesting night.
I think at this point, the vast majority of voters have already committed themselves to either of the candidates. Close enough that the undecided will likely choose the winner.
Let Biden talk and demonstrate if cognitive issues are present. I don't think the moderator can do too much to 'help' Joe at this point.
Given the low income tax revenue from this year, everyone should be making sure they have enough to carry their property taxes. Government services and government employees should be nervous - the axe is likely going to fall on cutting them to reduce costs. No candidate is bringing that up at this point.
Strange minds think alike. When I heard of the mute button the first thing that came to my mind was Trump needs to bring a bull horn. Another extreme thought was the biggest guy on the security team needs to find the guy with the button and just stand over him and glare.
It seems only fair to also turn off all teleprompters.
As said before: We've already voted, in person, at the court house; so I think our little stickers are true. And I am soooooo tired of all this bullshit that I've been asking myself Why do I keep watchin & listening? Stilton, your hilarious blog is one of the reasons.
The fact that ACB confirmation to SCOTUS just might happen on Hillary's birthday is another.
That is rich.
From what I'm reading, the Biden stories are even BETTER known owing to the "Streisand Effect" of Twatter and Faecesbook trying to quash the Post story, interestingly enough...
Fun times.
I don't really want to watch this so-called debate (Lincoln and Douglas must be spinning in their graves). I just don't know if I can stay away.
My old Junior College speech teacher always warned, "When you put your foot in your mouth, just leave it there." Of course, in 1960, Joe Biden wasn't on the radar to consider the question of what should one should do when one puts BOTH feet in one's mouth. Hey---it's a daily occurrence on the MSM.
M. Mitchell Marmel, it's like watching a cat trying to cover up on a marble floor.
Since we're muting mics so as not to be interrupted, does the President of the United States get to mute the mic of character-assasin-du-jour Kristen Welker so that he can be heard? Silly question.
This could work out great though. If the President's mic is muted so that no one can hear him except those closest to him (like Slo pancake Joe) he can say all kinds of outlandish things. For example, "Psst Joe - your zipper is, the one on the back of your head douchebag".
@ Fred Ciampi-Agreed. Anyone who genuinely believes that President Trump will be allowed to speak for two uninterrupted minutes at a time, well let's say they I could sell them ocean front property in Wyoming!
I do hope I am wrong. And I hope that Trump brings a BIG hammer to verbally use about the crap going on in Buy-dens world, and what this country WILL become if the useless tools should happen to elect that poor old man.
Cannot wait to see Basement Biden show up Thursday night to successive periods of 2 minutes muted, where POTUS can simply unleash the truth.
Can you imagine the fun and games?
Or will Slow Joe bailout?
I have to agree that this isn't entirely a bad idea. To para-quote Napoleon, never interrupt your enemy while he is busy making a mistake, and at best Biden is a walking, talking mistake. Unfortunately, since February or March, Trump's mouth (and Twitter feed) have been his biggest enemy. It's just not his nature to sit down and shut up while the opposition does most of his work for him.
This actually isn't a bad idea depending on who gets to operate the mute button. Is there any doubt that the keeper of the mute button will be a Democrat or an "unbiased" member of the media. But, I repeat myself....
I seriously think Trump should occasionally voluntarily yield some minutes to Biden, but only after Biden's assistant... I mean the MODERATOR, asks a question. Prez Trump: "I'd love to answer that question, but I'll let Joe answer this time. Take it away, Joe!" Joe would probably take off on a speech about Corn Pop or kids stroking his hairy legs, or, you know, "the thing."
@Bobo the Hobo,
You likely have predicted the future. Betcha Trump's mic gets muted waaaaaay more than Biden's. I'll also betcha Trump's so called two minutes ends up being a lot shorter than Biden's.
I may not watch, but hope The Prez just keeps hammering away on Joe's corrupt dealings, 47 years of do nothing politics, and also repeatedly point out Harris's blasting of Joe for being a racist during the primaries.
What is the budget for Commission on Presidential Debates?
How many employees do they have?
What are they paid?
Where does their funding come from?
How long will it take to "fire" them?
What's the chance that the Republicans will withdraw from future debates?
For an illustration of the extent of enthusiasm for Gropey Joe, I saw a pic from the latest "Women's march on DC". There was a woman holding a large sign saying "BIDEN--Acceptable Under The Circumstances".
"Acceptable under the circumstances"??? THAT'S the level of support for someone running for President?? Wow, the Demo_Rats are in trouble!!
BIDEN--Acceptable Under The Circumstances
Just as I have been telling my Progressive friends for the last 4 years, Donald Trump only got to be President because the people the Democrats keep nominating are galactically awful. If their party could only nominate someone who wasn't transparently a socialist/communist/fascist and corrupt, they'd win in a landslide. And yet, they can't seem to do it. Why? Because their party is wholly-owned by corrupt ideologues. As long as that is the case, they will continue to present corruptocrats like the Clintons or Trojan horse candidates like Biden. And the GOP will continue to continue on as an adrift, principle-free party.
@ John The Econ: Exactly! Something I have repeated many times about election 2000, had Joe Lieberman headed the ticket instead of....I still may have voted for Bush II, but the time I pent in the voting booth would have been much longer.
@ John the Econ: Well said. I can agree with that ~90%. The withheld 10% is because I believe conservatives (most I know anyway) are consistently a few points above liberals on integrity, balanced awareness, reality, and looking for solutions at the source; not just nicely-intended feel-good but loving patches.
'Amputee ballots'
mightways should'a gone with a Johnny Optimism cartoon
I apologize if somebody beat me to that ^
but I got here late and didn't read all the comments
@Readers- Lots of good stuff in the remarks above! Once again I've not been a proper host, as I haven't had time to really respond the way I'd like to. All is fine on this end - just a few too many tasks for me to keep up with!
@John the Econ said, "Donald Trump only got to be President because the people the Democrats keep nominating are galactically awful."
I have to disagree. President Trump was elected because of the tyrants on the left who think they have some kind of "right" to tell you how they will permit you to live your life. Barack Hussein is a perfect example of this. Every time I ever heard him speak, what I heard--in a tone of sneering condescension--was, "You need to do what I say because I know what's good for you."
It reminds me of the Daniel Webster quote: "They mean to be good masters, but they mean to be masters."
I walked away and went back to reading my book after the first two "questions" from that Democrat hack. Three "debates" and three Democrat "moderators?" What a fix. And the questions ! Climate Change ? What can a president do about climate change ? If climate change were moderatable, we'd still have dinosaurs running across our flowerbeds, and be shooting at dragonflies with 4-foot wingspans. The "debate" only proved one thing... that universal suffrage will prove to have been the terminal cancer of America.
Alej, yes, I noticed a lot of "Have you stopped beating wife" questions directed at the President.
...I noticed a lot of "Have you stopped beating wife" questions directed at the President.
Honestly, were you expecting anything else?
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